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This repository contains a prometheus "exporter" that will collect analytics about tweets for a user timeline

Analytics gathered belong to organic metrics from twitter



You need to have a twitter developper account in order to use this service

And then you will be able to configured with below flags :

Usage of ./twitter-analytics-exporter:
      --consumer-key string        key used to represents your Twitter developer app
      --consumer-secret string     secret used to represents your Twitter developer app
      --user-access-token string   user-specific token credentials used to authenticate OAuth 1.0a
      --user-id string             user-specific id from where to retrieve timeline
      --user-secret-token string   user-specific secret credentials used to authenticate OAuth 1.0a
pflag: help requested

You can also use environment variable by prefixing them by TAE_ followed by uppercase value and - replace by _. Ex: TAE_USER_ID="1477951133402513413"

consumer information are credentials related to you twitter app

user credentials are related to twitter user

This application uses Oauth1.0a without 3-legged Oauth meaning there is no "in-app" way of exchanging user credentials (for now ?)


Best way to deploy this app is using docker image

This application is an exporter so it needs to be backed by a :

  • prometheus server (or a grafana-agent with long-term storage) in order to scrape metrics, store them and make them available by querying
  • grafana in order to visualize


  • Using OAuth1.0a comes with limitation,
    • Only tweets younger than 30 days are gathered because of the organic metrics requested
    • No easy way to configure scraping user that are not the user behind the app

Overcome this will needs developping a full Oauth 2.0 app