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Releases: layabox/LayaAir

LayaAir 3.1.5 Engine Library

26 Jul 09:46
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Version 3.1.5 Release Changelog

BUG Fixes


  1. Fixed the bug where onMouseUp would not be triggered if the right mouse button was released first.
  2. Fixed the issue where remote audio resources in Alipay mini-games required a focus switch to play normally.
  3. Fixed the bug where caching in Alipay mini-games was ineffective.
  4. Fixed the bug where video nodes would only have audio and no picture after adding a mask.
  5. Fixed the bug where the Skin RenderElementObj would render multiple times during multiple render passes.
  6. Fixed the bug where textures were not released after Spine was released.
  7. Fixed the issue with 3D character collider prefab parameter settings.
  8. Fixed the issue with reusing physical components across multiple scenes.


  1. Fixed the issue where the frame rate limit in project settings could not be adjusted to 120 FPS.
  2. Fixed the issue where gravity acceleration Y in project settings could not be set to 0.
  3. Fixed the issue where after replacing resources with the same name, the 9-slice information of the original large image was not restored in the small image.
  4. Fixed the issue where the Morph sub-item was not displayed under the Mesh Renderer panel.
  5. Fixed the bug where after adding a physics collider component to a prefab and setting the collision group, the settings were not saved.
  6. Fixed the bug where the copy and paste function in the properties panel was sometimes inaccurate.
  7. Fixed the bug where radio type menu items in the plugin system did not work properly.
  8. Fixed the bug where modifying script parameters in 2D animations had no effect after publishing.

Optimization Updates

  1. Added 3D physical shape detection interface to the engine.
  2. Added functionality to the IDE to adjust node hierarchy using the keyboard: move node up: press ctrl + up arrow, move node down: ctrl + down arrow.
  3. Added node hierarchy adjustment (move up one layer, move down one layer) to the right-click menu in the IDE scene editor.
  4. Added direct copy and paste functionality for entire components in the IDE.
  5. Added the ability to pick colors from the screen by clicking the color picker button in the IDE color input window.
  6. Added right-click functionality to copy and paste colors in the IDE color property bar.
  7. Adjusted the generated image nodes to be arranged sequentially when dragging images continuously into the scene in the IDE.
  8. Added a warning prompt when adding properties to animations in the IDE if the properties have no default value.

LayaAir Unity Resource Export Plugin

Updated version to 1.1.7, fixing issues with scene export under certain circumstances.

LayaAir 3.1.4 Engine Library

15 Jun 18:12
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Version 3.1.4 Release Changelog

Bug Fixes


  1. Fixed a bug causing errors due to repeated addition of the 3D physics character controller.
  2. Fixed a bug where 3D rigid bodies were still affected by gravity after destroying the 3D physics collider shape.
  3. Fixed a bug in the 2D physics engine where applying a force or impulse to an object always directed the force to the right.
  4. Fixed a bug in the 2D physics engine where objects set to allow sleep (AllowSleep) did not respond to continuous impulses.
  5. Fixed a bug where adding a rigid body to a 2D object invalidated cacheAs.
  6. Fixed a memory leak in the 2D physics physics2D.
  7. Fixed a bug where setting a dynamic rigid body with velocity to a static rigid body in 2D physics would transfer the velocity to the static body.
  8. Fixed a bug in 3D UI components where child nodes with 3D UI did not refresh their positions after removing and re-adding the parent node and changing its position.
  9. Fixed a bug where setting blur filter parameters would change transparency.
  10. Fixed a bug where textures were not released after releasing Spine.
  11. Fixed a bug where video preloading would automatically play sound.
  12. Fixed a bug where clicking on a video would pause it when Native default auto-play was enabled.
  13. Fixed a bug where the position of Native text was offset and had jagged edges compared to the webpage.
  14. Fixed a bug where bold text was ineffective in Native.
  15. Fixed a bug where custom fonts were ineffective in Alipay mini games.


