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Ecommerce front-end using react, redux tool kit, react-router, and react Query

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Try to work on one challenge at a time and observe my solution. This approach will make it easier later to identify any potential bugs.

Challenge (1) - Setup

  • create vite project with tailwind

Solution (1) - Setup Vite and Tailwind

Tailwind Docs

  • setup vite project
npm create vite@latest comfy-store -- --template react
cd comfy-store
  • add tailwind
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
  • rename to tailwind.config.cjs
  • add following content


/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
  • remove App.css
  • delete contents of index.css
  • delete contents of App.jsx
  • change title
const App = () => {
  return <div>App</div>;
export default App;
  • Add the Tailwind directives to your CSS


@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Tailwind directives are instructions that decide how Tailwind CSS creates the styles for your website. They control the global styles, component styles, and utility classes.

  • start the project "npm run dev"

  • setup first tailwind classes in App.jsx

  • remove StrictMode


const App = () => {
  return <h1 className='text-7xl font-bold underline'>Tailwind project</h1>;
export default App;


  • get project assets

Challenge (2) - Setup DaisyUI

  • DaisyUI

  • add and configure daisyui to our project

  • add TailwindCSS Typography plugin

Solution (2) - Setup DaisyUI


npm i  -D daisyui@latest @tailwindcss/typography


 plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/typography'), require('daisyui')],

Install All Libraries

npm i axios@1.4.0 dayjs@1.11.9 @reduxjs/toolkit@1.9.5 @tanstack/react-query@4.32.6 @tanstack/react-query-devtools@4.32.6 react-icons@4.10.1 react-redux@8.1.2 react-router-dom@6.14.2 react-toastify@9.1.3

Challenge (3) - Create All Pages

  • create pages directory
  • create all pages and export from index.js
  • About, Cart, Checkout, Error, HomeLayout, Landing, Login, Orders, Products, Register, SingleProduct
  • import in app.jsx

Solution (3) - Create All Pages


const About = () => {
  return <h1 className='text-4xl'>About</h1>;
export default About;


export { default as HomeLayout } from './HomeLayout';
export { default as Landing } from './Landing';
export { default as SingleProduct } from './SingleProduct';
export { default as Products } from './Products';
export { default as Cart } from './Cart';
export { default as Error } from './Error';
export { default as About } from './About';
export { default as Login } from './Login';
export { default as Register } from './Register';
export { default as Checkout } from './Checkout';
export { default as Orders } from './Orders';


import {
} from './pages';

Challenge (4) - React Router

  • configure react router
  • setup initial route structure hint : look for nested UI (basically navbar)


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import necessary modules from the 'react-router-dom' library.
  2. Create Router Configuration:

    • Use the createBrowserRouter function to set up a router configuration.
    • Define an array of route objects, each representing a different route in your application.
    • Configure routes for different paths, including components like HomeLayout, Landing, Products, etc.
  3. Create Router Instance:

    • Create a router instance using the createBrowserRouter function and pass in the defined route configuration.
  4. Define App Component:

    • Create a functional component named App.
    • Return a RouterProvider component and pass in the created router instance as a prop.
  5. Export App Component:

    • Export the App component as the default export of the module.

Solution (4) - React Router


import { RouterProvider, createBrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <HomeLayout />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    children: [
        index: true,
        element: <Landing />,
        path: 'products',
        element: <Products />,
        path: 'products/:id',
        element: <SingleProduct />,
        path: 'cart',
        element: <Cart />,
      { path: 'about', element: <About /> },
        path: 'checkout',
        element: <Checkout />,
        path: 'orders',
        element: <Orders />,
    path: '/login',
    element: <Login />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    path: '/register',
    element: <Register />,
    errorElement: <Error />,

const App = () => {
  return <RouterProvider router={router} />;
export default App;


import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';

const HomeLayout = () => {
  return (
        <span className='text-4xl text-primary'>Comfy</span>
      <Outlet />
export default HomeLayout;

Challenge (5) - Error Page

  • complete error page
  • create two returns
  • first for 404 errors
  • second for all other errors
  • log the error
  • add option to navigate home


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import the necessary modules useRouteError and Link from the 'react-router-dom' library.
  2. Create Error Component:

    • Define a functional component named Error.
    • Inside the component, use the useRouteError hook to get information about the route error.
    • Check the status of the error using error.status.
  3. Conditional Rendering for 404 Error:

    • If the error status is 404, render a main element with a grid layout and centered content.
    • Display a large "404" text, a title "Page not found," and a description.
    • Include a link back to the home page using the Link component.
  4. Conditional Rendering for Other Errors:

    • If the error status is not 404, render a main element with a grid layout and centered content.
    • Display a text message indicating that there was an error.
  5. Export Error Component:

    • Export the Error component as the default export of the module.

Solution (5) - Error Page


import { useRouteError, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
const Error = () => {
  const error = useRouteError();
  if (error.status === 404)
    return (
      <main className='grid min-h-[100vh] place-items-center px-8 '>
        <div className='text-center'>
          <p className='text-9xl font-semibold text-primary'>404</p>
          <h1 className='mt-4 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight sm:text-5xl'>
            Page not found
          <p className='mt-6 text-lg leading-7 '>
            Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for.
          <div className='mt-10 '>
            <Link to='/' className='btn btn-secondary'>
              Go back home

  return (
    <main className='grid min-h-[100vh] place-items-center px-8 '>
      <h4 className='text-center font-bold text-4xl'>there was an error... </h4>
export default Error;

Challenge (6) - Input Field Component

  • create components folder with index.js
  • in daisyui
  • find Text input component
  • more specifically "With form-control and labels"
  • set it as component (in my case FormInput.jsx)
  • decide on props
  • export from index.js
  • test in login


  1. Create FormInput Component:

    • Define a functional component named FormInput.
    • The component accepts the following props: label, name, type, and defaultValue.
  2. FormInput Structure:

    • Inside the component, return a div element with the class form-control, which provides styling for form inputs.
    • Within this div, create a label element with the class label.
    • Inside the label, use the label-text class to display the capitalized label text provided through the props.
  3. Input Element:

    • After the label, create an input element.
    • Set the type attribute of the input element to the value provided through the type prop.
    • Set the name attribute of the input element to the value provided through the name prop.
    • Use the defaultValue prop to set the initial value of the input element.
    • Apply the input and input-bordered classes to the input element for styling.
  4. Export FormInput Component:

    • Export the FormInput component as the default export of the module.

Solution (6) - Input Field Component


export { default as FormInput } from './FormInput';


const FormInput = ({ label, name, type, defaultValue }) => {
  return (
    <div className='form-control '>
      <label className='label'>
        <span className='label-text capitalize'>{label}</span>
        className='input input-bordered '
export default FormInput;

Challenge (7) - Login Page Structure

  • setup structure for login page (use complete project as reference)
  • check for loading state and disable submit button
  • setup submit button in a separate component
  • add loading spinner


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import useNavigation from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the SubmitBtn Component:

    • Define a functional component named SubmitBtn.

    • Accept a prop text.

    • Inside the component, use the useNavigation() hook to access navigation state.

    • Determine whether the form is submitting by checking if navigation.state is equal to 'submitting'.

    • Return a button element with the following attributes:

      • Type set to 'submit'.

      • Class set to 'btn btn-primary btn-block'.

      • Disabled attribute set to the value of isSubmitting.

      • Inside the button element, use a conditional rendering:

        • If isSubmitting is true:
          • Render a span element with class 'loading loading-spinner'.
          • Render the text 'sending...'.
        • If isSubmitting is false:
          • Render the text prop if provided, otherwise render 'submit'.


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import FormInput and SubmitBtn components from the '../components' directory.
    • Import Form and Link from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the Login Component:

    • Define a functional component named Login.

    • Return a section element with class 'h-screen grid place-items-center'.

      • Inside the section element, create a Form element with the following attributes:

        • method set to 'post'.

        • Class set to 'card w-96 p-8 bg-base-100 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-y-4'.

        • Inside the Form element, create an h4 element with class 'text-center text-3xl font-bold' containing the text 'Login'.

        • Use the FormInput component twice:

          • First, for an email input with type 'email', label 'email', name 'identifier', and defaultValue ''.
          • Second, for a password input with type 'password', label 'password', name 'password', and defaultValue 'secret'.
        • Create a div element with class 'mt-4'.

          • Inside the div element, use the SubmitBtn component with a prop text set to 'login'.
        • Create a button element with the following attributes:

          • Type set to 'button'.
          • Class set to 'btn btn-secondary btn-block'.
          • Text content set to 'guest user'.
        • Create a p element with class 'text-center'.

          • Inside the p element, display the text 'Not a member yet?'.

          • Create a Link element with the following attributes:

            • to set to '/register'.
            • Class set to 'ml-2 link link-hover link-primary capitalize'.
            • Text content set to 'register'.

Solution (7) - Login Page Structure


import { FormInput, SubmitBtn } from '../components';
import { Form, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Login = () => {
  return (
    <section className='h-screen grid place-items-center'>
        className='card w-96 p-8 bg-base-100 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-y-4'
        <h4 className='text-center text-3xl font-bold'>Login</h4>
        <div className='mt-4'>
          <SubmitBtn text='login' />
        <button type='button' className='btn btn-secondary btn-block'>
          guest user
        <p className='text-center'>
          Not a member yet?
            className='ml-2 link link-hover link-primary capitalize'
export default Login;


import { useNavigation } from 'react-router-dom';
const SubmitBtn = ({ text }) => {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  const isSubmitting = navigation.state === 'submitting';
  return (
      className='btn btn-primary btn-block'
      {isSubmitting ? (
          <span className='loading loading-spinner'></span>
      ) : (
        text || 'submit'
export default SubmitBtn;

Challenge (8) - Register Page Structure

  • setup structure for register page (use complete project as reference)


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import FormInput and SubmitBtn components from the '../components' directory.
    • Import Form and Link from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the Register Component:

    • Define a functional component named Register.

    • Return a section element with class 'h-screen grid place-items-center'.

      • Inside the section element, create a Form element with the following attributes:

        • method set to 'POST'.

        • Class set to 'card w-96 p-8 bg-base-100 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-y-4'.

        • Inside the Form element, create an h4 element with class 'text-center text-3xl font-bold' containing the text 'Register'.

        • Use the FormInput component three times:

          • First, for a text input with type 'text', label 'username', and name 'username'.
          • Second, for an email input with type 'email', label 'email', and name 'email'.
          • Third, for a password input with type 'password', label 'password', and name 'password'.
        • Create a div element with class 'mt-4'.

          • Inside the div element, use the SubmitBtn component with a prop text set to 'register'.
        • Create a p element with class 'text-center'.

          • Inside the p element, display the text 'Already a member?'.

          • Create a Link element with the following attributes:

            • to set to '/login'.
            • Class set to 'ml-2 link link-hover link-primary capitalize'.
            • Text content set to 'login'.

Solution (8) - Register Page Structure

import { FormInput, SubmitBtn } from '../components';
import { Form, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Register = () => {
  return (
    <section className='h-screen grid place-items-center'>
        className='card w-96 p-8 bg-base-100 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-y-4'
        <h4 className='text-center text-3xl font-bold'>Register</h4>
        <FormInput type='text' label='username' name='username' />
        <FormInput type='email' label='email' name='email' />
        <FormInput type='password' label='password' name='password' />
        <div className='mt-4'>
          <SubmitBtn text='register' />

        <p className='text-center'>
          Already a member?
            className='ml-2 link link-hover link-primary capitalize'
export default Register;

Challenge (9) - Custom Class

  • create custom class
  • align content
  • add to HomeLayout Outlet component

Solution (9) - Custom Class


@layer components {
  .align-element {
    @apply mx-auto max-w-6xl px-8;
<section className='align-element py-20'>
  <Outlet />

Challenge (10) - Header Component

  • setup and render header component in HomeLayout
  • add two links - Login and Register


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import Link from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the Header Component:

    • Define a functional component named Header.

    • Return a header element with classes 'bg-neutral py-2 text-neutral-content'.

      • Inside the header element, create a div element with classes 'align-element flex justify-center sm:justify-end'.

