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feat(world-modules): add SystemSwitch util (#1665)
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alvrs committed Oct 3, 2023
1 parent 16b13ea commit 9352648
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"@latticexyz/world-modules": minor

Since [#1564]( the World can no longer call itself via an external call.
This made the developer experience of calling other systems via root systems worse, since calls from root systems are executed from the context of the World.
The recommended approach is to use `delegatecall` to the system if in the context of a root system, and an external call via the World if in the context of a non-root system.
To bring back the developer experience of calling systems from other sysyems without caring about the context in which the call is executed, we added the `SystemSwitch` util.

- // Instead of calling the system via an external call to world...
- uint256 value = IBaseWorld(_world()).callMySystem();

+ // can now use the `SystemSwitch` util.
+ // This works independent of whether used in a root system or non-root system.
+ uint256 value = abi.decode(, ()), (uint256));

Note that if you already know your system is always executed as non-root system, you can continue to use the approach of calling other systems via the `IBaseWorld(world)`.
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.21;

import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";
import { IBaseWorld } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/interfaces/IBaseWorld.sol";

import { IUniqueEntitySystem } from "../../interfaces/IUniqueEntitySystem.sol";
import { UniqueEntitySystem } from "./UniqueEntitySystem.sol";

import { SystemSwitch } from "../../utils/SystemSwitch.sol";
import { SYSTEM_ID } from "./constants.sol";

* Increment and get an entity nonce.
Expand All @@ -13,8 +16,7 @@ import { IUniqueEntitySystem } from "../../interfaces/IUniqueEntitySystem.sol";
* For usage outside of a World, use the overload that takes an explicit store argument.
function getUniqueEntity() returns (bytes32 uniqueEntity) {
address world = StoreSwitch.getStoreAddress();
return IUniqueEntitySystem(world).uniqueEntity_system_getUniqueEntity();
return abi.decode(, abi.encodeCall(UniqueEntitySystem.getUniqueEntity, ())), (bytes32));

Expand Down
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions packages/world-modules/src/utils/SystemSwitch.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.21;

import { Hook } from "@latticexyz/store/src/Hook.sol";
import { Bytes } from "@latticexyz/store/src/Bytes.sol";

import { IWorldKernel } from "@latticexyz/world/src/IWorldKernel.sol";
import { ResourceId, WorldResourceIdInstance } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";
import { WorldContextProviderLib, WorldContextConsumerLib } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldContext.sol";
import { AccessControl } from "@latticexyz/world/src/AccessControl.sol";
import { ROOT_NAMESPACE } from "@latticexyz/world/src/constants.sol";
import { revertWithBytes } from "@latticexyz/world/src/revertWithBytes.sol";
import { BEFORE_CALL_SYSTEM, AFTER_CALL_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/systemHookTypes.sol";

import { IWorldErrors } from "@latticexyz/world/src/IWorldErrors.sol";
import { ISystemHook } from "@latticexyz/world/src/ISystemHook.sol";

import { FunctionSelectors } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/tables/FunctionSelectors.sol";
import { Systems } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/tables/Systems.sol";
import { SystemHooks } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/tables/SystemHooks.sol";
import { Balances } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/tables/Balances.sol";

* @title SystemSwitch
* @dev The SystemSwitch library provides functions for interacting with systems from other systems.
library SystemSwitch {
using WorldResourceIdInstance for ResourceId;

* @notice Calls a system identified by its Resource ID.
* @dev Reverts if the system is not found, or if the system call reverts.
* If the call is executed from the root context, the system is called directly via delegatecall.
* Otherwise, the call is executed via an external call to the World contract.
* @param systemId The unique Resource ID of the system being called.
* @param callData The calldata to be executed in the system.
* @return returnData The return data from the system call.
function call(ResourceId systemId, bytes memory callData) internal returns (bytes memory returnData) {
address worldAddress = WorldContextConsumerLib._world();

// If we're in the World context, call the system directly via delegatecall
if (address(this) == worldAddress) {
(address systemAddress, ) = Systems.get(systemId);
// Check if the system exists
if (systemAddress == address(0)) revert IWorldErrors.World_ResourceNotFound(systemId, systemId.toString());

bool success;
(success, returnData) = WorldContextProviderLib.delegatecallWithContext({
msgSender: WorldContextConsumerLib._msgSender(),
msgValue: WorldContextConsumerLib._msgValue(),
target: systemAddress,
callData: callData

if (!success) revertWithBytes(returnData);
return returnData;

// Otherwise, call the system via
returnData = IWorldKernel(worldAddress).call(systemId, callData);

* @notice Calls a system via the function selector registered for it in the World contract.
* @dev Reverts if the system is not found, or if the system call reverts.
* If the call is executed from the root context, the system is called directly via delegatecall.
* Otherwise, the call is executed via an external call to the World contract.
* @param callData The world function selector, and call data to be forwarded to the system.
* @return returnData The return data from the system call.
function call(bytes memory callData) internal returns (bytes memory returnData) {
// Get the systemAddress and systemFunctionSelector from the worldFunctionSelector encoded in the calldata
(ResourceId systemId, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) = FunctionSelectors.get(bytes4(callData));