  1. Fixed an issue with uncertain file order in fileconfig during multiple releases.
  2. Fixed an issue where the scroll bar sometimes did not appear when the hierarchy panel had a large number of nodes.
  3. Fixed an issue where components could not be batch deleted in the IDE.
  4. Fixed an issue where an error occurred when clicking the close button while the project was still loading, preventing the IDE from closing.
  5. Fixed a bug in the hierarchy panel where right-clicking on search results caused an error.
  6. Fixed a bug where the resource panel in the IDE could not search for folders.
  7. Fixed a bug where BC mode texture compression resulted in darker textures with green edges.
  8. Fixed a bug where renaming a prefab in the IDE made it unsearchable in the search box.
  9. Fixed a bug where 2D nodes could not be resized correctly in the IDE scene editor after rotation.
  10. Fixed a bug where setting multiple nodes as static only affected the first node's child nodes.
  11. Fixed an issue where the wireframe was obscured by the model when editing a physical bounding box in orthographic view.

Important New Features

  1. Added support for the Taobao mini-game engine plugin.
  2. Added thumbnails for materials and models in the IDE.
  3. Added HTTPS support for IDE previews.

Optimization Updates

  1. Optimized the display of QR codes in IDE previews.
  2. Added support for expanding and collapsing tree nodes using the left and right keyboard keys in the IDE.
  3. Added the ability to input specific values for particle curves in the IDE.
  4. Added a control interface for ScrollBar.easeFunction in the Panel component, allowing developers to take over the scrolling effect.
  5. Added getLinearVelocity and getAngularVelocity interfaces to Rigidbody3D to obtain the current linear velocity of objects in the physical world.
  6. Optimized the default texture compression format options to match the default display values on the PC platform, avoiding developer confusion.
  7. Removed the deprecated overrideGravity parameter for 3D rigid bodies in the IDE to avoid developer confusion.
  8. Enabled animation compression by default when importing FBX animations into the IDE.
  9. Optimized the item recycling and destruction of excess items in the List component.
  10. Optimized the distance and normal accessors of Plane.
  11. Optimized the efficiency of SingletonList.add in clipping and rendering queues.
  12. Optimized the efficiency of power-of-2 calculations for Camera.Layer.
  13. Optimized handling and error messages for circular nesting of prefabs.
  14. Optimized the efficiency of distance calculations during object sorting.
  15. Prohibited the use of "js" as a name for subpackage directories when building and releasing subpackages.

LayaAir 3.1.3 Engine Library

26 Apr 12:08
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Version 3.1.3 Release Changelog

Bug Fixes


  1. Fixed the issue of UI position offset caused by non-integer values of the emission filter
  2. Fixed the issue of long sharp angles appearing when drawing polylines and triangles with small angles
  3. Fixed the issue of resources not being cleaned up properly when Dialog is set to Auto Destroy At Closed
  4. Fixed the bug of constantly requesting resources named undefined when workloader is enabled
  5. Fixed the issue of script components also calling onDestroy in the IDE environment
  6. Fixed the 2D physics bug with global matrices
  7. Fixed the bug where 3D particle properties could not be displayed properly when set to curves
  8. Fixed the issue of sub-package entry scripts not being executed on the web platform IDE