        • Inside the div element, create another div element with classes 'flex gap-x-6 justify-center items-center'.

          • Use the Link component twice:

            • First, create a Link to '/login' with the following attributes:

              • Class set to 'link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'.
              • Text content set to 'Sign in / Guest'.
            • Second, create a Link to '/register' with the following attributes:

              • Class set to 'link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'.
              • Text content set to 'Create an Account'.

Solution (10) - Header Component

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Header = () => {
  return (
    <header className=' bg-neutral py-2 text-neutral-content '>
      <div className='align-element flex justify-center sm:justify-end '>
        {/* USER */}
        {/* LINKS */}
        <div className='flex gap-x-6 justify-center items-center'>
          <Link to='/login' className='link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'>
            Sign in / Guest
          <Link to='/register' className='link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'>
            Create an Account
export default Header;

Challenge (11) - Navbar Structure

  • create components/Navbar.jsx
  • setup initial structure
  • use Daisy navbar component
  • "# responsive (dropdown menu on small screen, center menu on large screen)"
  • import icons from react-icons
  • render in HomeLayout.jsx


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import icons BsCart3, BsMoonFill, BsSunFill, and FaBarsStaggered from their respective packages.
    • Import NavLink from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the Navbar Component:

    • Define a functional component named Navbar.

    • Return a nav element with class 'bg-base-200'.

      • Inside the nav element, create a div element with class 'navbar align-element '.

        • Inside the first div element, create another div element with class 'navbar-start'.

          • Create a NavLink to '/' with the following attributes:

            • Class set to 'hidden lg:flex btn btn-primary text-3xl items-center '.
          • Create a div element with class 'dropdown'.

            • Create a label element with tabIndex={0} and class 'btn btn-ghost lg:hidden'.

            • Create a ul element with tabIndex={0} and class 'menu menu-sm dropdown-content mt-3 z-[1] p-2 shadow bg-base-200 rounded-box w-52'.

        • Inside the second div element, create a div element with class 'navbar-center hidden lg:flex'.

          • Create a ul element with class 'menu menu-horizontal '.
        • Inside the third div element, create another div element with class 'navbar-end'.

          • Create a NavLink to 'cart' with the following attributes:

            • Class set to 'btn btn-ghost btn-circle btn-md ml-4'.

            • Inside the NavLink, create a div element with class 'indicator'.

              • Add the BsCart3 icon component with class 'h-6 w-6'.

              • Create a span element with classes 'badge badge-sm badge-primary indicator-item' and text content '8'.

Solution (11) - Navbar Structure

import { BsCart3, BsMoonFill, BsSunFill } from 'react-icons/bs';
import { FaBarsStaggered } from 'react-icons/fa6';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';

const Navbar = () => {
  return (
    <nav className='bg-base-200'>
      <div className='navbar align-element '>
        <div className='navbar-start'>
          {/* Title */}
            className='hidden lg:flex btn btn-primary text-3xl items-center '
          {/* DROPDOWN */}
          <div className='dropdown'>
            <label tabIndex={0} className='btn btn-ghost lg:hidden'>
              <FaBarsStaggered className='h-6 w-6' />
              className='menu menu-sm dropdown-content mt-3 z-[1] p-2 shadow bg-base-200 rounded-box w-52'
              nav links
        <div className='navbar-center hidden lg:flex'>
          <ul className='menu menu-horizontal '>nav links</ul>
        <div className='navbar-end'>
          {/* THEME ICONS */}
          {/* CART LINK*/}
          <NavLink to='cart' className='btn btn-ghost btn-circle btn-md ml-4'>
            <div className='indicator'>
              <BsCart3 className='h-6 w-6' />
              <span className='badge badge-sm badge-primary indicator-item'>
export default Navbar;

Challenge (12) - NavLinks

  • create NavLinks component
  • setup an array of links
  • iterate over and setup return


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import NavLink from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the NavLinks Component:

    • Define a functional component named NavLinks.

    • Return a fragment (<>...</>) to contain the list of navigation links.

      • Use the .map() function to iterate over the links array.

        • For each link object, extract the id, url, and text.

        • Create an li element with a key attribute set to id.

          • Inside the li element, create a NavLink with the following attributes:

            • Class set to 'capitalize'.

            • to attribute set to the url.

            • Text content set to the text.

Solution (12) - NavLinks


const links = [
  { id: 1, url: '/', text: 'home' },
  { id: 2, url: 'about', text: 'about' },
  { id: 3, url: 'products', text: 'products' },
  { id: 4, url: 'cart', text: 'cart' },
  { id: 5, url: 'checkout', text: 'checkout' },
  { id: 6, url: 'orders', text: 'orders' },
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';

const NavLinks = () => {
  return (
      { => {
        const { id, url, text } = link;
        return (
          <li key={id}>
            <NavLink className='capitalize' to={url}>
export default NavLinks;

Challenge (13) - Toggle Component

  • add daisyui swap component

Solution (13) - Toggle Component

import { useState } from 'react';

const [theme, setTheme] = useState(false);

const handleTheme = () => {
<div className='navbar-end'>
  <label className='swap swap-rotate '>
    {/* this hidden checkbox controls the state */}
    <input type='checkbox' onChange={handleTheme} />

    {/* sun icon */}
    <BsSunFill className='swap-on h-4 w-4' />

    {/* moon icon */}
    <BsMoonFill className='swap-off h-4 w-4' />

Challenge (14) - Set Themes

  • add few themes from daisyui
  • test in index.html

Solution (14) - Set Themes


  daisyui: {
    themes: ['winter', 'dracula'],
<html lang="en" data-theme="winter"></html>

Challenge (15) - Change Theme

  • change theme with toggle component


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import useEffect and useState from 'react'.
  • Theme Configuration:

    • Define a themes object with theme names as keys.
  • Local Storage Theme Retrieval:

    • Create a function named getThemeFromLocalStorage.
      • Return the value of the 'theme' key from localStorage or the default theme 'winter'.
  • Logic:

    • Create a state variable theme using the useState hook and initialize it with the result of getThemeFromLocalStorage().
    • Define a function handleTheme that toggles between the 'winter' and 'dracula' themes based on the current theme.
    • Use the useEffect hook to apply the selected theme to the document.documentElement and store the theme value in localStorage.
    • ... (rest of the component implementation)

Solution (15) - Change Theme

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const themes = {
  winter: 'winter',
  dracula: 'dracula',

const getThemeFromLocalStorage = () => {
  return localStorage.getItem('theme') || themes.winter;

const Navbar = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(getThemeFromLocalStorage());

  const handleTheme = () => {
    const { winter, dracula } = themes;
    const newTheme = theme === winter ? dracula : winter;

  useEffect(() => {
    document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', theme);
    localStorage.setItem('theme', theme);
  }, [theme]);


Challenge (16) - About Page

  • setup about page


  • About Component:
    • Define the About component.
      • Return a fragment containing the following elements:
        • A div with classes flex, flex-wrap, gap-2, sm:gap-x-6, items-center, and justify-center.
          • Inside the div, an h1 with classes text-4xl, font-bold, leading-none, and tracking-tight, with the text "We love".
          • Inside the div, a div with classes stats, bg-primary, and shadow.
            • Inside the nested div, another div with class stat.
              • Inside this div, a div with classes stat-title, text-primary-content, text-4xl, font-bold, and tracking-widest, containing the text "comfy".
        • A p element with classes mt-6, text-lg, leading-8, max-w-2xl, and mx-auto, containing sample Lorem ipsum text.

Solution (16) - About Page

const About = () => {
  return (
      <div className='flex flex-wrap gap-2 sm:gap-x-6 items-center justify-center'>
        <h1 className='text-4xl font-bold leading-none tracking-tight sm:text-6xl '>
          We love
        <div className='stats bg-primary shadow'>
          <div className='stat'>
            <div className='stat-title text-primary-content text-4xl font-bold tracking-widest'>
      <p className='mt-6 text-lg leading-8 max-w-2xl mx-auto'>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic veniam
        odit, officiis eos mollitia alias, doloremque, aspernatur ratione
        asperiores voluptas labore minus dolores reprehenderit corporis quos.
        Assumenda molestias harum dignissimos?
export default About;

Challenge (17) - Hero Component

  • setup hero component in landing page


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import Link from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Hero Component:

    • Define the Hero component.
      • Create an array carouselImages containing imported image paths.
      • Return a div with classes grid, grid-cols-1, lg:grid-cols-2, gap-24, and items-center.
        • Inside this div, another div.
          • Inside this div, an h1 with classes max-w-2xl, text-4xl, font-bold, and tracking-tight, containing the text "We’re changing the way people shop."
          • Next, a p element with classes mt-8, max-w-xl, text-lg, and leading-8, containing sample Lorem ipsum text.
          • Following that, a div with class mt-10.
            • Inside the div, a Link component with props to='products' and classes btn and btn-primary, containing the text "Our Products".
        • Another div with classes hidden, h-[28rem], lg:carousel, carousel-center, p-4, space-x-4, bg-neutral, and rounded-box.
          • Inside this div, a JavaScript map function iterating over carouselImages.
            • For each image, a div with class carousel-item.
              • Inside the div, an img element with attributes src set to the image path and classes rounded-box, h-full, w-80, and object-cover.

Challenge (17) - Hero Component


import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import hero1 from '../assets/hero1.webp';
import hero2 from '../assets/hero2.webp';
import hero3 from '../assets/hero3.webp';
import hero4 from '../assets/hero4.webp';

const carouselImages = [hero1, hero2, hero3, hero4];
const Hero = () => {
  return (
    <div className=' grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 gap-24 items-center'>
        <h1 className='max-w-2xl text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight  sm:text-6xl '>
          We’re changing the way people shop.

        <p className='mt-8 max-w-xl text-lg leading-8'>
          Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem
          cupidatat commodo. Elit sunt amet fugiat veniam occaecat fugiat
          aliqua. Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure
          qui lorem cupidatat commodo.
        <div className='mt-10 '>
          <Link to='products' className='btn btn-primary '>
            Our Products
      <div className='hidden  h-[28rem] lg:carousel carousel-center   p-4 space-x-4 bg-neutral rounded-box'>
        {, index) => {
          return (
            <div key={image} className='carousel-item'>
                className='rounded-box h-full w-80  object-cover'
export default Hero;

Challenge (18) - Axios Custom Instance

  • explore api
  • create utils/index.js
  • setup custom axios instance
  • figure out the base url
  • setup thunder client (optional)

Challenge (18) - Axios Custom Instance

import axios from 'axios';

const productionUrl = '';

export const customFetch = axios.create({
  baseURL: productionUrl,

Challenge (19) - Landing Loader

  • setup ErrorElement
  • add to Loading Page
  • setup a loader
  • fetch only featured products
  • return products


  1. Create ErrorElement Component:

    • Define a functional component named ErrorElement.
  2. Import Dependencies:

    • Import the useRouteError hook from 'react-router-dom'.
  3. Get Route Error:

    • Inside the component, use the useRouteError hook to retrieve the error information from the current route.
  4. Display Error Message:

    • Return an h4 element with the classes font-bold and text-4xl.
    • Set the content of the h4 element to "there was an error..."
  5. Export ErrorElement Component:

    • Export the ErrorElement component as the default export of the module.

Solution (19) - Landing Loader


import { useRouteError } from 'react-router-dom';
const ErrorElement = () => {
  const error = useRouteError();

  return <h4 className='font-bold text-4xl'>there was an error... </h4>;
export default ErrorElement;


import { ErrorElement } from './components';
// loaders
import { loader as landingLoader } from './pages/Landing';
// actions

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <HomeLayout />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    children: [
        index: true,
        element: <Landing />,
        loader: landingLoader,
        errorElement: ErrorElement,


import { Hero } from '../components';

import { customFetch } from '../utils';
const url = '/products?featured=true';

export const loader = async () => {
  const response = await customFetch(url);
  const products =;
  return { products };

const Landing = () => {
  return (
      <Hero />
export default Landing;

Challenge (20) - Featured Products

  • create FeaturedProducts, SectionTitle and ProductsGrid components
  • render SectionTitle and ProductsGrid in FeaturedProducts
  • setup SectionTitle
  • in ProductsGrid access and render products from loader


  1. Create SectionTitle Component:

    • Define a functional component named SectionTitle.
  2. Component Props:

    • The component should accept a prop named text.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element with the classes border-b border-base-300 pb-5.
    • Inside the div, place an h2 element with the classes text-3xl, font-medium, tracking-wider, and capitalize.
    • Set the content of the h2 element to the value of the text prop.
  4. Export SectionTitle Component:

    • Export the SectionTitle component as the default export of the module.


