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Multramate committed Sep 8, 2022
1 parent cd7f062 commit 00ab776
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102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/dedekind_domain/S_integer.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 David Kurniadi Angdinata. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Kurniadi Angdinata

import ring_theory.dedekind_domain.adic_valuation

# `S`-integers and `S`-units of fraction fields of Dedekind domains
Let `K` be the field of fractions of a Dedekind domain `R`, and let `S` be a set of prime ideals in
the height one spectrum of `R`. An `S`-integer of `K` is defined to have `v`-adic valuation at most
one for all primes ideals `v` away from `S`, whereas an `S`-unit of `Kˣ` is defined to have `v`-adic
valuation exactly one for all prime ideals `v` away from `S`.
This file defines the subalgebra of `S`-integers of `K` and the subgroup of `S`-units of `Kˣ`, where
`K` can be specialised to the case of a number field or a function field separately.
## Main definitions
* `set.integer`: `S`-integers.
* `set.unit`: `S`-units.
* TODO: localised notation for `S`-integers.
## Main statements
* `set.unit_equiv_units_integer`: `S`-units are units of `S`-integers.
* TODO: proof that `S`-units is the kernel of a map to a product.
* TODO: proof that `∅`-integers is the usual ring of integers.
* TODO: finite generation of `S`-units and Dirichlet's `S`-unit theorem.
## References
* [D Marcus, *Number Fields*][marcus1977number]
* [J W S Cassels, A Frölich, *Algebraic Number Theory*][cassels1967algebraic]
* [J Neukirch, *Algebraic Number Theory*][Neukirch1992]
## Tags
S integer, S-integer, S unit, S-unit

namespace set

noncomputable theory

open is_dedekind_domain

open_locale non_zero_divisors

universes u v

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] [is_dedekind_domain R]
(S : set $ height_one_spectrum R) (K : Type v) [field K] [algebra R K] [is_fraction_ring R K]

/-! ## `S`-integers -/

/-- The `R`-subalgebra of `S`-integers of `K`. -/
@[simps] def integer : subalgebra R K :=
{ algebra_map_mem' := λ x v _, v.valuation_le_one x,
.. (⨅ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation.valuation_subring.to_subring).copy
{x : K | ∀ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation x ≤ 1} $ set.ext $ λ _,
by simpa only [set_like.mem_coe, subring.mem_infi] }

lemma integer_eq :
(S.integer K).to_subring
= ⨅ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation.valuation_subring.to_subring :=
set_like.ext' $ by simpa only [integer, subring.copy_eq]

lemma integer_valuation_le_one (x : S.integer K) {v : height_one_spectrum R} (hv : v ∉ S) :
v.valuation (x : K) ≤ 1 := v hv

/-! ## `S`-units -/

/-- The subgroup of `S`-units of `Kˣ`. -/
@[simps] def unit : subgroup Kˣ :=
(⨅ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation.valuation_subring.unit_group).copy
{x : Kˣ | ∀ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation (x : K) = 1} $ set.ext $ λ _,
by simpa only [set_like.mem_coe, subgroup.mem_infi, valuation.mem_unit_group_iff]

lemma unit_eq :
S.unit K = ⨅ v ∉ S, (v : height_one_spectrum R).valuation.valuation_subring.unit_group :=
subgroup.copy_eq _ _ _

lemma unit_valuation_eq_one (x : S.unit K) {v : height_one_spectrum R} (hv : v ∉ S) :
v.valuation (x : K) = 1 := v hv

/-- The group of `S`-units is the group of units of the ring of `S`-integers. -/
@[simps] def unit_equiv_units_integer : S.unit K ≃* (S.integer K)ˣ :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨⟨x, λ v hv, ( v hv).le⟩, ⟨↑x⁻¹, λ v hv, ((x⁻¹).property v hv).le⟩,
subtype.ext x.val.val_inv, subtype.ext x.val.inv_val⟩,
inv_fun := λ x, ⟨units.mk0 x $ λ hx, x.ne_zero ((subring.coe_eq_zero_iff _).mp hx),
λ v hv, eq_one_of_one_le_mul_left ( v hv) ( v hv) $ $
by { rw [← map_mul], convert v.valuation.map_one, exact x.val_inv }⟩,
left_inv := λ _, by { ext, refl },
right_inv := λ _, by { ext, refl },
map_mul' := λ _ _, by { ext, refl } }

end set
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/subring/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -560,6 +560,13 @@ instance : has_Inf (subring R) :=

lemma mem_Inf {S : set (subring R)} {x : R} : x ∈ Inf S ↔ ∀ p ∈ S, x ∈ p := set.mem_Inter₂

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_infi {ι : Sort*} {S : ι → subring R} :
(↑(⨅ i, S i) : set R) = ⋂ i, S i :=
by simp only [infi, coe_Inf, set.bInter_range]

lemma mem_infi {ι : Sort*} {S : ι → subring R} {x : R} : (x ∈ ⨅ i, S i) ↔ ∀ i, x ∈ S i :=
by simp only [infi, mem_Inf, set.forall_range_iff]

@[simp] lemma Inf_to_submonoid (s : set (subring R)) :
(Inf s).to_submonoid = ⨅ t ∈ s, subring.to_submonoid t := mk'_to_submonoid _ _

Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/valuation/valuation_subring.lean
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Expand Up @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ section unit_group
def unit_group : subgroup Kˣ :=
(A.valuation.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.to_monoid_hom.comp (units.coe_hom K)).ker

lemma mem_unit_group_iff (x : Kˣ) : x ∈ A.unit_group ↔ A.valuation x = 1 := iff.rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_unit_group_iff (x : Kˣ) : x ∈ A.unit_group ↔ A.valuation x = 1 := iff.rfl

/-- For a valuation subring `A`, `A.unit_group` agrees with the units of `A`. -/
def unit_group_mul_equiv : A.unit_group ≃* Aˣ :=
Expand All @@ -393,7 +393,6 @@ lemma coe_unit_group_mul_equiv_apply (a : A.unit_group) :
lemma coe_unit_group_mul_equiv_symm_apply (a : Aˣ) :
(A.unit_group_mul_equiv.symm a : K) = a := rfl

lemma unit_group_le_unit_group {A B : valuation_subring K} :
A.unit_group ≤ B.unit_group ↔ A ≤ B :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -718,3 +717,12 @@ set.subset_set_smul_iff
end pointwise_actions

end valuation_subring

namespace valuation

variables {Γ : Type*} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Γ] (v : valuation K Γ) (x : Kˣ)

@[simp] lemma mem_unit_group_iff : x ∈ v.valuation_subring.unit_group ↔ v x = 1 :=
(valuation.is_equiv_iff_val_eq_one _ _).mp (valuation.is_equiv_valuation_valuation_subring _).symm

end valuation

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