  1. Fixed the issue of errors being reported when switching between 2D textures and 2D graphics in the material file properties
  2. Fixed the bug where the VoronoiFloat function in the Shader Blueprint could not be connected to the output interface
  3. Fixed the conflict bug between shader blueprint and shader function blueprint editing
  4. Fixed the bug where the baked model was incorrect when the weapon was affected by multiple bones
  5. Fixed the bug of reporting an error and being unable to clear the current mask object data when setting the mask object of the sprite node to itself
  6. Fixed the bug where the inspector function was abnormal when selecting Scene2D in the scene
  7. Fixed the issue of error messages in the console when moving elements with the up, down, left, and right keys
  8. Fixed the issue of inconsistent invalid variable names in the Runtime class during the generation and runtime stages
  9. Fixed the bug of incorrectly writing all property changes to prefabs when applying prefab overrides
  10. Fixed various stability issues with synchronization, overriding, and referencing of deeply nested prefabs
  11. Fixed the bug where the Mesh and other resources used by the prefab separated from the FBX model internal resource extraction were still the source FBX file resources
  12. Fixed the bug where the effect of changing SRGB could not be seen in real-time when mipmaps were enabled for image files
  13. Fixed the issue of the materialRenderMode in the material class not being initialized
  14. Fixed the bug of errors being reported when double-clicking the Runtime entry
  15. Fixed the issue of the sRGB color space option not taking effect for tga format textures
  16. Fixed the bug where the 2D physics circular collider's position at runtime was different from the initial setting
  17. Fixed the bug where the 2D UI would be misaligned at runtime after setting the rigidbody and then setting the anchor
  18. Fixed the bug where text was sometimes not displayed in the preview view
  19. Fixed the issue of incomplete parameter display when the animation transition condition in the animation state machine was set to Bool type
  20. Fixed the bugs in the backpack list and mail list in the 2D beginner example template Important New Features

Important New Features

  1. Added support for publishing Taobao Widget projects
  2. Added support for publishing Taobao Mini Program projects

Optimizations and Updates

  1. Added engine property fields to the Chinese property tips in the IDE
  2. Added minimum value configuration and support for negative numbers in the IDE curve editor
  3. Added a button for automatic shape adaptation in chain colliders (when there are polylines in the drawn shape, the button can be displayed and the data in the polylines can be directly used)
  4. Added visual angle editing for angle-related properties in 2D physics joints
  5. Split the animation script into 2D animation script and 3D animation script to avoid the issue of the 2D animation state machine completion event only being effective when the D3 library is checked
  6. Removed WebView-related features due to Apple's detection and rejection of apps using WebView. WebView is no longer supported in Native by default Please maintain the original format of the above content during the English translation

LayaAir 3.1.2 Engine Library

29 Mar 12:12
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Version 3.1.2 Release Changelog

Bug Fixes


  1. Fixed a bug where using XMLHttpRequest to send HTTPS POST requests with field string lengths exceeding 11 characters would cause an error in the iOS native package.
  2. Fixed an issue where using special TTF fonts in the iOS native package would cause crashes.
  3. Fixed a bug where using masks in the Native engine increased performance consumption.
  4. Fixed an issue with video texture playback in the WeChat browser environment.
  5. Fixed a bug where adding rendering units one by one to HBox and VBox resulted in sorting disorder.
  6. Fixed a bug where the "other" parameter in 3D physics onTriggerEnter was not of type PhysicsColliderComponent.
  7. Fixed a bug in the PhyX physics engine where some collision boxes would suddenly disappear when creating a large number of objects.
  8. Fixed a bug where the Trigger property value of the RigidBody3D component was incorrect when adding a 3D prefab to the scene.
  9. Fixed a bug where setting the linear velocity before adding it to the scene would invalidate the linear velocity setting in the bullet physics engine.
  10. Fixed an issue where the 2D physics event onTriggerStay was triggered only once during continuous collision.
  11. Fixed an issue where the globalPosX and globalPosY calculations of Sprite caused a deviation in the bounding box position of 2D physics colliders.
  12. Fixed an issue where the text prompt content was not updated in a timely manner after modifying the type of the TextInput component.
  13. Fixed an issue where ktx files could not be written to the cache on the Douyin platform.
  14. Fixed an incompatibility issue with video textures in Firefox browsers.


  1. Fixed a bug where animation template curves were not displayed.
  2. Fixed a bug where dragging and assigning multiple materials would overwrite all material settings with the last dragged material.
  3. Fixed a bug where created bitmap fonts were not reloaded when updating for the second time.
  4. Fixed an issue where the project name set in the mini-game publishing settings was not carried over to the configuration file.
  5. Fixed an issue on Windows systems where executing script parameters from the command line would pop up the LayaAirIDE interface.
  6. Fixed a bug where modifying the culling mode of materials created within the IDE had no effect.
  7. Fixed a bug in the IDE's particle editing interface/lifecycle/lifecycle size (Sizeof lifetime) where selecting a curve would make the panel uneditable.
  8. Fixed a bug where the position could not be saved when moving nodes with the keyboard arrow keys during relative layout.
  9. Fixed parameter naming conflicts in Shader blueprints.
  10. Fixed an issue where prefabs loaded old data when modified at runtime and run again.
  11. Fixed an issue where the png source file was incorrectly used for cubic textures when "Allow texture compressed forma" was unchecked.
  12. Fixed display issues with the Scene2D property panel (removed properties that should not be displayed).