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import ProductsGrid from './ProductsGrid'.
    • Import SectionTitle from './SectionTitle'.
  2. Create FeaturedProducts Component:

    • Define a functional component named FeaturedProducts.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element with the class pt-24.
    • Inside the div, include a SectionTitle component with the prop text set to 'featured products'.
    • Include a ProductsGrid component.
  4. Export FeaturedProducts Component:

    • Export the FeaturedProducts component as the default export of the module.


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import Link and useLoaderData from 'react-router-dom'.
  2. Create ProductsGrid Component:

    • Define a functional component named ProductsGrid.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Inside the component, destructure the products data using useLoaderData.
    • Return a div element with the classes pt-12 grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3.
    • Use the .map() function to iterate through each product in the products array.
  4. Product Card:

    • For each product, destructure the attributes such as title, price, and image.
    • Create a Link component that has the following:
      • key attribute set to
      • to attribute set to /products/${}.
      • className attribute with classes for styling.
    • Inside the Link, create a figure element with the class px-4 pt-4 to hold the product image.
    • Within the figure, include an img element with the src attribute set to image, alt attribute set to title, and classes for styling.
    • Below the figure, create a div element with the class card-body items-center text-center.
    • Inside the div, display the title using a h2 element with classes for styling.
    • Display the price using a span element with the class text-secondary.
  5. Export ProductsGrid Component:

    • Export the ProductsGrid component as the default export of the module.

Solution (20) - Featured Products


const SectionTitle = ({ text }) => {
  return (
    <div className='border-b border-base-300 pb-5'>
      <h2 className='text-3xl font-medium tracking-wider capitalize'>{text}</h2>
export default SectionTitle;


import ProductsGrid from './ProductsGrid';
import SectionTitle from './SectionTitle';
const FeaturedProducts = () => {
  return (
    <div className='pt-24 '>
      <SectionTitle text='featured products' />
      <ProductsGrid />
export default FeaturedProducts;


import { Link, useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
const ProductsGrid = () => {
  const { products } = useLoaderData();

  return (
    <div className='pt-12 grid gap-4 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 '>
      { => {
        const { title, price, image } = product.attributes;
        const dollarsAmount = price;
        return (
            className='card w-full  shadow-xl hover:shadow-2xl transition duration-300 '
            <figure className='px-4 pt-4'>
                className='rounded-xl h-64 md:h-48 w-full object-cover'
            <div className='card-body items-center text-center'>
              <h2 className='card-title capitalize tracking-wider'>{title}</h2>
              <span className='text-secondary'>{dollarsAmount}</span>
export default ProductsGrid;

Challenge (21) - Format Price

  • payment providers need in smallest unit
    • in this case cents
  • in utils setup a function to format price
  • utilize in ProductsGrid

Solution (21) - Format Price

  • utils/index.js
export const formatPrice = (price) => {
  const dollarsAmount = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'USD',
  }).format((price / 100).toFixed(2));
  return dollarsAmount;

Challenge (22) - Single Product

  • complete in multiple steps
  • fetch and render single product
  • don't forget about the colors and amount options
  • extra credit - set amount options dynamically


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import useLoaderData from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import formatPrice, customFetch, and useState from '../utils'.
    • Import Link from 'react-router-dom'.
  2. Define Loader Function:

    • Define a loader function that fetches product data based on the
    • Use customFetch to fetch the product data from /products/${}.
    • Return an object containing the fetched product data.
  3. Create SingleProduct Component:

    • Define a functional component named SingleProduct.
  4. Component Structure:

    • Inside the component, destructure the product data using useLoaderData.
    • Destructure attributes like image, title, price, description, colors, and company.
    • Create a dollarsAmount variable by formatting the price using formatPrice.
    • Use useState to manage the productColor and amount state.
  5. Display Product Information:

    • Return a section element to encapsulate the component content.
    • Display breadcrumb navigation using Link components for Home and Products pages.
  6. Product Display:

    • Create a div with classes for styling and a grid layout.
    • Display the product image using an img element with classes for styling.
  7. Product Info:

    • Within a div, display the product title, company, and dollarsAmount.
  8. Description:

    • Display the product description using a p element.
  9. Colors:

    • Display available product colors using a div with classes for styling.
    • Map through the colors array and create a button for each color.
    • Add appropriate classes and styles for the color button based on the selected productColor.
  10. Amount:

    • Display a dropdown for selecting the product amount using a div.
    • Use a select element with options for different amounts.
    • Set the value of the select to the amount state and handle changes with handleAmount function.
  11. Cart Button:

    • Display an "Add to bag" button using a button element with appropriate classes and an onClick event handler.
  12. Export SingleProduct Component:

    • Export the SingleProduct component as the default export of the module.

Solution (22) - Single Product

  • import and setup loader in the App.jsx
import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
import { formatPrice, customFetch } from '../utils';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useState } from 'react';

export const loader = async ({ params }) => {
  const response = await customFetch(`/products/${}`);
  return { product: };

const SingleProduct = () => {
  const { product } = useLoaderData();
  const { image, title, price, description, colors, company } =
  const dollarsAmount = formatPrice(price);
  const [productColor, setProductColor] = useState(colors[0]);
  const [amount, setAmount] = useState(1);

  const handleAmount = (e) => {

  return (
      <div className='text-md breadcrumbs'>
            <Link to='/'>Home</Link>
            <Link to='/products'>Products</Link>
      {/* PRODUCT */}
      <div className='mt-6 grid gap-y-8 lg:grid-cols-2  lg:gap-x-16'>
        {/* IMAGE */}
          className='w-96 h-96 object-cover rounded-lg lg:w-full  '
        {/* PRODUCT INFO */}
          <h1 className='capitalize text-3xl font-bold'>{title}</h1>
          <h4 className='text-xl text-neutral-content font-bold mt-2'>

          <p className='mt-3 text-xl'>{dollarsAmount}</p>

          <p className='mt-6 leading-8'>{description}</p>

          {/* COLORS */}
          <div className='mt-6'>
            <h4 className='text-md font-medium tracking-wider capitalize'>
            <div className='mt-2'>
              { => {
                return (
                    className={`badge  w-6 h-6 mr-2  ${
                      color === productColor && 'border-2 border-secondary'
                    style={{ backgroundColor: color }}
                    onClick={() => setProductColor(color)}
          {/* AMOUNT */}
          <div className='form-control w-full max-w-xs'>
            <label className='label'>
              <h4 className='text-md font-medium tracking-wider capitalize'>
              className='select select-secondary select-bordered select-md'
              <option value={1}>1</option>
              <option value={2}>2</option>
              <option value={3}>3</option>
          {/* CART BUTTON */}
          <div className='mt-10 '>
              className='btn btn-secondary btn-md'
              onClick={() => console.log('add to bag')}
              Add to bag
export default SingleProduct;
  • rename to index.jsx


export const generateAmountOptions = (number) => {
  return Array.from({ length: number }, (_, index) => {
    const amount = index + 1;

    return (
      <option key={amount} value={amount}>

Array.from({ length: number }, (, index) => { ... }): This part uses the Array.from method to create an array of a specific length, determined by the number parameter. The second argument of the Array.from method is a callback function that will be invoked for each element in the array. The underscore () is a placeholder for the current element (which we don't need in this case), and index is the index of the current element.

const amount = index + 1;: Inside the callback function, this line calculates the amount value based on the index. Since the index starts from 0 but you want amount to start from 1, you add 1 to the index.

Challenge (23) - Products Page (Setup)

  • create following components and render in products page
    • Filters
    • ProductsContainer
    • PaginationContainer
  • in products page loader fetch all products


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import Filters, PaginationContainer, and ProductsContainer from '../components'.
    • Import customFetch from '../utils'.
  2. Define URL and Loader Function:

    • Define a constant url containing the URL path to fetch products from.
    • Define a loader function that fetches product data from the defined URL.
    • Use customFetch to fetch the product data from the url.
    • Extract products and meta information from the response and return them.
  3. Create Products Component:

    • Define a functional component named Products.
  4. Component Structure:

    • Return a Fragment element (<>...</>) to wrap the component content.
  5. Filters Component:

    • Include the Filters component to allow users to apply filters to the product list.
  6. ProductsContainer Component:

    • Include the ProductsContainer component to display the list of products.
  7. PaginationContainer Component:

    • Include the PaginationContainer component to manage product list pagination.
  8. Export Products Component:

    • Export the Products component as the default export of the module.

Solution (23) - Products Page (Setup)

  • import and setup loader in app.jsx


import { Filters, PaginationContainer, ProductsContainer } from '../components';
import { customFetch } from '../utils';

const url = '/products';
export const loader = async ({ request }) => {
  const response = await customFetch(url);

  const products =;
  const meta =;
  return { products, meta };

const Products = () => {
  return (
      <Filters />
      <ProductsContainer />
      <PaginationContainer />
export default Products;

Challenge (24) - Products Container

  • create ProductsList and render products in one column
  • setup header (with total jobs and toggle buttons)
  • toggle between ProductsGrid and ProductsList


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import formatPrice from '../utils'.
    • Import Link and useLoaderData from 'react-router-dom'.
  2. Create ProductList Component:

    • Define a functional component named ProductList.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element containing a list of products.
  4. Loop Through Products:

    • Use the useLoaderData hook to get the products data from the loader.
    • Use the map function to loop through each product in the products array.
  5. Product Link:

    • For each product, create a Link element that links to the individual product page.
    • Use the as the link path (to={/products/${}}).
    • Add CSS classes to style the link and apply hover effects.
  6. Product Image:

    • Display the product image inside an img element.
    • Apply appropriate classes for styling and responsive design.
    • Add hover effect to the image using CSS classes.
  7. Product Details:

    • Display the product title and company using h3 and h4 elements.
    • Add classes for font styles and responsiveness.
  8. Product Price:

    • Display the formatted price using the formatPrice function.
    • Use a p element with appropriate classes for styling.
  9. Export ProductList Component:

    • Export the ProductList component as the default export of the module.


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import useLoaderData from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import ProductsGrid and ProductsList from their respective paths.
    • Import useState from 'react'.
    • Import BsFillGridFill and BsList from 'react-icons/bs'.
  2. Create ProductsContainer Component:

    • Define a functional component named ProductsContainer.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element containing the products container.
  4. Total Products Count:

    • Use the useLoaderData hook to get the meta data from the loader.
    • Extract the total count of products from meta.pagination.
    • Use a conditional statement to handle the plural form of the word "product".
  5. Layout State and Styles:

    • Use the useState hook to manage the layout state (grid or list).
    • Create a helper function setActiveStyles to generate the CSS classes based on the active layout.
    • Return appropriate CSS classes for active and inactive layouts.
  6. Header Section:

    • Create a div for the header section containing the product count and layout buttons.
    • Display the total number of products using the extracted totalProducts count.
    • Create a button for grid layout and a button for list layout.
    • Attach click event handlers to the buttons to set the layout state.
  7. Products Display:

    • Create a div to display the products.
    • Use conditional rendering to handle cases where no products match the search or when products are present.
    • If no products match the search, display a message.
    • If products are present and the layout is 'grid', display the ProductsGrid component.
    • If products are present and the layout is 'list', display the ProductsList component.
  8. Export ProductsContainer Component:

    • Export the ProductsContainer component as the default export of the module.

