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Layerswap Atomic Bridge

Permissionless, trustless cross-chain bridging protocol without Oracles

The Motivation

An Ideal bridging solution ❌ SHOULD NOT:

  • Rely on third parties
  • Require complex infrastructure
  • Introduce additional security assumptions

It SHOULD be trustless, open to any participant, and free of external dependencies. This is where the concept of Atomic Swaps comes into play. Atomic Swaps allow for permissionless, trustless asset exchange between two parties without relying on any external verification.

Read full article here.

Disclaimer: Development in Progress

Please note that this project is actively under development. It is not ready for deployment on any mainnet environments. As we continue to experiment and test new ideas, expect significant changes to the interface. Please be prepared for ongoing modifications.

Supported Networks

Getting Started


  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
  • Basic understanding of Bitcoin transactions, Smart Contracts, HTLC

Building the project

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

# navigate to the project directory
cd layerswap-atomic-bridge

# install dependencies
npm install

Once you have cloned the repository and installed all dependencies, you can build the project by running the build command. This command will compile the TypeScript files and make sure everything is set up correctly.

npm run build

This command executes the build scripts defined in the package.json file. It sequentially builds each package defined within the monorepo, ensuring that all necessary components are compiled and ready for use.

If you are working on a specific package, such as the bitcoin package, and wish to only build that package, you can do so by running:

npm run build:bitcoin
