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The Pretty Nice Semantic Commit Messages Style Guide

Inspired by here's a style guide for your git log. A good software project has style, so why not extend this to git logs as well?

In this style guide the commit message always starts with a type that is four characters long followed by a colon and a space. Then an action verb is inserted followed by the rest of the message. Togeather the verb + rest constitutes the summary. Max length for the summary is 60 characters. This ensures that the commit message will look nice on github as well. Further explanations and info about the commit can be entered on new lines.

Structure of the message

feat: add email send functionality for admin 
^--^  ^------------^
|     |
|     +-> Summary in present tense (verb + rest) - max length 60 chars.
+-------> Type: docs, feat, bfix, rfac, dvop, deps, test, deps, styl, misc

Examples usage

docs: explain how to setup dev env (explain|update|add|remove|rewrite|fix project documentation)
feat: add email send functionality for admin (add a feature to the program)
bfix: fix nullpointer exception in FooService (fix|workaround|resolve|improve a bug or issue with the program)
rfac: rewrite email sending to non-blocking (share|rewrite|improve some code, wow it's a lot smoother now)
dvop: add travis & beanstalk ci/cd pipeline (add|update something to do with your ci/cd pipeline)
deps: update to play 2.5.18 (update|add a project dependancy/libarary)
test: add it-tests for login flow (ensure|add|rewrite| a test or improve the test infrastructure)
styl: convert tabs to spaces (you added/updated some styling related stuff)
misc: other random stuff here that doesn't fit anywhere else

That's all folks

Include a link to these guidelines in your project and then enforce the style guide rules. You're git log will be cool and clean!


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