Solution (24) - Products Container


import { formatPrice } from '../utils';
import { Link, useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';

const ProductList = () => {
  const { products } = useLoaderData();
  return (
    <div className='mt-12 grid gap-y-8'>
      { => {
        const { title, price, image, company } = product.attributes;
        const dollarsAmount = formatPrice(price);

        return (
            className='p-8 rounded-lg flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-y-4 flex-wrap bg-base-100 shadow-xl hover:shadow-2xl duration-300 group'
              className='h-24 w-24 rounded-lg sm:h-32 sm:w-32 object-cover group-hover:scale-105 transition duration-300'
            <div className='ml-0 sm:ml-16'>
              <h3 className='capitalize font-medium text-lg'>{title}</h3>
              <h4 className='capitalize text-md text-neutral-content'>

              {/* COLOR */}

            <p className='font-medium ml-0 sm:ml-auto text-lg'>

export default ProductList;


import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
import ProductsGrid from './ProductsGrid';
import ProductsList from './ProductsList';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { BsFillGridFill, BsList } from 'react-icons/bs';

const ProductsContainer = () => {
  const { meta } = useLoaderData();
  const totalProducts =;
  const [layout, setLayout] = useState('grid');

  const setActiveStyles = (pattern) => {
    return `text-xl btn btn-circle btn-sm ${
      pattern === layout
        ? 'btn-primary text-primary-content'
        : 'btn-ghost text-base-content'

  return (
      {/* HEADER */}
      <div className='flex justify-between items-center mt-8 border-b border-base-300 pb-5'>
        <h4 className='font-medium text-md'>
          {totalProducts} product{totalProducts > 1 && 's'}
        <div className='flex gap-x-2'>
            onClick={() => setLayout('grid')}
            <BsFillGridFill />

            onClick={() => setLayout('list')}
            <BsList />

      {/* PRODUCTS */}
        {totalProducts === 0 ? (
          <h5 className='text-2xl mt-16'>
            Sorry, no products matched your search...
        ) : layout === 'grid' ? (
          <ProductsGrid />
        ) : (
          <ProductsList />

export default ProductsContainer;

Challenge (25) - Filters (Search Input)

  • add size to prop FormInput.jsx
  • render search input, submit button and reset button

Solution (25) - Filters (Search Input)


const FormInput = ({ label, name, type, defaultValue, size }) => {
  return (
    <div className='form-control'>
      <label htmlFor={name} className='label'>
        <span className='label-text capitalize'>{label}</span>
        className={`input input-bordered ${size}`}
export default FormInput;


import { Form, useLoaderData, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import FormInput from './FormInput';

const Filters = () => {
  return (
    <Form className='bg-base-200 rounded-md px-8 py-4 grid gap-x-4 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 items-center'>
      {/* SEARCH */}
        label='search product'
      {/* BUTTONS */}
      <button type='submit' className='btn btn-primary btn-sm '>
      <Link to='/products' className='btn btn-accent btn-sm'>
export default Filters;

Challenge (26) - Filters (Select Input)

  • setup input for select input
  • render for categories, companies and order
  • companies and categories values are located in meta


  1. Create FormSelect Component:

    • Define a functional component named FormSelect.
  2. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element containing the form select input.
  3. Props:

    • Accept the following props: label, name, list, defaultValue, and size.
  4. Label:

    • Create a label element with a for attribute matching the name prop.
    • Display the capitalized label text using the label prop.
  5. Select Input:

    • Create a select element for the input field.
    • Set the name and id attributes to the value of the name prop.
    • Apply the appropriate CSS classes for the select input using the size prop.
    • Set the defaultValue of the select input using the defaultValue prop.
  6. Options:

    • Map through the list prop array to generate individual option elements.
    • Use each item in the list as the key and value attributes of the option element.
  7. Export FormSelect Component:

    • Export the FormSelect component as the default export of the module.

Solution (26) - Filters (Select Input)


const FormSelect = ({ label, name, list, defaultValue, size }) => {
  return (
    <div className='form-control'>
      <label htmlFor={name} className='label'>
        <span className='label-text capitalize'>{label}</span>
        className={`select select-bordered ${size}`}
        { => {
          return (
            <option key={item} value={item}>
export default FormSelect;


const { meta } = useLoaderData();

  label='select category'
  label='select company'
  /* ORDER */
  label='sort by'
  list={['a-z', 'z-a', 'high', 'low']}

Challenge (27) - Filters (Price)

  • create range input (hint: you will need local state)


  1. Create FormRange Component:

    • Define a functional component named FormRange.
  2. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element containing the form range input and related elements.
  3. Props:

    • Accept the following props: label, name, and size.
  4. Default Values:

    • Define default values for step, maxPrice, and selectedPrice.
  5. Label and Selected Price Display:

    • Create a label element with a for attribute matching the name prop.
    • Display the capitalized label text using the label prop.
    • Display the selected price using the formatPrice function.
  6. Range Input:

    • Create an input element with type set to 'range'.
    • Set the name, min, max, value, and step attributes.
    • Use the selectedPrice state for the value attribute.
    • Set the onChange event handler to update selectedPrice.
  7. Min and Max Price Display:

    • Create a div element for displaying minimum and maximum price values.
    • Use the formatPrice function for formatting and displaying max price.
  8. Export FormRange Component:

    • Export the FormRange component as the default export of the module.

Solution (27) - Filters (Price )


import { formatPrice } from '../utils';
import { useState } from 'react';
const FormRange = ({ label, name, size }) => {
  const step = 1000;
  const maxPrice = 100000;
  const [selectedPrice, setSelectedPrice] = useState(maxPrice);

  return (
    <div className='form-control'>
      <label htmlFor={name} className='label cursor-pointer'>
        <span className='label-text capitalize'>{label}</span>
        onChange={(e) => setSelectedPrice(}
        className={`range range-primary ${size}`}
      <div className='w-full flex justify-between text-xs px-2 mt-2'>
        <span className='font-bold text-md'>0</span>
        <span className='font-bold text-md'>Max : {formatPrice(maxPrice)}</span>
export default FormRange;


  /* PRICE */
<FormRange label='select price' name='price' size='range-sm' />;

Challenge (28) - Filters (Shipping)

  • create checkbox input


  1. Create FormCheckbox Component:

    • Define a functional component named FormCheckbox.
  2. Component Structure:

    • Return a div element containing the form checkbox input and related elements.
  3. Props:

    • Accept the following props: label, name, defaultValue, and size.
  4. Label Display:

    • Create a label element with a for attribute matching the name prop.
    • Display the capitalized label text using the label prop.
  5. Checkbox Input:

    • Create an input element with type set to 'checkbox'.
    • Set the name attribute to match the name prop.
    • Set the defaultChecked attribute using the defaultValue prop.
    • Use the size prop to determine the checkbox size class.
  6. Styling and Layout:

    • Apply appropriate classes to style and position the form control items.
  7. Export FormCheckbox Component:

    • Export the FormCheckbox component as the default export of the module.

Solution (28) - Filters (Shipping)


const FormCheckbox = ({ label, name, defaultValue, size }) => {
  return (
    <div className='form-control items-center'>
      <label htmlFor={name} className='label cursor-pointer'>
        <span className='label-text capitalize'>{label}</span>
        className={`checkbox checkbox-primary ${size}`}
export default FormCheckbox;


  /* SHIPPING */
<FormCheckbox label='free shipping' name='shipping' size='checkbox-sm' />;

Challenge (29) - Global Loading

  • create loading component
  • check for loading state in HomeLayout
  • toggle between loading and


  1. Create Loading Component:

    • Define a functional component named "Loading".
  2. Component Structure:

    • Return a "div" element with CSS classes to center content both vertically and horizontally.
  3. Loading Animation:

    • Inside the "div", include a "span" element with the classes "loading loading-ring loading-lg".
    • This applies a loading animation to create the visual effect.
  4. Styling:

    • Use the provided CSS classes to style the loading animation.
  5. Export Loading Component:

    • Export the "Loading" component as the default export of the module.


  1. Create HomeLayout Component:

    • Define a functional component named "HomeLayout".
  2. Import Dependencies:

    • Import "Outlet" and "useNavigation" from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import "Navbar", "Loading", and "Header" from '../components'.
  3. Component Structure:

    • Return a fragment ('<>...</>') to encapsulate the component's content.
  4. UseNavigation Hook:

    • Use the "useNavigation" hook to access the navigation state.
    • Store whether the page is currently loading in "isPageLoading" variable.
  5. Conditional Rendering:

    • Use a ternary operator to conditionally render content:
      • If "isPageLoading" is true, render the "Loading" component.
      • Otherwise, render a "section" element with CSS classes and include the "Outlet" component.
  6. Header and Navbar:

    • Include the "Header" and "Navbar" components at the beginning of the component.
  7. Styling:

    • Apply CSS classes to style the layout and align its elements.
  8. Export HomeLayout Component:

    • Export the "HomeLayout" component as the default export of the module.

Solution (29) - Global Loading


const Loading = () => {
  return (
    <div className='h-screen flex items-center justify-center'>
      <span className='loading loading-ring loading-lg' />
export default Loading;
import { Outlet, useNavigation } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Navbar, Loading, Header } from '../components';
const HomeLayout = () => {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  const isPageLoading = navigation.state === 'loading';
  return (
      <Header />
      <Navbar />
      {isPageLoading ? (
        <Loading />
      ) : (
        <section className='align-element py-20'>
          <Outlet />
export default HomeLayout;

Challenge (30) - Setup Params

  • explore how to filter products API DOCS
  • test in Thunder Client
  • access params in loader
  • use params in customFetch
  • pass params down
  • use params as default values (price in FormRange)
  • setup reset button

Solution (30) - Setup Params


export const loader = async ({ request }) => {
  const params = Object.fromEntries([ URL(request.url).searchParams.entries(),
  const response = await customFetch(url, { params });

  const products =;
  const meta =;

  return { products, meta, params };


import { Form, useLoaderData, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import FormInput from './FormInput';
import FormSelect from './FormSelect';
import FormRange from './FormRange';
import FormCheckbox from './FormCheckbox';
const Filters = () => {
  const { meta, params } = useLoaderData();
  const { search, company, category, shipping, order, price } = params;
  return (
    <Form className='bg-base-200 rounded-md px-8 py-4 grid gap-x-4 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 items-center'>
      {/* SEARCH */}
        label='search product'
      {/* CATEGORIES */}
        label='select category'
      {/* COMPANIES */}
        label='select company'
      {/* ORDER */}
        label='sort by'
        list={['a-z', 'z-a', 'high', 'low']}
      {/* PRICE */}
        label='select price'
      {/* SHIPPING */}
        label='free shipping'
      {/* BUTTONS */}
      <button type='submit' className='btn btn-primary btn-sm'>
      <Link to='/products' className='btn btn-accent btn-sm'>
export default Filters;
const params = Object.fromEntries([ URL(request.url).searchParams.entries(),

It takes a URL string from the request.url property. It creates a URL object from that URL string. It extracts the query parameters using the searchParams property. It converts the query parameters into an iterable of key-value pairs using the entries() method. It spreads these key-value pairs into an array. It uses Object.fromEntries() to create a new object where the key-value pairs become properties of the object.

Challenge (31) - Pagination

  • explore how to paginate
  • test in Thunder Client
  • access meta
  • display next, prev and page buttons
  • add page value to query params

Building the PaginationContainer Component

  1. Import Required Modules:
  • Import hooks and modules from react-router-dom:
    • useLoaderData
    • useLocation
    • useNavigate
  1. Initialize Component:
  • Create a functional component named PaginationContainer.
  1. Retrieve Data with Hooks:
  • Use the useLoaderData hook to get the meta data.
  • Destructure pageCount and page from meta.pagination.
  • Use the useLocation hook to get search and pathname.
  • Use the useNavigate hook to get the navigate function.
  1. Generate Pages Array:
  • Create an array called pages using Array.from().
    • This represents all the page numbers.
  1. Handle Page Change:
  • Create a function handlePageChange that takes pageNumber as an argument.
    • Update the URL's query string parameter page with the new page number.
    • Navigate to the updated URL.
  1. Conditional Rendering:
  • If pageCount is less than 2:
    • Return null.
  1. Render Pagination Component:
  • Render a div container with the class mt-16 flex justify-end.
    • Inside this, render another div with class join.
      • For "Prev" button:
        • Use the class btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item.
      • For page numbers:
        • Use the class btn btn-xs sm:btn-md border-none join-item.
        • Highlight the current page with classes bg-base-300 border-base-300.
      • For "Next" button:
        • Use the class btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item.
  1. Export Component:
  • Export the PaginationContainer component.

