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laurentopia edited this page May 25, 2019 · 15 revisions

Use MaixPy

  1. because the ribbon cable to the screen is fragile, install your maix Bit on a breadboard and affix the screen to it using Loctite Mount Putty Notice that the image is reversed, we'll fix that later.


  1. Acquire a good quality USB-C that does data. Most cables do power only, and suck.
  2. Plug the Maix Bit to your computer via the USB-C, go in the device manager and ensure that this shows up.


  1. download and install Putty
  2. launch Putty and open connection to your Maix Bit: set connection type to Serial, Change the Serial line to COM5, set the speed to 11520 then, while pressing the bootloader (bottom left button on the BIT) press OPEN.

putty bootloader

  1. Press CTRL+C, you can now type some Python image

  2. The boot python script on the BIT shows an upside down video feed. This is because new boards use a reversed connector for the camera so in fact the camera is upside down. You can fix that as follow:

    • Rotate the board so the buttons are to the right
    • type pye ("")
    • before the while loop, insert lcd.direction(lcd.YX_LRUD)
    • press CTRL+S, ENTER, and to exit CTRL+Q
    • press the boot button and now the image is correct! YAY!

good direction

Now that your board is up and running, you can go to the Sipeed site where you'll find a very well documented API

Install MaixPy

  1. install 7Zip
  2. Download the MaixPy microphython .bin files from the assets section of
  3. Download Kflash_gui that'll allow you to flash the MAIX
  4. launch kflash_gui, set the com port to your CH340 (COM5), change baudrate to 2000000 and open one of the .bin files, press the big blue DOWNLOAD button and wait.
  5. if the boot program doesn't work or you're unable to putty your way in, use uPyLoader, connect to the board and delete freq.conf

MaixPy IDE

Use the MaixPy IDE, it's good.

Training your first Neural Network and loading it on the Maix Bit