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User module for node.js

Basic usage

First fire up the library connections like this:

const UserLib = require('larvituser'),
	Intercom = require('larvitamintercom'),
	winston = require('winston'),
	log = winston.createLogger({'transports': [new winston.transports.Console()]}),
	userLib = new UserLib({
		'db': require('larvitdb'),

		// Optional parameters
		'log': log

db.setup(...); // See for configuration details

Create a new user in the database, do like this:

const userData = {
	'firstname': 'Nisse',
	'lastname': 'Nilsson',
	'role': [

const user = await userLib.create('myUsername', 'myPassword', userData);
console.log('New user UUID: ' + user.uuid);

When creating a new user you can also give the user a uuid of your choice:

const uuidLib = require('uuid');
const uuid = uuidLib.v1();
const userData = {
	'firstname': 'Nisse',
	'lastname': 'Nilsson',
	'role': [
const user = await userLib.create('myUsername', 'myPassword', userData, uuid);
console.log('New user UUID: ' + user.uuid);

To fetch a user from database based on username and password, do like this:

const user = await userLib.fromUserAndPass('myUsername', 'myPassword');
if ( ! user) {
	// No match found, or other more serious error
} else {
	console.log('Fetched user ID: ' +;

List multiple users

const users = new UserLib.Users({'db': db, 'log': log});

const result = await users.get();
console.log(result.users); // An array of objects

Get distinct values for field from all users

const users = new UserLib.Users({'db': db, 'log': log});

const result = await users.getFieldData('fieldName');
console.log(result); // An array of strings

List multiple users ordered by field

const users = new UserLib.Users({'db': db, 'log': log});

users.order = {
	by: 'username', // Sorting by something else than uuid or username the field needs to be included in "returnFields"
	direction: 'desc' // "asc" is default

const result = await users.get();
console.log(result.users); // An array of objects

Advanced usage

Add data to a user

await userLib.addUserDataField(userUuid, fieldName, fieldValue);

Check a password for validity

const isValid = await userLib.checkPassword('passwordToTest', 'theHashToTestAgainst');

Create a new user

const user = await userLib.create('username', 'password', {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith'});console.log(user.uuid); // 91f15599-c1fa-4051-9e0e-906cab9819fe (or rather, a random Uuid)

Or set an Uuid manually like this:

const user = await userLib.create('username', 'password', {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith'}, 'f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3');
console.log(user.uuid); // f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3

Fetch a user based on a field

Will fetch the first occurance in the database with this field name and field value.

const user = await userLib.fromField('firstname', 'John');
console.log(user.uuid); // f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3

Fetch a user based on several fields

Will fetch the first occurance in the database that matches all these field names and field values

const user = await userLib.fromFields({'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith'});
console.log(user.uuid); // f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3

Fetch a user based on just username

const user = await userLib.fromUsername('username');
console.log(user.uuid); // f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3 or user will be false if no user is found

Fetch a user from Uuid

const user = await userLib.fromUuid('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3');
console.log(user.uuid); // f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3

Get field data from a user

const data = await userLib.getFieldData('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', 'firstname');
console.log(data); // ['John'] - Observe this will always be an array with values, since a field can hold several values

Replace user fields for a user

IMPORTANT!!! Will clear all data not given in the fields parameter

await userLib.replaceUserFields('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', {'lastname': ['Smith', 'Johnsson']});
// The field "lastname" will now be replaced with the two values "Smith" and "Johnsson"
// And all other fields will be removed

const data = await userLib.getFieldData('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', 'lastname');
console.log(data); // ['Smith', 'Johnsson']

Remove a field from a user

await userLib.rmUserField('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', 'lastname');
const user = await userLib.fromUuid('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3');
console.log(user.fields); // {'firstname': ['John']}

Set password for a user

await userLib.setPassword('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', 'newSuperSecretPwd');

To disable a login, use boolean false as the new password:

await userLib.setPassword('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', false);

Set username for a user

await userLib.setUsername('f9684592-b245-42fa-88c6-9f16b9236ac3', 'theNewUsername');


All functions in the API will throw an exception upon error.

For instance:

const user1 = await userLib.create('nisse', false);
const user2 = await userLib.create('olle', false);

try {
	await user2.setUsername('nisse'); // Will throw since username "nisse" is already taken
} catch (err) {


Run tests with npm test, make sure to have an empty database configured for tests to pass correctly!

The default config file will be application path/config/db_test.json

Or a custom one can be used by running

DBCONFFILE=/path/to/config/db_another.json mocha test/test.js