Updates and Optimizations

  1. Added configurable options for "Recompile All Scripts" and "Reload All Plugins" in the IDE's "Preferences --> Shortcuts" interface.
  2. Added "Sub-item Alignment" setting for Text/Label Text, used to control the vertical alignment when mixing text and images or text with different font sizes. Default is center-aligned.
  3. Added support for multi-selection when dragging nodes to project assets to create prefabs in the IDE.
  4. Optimized IDE experience to avoid the appearance of intermediate files like xxx_out.pvr after applying textures when creating cubemaps.
  5. Optimized IDE experience to avoid dragging resources into read-only directories.
  6. Optimized IDE experience by removing the zOrder node property from the IDE panel (this property can only be set via code and takes effect at runtime), avoiding misunderstandings where developers think the property setting in the IDE has no effect (it was never supported for WYSIWYG in the IDE, and the visible layer order adjustment needs to be set through the node order in the Hierarchy panel).
  7. Optimized the style of the drag-and-drop prompt box for layout adjustments in the IDE.

LayaAir 3.1.1 引擎库

29 Feb 12:07
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3.1.1 正式版 更新日志



  1. 修复了启用动画融合后,动画事件回调处理BUG
  2. 修复了Radio在IDE中设置标签居中后,在编辑器中有效,运行中无效的BUG
  3. 修复了Panel组件的scrollTo方法无效的BUG
  4. 修复了3D物理使用physicsCollider组件添加到场景再设置transform的时候位置更新失效的BUG
  5. 修复了3D物理CCD检测的BUG
  6. 修复了微信高性能模式下使用开放域,iOS设备进不去游戏的问题
  7. 修复了2D对象使用材质球,批处理时异常的BUG
  8. 修复了预制体组件引用了预制体本身导致的载入资源时无限等待的问题
  9. 修复了由于不支持深度扩展导致后处理异常问题
  10. 修复了2D物理齿轮关节、距离关节、马达关节、平移关节、旋转关节中的问题


  1. 修复了脚本组件属性面板复制、粘贴、重置功能无效的问题
  2. 修复了IDE登录界面,邮箱登录标签失效的BUG
  3. 修复了预制体拖入场景后,解除预制体绑定,无法直接移除脚本组件的BUG
  4. 修复了粒子系统生命周期下的速度生命周期修改值无效的BUG
  5. 修复了滑轮关节的锚点位置,当节点锚点是0.5的时候,编辑器内的辅助线效果不对的BUG
  6. 修复了打包使用多级目录分包时vivo、OPPO小游戏平台不支持分包名带"/"的问题
  7. 修复了在使用bullet物理引擎的情况下,角色控制器修改radius与height的时候ide内没有及时更新物理辅助线的问题
  8. 修复了层级列表拖动节点改变位置时,插入位置不准确的BUG
  9. 修复了2D物理中发现的全部问题
  10. 修复了使用vscode调试无法断点的问题
  11. 修复了@Property装饰器无法使用脚本UUID作为属性类型的问题(用于规避属性间的循环引用)


  1. 新增支持发布淘宝小游戏

  2. 命令行功能新增指定执行的脚本参数--script-args,例如--script-args="say'helloworld''',那么脚本的参数就会传递("say","hello world");

  3. 多选对象后,属性面板增加了包围信息的显示和编辑:

  4. 插件系统增加了跨进程执行eval脚本的功能,例如:

    let str = await Editor.scene.runScript("window.eval", `
        (function() {
            //do something
            return "hello";
    let ret = await EditorEnv.runUIScript("window.eval", `
        (function() {
            //do something
            return "hello";
  5. 插件系统增加了预览运行进程和UI进程的通讯方式