Solution (31) - Pagination


import { useLoaderData, useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

const PaginationContainer = () => {
  const { meta } = useLoaderData();
  const { pageCount, page } = meta.pagination;
  const pages = Array.from({ length: pageCount }, (_, index) => {
    return index + 1;
  const { search, pathname } = useLocation();
  const navigate = useNavigate();

  const handlePageChange = (pageNumber) => {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
    searchParams.set('page', pageNumber);

  if (pageCount < 2) return null;

  return (
    <div className='mt-16 flex justify-end'>
      <div className='join'>
          className='btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item'
          onClick={() => {
            let prevPage = page - 1;
            if (prevPage < 1) prevPage = pageCount;
        { => {
          return (
              onClick={() => handlePageChange(pageNumber)}
              className={`btn btn-xs sm:btn-md border-none join-item ${
                pageNumber === page ? 'bg-base-300 border-base-300' : ''
          className='btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item'
          onClick={() => {
            let nextPage = page + 1;
            if (nextPage > pageCount) nextPage = 1;
export default PaginationContainer;

Challenge (32) - Setup RTK and react-toastify

  • create features/cart/cartSlice.js
  • setup default state (README) and reducers
  • export actions and cartSlice.reducer
  • create store.js and add cartSlice
  • setup RTK and react-toastify in main.jsx

Building the cartSlice Redux Slice

  1. Import Required Modules:
  • Import functions from specific libraries:
    • createSlice from @reduxjs/toolkit
    • toast from react-toastify
  1. Initialize Default State:
  • Create a defaultState object with the following properties:
    • cartItems (array)
    • numItemsInCart (integer)
    • cartTotal (integer)
    • shipping (fixed value: 500)
    • tax (integer)
    • orderTotal (integer)
  1. Create the Redux Slice:
  • Use the createSlice function to create the cartSlice.
    • Name it as 'cart'.
    • Use the previously created defaultState as the initialState.
    • Define several reducer functions within it:
      • addItem: Logs the payload when an item is added.
      • clearCart: Intended to clear all items from the cart.
      • removeItem: Intended to remove a specific item.
      • editItem: Intended to edit a specific item.
  1. Export Actions:
  • Destructure and export the following actions:
    • addItem
    • removeItem
    • editItem
    • clearCart
  1. Export Reducer:
  • Export the reducer generated by cartSlice for usage in the Redux store.

Solution (32) - Setup RTK and react-toastify


import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

const defaultState = {
  cartItems: [],
  numItemsInCart: 0,
  cartTotal: 0,
  shipping: 500,
  tax: 0,
  orderTotal: 0,

const cartSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'cart',
  initialState: defaultState,
  reducers: {
    addItem: (state, action) => {
    clearCart: (state) => {},

    removeItem: (state, action) => {},
    editItem: (state, action) => {},

export const { addItem, removeItem, editItem, clearCart } = cartSlice.actions;

export default cartSlice.reducer;


import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

import cartReducer from './features/cart/cartSlice';
export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    cartState: cartReducer,


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App.jsx';
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
// order
import './index.css';

import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
import { store } from './store';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
  <Provider store={store}>
    <App />
    <ToastContainer position='top-center' />

Challenge (33) - Add Product (SingleProductPage)

  • import and dispatch addItem action
  • add item to cart in SingleProduct page

Solution (33) - Add Product (SingleProductPage)


import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { addItem } from '../features/cart/cartSlice';
const SingleProduct = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const cartProduct = {
    cartID: + productColor,

  const addToCart = () => {
    dispatch(addItem({ product: cartProduct }));
  return (
      {/* CART BUTTON */}
      <div className='mt-10 '>
        <button className='btn btn-secondary btn-md' onClick={addToCart}>
          Add to bag

Challenge (34) - AddItem Reducer

  • display cartItems in Navbar
  • setup addItem functionality

Building the addItem Reducer

  1. Purpose:
  • This reducer updates the cart state when a product is added.
  1. Extract Product from Action:
  • Extract the product object from action.payload.
  1. Check for Existing Item:
  • Search for the product in the cartItems array based on the cartID.
  • If the item already exists in the cart:
    • Increment the amount of the item in the cart by the amount of the product.
  1. Add New Item:
  • If the product does not exist in the cart:
    • Push the product directly into the cartItems array.
  1. Update Cart Totals:
  • Increase the numItemsInCart by the amount of the product.
  • Increase the cartTotal by the product's price multiplied by its amount.
  1. Calculate Tax and Order Total:
  • Set tax as 10% of the cartTotal.
  • Calculate the orderTotal as the sum of cartTotal, shipping, and tax.
  1. Save to Local Storage:
  • Convert the current state to a JSON string and store it in the browser's local storage under the key 'cart'.
  1. Notify User:
  • Use the toast.success method to display a success message: 'Item added to cart'.

Solution (34) - AddItem Reducer


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const numItemsInCart = useSelector((state) => state.cartState.numItemsInCart);


    addItem: (state, action) => {
      const { product } = action.payload;

      const item = state.cartItems.find((i) => i.cartID === product.cartID);
      if (item) {
        item.amount += product.amount;
      } else {
      state.numItemsInCart += product.amount;
      state.cartTotal += product.price * product.amount; = 0.1 * state.cartTotal;
      state.orderTotal = state.cartTotal + state.shipping +;
      localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state));
      toast.success('Item added to cart');

Challenge (35) - Refactor and Setup Local Storage

  • refactor addItem and get default state from local storage

calculateTotals Reducer:

  1. Purpose:
  • Re-calculates the tax and order total for the cart.
  1. Calculate Tax and Order Total:
  • Set tax as 10% of the cartTotal.
  • Determine the orderTotal as the sum of cartTotal, shipping, and tax.
  1. Save to Local Storage:
  • Convert the current state to a JSON string and save it in the browser's local storage under the key 'cart'.

Solution (35) - Refactor and Setup Local Storage

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

const defaultState = {
  cartItems: [],
  numItemsInCart: 0,
  cartTotal: 0,
  shipping: 500,
  tax: 0,
  orderTotal: 0,

const getCartFromLocalStorage = () => {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')) || defaultState;

const cartSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'cart',
  initialState: getCartFromLocalStorage(),
  reducers: {
    addItem: (state, action) => {
      const { product } = action.payload;

      const item = state.cartItems.find((i) => i.cartID === product.cartID);
      if (item) {
        item.amount += product.amount;
      } else {
      state.numItemsInCart += product.amount;
      state.cartTotal += product.price * product.amount;
      toast.success('item added to cart');
    clearCart: (state) => {},

    removeItem: (state, action) => {},
    editItem: (state, action) => {},

    calculateTotals: (state) => { = 0.1 * state.cartTotal;
      state.orderTotal = state.cartTotal + state.shipping +;
      localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state));

export const { addItem, removeItem, editItem, clearCart } = cartSlice.actions;

export default cartSlice.reducer;

Challenge (36) - Clear Cart, Remove Item and Edit Item

  • try to setup reducers for clear cart, remove item and edit item

Building the Reducers

clearCart Reducer:

  1. Purpose:
  • Clears the current cart state and resets it to the default state.
  1. Update Local Storage:
  • Store the defaultState in the browser's local storage under the key 'cart'.
  1. Return Default State:
  • Reset the entire cart state by returning defaultState.

removeItem Reducer:

  1. Purpose:
  • Removes a specific item from the cart.
  1. Extract cartID from Action:
  • Extract the cartID from action.payload.
  1. Find Product:
  • Find the product in the cartItems array based on the cartID.
  1. Update Cart Items:
  • Filter out the product from cartItems array based on the cartID.
  1. Update Cart Totals:
  • Decrease the numItemsInCart by the amount of the product.
  • Decrease the cartTotal by the product's price multiplied by its amount.
  • Call the calculateTotals reducer to re-evaluate tax and order total.
  1. Notify User:
  • Use the toast.error method to display a message: 'Item removed from cart'.

editItem Reducer:

  1. Purpose:
  • Modifies the amount of a specific item in the cart.
  1. Extract Data from Action:
  • Extract cartID and amount from action.payload.
  1. Find Item:
  • Find the item in the cartItems array based on the cartID.
  1. Update Cart Totals:
  • Adjust the numItemsInCart by the difference between the new amount and the item's previous amount.
  • Update the cartTotal based on the item's price and the amount difference.
  • Update the item's amount to the new amount.
  • Call the calculateTotals reducer to re-evaluate tax and order total.
  1. Notify User:
  • Use the toast.success method to display a message: 'Cart updated'.

Solution (36) - Clear Cart, Remove Item and Edit Item

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

const defaultState = {
  cartItems: [],
  numItemsInCart: 0,
  cartTotal: 0,
  shipping: 500,
  tax: 0,
  orderTotal: 0,

const getCartFromLocalStorage = () => {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')) || defaultState;

const cartSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'cart',
  initialState: getCartFromLocalStorage(),
  reducers: {
    addItem: (state, action) => {
      const { product } = action.payload;

      const item = state.cartItems.find((i) => i.cartID === product.cartID);
      if (item) {
        item.amount += product.amount;
      } else {
      state.numItemsInCart += product.amount;
      state.cartTotal += product.price * product.amount;
      toast.success('item added to cart');
    clearCart: (state) => {
      localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(defaultState));
      return defaultState;

    removeItem: (state, action) => {
      const { cartID } = action.payload;
      const product = state.cartItems.find((i) => i.cartID === cartID);
      state.cartItems = state.cartItems.filter((i) => i.cartID !== cartID);

      state.numItemsInCart -= product.amount;
      state.cartTotal -= product.price * product.amount;
      toast.error('Item removed from cart');
    editItem: (state, action) => {
      const { cartID, amount } = action.payload;
      const item = state.cartItems.find((i) => i.cartID === cartID);
      state.numItemsInCart += amount - item.amount;
      state.cartTotal += item.price * (amount - item.amount);
      item.amount = amount;
      toast.success('Cart updated');

    calculateTotals: (state) => { = 0.1 * state.cartTotal;
      state.orderTotal = state.cartTotal + state.shipping +;
      localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state));

export const { addItem, removeItem, editItem, clearCart } = cartSlice.actions;

export default cartSlice.reducer;
state.numItemsInCart += amount - item.amount;

The logic here is to update the total number of items in the cart (state.numItemsInCart) by adjusting it based on the difference between the provided amount and the existing quantity of that item (item.amount). If amount is greater than item.amount, it means that items are being added to the cart. If amount is less than item.amount, it means that items are being removed from the cart. If they are equal, it implies no change to the quantity of that item in the cart.

The result of the subtraction (amount - item.amount) is then added to the current state.numItemsInCart to reflect the new total number of items in the cart.

state.cartTotal += item.price * (amount - item.amount);

In this line, the logic is calculating the change in the total cost of the cart (state.cartTotal) based on the price of the item (item.price) and the change in the quantity of that item (amount - item.amount). This calculation is then added to the current state.cartTotal.

If amount is greater than item.amount, it means more items are being added, so the cost of those additional items (difference between amount and item.amount) is calculated by multiplying it with the price of the item. If amount is less than item.amount, it means items are being removed, so the cost of those removed items is subtracted from the state.cartTotal. If they are equal, there is no change in the cost related to that item.

