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File metadata and controls

48 lines (38 loc) · 3.2 KB


A "package" for all Arduino files required for driving the robot.

Package organization

  • customLibraries - Custom libraries commonly used in multiple sketches.
    • LSM9_AHRS - Attitude and Heading Reference System for LSM9DS1 IMU based on this tutorial.
    • LSM9_Mahony - Mahony filter for 3D orientation using LSM9DS1 IMU based on this library.
    • Odometry - Custom library for maintaining and reading odometry data for differentially driven robots.
    • PID_v2 - Simplified and adapted PID library based on this great library.
    • RobotUtilities - A set of useful utility functions.
  • main - Main Arduino sketch for driving the robot.
  • odom_calibration - Arduino sketch for calibrating the odometry.

Prerequisites - arduino-cli

The easiest way to work with Arduino from a remote computer like Raspberry Pi is to install a command-line interface to the Arduino IDE. For detailed documentation and installation instructions see this.

All the steps necessary for working with arduino-cli are explained in the documentation, but the most important ones are also outlined here:

  1. Create a configuration file: arduino-cli config init
  2. Update the cache of available platforms: arduino-cli core update-index
  3. Install the core for Nano Every: arduino-cli core install megaavr
  4. Create auto-completion file: arduino-cli completion bash > and move the created file with sudo mv /etc/bash_completion.d/.
  5. Install libraries:
    1. arduino-cli lib install Adafruit_BNO055
    2. arduino-cli lib install arduino-timer
    3. arduino-cli lib install Cytron_Motor_Drivers_Library
    4. arduino-cli lib install Encoder

Prerequisites - ROS

Main Arduino sketch relies heavily on ROS. Assuming that ROS is already installed, follow these steps to create a ROS library for Arduino:

  1. Install rosserial: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino ros-noetic-rosserial
  2. Navigate to Arduino's library directory. It is usually `cd ~/Arduino/libraries
  3. Remove older ros_lib if it exists: rm -rf ros_lib
  4. Run the script that will create a new library: rosrun rosserial_arduino .
  5. Assuming that Arduino's library is located in ~/Arduino/libraries/, you can also use a custom alias ard_msg without arguments. This will work from any directory.


To compile a sketch: arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:megaavr:nona4809 --libraries ~/catkin_ws/src/robotball/robotball_arduino/customLibraries ~/catkin_ws/src/robotball/robotball_arduino/

To upload the compiled program: arduino-cli upload -v -p $(readlink -f /dev/tty_arduino) --fqbn arduino:megaavr:nona4809 ~/catkin_ws/src/robotball/robotball_arduino/

For convenience, custom bash functions that replace the above commands are available for compiling and uploading the sketch:

  • ard_compile <sketch_name>
  • ard_upload <sketch_name>
  • ard_auto <sketch_name> - combines two previous commands.
    These commands work from any directory.