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Code for the robotic ball by LARICS and TU Delft


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Packages for spherical robots developed by LARICS and TU Delft.

This repository currently consists of following packages:

  • robotball_arduino: Arduino files required for driving the robot.
  • robotball_control: Automatic control of robots (PID controllers, velocity trackers, ...)
  • robotball_driver: Driver acting as a basic interface between Arduino and ROS, including joystick control.
  • robotball_localization: External localization and state estimation (Kalman filter, Pozyx positioning, ...)
  • robotball_msgs: Custom ROS messages.
  • robotball_simulation: Simple simulator for testing.

For detailed information about each package, please look at their respective READMEs.

Before you start


  • Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Melodic or ROS Noetic
  • ROS packages, can be installed with sudo apt install ros-noetic-<package>.
    • joy
    • rosserial
    • teleop-twist-joy
    • teleop-twist-keyboard
    • tf-conversions
    • twist-mux
  • Python 3.x
  • Python libraries, can be installed with python3 -m pip install <library>.
    • numpy
    • pypozyx
    • pyserial
    • scipy


  1. Install all the requirements.
  2. Create a new catkin workspace or use an existing one. Most commonly this is ~/catkin_ws/
  3. Clone the repository in the src folder of your workspace.
    $ cd <path_to_your_ws>/src/
    $ git clone
  4. Build everything using catkin_tools (recommended):
    $ catkin build
    or catkin_make (not recommended):
    $ cd <path_to_your_ws>
    $ catkin_make
  5. Set up .bashrc on your robot:
    # ROS WORKSPACES -> Standard ROS stuff.
    source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
    source /home/raspi/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
    # Set up ROS for remote master. 
    # Robot's IP is automatically determined.
    # Master's IP needs to be set manually.
    export ROS_IP=$(ip -o route get to | sed -n 's/.*src \([0-9.]\+\).*/\1/p')
    export ROS_MASTER_URI=
    export NAMESPACE="robot_$(echo $HOSTNAME | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')"
    # Useful aliases and custom functions.
    source /home/raspi/catkin_ws/src/robotball/shell_additions/
    source /home/raspi/catkin_ws/src/robotball/shell_additions/
    source /home/raspi/catkin_ws/src/robotball/shell_additions/
    Don't forget to re-source .bashrc to apply changes.
  6. Set up symlinks for Arduino and Pozyx.
    1. Connect only the Arduino and run usb_setup_arduino.
    2. Disconnect Arduino and connect Pozyx. Then run usb_setup_pozyx.
    3. Reconnect Pozyx and reboot.
  7. Check individual sub-packages for additional instructions.


In general:

  1. If needed, make changes in Arduino sketch.
  2. Compile and upload. (See Arduino README)
  3. Start essential things on the central computer
    1. roscore
    2. rosrun joy joy_node
    3. rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
    4. rviz
  4. Start the driver on the robot: roslaunch robotball_driver driver.launch
  5. Start the Pozyx scheduler on the central computer: roslaunch robotball_localization remote_scheduler.launch
  6. Start Pozyx localization on the robot: roslaunch robotball_localization localize.launch
  7. Start one of the controllers, e.g. roslaunch robotball_control billiard.launch

Future work


  • Analyze and fix issues with BNO-055 IMU. Sometimes it freezes and stops sending new data. The best guees at the moment is that it happens when the compass is close to a large metal or magnet because at the same time calibration status on all registers goes to zero.
  • Calibrate the odometry. It didn't make sense to deal with calibration because of the frequent and large wheel slips. Once the inner structure is redesigned, it should be easier.
  • Fuse odometry data, IMU, and Pozyx for more reliable localization.
  • Prepare a launch procedure for everything that needs to run on the central computer. This includes common parameters used on all robots, such as default trajectory parameters.
  • Provide an interface for the simulation that will be the same as for the real robots.
  • Analyze and fix issues in communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Maybe rosserial isn't the best solution and we could do something custom.
  • Proper cascade PID control. Speed controller gives a pitch (acceleration) reference to the pitch controller. It controls the motors to maintain the given pitch.
  • Software support for wireless charging. This includes self-orientation system; navigating, entering, and exiting the charger; and charging monitoring.
  • Implement a single Dynamic Reconfigure for all robots when using Billiard controller.

Bug tracking and feature requests.

If you discover bugs or missing documentation, have a question or a feature request, or something simply doesn't work, please create a new issue and label it with an appropriate label.