Challenge (37) - Setup Cart Page

  • create CartItemsList, CartTotals, CartItem components
  • export CartItemsList, CartTotals in components/index.js
  • setup two column layout in cart page


  1. Initialize Necessary Imports:

    • Import useSelector from react-redux to enable access to the Redux store.
    • Bring in CartItemsList, SectionTitle, and CartTotals components from the components directory.
    • Import Link from react-router-dom for navigation capabilities.
  2. Create Cart Component:

    • Define a functional component named Cart.
  3. Initialize State and Variables:

    • Set a temporary variable user to null.
    • Use the useSelector hook to retrieve numItemsInCart from the Redux store's cartState.
  4. Component Logic:

    • Check if numItemsInCart is zero.
      • If true, return the SectionTitle component with the text 'Your cart is empty'.
      • If there are items in the cart, continue to display the cart details.
  5. Component Structure:

    • Render the SectionTitle component with the text 'Shopping Cart'.
    • Set up a grid layout (mt-8 grid gap-8 lg:grid-cols-12) to manage cart layout.
    • For displaying cart items:
      • Use 8 of 12 columns on large screens (lg:col-span-8).
      • Insert the CartItemsList component.
    • For displaying cart totals and the checkout/login button:
      • Use 4 of 12 columns on large screens (lg:col-span-4 lg:pl-4).
      • Place the CartTotals component.
      • Check if user is defined:
        • If true, provide a link to '/checkout' with the text 'Proceed to checkout'.
        • If false, provide a link to '/login' with the text 'please login'.
  6. Export Cart Component:

    • Export the Cart component as the default export of the module.

Solution (37) - Setup Cart Page


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { CartItemsList, SectionTitle, CartTotals } from '../components';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Cart = () => {
  // temp
  const user = null;
  const numItemsInCart = useSelector((state) => state.cartState.numItemsInCart);
  if (numItemsInCart === 0) {
    return <SectionTitle text='Your cart is empty' />;
  return (
      <SectionTitle text='Shopping Cart' />
      <div className='mt-8 grid gap-8  lg:grid-cols-12'>
        <div className='lg:col-span-8'>
          <CartItemsList />
        <div className='lg:col-span-4 lg:pl-4'>
          <CartTotals />
          {user ? (
            <Link to='/checkout' className='btn btn-primary btn-block mt-8'>
              Proceed to checkout
          ) : (
            <Link to='/login' className='btn btn-primary btn-block mt-8'>
              please login
export default Cart;

Challenge (38) - Cart Totals

  • setup cart totals component


  1. Initialize Necessary Imports:

    • Import useSelector from react-redux for state retrieval from the Redux store.
    • Bring in formatPrice function from the utils directory for price formatting.
  2. Create CartTotals Component:

    • Define a functional component named CartTotals.
  3. Retrieve State from Redux:

    • Use the useSelector hook to get cartTotal, shipping, tax, and orderTotal from the Redux store's cartState.
  4. Component Structure:

    • Enclose all content inside a div with the class card bg-base-200.
    • Use an inner div with the class card-body for structured content.
    • Display the Subtotal:
      • Use a p element with classes flex, justify-between, text-xs, border-b, and border-base-300 pb-2.
      • Use two nested span elements. The first displays "Subtotal", and the second displays the formatted cartTotal.
    • Display Shipping charges:
      • Similar to the Subtotal, but the text reads "Shipping" and the value is the formatted shipping.
    • Display Tax:
      • Similar format, but the text reads "Tax" and the value is the formatted tax.
    • Display Order Total:
      • Use a p element with classes mt-4, flex, justify-between, and text-sm pb-2.
      • Use nested span elements with font-bold class. The first displays "Order Total", and the second displays the formatted orderTotal.
  5. Export CartTotals Component:

    • Export the CartTotals component as the default export of the module.

Solution (38) - Cart Totals

import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { formatPrice } from '../utils';
const CartTotals = () => {
  const { cartTotal, shipping, tax, orderTotal } = useSelector(
    (state) => state.cartState

  return (
    <div className='card bg-base-200'>
      <div className='card-body'>
        {/* SUBTOTAL */}
        <p className='flex justify-between text-xs border-b border-base-300 pb-2'>
          <span className='font-medium'>{formatPrice(cartTotal)}</span>
        {/* SHIPPING */}
        <p className='flex justify-between text-xs border-b border-base-300 pb-2'>
          <span className='font-medium'>{formatPrice(shipping)}</span>
        {/* Tax */}
        <p className='flex justify-between text-xs border-b border-base-300 pb-2'>
          <span className='font-medium'>{formatPrice(tax)}</span>
        {/* Total */}
        <p className='mt-4 flex justify-between text-sm  pb-2'>
          <span className='font-bold'>Order Total</span>
          <span className='font-bold'>{formatPrice(orderTotal)}</span>
export default CartTotals;

Challenge (39) - Cart Items List

  • iterate over cartItems and return CartItem
  • in CartItem display values and implement remove,edit functionality


  1. Initialize Necessary Imports:

    • Import useSelector from react-redux to retrieve state from the Redux store.
    • Bring in CartItem component for item rendering.
  2. Create CartItemsList Component:

    • Define a functional component named CartItemsList.
  3. Retrieve State from Redux:

    • Use the useSelector hook to get cartItems from the Redux store's cartState.
  4. Component Structure:

    • Create a wrapping div.
    • Use the map method on cartItems to loop through each item.
    • For each item, return a CartItem component:
      • Pass item.cartID as the key prop for React's list rendering optimization.
      • Pass the entire item object as the cartItem prop to the CartItem component.
  5. Export CartItemsList Component:

    • Export the CartItemsList component as the default export of the module.


  1. Initialize Necessary Imports:

    • Import utility functions formatPrice and generateAmountOptions from the ../utils directory.
    • Import removeItem and editItem from the Redux slice named cartSlice.
    • Bring in useDispatch from react-redux for dispatching actions to the Redux store.
  2. Create CartItem Component:

    • Define a functional component named CartItem that accepts a cartItem prop.
  3. Setup Redux Dispatch:

    • Use the useDispatch hook and store the result in the dispatch constant.
  4. Functions for Event Handlers:

    • Define removeItemFromTheCart function:
      • Dispatch the removeItem action, passing the cartID from the cart item.
    • Define handleAmount function:
      • Dispatch the editItem action, updating the amount for the cart item identified by cartID.
  5. Destructure cartItem Prop:

    • Extract necessary fields from cartItem including cartID, title, price, image, amount, company, and productColor.
  6. Component Structure:

    • Create an article element wrapping the entire cart item.
      • Embed the product image using an img element.
      • Display product information using a div:
        • Show the product title, company, and color using corresponding elements.
      • Render the product amount using a div containing a dropdown select.
      • Provide a button to remove the item from the cart.
      • Display the product price using a p element.
  7. Export CartItem Component:

    • Export the CartItem component as the default export of the module.

Solution (39) - Cart Items List


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import CartItem from './CartItem';
const CartItemsList = () => {
  const cartItems = useSelector((state) => state.cartState.cartItems);

  return (
      { => {
        return <CartItem key={item.cartID} cartItem={item} />;
export default CartItemsList;


import { formatPrice, generateAmountOptions } from '../utils';
import { removeItem, editItem } from '../features/cart/cartSlice';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
const CartItem = ({ cartItem }) => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const removeItemFromTheCart = () => {
    dispatch(removeItem({ cartID }));
  const handleAmount = (e) => {
    dispatch(editItem({ cartID, amount: parseInt( }));

  const { cartID, title, price, image, amount, company, productColor } =

  return (
      className='mb-12 flex flex-col gap-y-4 sm:flex-row flex-wrap border-b border-base-300 pb-6 last:border-b-0'
      {/* IMAGE */}
        className='h-24 w-24 rounded-lg sm:h-32 sm:w-32 object-cover'
      {/* INFO */}
      <div className='sm:ml-16 sm:w-48'>
        {/* TITLE */}
        <h3 className='capitalize font-medium'>{title}</h3>
        {/* COMPANY */}
        <h4 className='mt-2 capitalize text-sm text-neutral-content'>
        {/* COLOR */}
        <p className='mt-4 text-sm capitalize flex items-center gap-x-2'>
          color :
            className='badge badge-sm'
            style={{ backgroundColor: productColor }}
      <div className='sm:ml-12'>
        {/* AMOUNT */}
        <div className='form-control max-w-xs'>
          <label htmlFor='amount' className='label p-0'>
            <span className='label-text'>Amount</span>
            className='mt-2 select select-base select-bordered select-xs'
            {generateAmountOptions(amount + 5)}
        {/* REMOVE */}
          className='mt-2 link link-primary link-hover text-sm'

      {/* PRICE */}
      <p className='font-medium sm:ml-auto'>{formatPrice(price)}</p>
export default CartItem;


<div className='sm:ml-12'>
  {/* AMOUNT */}
  {/* REMOVE */}

Challenge (40) - Setup User Slice

  • setup user slice
  • add to store


  • create features/user/userSlice.js

  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import createSlice from '@reduxjs/toolkit'.
    • Import toast from 'react-toastify'.
  • Define Initial State:

    • Create an initialState object with default values for user and theme.
  • Create Redux Slice:

    • Use createSlice to define a Redux slice named 'user'.
    • Set the slice name to 'user'.
    • Use the initialState object as the initial state.
  • Define Reducer Functions:

    • Create the loginUser reducer function with the signature (state, action) => {}.

      • Inside the function, log a message like 'login'.
    • Create the logoutUser reducer function with the signature (state) => {}.

      • Inside the function, log a message like 'logout'.
    • Create the toggleTheme reducer function with the signature (state) => {}.

      • Inside the function, log a message like 'toggle theme'.
  • Export Actions:

    • Export the action creators:
      • loginUser
      • logoutUser
      • toggleTheme

Solution (40) - Setup User Slice

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

const initialState = {
  user: { username: 'coding addict' },
  theme: 'dracula',

const userSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'user',
  reducers: {
    loginUser: (state, action) => {
    logoutUser: (state) => {
    toggleTheme: (state) => {
      console.log('toggle theme');

export const { loginUser, logoutUser, toggleTheme } = userSlice.actions;

export default userSlice.reducer;


import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

import cartReducer from './features/cart/cartSlice';
import userReducer from './features/user/userSlice';

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    cartState: cartReducer,
    userState: userReducer,

Challenge (41) - Move Theme Logic

  • move theme logic from Navbar to userSlice

Solution (41) - Move Theme Logic


import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

const themes = {
  winter: 'winter',
  dracula: 'dracula',

const getThemeFromLocalStorage = () => {
  const theme = localStorage.getItem('theme') || themes.winter;
  document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', theme);
  return theme;

const initialState = {
  user: { username: 'coding addict' },
  theme: getThemeFromLocalStorage(),

const userSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'user',
  reducers: {
    loginUser: (state, action) => {
    logoutUser: (state) => {
    toggleTheme: (state) => {
      const { dracula, winter } = themes;
      state.theme = state.theme === dracula ? winter : dracula;
      document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', state.theme);
      localStorage.setItem('theme', state.theme);

export const { loginUser, logoutUser, toggleTheme } = userSlice.actions;

export default userSlice.reducer;


import { BsCart3, BsMoonFill, BsSunFill } from 'react-icons/bs';
import { FaBarsStaggered } from 'react-icons/fa6';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import NavLinks from './NavLinks';

import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { toggleTheme } from '../features/user/userSlice';

const Navbar = () => {
  const numItemsInCart = useSelector((state) => state.cartState.numItemsInCart);

  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const handleTheme = () => {
  return (
    <nav className='bg-base-200'>
      <div className='navbar align-element '>
        <div className='navbar-start'>
          {/* Title */}
            className='hidden lg:flex btn btn-primary text-3xl items-center '
          {/* DROPDOWN */}
          <div className='dropdown'>
            <label tabIndex={0} className='btn btn-ghost lg:hidden'>
              <FaBarsStaggered className='h-6 w-6' />
              className='menu menu-sm dropdown-content mt-3 z-[1] p-2 shadow bg-base-200 rounded-box w-52'
              <NavLinks />
        <div className='navbar-center hidden lg:flex'>
          <ul className='menu menu-horizontal '>
            <NavLinks />
        <div className='navbar-end'>
          {/* THEME ICONS */}
          <label className='swap swap-rotate '>
            {/* this hidden checkbox controls the state */}
            <input type='checkbox' onChange={handleTheme} />

            {/* sun icon */}
            <BsSunFill className='swap-on h-4 w-4' />

            {/* moon icon */}
            <BsMoonFill className='swap-off h-4 w-4' />
          {/* CART LINK*/}
          <NavLink to='cart' className='btn btn-ghost btn-circle btn-md ml-4'>
            <div className='indicator'>
              <BsCart3 className='h-6 w-6' />
              <span className='badge badge-sm badge-primary indicator-item'>
export default Navbar;

