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lawrence edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 17 revisions

Install embedded system

Linux Distribution

This remarkable company of robots Ubiquity Robotics distributes an interesting pair of images for development (Virtualbox & Raspberry) image based on Ubuntu for Pi and ROS preinstalled.

Embedded image

Virtual Box Image

User and password

Wifi and Login

  • user : ubuntu
  • Pwd : ubuntu


Some tools that can be used in the next steps to login etc.

IP Scanner

This can be a good friend to found the Pi the first time


Common Terminal multi-protocol


on windows, useful to use the own pc to open window (needed to connect any graphic window to the development pc)

Activate in connection->SSH->X11->enable X11 forwarding

Remember in your putty session use X11 Forwarding to visualize on your pc.


To transfer/edit file / from like in a file system (filezilla like)

Install development system

Embedded System

SSH to your embedded robot computer and follow the instructions.

The system is configured as 2WD, Lidar not yet configured. If you want to change follow

Create Workspace

After ROS installation, create and configure your ROS environment.

If interested in details, have a look to: Creating a ROS Workspace

ROS needs to know which catkin workspace you want to use to find the right packages and dependencies. It would be convenient to automate this every time you open a new terminal your embedded robot computer.

Remove original workspace from ROS

rm -rf ~/catkin_ws

Please note: Workspace used in this project: pluto_ws

Then create the new workspace

mkdir -p ~/pluto_ws/src

cd ~/pluto_ws/


echo "source ~/pluto_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Check the process was successful by printing an environment variable


Something similar should appear (there must be no more reference to catkin_ws


Install Pluto robot code

On your embedded robot computer, install the packages you need for configuration and visualization.

Install Lino dependencies

On your embedded robot computer, install the packages you need for configuration and visualization:

cd ~/pluto_ws/src

git clone

git clone

git clone

sudo apt-get install ros-$(rosversion -d)-teleop-twist-keyboard

Compile the Dependecies

cd .. && catkin_make

Clone & Compile Pluto

cd ~/pluto_ws/src

git clone

cd .. && catkin_make

Note For Raspberry Pis 2 it is recommended to have a swap file to prevent the initial build from failing. You can disable this once the installation is done.

sudo apt-get install dphys-swapfile


Change Installation configuration (see 1.3 in ) Run the install file where:

base = 2wd

sensor = xv11e

./install base sensor


./install 2wd xv11

Do take note that for IP based Hokuyo lidars, you will be prompted to key in the IP address (Default: For USB based Hokuyo lidars, press 'Enter' to skip.