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Pathfinding Algorithms for Planetary Navigation

Project Overview

This project focuses on implementing and evaluating AI search algorithms for a flight route planner across the constellation of planets called Oedipus. Each planet is represented as a 2D circular grid. The primary task is to compute the best route from a departure airport (S) to a destination airport (G) using various algorithms under different constraints.

Implemented algorithms include:

  • Uninformed Search: Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Informed Search: Best-First Search (BestF), A* Search (AStar), Simplified Memory-Bounded A* (SMA*)
  • Advanced Search Options: Iterative Deepening Search (IDS) and other custom functionalities

How to Compile and Run the Code

Ensure you have Java installed (JDK17, as used in the School Lab Machines). Navigate to the project directory and use the following commands:


cd src
javac Algorithms/*.java General/*.java
javac Tests/

java P3main <Algorithm> <N> <d_s:angle_s> <d_g:angle_g>
# Example: java P3main BFS 5 2:45 1:180

java Tests/
# Output in BenchmarkOutput.txt