Challenge (42) - Setup Logout and Access User

  • setup logout reducer
  • access user in Header, NavLinks and Cart Page

Solution (42) - Setup Logout And Access User


logoutUser: (state) => {
      state.user = null;
      // localStorage.clear()
      toast.success('Logged out successfully');


import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { Link, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import { logoutUser } from '../features/user/userSlice';
import { clearCart } from '../features/cart/cartSlice';
const Header = () => {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const user = useSelector((state) => state.userState.user);

  const handleLogout = () => {
  return (
    <header className=' bg-neutral py-2 text-neutral-content '>
      <div className='align-element flex justify-center sm:justify-end '>
        {user ? (
          <div className='flex gap-x-2 sm:gap-x-8 items-center'>
            <p className='text-xs sm:text-sm'>Hello, {user.username}</p>
              className='btn btn-xs btn-outline btn-primary '
        ) : (
          <div className='flex gap-x-6 justify-center items-center'>
            <Link to='/login' className='link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'>
              Sign in / Guest
            <Link to='/register' className='link link-hover text-xs sm:text-sm'>
              Create an Account
export default Header;


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';

const NavLinks = () => {
  const user = useSelector((state) => state.userState.user);

  return (
      { => {
        const { id, url, text } = link;
        if ((url === 'checkout' || url === 'orders') && !user) return null;
        return (
          <li key={id}>
            <NavLink className='capitalize' to={url}>
export default NavLinks;
const Cart = () => {
  // temp
  const { user } = useSelector((state) => state.userState);

Challenge (43) - Register User

  • docs - register request
  • test in Thunder Client
  • setup action in Register
  • add action to Register route in App.jsx


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import redirect from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import customFetch from '../utils'.
    • Import toast from 'react-toastify'.
  • Define an asynchronous function named action that takes an object with a property named request as its parameter.

  • Inside the action function:

    • Use the request object to get form data using the formData method.
    • Convert the form data to an object using Object.fromEntries(formData) and store it in the data variable.
  • Use a try block to handle the registration process:

    • Send a POST request using to the /auth/local/register endpoint with the data.
    • If the request is successful:
      • Display a success toast message using toast.success.
      • Redirect the user to the /login page using redirect('/login').
  • Use a catch block to handle errors:

    • If an error occurs, extract the error message from the response data, if available, or provide a default error message.
    • Display the error message using toast.error.
    • Return null to indicate that an error occurred.

Solution (43) - Register User


import { FormInput, SubmitBtn } from '../components';
import { Form, redirect, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import { customFetch } from '../utils';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
  const formData = await request.formData();
  const data = Object.fromEntries(formData);
  try {
    const response = await'/auth/local/register', data);
    toast.success('account created successfully');
    return redirect('/login');
  } catch (error) {
    const errorMessage =
      error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
      'please double check your credentials';

    return null;

const Register = () => {
  return (
    <section className='h-screen grid place-items-center'>
        className='card w-96 py-8 px-8 bg-base-100 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-y-4'
        <h4 className='text-center text-3xl font-bold'>Register</h4>
        <FormInput type='text' label='username' name='username' />
        <FormInput type='email' label='email' name='email' />
        <FormInput type='password' label='password' name='password' />
        <div className='mt-4'>
          <SubmitBtn text='register' />

        <p className='text-center'>
          Already a member?
            className='ml-2 link link-hover link-primary capitalize'
export default Register;

Challenge (44) - Login Setup

  • docs - login request
  • test in Thunder Client
  • setup action in login and access store

Solution (44) - Login Setup


import { action as loginAction } from './pages/Login';

import { store } from './store';
    path: '/login',
    element: <Login />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    action: loginAction(store),


export const action =
  (store) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    return store;

Challenge (45) - Login User


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import redirect from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import customFetch from '../utils'.
    • Import toast from 'react-toastify'.
    • Import loginUser from '../features/user/userSlice'.
    • Import useDispatch from 'react-redux'.
  • Define a function named action that takes a parameter store and returns an asynchronous function that takes an object with a property named request.

  • Inside the inner asynchronous function:

    • Use the request object to get form data using the formData method.
    • Convert the form data to an object using Object.fromEntries(formData) and store it in the data variable.
  • Use a try block to handle the login process:

    • Send a POST request using to the /auth/local endpoint with the data.
    • If the request is successful:
      • Dispatch the loginUser action with the response data using store.dispatch.
      • Display a success toast message using toast.success.
      • Redirect the user to the home page using redirect('/').
  • Use a catch block to handle errors:

    • If an error occurs, log the error to the console.
    • Extract the error message from the response data, if available, or provide a default error message.
    • Display the error message using toast.error.
    • Return null to indicate that an error occurred.

Solution (45) - Login User


loginUser: (state, action) => {


import { FormInput, SubmitBtn } from '../components';
import { Form, Link, redirect, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import { customFetch } from '../utils';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import { loginUser } from '../features/user/userSlice';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

export const action =
  (store) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const data = Object.fromEntries(formData);
    try {
      const response = await'/auth/local', data);

      toast.success('logged in successfully');
      return redirect('/');
    } catch (error) {
      const errorMessage =
        error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
        'please double check your credentials';

      return null;


const getUserFromLocalStorage = () => {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user')) || null;

const initialState = {
  user: getUserFromLocalStorage(),
  theme: getThemeFromLocalStorage(),

loginUser: (state, action) => {
      const user = { ...action.payload.user, token: action.payload.jwt };
      state.user = user;
      localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));

Challenge (46) - Demo User

  • remove defaultValue from inputs


  • Create a function named loginAsGuestUser.
  • Mark the function as async to indicate that it contains asynchronous operations.
  • Wrap the entire function body in a try block to handle potential errors.
  • Inside the try block, use the method to send a POST request.
  • Provide the endpoint URL /auth/local.
  • Pass an object with identifier and password properties as the request body.
  • Assign the response from the call to the response variable.- If the request is successful, dispatch an action (e.g., loginUser) with the
  • Use the toast.success method to display a success message (e.g., 'welcome guest user').
  • If the action dispatch and toast success are successful, use the navigate function to navigate to a specific route (e.g., '/').
  • If any error occurs within the try block, it will be caught by the catch block.
  • Inside the catch block, use console.log to log the error for debugging purposes.
  • Display an error message using the toast.error method to notify the user about the login error.

Solution (46) - Demo User


const Login = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const loginAsGuestUser = async () => {
    try {
      const response = await'/auth/local', {
        identifier: '',
        password: 'secret',
      toast.success('welcome guest user');
    } catch (error) {
      toast.error('guest user login error.please try later.');

  className='btn btn-secondary btn-block'
  guest user

Challenge (47) - Checkout Page Setup

  • create CheckoutForm component


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import useSelector from 'react-redux'.
    • Import CheckoutForm, SectionTitle, and CartTotals from '../components'.
  • Create the Checkout component:

    • Inside the component, use useSelector to access the cartTotal from the Redux store.
    • Check if the cartTotal is empty.
    • If the cartTotal is empty, return a SectionTitle component with the text 'Your cart is empty'.
    • If the cartTotal is not empty:
      • Return a SectionTitle component with the text 'Place your order'.
      • Render a <div> element with the class name 'mt-8 grid gap-8 md:grid-cols-2 items-start'.
      • Inside the <div>, render the CheckoutForm component and the CartTotals component.
  • Export the Checkout component as the default export.

Solution (47) - Checkout Page Setup


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { CheckoutForm, SectionTitle, CartTotals } from '../components';

const Checkout = () => {
  const cartItems = useSelector((state) => state.cartState.cartTotal);
  if (cartTotal.length === 0) {
    return <SectionTitle text='Your cart is empty' />;
  return (
      <SectionTitle text='Place your order' />
      <div className='mt-8 grid gap-8  md:grid-cols-2 items-start'>
        <CheckoutForm />
        <CartTotals />
export default Checkout;

Challenge (48) - Restrict Access


  • in App.jsx import loader from Checkout page
  • pass store into the checkoutLoader
  • if no user redirect to login


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import redirect from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import toast from 'react-toastify'.
  • Create a loader function:

    • The loader function takes a store as a parameter.
    • Inside the loader function:
      • Get the user from the Redux store using store.getState().userState.user.
      • Check if the user is falsy (not logged in).
      • If the user is falsy:
        • Display a toast warning message using toast.warn() with the text 'You must be logged in to checkout'.
        • Return redirect('/login') to redirect the user to the login page.
      • If the user is truthy (logged in):
        • Return null.
  • Export the loader function.

Solution (48) - Restrict Access


import { loader as checkoutLoader } from './pages/Checkout';

import { store } from './store';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
        path: 'checkout',
        element: <Checkout />,
        loader: checkoutLoader(store),





import { redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';

export const loader = (store) => async () => {
  const user = store.getState().userState.user;

  if (!user) {
    toast.warn('You must be logged in to checkout');
    return redirect('/login');
  return null;

Challenge (49) - CheckoutForm

  • docs - create order request
  • test in Thunder Client


  • in App.jsx import action from CheckoutForm.jsx
  • pass store into the checkoutAction


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import Form and redirect from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import FormInput and SubmitBtn from appropriate paths.
    • Import other required utilities and actions.
  • Create an action function:

    • The action function takes a store as a parameter and returns an asynchronous function that takes a request parameter.
    • Inside the async function:
      • Await request.formData() to get form data.
      • Destructure the name and address properties from the form data using Object.fromEntries(formData).
      • Get the user from the Redux store using store.getState().userState.user.
      • Get the cartItems, orderTotal, and numItemsInCart from the Redux store using store.getState().cartState.
      • Create an info object containing the gathered information.
      • Try to make a POST request to '/orders' with the info data and the user's token in the headers.
      • If successful:
        • Dispatch the clearCart() action using store.dispatch(clearCart()) to clear the cart.
        • Display a success toast message using toast.success() with the text 'order placed successfully'.
        • Return redirect('/orders') to redirect the user to the orders page.
      • If there's an error:
        • Log the error.
        • Get the error message from the response data or provide a default message.
        • Display an error toast message using toast.error() with the error message.
        • Return null.
  • Create a CheckoutForm component:

    • Inside the component:
      • Use the Form component from 'react-router-dom' to create a form.
      • Display a heading for the shipping information.
      • Use the FormInput component to create input fields for the first name and address.
      • Use the SubmitBtn component to create a submit button with the text 'Place Your Order'.
  • Export the CheckoutForm component.

Solution (49) - CheckoutForm


import { action as checkoutAction } from './components/CheckoutForm';
import { store } from './store';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <HomeLayout />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    children: [
        path: 'checkout',
        element: <Checkout />,
        loader: checkoutLoader(store),
        action: checkoutAction(store),


import { Form, redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import FormInput from './FormInput';
import SubmitBtn from './SubmitBtn';
import { customFetch, formatPrice } from '../utils';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import { clearCart } from '../features/cart/cartSlice';

export const action =
  (store) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    const formData = await request.formData();
    const { name, address } = Object.fromEntries(formData);
    const user = store.getState().userState.user;
    const { cartItems, orderTotal, numItemsInCart } =

    const info = {
      chargeTotal: orderTotal,
      orderTotal: formatPrice(orderTotal),
    try {
      const response = await
        { data: info },
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${user.token}`,
      toast.success('order placed successfully');
      return redirect('/orders');
    } catch (error) {
      const errorMessage =
        error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
        'there was an error placing your order';

      return null;
const CheckoutForm = () => {
  return (
    <Form method='POST' className='flex flex-col gap-y-4'>
      <h4 className='font-medium text-xl'>Shipping Information</h4>
      <FormInput label='first name' name='name' type='text' />
      <FormInput label='address' name='address' type='text' />
      <div className='mt-4'>
        <SubmitBtn text='Place Your Order' />
export default CheckoutForm;

Challenge (50) - Auth Error

  • handle auth errors
  • check for response.status
    • if status === 401 redirect to login

Solution (50) - Auth Error


 catch (error) {
  const errorMessage =
    error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
    'there was an error placing your order';
  if (error?.response?.status === 401 || 403) return redirect('/login');

  return null;

Challenge (51) - Orders Request Overview

  • docs - orders request
  • test in Thunder Client

Solution (51) - Orders Request Overview

Challenge (52) - Orders Page Setup

  • create components/OrdersList.jsx (export)
  • create loader (import/setup in App.jsx and provide store)
  • restrict access to page
  • make a request to get all users
  • grab all the query params
  • return orders and meta


  1. Import Dependencies:

    • Import the required modules and components from 'react-router-dom', 'react-toastify', and other custom files.
  2. Define Loader Function:

    • Create a loader function that takes the store parameter and an object with a request property.
    • Within the loader function:
      • Retrieve the user information from the Redux store.
      • Check if the user is logged in. If not, display a warning toast and redirect to the login page.
      • Parse query parameters from the URL.
      • Use the customFetch utility to make a GET request to the '/orders' endpoint.
      • Handle successful responses by returning the fetched orders data and meta information.
      • Handle errors by displaying appropriate error messages using toast and optionally redirecting if unauthorized.
      • Return null if an error occurs.
  3. Define Orders Component:

    • Create a functional component named Orders.
    • Within the component:
      • Return JSX that displays a heading element with the text "orders".
  4. Export Loader Function:

    • Export the defined loader function.
  5. Export Orders Component:

    • Export the Orders component as the default export of the module.

