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Animated Diagram Layers

This is the documentation and code of an experiment to animate layers of a software architecture diagram.

The use-case for this animation was to show the extraction of a framework out of a microservices architecture. This is visualized by tilting the original diagram, lifting the framework out of the architecture and then showing the usage of the framework by the indication of the border color of the hexagons in the last step.

If you want to find out more about how I draw these diagrams, check out this page.

Animation Steps and Frame creation

The animation is split into multiple steps shown in the following chart.

Tools from Imagemagick are used to transform a single input image to create frames. ffmpeg merges the frames of all steps into a video or animated GIF.

Depending on the desired frame rate of the output animation the number of frames is calculated based on the desired duration of the animation steps.

The following sections describe how individual frames are created. Please keep in mind, that each command is just creating one frame.

Step 1

For tilting the image, I used a script from Fred's ImageMagick Scripts. It is called 3Drotate and can do exactly what we need.

The partly rendered animation of this step looks like this:

The Command

$ 3Drotate \
  tilt=35.0 \
  bgcolor='white -alpha remove -alpha off' \
  '/usr/src/app/layers/0_system.drawio.png' \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
tilt=35.0 calculated tilt angle of the current iteration
bgcolor='white -alpha remove -alpha off' set white background
'/usr/src/app/layers/0_system.drawio.png' input filename
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/01-0_system.drawio-tilt-029.png' output filename

Step 1.5

This tiny in-between step is not directly used in the resulting animation but used as an input for the next steps. We need to generate a tilted frame of the framework diagram. We can use 3Drotate again.

The created image looks like this:

The Command

$ 3Drotate \
  tilt=70.0 \
  bgcolor='none' \
  '/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
tilt=70.0 the tilt angle
bgcolor='none' we need a transparent background (see next 2)
'/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' input filename
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png' output filename

Step 2

The second animation step is to visualize the extraction of the framework by lifting it out of the tilted overview layer from step 1. To do that I used

The partly rendered animation of this step looks like this:

The Command

$ convert \
  '/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/01-0_system.drawio-tilt-059.png' \
  -fill white -colorize 66% \
  -page +0-175.0% \
  '/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png' \
  -flatten \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/01-0_system.drawio-tilt-059.png' input filename
'-fill white -colorize 66%' (calculated) makes the background fade to white
'-page +0-175.0%' (calculated) adds a layer on top of the background
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png' new layer filename
'-flatten' flattens the layers
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/02-000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000-lift-020.png' output filename

Step 3

Step 3 is similar to step 2 but the loop is reversed and the images are created without the fading background image.

The partly rendered animation of this step looks like this:

The Command

$ convert \ 
  -background white \
  -page +0-150.0% \
  '/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png' \
  -flatten \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
'-background white' solid white background
'-page +0-150.0%' (calculated) adds a layer on top of the background
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png' input filename
'-flatten' flattens the layers
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/03-000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000-lift-012.png' output filename

Step 4

This step tilts the framework back to the original orientation. The framework diagram is used as input but the loop is reversed.

The partly rendered animation of this step looks like this:

The Command

$ 3Drotate \
  tilt=14.0 \
  bgcolor='white -alpha remove -alpha off' \
  '/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
tilt=14.0 (calculated) tilt angle of the current iteration
bgcolor='white -alpha remove -alpha off' solid white background
'/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' input filename
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/04-1_framework.drawio-tilt-024.png' output filename

Step 5

The final step blends the final image over the framework.

The partly rendered animation of this step looks like this:

The Command

convert \
  '/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' \
  -background white -alpha remove -alpha off \
  \( \
      '/usr/src/app/layers/2_framework_system.drawio.png' \
      -alpha set \
      -channel A \
      -evaluate multiply 0.5 \
      +channel \
  \) \
  -compose over -composite \

The preceding command uses these parameters:

Parameter Explaination
'/usr/src/app/layers/1_framework.drawio.png' input filename
'-background white -alpha remove -alpha off' solid white background
'/usr/src/app/layers/2_framework_system.drawio.png' overlay image filename
'-alpha set' add and reset alpha channel
'-channel A' select the alpha channel
'-evaluate multiply 0.5' (calculated) multiply alpha channel by value
'+channel' reset alpha channel
'-compose over -composite' composite images
'/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/05-2_framework_system.drawio-fade-015.png' output

Video Rendering

Using the frames from the previous steps we can now render a video. I implemented two methods to render the video. The first method creates an mp4 the other method creates a gif.

