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LanternDB: key-vertex-store

In recent years, many applications, recommender, fraud detection, are based on a graph structure. And these applications have got more real-time, and dynamic. There are so many graph-based databases, but almost all of graph DB seems too heavy, or too huge.

We've just needed a simple graph structure, but not highly theorized algorithms such as ontologies or optimization techniques.

LanternDB is In-memory key-vertex-store (KVS). It behaves like key-value-store but can explore neighbor vertices based on graph structure.

LanternDB is a streaming database. All vertices or edges will be expired as time passes, just like real relationships.

LanternDB just illuminates the moment, just focuses on neighbors, not global structures.



git clone
cd lantern
docker-compose up

Then you can see followings.

lantern-client (Golang)

Setting vertices

We can use DumpVertex(ctx, key, value, ttl) method to register vertices like below.

_ := c.DumpVertex(ctx, "a", "value of a", 60*time.Second)
_ := c.DumpVertex(ctx, "b", "value of b", 60*time.Second)
_ := c.DumpVertex(ctx, "c", "value of c", 60*time.Second)
_ := c.DumpVertex(ctx, "d", "value of d", 60*time.Second)

Loading a single vertex with Key

Loading vertices behaves like standard key-value-store.

resA, err := c.LoadVertex(ctx, "a")

The value of resA is an instance of model.Vertex, and a field Vertex.Value is just interface{}. To get the typed-value, we can use Vertex.XXXValue() method such like IntValue(). And if a value is not valid as int, this method will return error.

str, err := resA.StringValue() // => valid case, returns "value of a"
i, err := resA.IntValue() // => invalid case, returns error

Setting edges

Edges can also be created with Dump(ctx, keyOfTail, keyOfHead, weight, ttl).

_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "b", "c", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "c", "d", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "b", "e", 1.0, 60*time.Second)

If the vertex which has key a is missing in a graph, then empty valued vertices will be created with same expirations.

Incremental weight

Once you set multiple duplicate edges, this weight of the edge will be incremented.

_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 3*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 1.0
_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 3*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 2.0

But each TTLs of transactions will be expired independently.


_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 2*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 1.0
time.Sleep(1*time.Second)                         // weight of e(a, b) -> 1.0
_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 2*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 2.0
time.Sleep(1*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 1.0, first transaction is expired
time.Sleep(1*time.Second) // weight of e(a, b) -> 0.0, second transaction is expired

Loading vertices and its neighbors with key and n_step

All vertices can be loaded with a graph structure linking with edges, And we call this transaction Illuminate. An client has method Illuminate(ctx, key, step).

For example, client.Illuminate(ctx, "a", 2) returns all vertices within 2-steps from a vertex "a". type of returning value is an instance of model.Graph and it can be rendered to json-parsable struct with a method Render().

  "vertices": {
    "a": "test",
    "b": 42,
    "c": 3.14
  "edges": {
    "a": {
      "b": 1
    "b": {
      "c": 1
  "stats": {
    "vertex": {
      "a": {
        "degree": {
          "out": 1
      "b": {
        "degree": {
          "in": 1,
          "out": 2
      "c": {
        "degree": {
          "in": 1,
          "out": 1

Brief Example

Example usage of Lantern-client for Golang.


package main

import (

func main() {
	c, err := client.NewLanternClient("localhost", 6380)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("hoge %v", err)
	defer func() {
		err := c.Close()
		if err != nil {

	ctx := context.Background()

	_ = c.DumpVertex(ctx, "a", "test", 60*time.Second)
	_ = c.DumpVertex(ctx, "b", 42, 60*time.Second)
	_ = c.DumpVertex(ctx, "c", 3.14, 60*time.Second)

	if resA, err := c.LoadVertex(ctx, "a"); err == nil {
	if resB, err := c.LoadVertex(ctx, "b"); err == nil {
	if resC, err := c.LoadVertex(ctx, "c"); err == nil {
	if _, err := c.LoadVertex(ctx, "d"); err == nil {

	_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "a", "b", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
	_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "b", "c", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
	_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "c", "d", 1.0, 60*time.Second)
	_ = c.DumpEdge(ctx, "b", "e", 1.0, 60*time.Second)

	result, err := c.Illuminate(ctx, "a", 2)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
	jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(result.Render())

Then we will get

  "vertices": {
    "a": "test",
    "b": 42,
    "c": 3.14,
    "e": null
  "edges": {
    "a": {
      "b": 1
    "b": {
      "c": 1,
      "e": 1
  "stats": {
    "vertex": {
      "a": {
        "degree": {
          "out": 1
      "b": {
        "degree": {
          "in": 1,
          "out": 2
      "c": {
        "degree": {
          "in": 2,
          "out": 1
      "e": {
        "degree": {
          "in": 1

And it shows simple graph structure.