Solution (52) - Orders Page Setup


import { loader as ordersLoader } from './pages/Orders';

  path: 'orders',
  element: <Orders />,
  loader: ordersLoader(store),


import { redirect, useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import { customFetch } from '../utils';
import { OrdersList, PaginationContainer, SectionTitle } from '../components';

export const loader =
  (store) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    const user = store.getState().userState.user;

    if (!user) {
      toast.warn('You must be logged in to view orders');
      return redirect('/login');
    const params = Object.fromEntries([ URL(request.url).searchParams.entries(),
    try {
      const response = await customFetch.get('/orders', {
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${user.token}`,

      return { orders:, meta: };
    } catch (error) {
      const errorMessage =
        error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
        'there was an error accessing your orders';

      if (error?.response?.status === 401 || 403) return redirect('/login');

      return null;
const Orders = () => {
  return <h1 className='text-3xl'>orders</h1>;
export default Orders;

Challenge (53) - Render Orders


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import necessary components and hooks from your project's dependencies.
  • Define Component:

    • Define a functional component named Orders.
  • Fetch Data:

    • Use the useLoaderData hook to access data from the loader context.
    • Check if the value is less than 1 to determine if there are no orders.
  • Conditional Rendering:

    • If there are no orders, return a component, such as <SectionTitle />, with a message like 'Please make an order'.
  • Orders Rendering:

    • If there are orders, return the following components:
      • <SectionTitle /> with the text 'Your Orders'.
      • <OrdersList /> component to display the list of orders.
      • <PaginationContainer /> component for handling pagination.
  • Export Component:

    • Export the Orders component as the default export.


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import useLoaderData from 'react-router-dom'.
    • Import day and advancedFormat from 'dayjs'.
    • Extend dayjs with the advancedFormat plugin using day.extend(advancedFormat).
  • Create the OrdersList component:

    • Inside the component:
      • Use the useLoaderData() hook to get data from loader data.
      • Destructure orders and meta from the loaded data.
      • Return the orders list interface:
        • Display the total number of orders using the value.
        • Create a table to display order information.
        • Define table headings: Name, Address, Products, Cost, and Date.
        • Use .map() to iterate over each order and generate table rows:
          • Destructure relevant attributes from the order object.
          • Format the createdAt date using dayjs to display in 'hh:mm a - MMM Do, YYYY' format.
          • Return a table row with the extracted data.
  • Export the OrdersList component.

Solution (53) - Render Orders


const Orders = () => {
  const { meta } = useLoaderData();
  if ( < 1) {
    return <SectionTitle text='Please make an order' />;
  return (
      <SectionTitle text='Your Orders' />
      <OrdersList />
      <PaginationContainer />
export default Orders;


import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
import day from 'dayjs';
import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat';

const OrdersList = () => {
  const { orders, meta } = useLoaderData();
  return (
    <div className='mt-8'>
      <h4 className='mb-4 capitalize'>
        total orders : {}
      <div className='overflow-x-auto '>
        <table className='table table-zebra'>
          {/* head */}
              <th className='hidden sm:block'>Date</th>
            { => {
              const id =;
              const { name, address, numItemsInCart, orderTotal, createdAt } =

              const date = day(createdAt).format('hh:mm a - MMM Do, YYYY ');
              return (
                <tr key={id}>
                  <td className='hidden sm:block'>{date}</td>
export default OrdersList;

Challenge (54) - Complex Pagination

  • create ComplexPaginationContainer.jsx
  • render in Orders.jsx


  • Import Dependencies:

    • Import useLoaderData, useLocation, and useNavigate from 'react-router-dom'.
  • Create the ComplexPaginationContainer component:

    • Inside the component:
      • Use the useLoaderData() hook to get data from loader data.
      • Destructure meta.pagination to get pageCount and page.
      • Use the useLocation() hook to get the current location's search and pathname.
      • Use the useNavigate() hook to get the navigation function.
      • Create a handlePageChange function that:
        • Constructs a new URLSearchParams from the current search.
        • Sets the 'page' parameter in the search to the specified pageNumber.
        • Uses the navigate function to change the URL with the updated search.
      • Create an addPageButton function that returns a button element with the appropriate classes and onClick handler.
      • Create a renderPageButtons function that generates an array of page buttons, including ellipses and the current page button.
      • Use conditional checks to handle rendering of first, last, and ellipsis buttons.
      • Return null if pageCount is less than 2.
      • Return the pagination interface containing the "Prev," page buttons, and "Next" buttons.
  • Export the ComplexPaginationContainer component.

Solution (54) - Complex Pagination


import { useLoaderData, useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

const ComplexPaginationContainer = () => {
  const { meta } = useLoaderData();
  const { pageCount, page } = meta.pagination;

  const { search, pathname } = useLocation();
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const handlePageChange = (pageNumber) => {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
    searchParams.set('page', pageNumber);

  const addPageButton = ({ pageNumber, activeClass }) => {
    return (
        onClick={() => handlePageChange(pageNumber)}
        className={`btn btn-xs sm:btn-md border-none join-item ${
          activeClass ? 'bg-base-300 border-base-300 ' : ''

  const renderPageButtons = () => {
    const pageButtons = [];
    // first button
    pageButtons.push(addPageButton({ pageNumber: 1, activeClass: page === 1 }));

    // dots
    if (page > 2) {
        <button className='join-item btn btn-xs sm:btn-md' key='dots-1'>

    // active/current page
    if (page !== 1 && page !== pageCount) {
      pageButtons.push(addPageButton({ pageNumber: page, activeClass: true }));
    // dots
    if (page < pageCount - 1) {
        <button className='join-item btn btn-xs sm:btn-md' key='dots-2'>

    // last button
      addPageButton({ pageNumber: pageCount, activeClass: page === pageCount })
    return pageButtons;

  if (pageCount < 2) return null;

  return (
    <div className='mt-16 flex justify-end'>
      <div className='join'>
          className='btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item'
          onClick={() => {
            let prevPage = page - 1;
            if (prevPage < 1) prevPage = pageCount;
          className='btn btn-xs sm:btn-md join-item'
          onClick={() => {
            let nextPage = page + 1;
            if (nextPage > pageCount) nextPage = 1;
export default ComplexPaginationContainer;

Challenge (55) - Setup React Query

  • import and setup react query in App.jsx
  • pass query client down to
    • Landing Page
    • SingleProduct Page
    • Products Page
  • refactor loaders

Solution (55) - Setup React Query


import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { ReactQueryDevtools } from '@tanstack/react-query-devtools';

const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <HomeLayout />,
    errorElement: <Error />,
    children: [
        index: true,
        element: <Landing />,
        loader: landingLoader(queryClient),
        errorElement: <ErrorElement />,
        path: 'products',
        element: <Products />,
        loader: productsLoader(queryClient),
        errorElement: <ErrorElement />,
        path: 'products/:id',
        element: <SingleProduct />,
        loader: singleProductLoader(queryClient),
        errorElement: <ErrorElement />,
        path: 'checkout',
        element: <Checkout />,
        loader: checkoutLoader(store),
        action: checkoutAction(store, queryClient),
        path: 'orders',
        element: <Orders />,
        loader: ordersLoader(store, queryClient),

const App = () => {
  return (
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
      <RouterProvider router={router} />
      <ReactQueryDevtools initialIsOpen={false} />
export default App;


export const loader = (queryClient) => async () => {
  const response = await customFetch(url);
  const products =;
  return { products };

Challenge (56) - Landing

  • setup react query and invoke in loader

Solution (56) - Landing


const featuredProductsQuery = {
  queryKey: ['featuredProducts'],
  queryFn: () => customFetch(url),

export const loader = (queryClient) => async () => {
  const response = await queryClient.ensureQueryData(featuredProductsQuery);
  const products =;
  return { products };

Challenge (57) - Single Product

  • setup react query and invoke in loader

Solution (57) - Single Product


const singleProductQuery = (id) => {
  return {
    queryKey: ['singleProduct', id],
    queryFn: () => customFetch.get(`/products/${id}`),

export const loader =
  (queryClient) =>
  async ({ params }) => {
    const response = await queryClient.ensureQueryData(
    return { product: };

Challenge (58) - All Products

  • setup react query and invoke in loader

Solution (58) - All Products


const allProductsQuery = (queryParams) => {
  const { search, category, company, sort, price, shipping, page } =

  return {
    queryKey: [
      search ?? '',
      category ?? 'all',
      company ?? 'all',
      sort ?? 'a-z',
      price ?? 100000,
      shipping ?? false,
      page ?? 1,
    queryFn: () =>
      customFetch(url, {
        params: queryParams,

export const loader =
  (queryClient) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    const params = Object.fromEntries([ URL(request.url).searchParams.entries(),
    const response = await queryClient.ensureQueryData(

    const products =;
    const meta =;

    return { products, meta, params };

?? === This operator is known as the nullish coalescing operator in JavaScript. It is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.

In simpler terms, the ?? operator is used to provide a default value for potentially null or undefined variables.

Challenge (59) - Orders

setup react query and invoke in loader

Solution (59) - Orders

import { redirect, useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import { customFetch } from '../utils';
import {
} from '../components';

export const ordersQuery = (params, user) => {
  return {
    queryKey: [
      user.username, ? parseInt( : 1,
    queryFn: () =>
      customFetch.get('/orders', {
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${user.token}`,

export const loader =
  (store, queryClient) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    const user = store.getState().userState.user;

    if (!user) {
      toast.warn('You must be logged in to view orders');
      return redirect('/login');
    const params = Object.fromEntries([ URL(request.url).searchParams.entries(),
    try {
      const response = await queryClient.ensureQueryData(
        ordersQuery(params, user)

      return {
    } catch (error) {
      const errorMessage =
        error?.response?.data?.error?.message ||
        'there was an error accessing your orders';

      if (error?.response?.status === 401 || 403) return redirect('/login');
      return null;
const Orders = () => {
  const { meta } = useLoaderData();

  if ( < 1) {
    return <SectionTitle text='Please make an order' />;
  return (
      <SectionTitle text='Your Orders' />
      <OrdersList />
      <ComplexPaginationContainer />
export default Orders;

Challenge (60) - Remove Queries

  • remove "orders" query in CheckoutForm and Header

Solution (60) - Remove Queries


import { Form, redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import FormInput from './FormInput';
import SubmitBtn from './SubmitBtn';
import { customFetch, formatPrice } from '../utils';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import { clearCart } from '../features/cart/cartSlice';

export const action =
  (store, queryClient) =>
  async ({ request }) => {
    try {
      const response = await
        { data: info },
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${user.token}`,
      // remove query
      // rest of the code
      toast.success('order placed successfully');
      return redirect('/orders');
    } ...


import { useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query';
const Header = () => {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const user = useSelector((state) => state.userState.user);
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();
  const handleLogout = async () => {


Ecommerce front-end using react, redux tool kit, react-router, and react Query






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