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AutoRemovePlus is a plugin for Deluge v2.x that you can use to automatically remove torrents. It's based on AutoRemove 0.1 by Jamie Lennox.

Other forks from v1 that support Deluge v2:

For Deluge v1 support, see deluge-1 branch

This is a GtkUI and WebUI plugin.


  • Select how many torrents are allowed at the same time.
  • Choose to remove or pause them based on multiple criteria age, seeders, seed time or ratio.
  • Set specific removal rules depending on tracker or LabelPlus label.
  • Remove only torrents from specific trackers or LabelPlus labels.
  • Only remove torrents if under a certain HDD space threshold.
  • Select if torrents have to fulfill both or either criteria.
  • Delete torrents in order (e.g. delete torrents with highest ratio first).
  • Don't remove torrents if they don't reach a minimum time (in days) or ratio.
  • Choose the removal interval.
  • Right click and select torrents that you don't want automatically removed.
  • Remove torrent data option.
  • Create an exempted tracker or LabelPlus label list, so that torrents that belong to those trackers or labels are not removed.
  • Fully functional WebUI.


Look for torrents to remove every hour:

Check every: 1

Remove every torrent that meets minimum criteria:

Maximum torrents: 0

Don't remove torrents unless Deluge has over 500:

Maximum torrents: 500

Delete torrents even if HDD space not under minimum:

Minimum HDD space: -1

Only remove torrents when the main HDD has less than 10 GB free:

Minimum HDD space: 10

Remove torrents that have a ratio over 2.0 and have been seeding for at least 2 days:

Remove by: Ratio, Min: 2.0, and, Remove by: Seed Time, Min: 48

Remove torrents that have a ratio over 2.0 or have been seeding for at least 10 hours:

Remove by: Ratio, Min: 2.0, or, Remove by: Seed Time, Min: 10

Remove torrents that have a ratio over 2.2 and were added at least 4 days ago:

Remove by: Ratio, Min: 2.2, or, Remove by: Age in days, Min: 4

Remove torrents only according to first criteria:

▪️ Second Remove by: criteria

Pause torrents instead of removing them:

▪️ Remove torrents

The rest of the options are pretty self explanatory


  • use python 3
  • virutal env manager virtualenv
  • run:
+ Install python 3.7  (or whatever your seedbox uses for python3; any py3 version should be ok)
- first install pyenv:
  $ curl -L | bash
- install py3:  $ pyenv install 3.9.7
- cd to project root and change to version:  $ pyenv local 3.9.7
  - this will create .python-version file at the root
- verify your py version: $ python --version

+ Setup virtenv; either
A) manually... (not recommended):
- install virtualenv:  $ pip install virtualenv
- create venv:  $ python -m virtualenv env  (note 'env' specifies the name/location to create
  the virtual environment in)
- activate env:  $ source env/bin/activate
- to switch projects or just leave the venv, run:  $ deactivate
B) ...or using pyenv (recommended):
- this step might still be needed, unsure:  install virtualenv:  $ pip install virtualenv
- create venv:  $ pyenv virtualenv venv39  (again, 'venv39' is just the name/location of the env)
- switch to said env:  $ pyenv local venv39  (modifies project's .python-version file)
- if you have [eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"] in your .bashrc, then
  env activation/deactivation should be automatic; to do it manually, then
    pyenv activate <name>
    pyenv deactivate


Building uses Docker to easily swap out Python versions. Note that if you're running an older version of Docker you may need to enable BuildKit manually.


make build

By default Python 3.11 is used. If you wish to target a different version specify it as an environment variable:

make build PYTHON_VERSION=3.10

The resulting AutoRemovePlus-vX.Y.Z.egg file can be found in the /dist directory. Note the .egg doesn't contain python version in the filename - our modified has logic that renames the generated .egg.


  • similar to TotalTraffic plugin, start tracking upload bandwidth, but per torrent. Idea is to enable rule to only remove torrents that have uploaded less than X amount in past Y time period. So removal rule should be something like
if (ratio > 1 || seed_time > 7days) && t.recent_upload < X:

TODO: how would recent_upload be defined? guess we want it to represent
something like [KiB in past 1h]. Both data amount & time period need to
be configurable.

We likely want to keep current torrent data in-memory, and write it down
periodically to `autoremoveplusstates.conf`; again, sort of similar what
TotalTraffic is doing.

This removes the impossible target ratio definition - we should just set the minimum ratio & seed time rules, and let the active torrents upload however long they can. Additional problem will be incorporating it with our UI though.

  • as previously, but perhaps also allow measuring avg speed:
avg_upload_speed = torrent['total_uploaded'] / torrent['active_time'] if torrent['active_time'] > 0 else 0
  OR don't count the upload speed for the time we were downloading ourselves. unsure why we shouldn't tho...:
avg_upload_speed = torrent['total_uploaded'] / torrent['seeding_time'] if torrent['seeding_time'] > 0 else 0
  • need to add possibility to count seeding time from the moment torrent hits 100%; eg TL writes this in their wiki:

    Be aware that seeding time only counts for fully completed torrents (downloaded 100%).

    We might be able to use torrent attributes last_seen_complete and/or finished_time; note springjool's has _time_seen_complete() that might be what we need. Thinking about it more, think finished_time attr fits our use-case better. Or maybe seeding_time? see libtorrent explanation on fields here TODO: this all is likely already covered by the existing func_seed_time we're even using in production!

  • items should be removed from our state file via Execute plugin on torrent removal event; otherwise torrents removed outside of this script would not get removed from the state tracker. maybe there's some deluge's removed event we could tap into? OR: include some cleanup logic in the plugin itself to remove state info for torrents that are no longer around, ie they had to be removed by some other means.

  • according to this post, torrmanager.get_status() can accept update=True param not to return cached results. this makes no sense for static fields such as name or size, but might be needed for seed_time, ratio...; apparently one of the forks of plugin has removed the caching.

  • add rules/support to handle torrents such as

Name: torrent-name.mkv
ID: bcbcc09416b8756384f9d72b9dd3cd0762279527
State: Downloading Down Speed: 0.0 K/s Up Speed: 0.0 K/s
Seeds: 0 (0) Peers: 4 (15) Availability: 0.08 Seed Rank: -
Size: 45.0 M/532.6 M Downloaded: 44.7 M Uploaded: 0 B Share Ratio: 0.00
ETA: - Seeding: - Active: 16h 20m
Last Transfer: 16h 17m Complete Seen: Never
Tracker status: Announce OK
Progress: 8.45% [#####-------------------------------------------------------]
Download Folder: /home/myuser/files/

Name: torrent-name-2
ID: aba61c7f8068c5b5a6414k39cec41d04477f7a4a
State: Downloading Down Speed: 0.0 K/s Up Speed: 0.0 K/s
Seeds: 0 (0) Peers: 0 (7) Availability: 0.00 Seed Rank: -
Size: 0 B/445.1 M Downloaded: 0 B Uploaded: 0 B Share Ratio: -1.00
ETA: - Seeding: - Active: 16h 21m
Last Transfer: ∞ Complete Seen: Never
Tracker status: Announce OK
Progress: 0.00% [------------------------------------------------------------]
Download Folder: /home/myuser/files/incomplete

note the Complete Seen & Availability values.


If after building the egg file, the plugin does not load in Deluge:

  • Delete the AutoRemovePlus-vX.Y.Z.egg in /deluge/plugins directory.
  • Delete the AutoRemovePlus.conf files.
  • Restart Deluge.

See also