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Enhance your RPG experience!

This is everything you need for a Discord bot written in Python that uses the completions API to have conversations with the text-davinci-003 model, and the moderations API to filter the messages.

The real secret sauce here comes in our .yaml file and the prompt engineering that went into playing with tokens.

This bot uses the OpenAI Python Library and

Personally, I've got this sitting on an Amazon Lightsail Virtual Private Server partially as an experiment in "cloud management," but also because it's so plug-and-play I trust it to be easier to manage than shoving this onto a Raspberry Pi in my basement and worrying about restarting the service every time my power goes out.


  • you can change the model, the hardcoded value is text-davinci-003
  • you could use this for spicing up your TTRPG games like I do, but the sky is the limit!
  • since we're leveraging Discord, you have access to all of your previous chats in the threads you create with OpenRPG-bot!

Chat Start To Discuss a Scenario

  • /hey starts a public thread, with a message argument which is the first user message passed to the bot
  • The model will generate a reply for every user message in any threads started with /hey
  • The entire thread will be passed to the model for each request, so the model will remember previous messages in the thread -- this is important to remember, keep your interactions in mind!
  • when the context limit is reached, or a max message count is reached in the thread, OpenRPG-bot will close the thread
  • you can customize the bot instructions by modifying config.yaml


  1. Copy .env.example to .env and start filling in the values as detailed below
  2. Go to, create a new API key, and fill in OPENAI_API_KEY
  3. Create your own Discord application at
  4. Go to the Bot tab and click "Add Bot"
    • Click "Reset Token" and fill in DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN
    • Disable "Public Bot" unless you want your bot to be visible to everyone
    • Enable "Message Content Intent" under "Privileged Gateway Intents"
  5. Go to the OAuth2 tab, copy your "Client ID", and fill in DISCORD_CLIENT_ID
  6. Copy the ID the server you want to allow your bot to be used in by right clicking the server icon and clicking "Copy ID". Fill in ALLOWED_SERVER_IDS. If you want to allow multiple servers, separate the IDs by "," like server_id_1,server_id_2
  7. Install dependencies and run the bot
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd into scr
    You should see an invite URL in the console. Copy and paste it into your browser to add the bot to your server.

Optional configuration

  1. If you want moderation messages, create and copy the channel id for each server that you want the moderation messages to send to in SERVER_TO_MODERATION_CHANNEL. This should be of the format: server_id:channel_id,server_id_2:channel_id_2
  2. If you want to change the personality of the bot, go to src/config.yaml and edit the instructions
  3. If you want to change the moderation settings for which messages get flagged or blocked, edit the values in src/ A lower value means less chance of it triggering.


  • /world-build starts a public thread, with a message argument which is the first user message passed to the bot
  • The first message is also strongly pre-seeded with some boilerplate on the first message to know that it's helping you build a game world
  • The entire thread will be passed to the model for each request, so the model will remember previous messages in the thread

FUTURE WORK Discretizing the Bots

  • We're keeping our bot keys in a .env, which is super nice and quick...HOWEVER I'd like to figure out a clean way to have arbitrarily many Discord bots
  • What I'm after is to change the config.yaml of each bot (and the Discord Bot IDs of course) but still use the same OpenAI API key since that's the most "expensive" part of this endeavor


  • What the title says, DALLE-2 is super duper cool!
  • In my head how I'd architect this is something like a Discord /slash command and then input a unique text, or be able to copy in a particularly vivid blurb from the davinci-2 model and it'll then link back a few really cool AI-generated art snapshots!


Why isn't my bot responding to commands?

Ensure that the channels your bots have access to allow the bot to have these permissions.

  • Send Messages
  • Send Messages in Threads
  • Create Public Threads
  • Manage Messages (only for moderation to delete blocked messages)
  • Manage Threads
  • Read Message History
  • Use Application Commands

Quality of Life

This was the first Discord bot I ever stood up, so I really loved following this guide I found explaining exactly how, and more importantly, why Discord bots are created

Inside of config.yaml there's a fair bit of Prompt Engineering but it's far from perfect. Feel free to explore!

And if you are exploring, OpenAI's Tokenizer Tool is great to validate the length of your prompt!

Cron Jobs

I've got this running as a private bot inside of a Cron Job -- this project was originally forked from the OpenAI Discord-bot project so I had to slash and make some improvements to get this behaving happily


RPG-gaming Discord bot written in Python that uses OpenAI's API to have conversations with the `text-davinci-003` model.








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