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Example: Gaseous Targets

Jon Drobny edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 4 revisions

Energy Loss of Energetic Helium in Lithium Vapor Layer

This example uses the 1D geometry mode to have a micron-thick layer of lithium vapor on top of a micron thick layer of liquid/amorphous solid lithium.

Note that two species of lithium are used - one, for the gas layer, has 0 bulk and surface binding energies. The other, for the dense amorphous solid/liquid layer, uses the textbook values of 1.64 and 1.64 eV respectively.

Trajectories of helium and lithium in a target that has a layer of lithium vapor and a layer of dense lithium.

Electronic and nuclear energy losses in the vapor/liquid lithium layers. Image shows constant energy loss in vapor layer and peaked energy loss in the dense layer.

Nuclear energy loss in the vapor/liquid lithium layers. Image shows the triangular shape of the energy deposition profile after passing through a relatively dense vapor layer.

Input File

The input file (Mesh1D format) for this simulation is located below:


To run this input file, run cargo run 1D --release examples/lithium_vapor_shield.toml in the rustbca directory.