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@ldn-softdev ldn-softdev released this 15 May 18:32
· 62 commits to master since this release

Holding latest builds (the latest build: October 5, 2020)

Changes up till now:

  • issues #16, #17, #18: no functional impact, code safety improvements
  • compiling issues #19, #20
  • issue #21: fixed an occasional uncaught exception might be thrown in peculiar walks (UT'd)
  • issue #22: fixed a nasty performance regression noticeable on big JSONs for lexemes supporting interpolation: <..>R, <..>L, <..>D, <..>j (UT'd)
  • fix for the generated auto-tokens issue introduced in the prior build (UT'd)
  • fixed issues #27, #28 (affecting Linux only)
  • fixed issues #29, #32, improved per-walk template behavior #31
  • fixed/improved template-argument behavior in options -u/-i/-c: the behavior should match the behavior of -T option (string-interpolation of iterables might have produced different results)
  • fixed a crash potentially might be occurring when a JSON root undergoes interpolation
  • fixed an issue (#33), where a non-initial Regex lexeme might not be getting engaged (that's the regression from v1.76)
  • added template auto-token $wuid which refers to deterministic walk's unique id for each walk given by user (handy for making JSON elements collections per each walk)
  • introduced flow-control for walk loops using <>f .. ><f pairs: this is a use-case to resolve recursive lookup chains
  • improvements:
    • improved namespace passing between option chain-sets and for -p/ -s options
    • improved trailing backslash parsing in all lexemes
    • enabled walks over a templated argument in -i / -u / -c options (as well enabled namespaces passing to the template)
    • reinstated namespace passing between interleaved walks (it's a regression - the functionality was lost after re-designing namespaces in v1.76)
    • improved behavior for lexeme <..>I when initializing namespace
    • enhanced performance for tokens {{}}, {{..}} (when tokens used as standalone then no interpolation is needed and JSON can be retrieved directly from walks)
    • added a use-case for label interpolations when string-interpolating iterables (handy for generating headers from labels/indices for CSV output), e.g.: <<<'{"tbl":["a","b","c"]}' jtc -w'[tbl]<:>k' -qqT'"{}"' will generate 0, 1, 2 output (instead of a b c) - that is predicated by last walked <:>k directive (lexeme spelling in this case is limited to :).
    • improved label ordering in JSON objects: now numerical labels (those made of digits only) are ordered numerically, while all other labels ordered literally

items to accomplish before the next release:

  • introduced $@ auto-REGEX namespace - it holds all the RE matches (entire matches, or group matches) in a JSON array. That way it's easy to split strings, e.g.: <<<'"abc, def, ghi"' jtc -w'<[^, ]+>R' -rT'{{$@}}' produces output: [ "abc", "def", "ghi" ]
  • redesign and enhance internal template-interpolate logic: currently all interpolations are done via JSON serialization / deserialization, which is a slow way - rework Json class to allow parsing templates and rewrite interpolation so that it's done via binary construction (serdes way will remain only for string interpolations).
  • introduce couple variants of the <..>v directive:
    • <var:<JSN/TMP>>v1 allow saving a JSON spelled literally, or out of a template right into a namespace (currently any lexeme value in <..>v directive is either a JSON or promoted to a JSON string)
    • <var:[{{$PATH}}, <JSON/TMP>]>v2 - the JSON in this form allows reconstructing a JSON in a namespace (i.e., incrementally build up a JSON in the namespace)
  • implement streamed parsing of JSON (i.e. in the format similar produced by this walk: jtc -rw'<>e:' -T'[{{$PATH}}, {{}}]' - this would allow processing a virtually endless JSONs w/o any memory pressure. (parsing of such streamed JSON will be done in a concurrent thread)