  6. IDE邮箱注册界面增加邮箱认证码验证功能

  7. 层级面板Ctrl+A功能增加限制,只全选当前选中节点的同级节点,不包含子节点。注意:如果同级节点很多时,请求时间会比较久

  8. 属性面板的数组属性(资源类或者节点对象类),支持从层级面板或者资源面板拖入多个资源批量设置

  9. 3D物理引擎的角色控制器新增支持setLocalOffset接口

  10. 优化了2D物理属性名称、默认值设置、物理辅助线等,使得2D物理更加稳定和易用

LayaAir 3.1.0 引擎库

01 Feb 09:03
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3.1.0 正式版 更新日志




  1. 修复了mesh克隆的BUG
  2. 修复了圆形碰撞体中心点缩放的问题
  3. 修复了2D动画播放过程中通过脚本切换动画导致动画播放不完整的BUG
  4. 修复了InstanceRenderElement中的recover方法中的BUG
  5. 修复了拖尾组件的GradientColor设置之后,缺少边界数据导致插值出现NaN值的BUG
  6. 修复了js版本的PhysX物理库发布微信小游戏后报错的问题
  7. 修复了Box2D的wasm版本中运动学刚体的物理碰撞触发事件无法触发
  8. 修复了小米手机在微信小游戏上使用三指滑动触发截屏之后点击事件回调的触发点个数错误的BUG


  1. 修复了蓝图多标签保存的BUG
  2. 修复了IDE多语言切换的BUG
  3. 修复了纹理资源压缩iOS的ASTC6*6格式在面板上显示问题
  4. 修复了使用TTF字体在设置文本内容后获取高度异常的BUG
  5. 修复了构建发布中“分包选项”的“资源文件夹”无法拖入文件夹的BUG
  6. 修复了自定义脚本组件重置功能的BUG


  1. 新增IDE的命令行调用模块,可以在终端中启动编辑器,并在后台执行脚本。


    > LayaAirIDE --project=/path/to/project --script=MyScript.buildWeb

    --project: 项目路径

    --script: 指定执行的脚本


    class MyScript {
        static async buildWeb() {
            return IEditorEnv.BuildTask.start("web").waitForCompletion();
  2. 新增.obj格式的3D模型资源的导入

  3. 新增插件的国际化支持,通过LayaAirIDE提供的接口,可以实现插件界面国际化以及插件代码里输出的信息国际化。

  4. 新增支持对于2D物理碰撞器形状的单组件开关控制

  5. 新增支持2D物理所有的碰撞形状都可以在物理编辑模式下整体移动

  6. 新增支持圆形碰撞体半径按中心点进行缩放

  7. 新增支持2D物理碰撞器闭合线段的顶点增加功能

  8. 新增支持添加2D物理关节时自动增加刚体组件

  9. 2D物理的多边形和链形碰撞体增加初始化数据

  10. 优化2D物理组件的IDE属性面板的显示以及操作限制

  11. 编译设置新增“保留未被使用的脚本组件”和“字符串编码”选项

LayaAir 3.0.11 引擎库

05 Jan 08:56
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3.0.11 更新日志




  1. 修复了9宫格图片如果有透明区域,剪裁后发布纹理的时候勾选了剪裁图片周边空白,会出现位置不对的BUG
  2. 修复模糊滤镜颜色泛白的BUG
  3. 修复了bullet物理引擎的角色控制器AABB碰撞问题


  1. 修复了Game视图设置缩放后运行会偏移的BUG
  2. 修复了LOD组件的显示BUG
  3. 修复了新建文件夹没有自动进入重命名的BUG
  4. 修复了粒子系统shape模块中box边框渲染Y轴与Z轴反了的BUG
  5. 修复了发布拷贝bin目录逻辑流程的错误
  6. 修复了动画面板输入文本框滚动时候对不上的BUG
  7. 修复了2D预制体中,节点缩放不是1时对齐工具会不正确的BUG


