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leanote develop distribution installation tutorial

life edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 13 revisions

Leanote develop distribution is suitable for developer or those who need to use the new feature quickly.

Installation steps:

  1. Install golang
  2. Fetch revel and leanote source code
  3. Install mongodb
  4. Import initial data
  5. Use revel to run leanote

Install golang

Go to to download the newest golang(1.3.1+) corresponding to your os.

If you download the file to /home/user1, extract the file

$> cd /home/user1
$> tar -xzvf go1.3.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Make a new directory gopackage under /home/user1 directory (gopackage will store go package and the compiled file)

$> mkdir /home/user1/gopackage

Configure environment variable and edit /etc/profile:

export GOROOT=/home/user1/go
export GOPATH=/home/user1/gopackage
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

To make the environment variable take effect

$> source /etc/profile

Check if go has installed successfully.

$> go version
# if the terminal print the following message, it means success.
go version go1.3.1 linux/amd64

Fetch revel and leanote

Recommend Method 1: Download all the leanote's source and dependencies from leanote-all

Download Extract it and move the src directory to /home/user1/gopackage/

Use the following cmd to generate revel which will be used to run leanote.

$> go install

Method 2

This method use 「go get」 to download package. As 「go get」 will call git and mercurial, so you need to install them first.

Install git

$> sudo apt-get install git-core mercurial openssh-server openssh-client

Fetch revel and leanote

Open the terminal, type the following command to download revel , leanote and related dependent packages. It may take long time to download these files, please wait patiently.

$> go get
$> go get

Source code of leanote is under /home/user1/gopackage/src/ directory.

Install mongodb

Download address:

Fast download:

Download the file to /home/user1, extract the file.

$> cd /home/user1
$> tar -xzvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.4.tgz/

To guarantee you can reference mongodb command from anywhere, you can configure environment variable. Edit ~/bash_profile or /etc/profile and add mongodb path to PATH.

$> sudo vim /etc/profile


export PATH=$PATH:/home/user1/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.4/bin

To make your modification take effect

$> source /etc/profile

Test mongodb

Make a new folder data under /home/user1 to store data.

mkdir /home/user1/data
# start mongod (mongodb server part)
mongod --dbpath /home/user1/data

Now mongod has started, you can open terminal and test using mongodb.

$> mongo
> show dbs

Now your mongodb installation is complete, let's import initial data for mongodb.

Import initial leanote data

Leanote's initial data is in /home/user1/gopackage/src/

Open terminal and type the following the following command to import initial data.

The import data cmd in mognodb v2 and mongodb v3 is different.

For mongodb v2:

$> mongorestore -h localhost -d leanote --directoryperdb /home/user1/gopackage/src/

For mongodb v3:

mongorestore -h localhost -d leanote --dir /home/user1/leanote/mongodb_backup/leanote_install_data/

Now mongodb has created leanote database, you can query how many tables leanote database has.

$> mongo
> show dbs 
leanote	0.203125GB
local	0.078125GB
> use leanote 
switched to db leanote
> show collections # a collection in mongodb is a table in mysql

The initial users table has two accounts:

user1 username: admin, password: abc123 (administrator who can manage background system)
user2 username:, password: (just for experiencing)

Configure leanote

Edit /home/user1/gopackage/src/, You need to modify app.secret, please change it to a different value, if not, there will be secure problem. Change db.username db.password and other db options if needed.

Run leanote

$> revel run

If you are using revel 0.12 or above, please refer to this post

Congratulations, open you browser and enter http://localhost:9000 as the address, you just need to experience leanote.

Trouble shooting

Issue: Cannot running

Go to /@tests to run the tests.
panic: auth fails

goroutine 1 [running]:
	/home/life/gopackage1/src/ +0x356

answer: the database configuration is not correct, please check if the username and password in conf/app.conf is correct.

Issue: How to modify the default port to 80 ?

Modify the file: conf/app.conf. Update port to 80:



Issue: How to add database administrator ?

OK, the data has been imported. Now you need to add a new user to leanote database, like root account in mysql. Mongodb initially doesn't have any account, which is not secure, so you need to add a new user to connect to leanoate database(note: the account here is not the user in user table but the account which is used to connect to leanote database).

The add user cmd in mongodb v2 and mongodb v3 is different:

For mongodb v2:

> use leanote;
# add a new user, root, pasword is abc123
> db.addUser("root", "abc123");
    "_id" : ObjectId("53688d1950cc1813efb9564c"),
    "user" : "root",
    "readOnly" : false,
    "pwd" : "e014bfea4a9c3c27ab34e50bd1ef0955"
# test if correct
> db.auth("root", "abc123");
1 #return 1 means success 

For mongodb v3:

> use leanote;
# # add a new user, root, pasword is abc123
> db.createUser({
    user: 'root',
    pwd: 'abc123',
    roles: [{role: 'dbOwner', db: 'leanote'}]
# test if correct
> db.auth("root", "abc123");
1 #return 1 means success 

You must modify db.username and db.password on the configuration of mongodb.

Modify file: conf/app.conf

# mongdb
db.dbname=leanote # required
db.username=root # if not exists, please leave blank
db.password=abc123 # if not exists, please leave blank

After you have added the root user, you can re-run mongod, and open access authentication. You can enter ctrl+c to exit mongodb.

Start mongodb with authorization:

$> mongod --dbpath /home/user1/data --auth

Restart leanote via revel run

Issue: How to update leanote?

You can use git pull to fetch the newest version of leanote. If you have modified leanote, you can fetch( fetch is recommended) the newest leanote to local and merge with your local version. e.g.

git fetch origin master:tmp # fetch the newest version leanote ,alias tmp 
git diff tmp # compare and diff
git merge tmp # merge the newest leanote with your local version
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