Both methods use the ffmpeg command-line tool and use a file called render_sequence.ffmpeg.txt to specify the used frames, their order and the time between them. See this snippet for an example:

file '/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/05-2_framework_system.drawio-fade-000.png'
duration 0.03333333333333333
file '/usr/src/app/tmp/frames/05-2_framework_system.drawio-fade-001.png'
duration 0.03333333333333333


Rendering a video in the mp4 format is pretty much straightforward.

ffmpeg \
  -y \
  -hide_banner \
  -loglevel error \
  -f concat \
  -safe 0 \
  -r 30 \
  -i /usr/src/app/tmp/render_sequence.ffmpeg.txt \
  -vf scale=1920:-1 \
Parameter Explaination
'-y' overwrite output file
'-hide_banner' hide ffmpeg banner
'-loglevel error' only show errors
'-f concat' concatenate input files
'-safe 0' disable safe mode (suppress warning, we have full control over the input files anyway)
'-r 30' set framerate to 30 (calculated)
'-i /usr/src/app/tmp/render_sequence.ffmpeg.txt' input filename
'-vf scale=1920:-1' scale the video to width 1920, "-1" keeps the aspect ratio and calculates the height
'/usr/src/app/out/animation.mp4' output filename


Rendering a video in the gif format is pretty much similar to the mp4 video. But for the gif format, we need to use a complex filter.

ffmpeg \
  -y \
  -hide_banner \
  -loglevel error \
  -f concat \
  -safe 0 \
  -r 30 \
  -i /usr/src/app/tmp/render_sequence.ffmpeg.txt \
  -filter_complex '[0:v] fps=15,scale=w=720:h=-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p] paletteuse=new=1' \
Parameter Explaination
'-y' overwrite output file
'-hide_banner' hide ffmpeg banner
'-loglevel error' only show errors
'-f concat' concatenate input files
'-safe 0' disable safe mode (suppress warning, we have full control over the input files anyway)
'-r 30' set framerate to 30 (calculated)
'-i /usr/src/app/tmp/render_sequence.ffmpeg.txt' input filename
-filter_complex '[0:v] fps=15,scale=w=720:h=-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p] paletteuse=new=1' see below
'/usr/src/app/tmp/animation_tmp.gif' output filename

The complex filter is where most of the magic happens. The basic idea is to create a custom color palette for each frame and use it to render the frame in the gif. While this creates a larger file, I found that this produces way better colors.

An alternative would be to generate a single color palette for all frames, but this is more complicated in the sense that you need to know how to generate this palette. You need to basically find a frame that has all the colors you need, which is not easy to automate.

Read up more details here.

Parameter Explaination
[0:v] select the first video stream
'fps=15' set the framerate to 15 (calculated)
'scale=w=720:h=-1' scale the video to width 720, "-1" keeps the aspect ratio and calculates the height
'split [a][b]' split the video into two streams
'[a]' select the first stream
'[b]' select the second stream
'[a] palettegen=stats_mode=single' [p] generate a palette for the first stream
[b][p] 'paletteuse=new=1' use the palette for the second stream

The last step for a proper gif is to optimize it using gifsicle. This reduces the file size a little.

gifsicle \
  --colors 256 \
  -O3 \
  /usr/src/app/tmp/animation_tmp.gif \
  -o /usr/src/app/out/animation.gif
Parameter Explaination
'--colors 256' set the number of colors to 256
'-O3' optimize the gif, level 3
'/usr/src/app/tmp/animation_tmp.gif' input filename
'-o /usr/src/app/out/animation.gif' output filename


The whole animation is backed by a Ruby script that can be found in src/main.rb. Read it from the bottom up.

It deliberately is kept simple and within one file. My goal was to automate and document the way the animation is created.

There is one thing to mention: The method when_things_changed implements a caching mechanism to prevent the script from rendering frames that are not changed. To do this, this method creates two temporary files per frame. The first simply stores the raw command that is executed, and the other stores a hex-digest of the input file.

Running it

Clone the repository and run the following command:

$ cd src
$ docker-compose run app

The output will look something like this:

$ docker-compose run app
[✓] Operation: tilt | Nr. Frames:  60 | File: 0_system.drawio.png
[✓] Operation: tilt | Nr. Frames:   1 | File: 1_framework.drawio.png
[✓] Operation: lift | Nr. Frames:  30 | File: 000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png
[✓] Operation: lift | Nr. Frames:  30 | File: 000-1_framework.drawio-tilt-000.png
[✓] Operation: tilt | Nr. Frames:  30 | File: 1_framework.drawio.png
[✓] Operation: fade | Nr. Frames:  30 | File: 2_framework_system.drawio.png
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/animation.mp4 | Nr. Frames: 250 -> Duration: ~8s
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/1_overview.mp4 | Nr. Frames:  60 -> Duration: ~2s
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/2_framework_lift.mp4 | Nr. Frames:  30 -> Duration: ~1s
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/3_framework_lift_reverse.mp4 | Nr. Frames:  30 -> Duration: ~1s
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/4_framework_tilt_reverse.mp4 | Nr. Frames:  30 -> Duration: ~1s
[✓] Rendering: /usr/src/app/out/5_framework_system_fade_over.mp4 | Nr. Frames:  30 -> Duration: ~1s


Feel free to ask questions, report bugs, fork, modify or send pull requests. I would love to hear from you.


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