  1. 动作烘焙时,对于重复节点给出提示
  2. 资源的图片过滤检索数量上限增加至5000个
  3. 2D动画曲线面板支持Elastic算法

LayaAir 3.0.9 引擎库

09 Dec 10:22
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3.0.9 更新日志




  1. 修复了设置Laya.stage.fullScreenEnabled为true后,在回调内作用域错误的BUG
  2. 修复了Texture对象引用减少时内含bitmap引用没有同时减少的BUG
  3. 修复了环境光遮蔽AO与景深DOF后处理只能一个生效的BUG
  4. 修复了2D动画设置参数Bool值类型错误的BUG
  5. 修复了文字在设置发光滤镜的时候颜色错误BUG
  6. 修复打开Camera的enableBlitDepth为true时候内存泄漏的BUG


  1. 修复了将时间轴动画面板弹出后,复制和粘贴关键帧会报错的BUG
  2. 修复了动画烘焙后动画控制器的指定入口动画被修改了的BUG
  3. 修复了项目设置中设置的“默认字号”,只对Text起作用,对Label、Button等组件中的文本不起作用的BUG
  4. 修复了预制体根节点设置锚点为0.5后的显示问题
  5. 修复了PC端中对于同一张贴图,BC3压缩格式与RGBA32格式的颜色不一致的BUG
  6. 修复了分包设置为assets下第三级目录及更深目录打包出现mkdir失败报错的BUG
  7. 修复了发布时自动图集中如果有相同大小的图片,可能在多次发布时顺序不一致的问题
  8. 修复了Text组件设置padding时异常的BUG
  9. 修复了动画在IDE预览和浏览器上有效果,在发布为微信小游戏后无动画效果的BUG


  1. 3D工具类中RenderTexture转换为Base64的方法uint8ArrayToArrayBuffer移到2D工具类,使得2D也可以使用该方法,3D中的原方法会指向2D工具类保持兼容。
  2. IDE里已新增支持发布微信小游戏引擎插件

LayaAir 3.0.8 引擎库

27 Nov 04:18
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3.0.8 更新日志




  1. 修复了3D粒子在iOS上出现黑边的BUG
  2. 修复了脚本组件的OnMouseDrag方法无法触发,需要手动注册一个鼠标事件才能触发的BUG
  3. 修复了Tab组件的labelAlign属性设置没有效果的BUG


  1. 修复了导入gltf模型材质显示不正确的BUG
  2. 修复了2D预制体根节点设置锚点为(0.5,0.5)引起的显示问题
  3. 修复了2D节点面板MouseEnabled属性值为false时的不生效问题
  4. 修复了烘焙动画在Mac上报错找不到目录的问题
  5. 修复了发布vivo后关闭,再次发布时出现文件被锁情况导致无法发布,需要手动杀掉进程才行的BUG
  6. 修复了改变嵌套预制体里的预制体节点顺序,刷新后顺序又被重新排列的BUG
  7. 修复了复制嵌套预设中的预设,会解除预设的BUG
  8. 修复了自定义shader声明了纹理参数,在材质面板上赋值纹理之后,再次将纹理设置为null,此时材质面板上修改任意参数的值,纹理内容又重新显示回来了的BUG
  9. 修复了自定义控件作为预制体根节点时,runtime脚本不正确的BUG
  10. 修复了JS插件不勾选“发布时压缩”,但发布时仍然被压缩的BUG
  11. 修复了IDE的2D入门示例模板中panel窗口在手机触摸屏上不能缩放的问题
  12. 修复了某些特别的2D图片在纹理压缩后颜色产生明显差异的问题


  1. 支持小游戏模板目录内的任意目录在发布时均会复制到小游戏目录里
  2. 优化了绘制文字的属性名,Graphics绘制文字的单词stork拼写错误,改为正确的拼写stroke
  3. 限制预制体嵌套自身的预制体,避免因此导致死循环
  4. WEB平台发布增加了是否使用安全扩展名的选项