// Revert if the function selector is not found
if (ResourceId.unwrap(systemId) == 0) revert IWorldErrors.World_FunctionSelectorNotFound(msg.sig);

// Replace function selector in the calldata with the system function selector, and call the system
return call({ systemId: systemId, callData: Bytes.setBytes4(callData, 0, systemFunctionSelector) });
225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions packages/world-modules/test/SystemSwitch.t.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.21;

import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { GasReporter } from "@latticexyz/gas-report/src/GasReporter.sol";

import { System } from "@latticexyz/world/src/System.sol";
import { IBaseWorld } from "@latticexyz/world/src/codegen/interfaces/IBaseWorld.sol";
import { World } from "@latticexyz/world/src/World.sol";
import { CoreModule } from "@latticexyz/world/src/modules/core/CoreModule.sol";
import { ResourceId, WorldResourceIdLib } from "@latticexyz/world/src/WorldResourceId.sol";
import { RESOURCE_SYSTEM } from "@latticexyz/world/src/worldResourceTypes.sol";
import { ROOT_NAMESPACE } from "@latticexyz/world/src/constants.sol";
import { SystemSwitch } from "../src/utils/SystemSwitch.sol";

contract EchoSystem is System {
function msgSender() public view returns (address) {
return _msgSender();

function world() public view returns (address) {
return _world();

function echo(string memory message) public view returns (string memory) {
return message;

function call(ResourceId systemId, bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {
return, callData);

function callViaSelector(bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {

address constant caller = address(4232);

contract SystemSwitchTest is Test, GasReporter {
IBaseWorld world;

EchoSystem systemA;
EchoSystem systemB;
EchoSystem rootSystemA;
EchoSystem rootSystemB;

ResourceId systemAId;
ResourceId systemBId;
ResourceId rootSystemAId;
ResourceId rootSystemBId;

function setUp() public {
// Deploy world
World _world = new World();
_world.initialize(new CoreModule());
world = IBaseWorld(address(_world));

// Deploy systems
systemA = new EchoSystem();
systemB = new EchoSystem();
rootSystemA = new EchoSystem();
rootSystemB = new EchoSystem();

// Encode system IDs
systemAId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: "namespaceA", name: "systemA" });
systemBId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: "namespaceB", name: "systemB" });
rootSystemAId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: ROOT_NAMESPACE, name: "systemA" });
rootSystemBId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: ROOT_NAMESPACE, name: "systemB" });

// Register systems
world.registerSystem(systemAId, systemA, true);
world.registerSystem(systemBId, systemB, true);
world.registerSystem(rootSystemAId, rootSystemA, true);
world.registerSystem(rootSystemBId, rootSystemB, true);

function _executeFromRootSystemA(ResourceId systemId, bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.decode(, abi.encodeCall(, (systemId, callData))), (bytes));

function _executeFromSystemA(ResourceId systemId, bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.decode(, abi.encodeCall(, (systemId, callData))), (bytes));

function _executeFromRootSystemA(bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.decode(, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.callViaSelector, (callData))), (bytes));

function _executeFromSystemA(bytes memory callData) public returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.decode(, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.callViaSelector, (callData))), (bytes));

// - ROOT FROM ROOT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

function testCallRootFromRootMsgSender() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.msgSender, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), caller);

function testCallRootFromRootWorld() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(world));

function testCallRootFromRootEcho() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.echo, ("hello")));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

function testCallRootFromRootWorldSelector() public {
bytes4 worldFunctionSelector = world.registerRootFunctionSelector(
bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(worldFunctionSelector, "hello");

bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(callData);
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

// - ROOT FROM NON ROOT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

function testCallRootFromNonRootMsgSender() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.msgSender, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(systemA));

function testCallRootFromNonRootWorld() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(world));

function testCallRootFromNonRootEcho() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(rootSystemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.echo, ("hello")));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

function testCallRootFromNonRootWorldSelector() public {
bytes4 worldFunctionSelector = world.registerRootFunctionSelector(
bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(worldFunctionSelector, "hello");

bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(callData);
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

// - NON ROOT FROM ROOT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

function testCallNonRootFromRootMsgSender() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.msgSender, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), caller);

function testNonCallRootFromRootWorld() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(world));

function testNonCallRootFromRootEcho() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.echo, ("hello")));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

function testNonCallRootFromRootWorldSelector() public {
bytes4 worldFunctionSelector = world.registerRootFunctionSelector(
bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(worldFunctionSelector, "hello");

bytes memory returnData = _executeFromRootSystemA(callData);
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

// - NON ROOT FROM NON ROOT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

function testCallNonRootFromNonRootMsgSender() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.msgSender, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(systemA));

function testNonCallRootFromNonRootWorld() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(, ()));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (address)), address(world));

function testNonCallRootFromNonRootEcho() public {
bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(systemBId, abi.encodeCall(EchoSystem.echo, ("hello")));
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

function testNonCallRootFromNonRootWorldSelector() public {
bytes4 worldFunctionSelector = world.registerRootFunctionSelector(
bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(worldFunctionSelector, "hello");

bytes memory returnData = _executeFromSystemA(callData);
assertEq(abi.decode(returnData, (string)), "hello");

1 comment on commit 9352648

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@vercel vercel bot commented on 9352648 Oct 3, 2023

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