  1. 动画脚本支持了onStateLoop的回调,动画设置了循环的话,每次循环结束时会被调用;


    const { regClass } = Laya;
    interface AnimatorPlayScriptInfo {
        animator: Laya.Animator | Laya.Animator2D;
        layerindex: number;
        playState: Laya.AnimatorState | Laya.AnimatorState2D;
     * 继承自AnimatorStateScript(动画状态脚本)
    export class AnimationScript1 extends Laya.AnimatorStateScript {
        /**动画的状态信息 */
        playStateInfo: AnimatorPlayScriptInfo = { animator: null, layerindex: -1, playState: null };
        setPlayScriptInfo(animator: Laya.Animator | Laya.Animator2D, layerindex: number, playstate: Laya.AnimatorState | Laya.AnimatorState2D) {
            this.playStateInfo.animator = animator;
            this.playStateInfo.layerindex = layerindex;
            this.playStateInfo.playState = playstate;
         * 动画状态开始时执行。
        onStateEnter(): void {
         * 动画状态运行中
         * @param normalizeTime 0-1动画播放状态
        onStateUpdate(normalizeTime: number): void {
        * 动画状态退出时执行。
        onStateExit(): void {
         * 动画设置了循环的话,每次循环结束时执行
        onStateLoop(): void {
            (this.playStateInfo.animator as Laya.Animator2D).gotoAndStop(, this.playStateInfo.layerindex, 1);

LayaAir 3.0.7 引擎库

19 Oct 12:09
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3.0.7 更新日志




  1. 修复了给文本加上阴影滤镜后,边缘锯齿变的更明显的BUG
  2. 修复了资源_idResourcesMap的key对不上而导致销毁错误的BUG
  3. 修复了websocket连接的wss URL字符串拼接BUG
  4. 修复了单选框组件的labelAlign属性right和center设置无效的BUG
  5. 修复了3D UI缩放默认值错误的问题
  6. 修复了 WebXR 初始化gl错误的BUG


  1. 修复了粒子序列帧修改TextureSheet的frame面板默认Y值无效,需要手动拖动一次曲线才正常的BUG
  2. 修复了预制体在场景内编辑后再次添加保存失败的BUG
  3. 修复了在场景/预制体的tab栏上,按下鼠标滚轮会出现报错的BUG
  4. 修复了Shader名称包含路径时,显示不正确的BUG
  5. 修复了删除场景中的节点后,装饰器暴露的入口处节点仍然存在的BUG
  6. 修复了装饰器@classInfo中使用现有分类,会直接把分类中原来的分类替换掉的BUG
  7. 修复了自定义的RadioGroup单选框组,skin属性为空时控制台报错的问题
  8. 修复了IDE自带的RPG示例中,如果开启视网膜,手机上摇杆无法控制的BUG
  9. 修正了键盘移动选中物体时,无法撤销(undo)操作的BUG


  1. 3D物理中增加碰撞分组的属性暴露,可直接在IDE中设置碰撞分组了
  2. 2D物理增加关节锚点与关节连线的显示,可以更加直观的设置了
  3. 对于不支持生成UV1的骨骼模型,在控制台给出提示,并阻断生成UV1,避免强行生成UV1导致模型出错
  4. 完善了下拉选项框组件的全部中英属性翻译与说明提示
  5. 禁止删除动画状态机最后一个Layer,避免删除后引起报错,以及增加容错机制
  6. 2D物理的圆形碰撞体,优化为以圆心点为半径变化的缩放中心点
  7. 手机和邮箱登录方式登录,在注销或退出登录后,登录界面会保留登录的帐号
  8. 对于非精灵纹理,平铺模式设置非拉伸模式的时候,纹理非2的幂时强制为2的幂,避免设置纹理平铺模式无效的操作误解
  9. 当为纹理统一设置了按钮状态之后,UI组件的按钮状态设置隐藏,避免了设置无效的误解


  1. IDE新增spine 3.7版本的spine库适配



  2. IDE精灵节点的绘制图形功能中新增绘制文本(用于动态文本)