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feat(probability/kernel/cond_distrib): regular conditional probabilit…
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…y distributions (#19090)

We define the regular conditional probability distribution `cond_distrib Y X μ` of `Y : α → Ω` given `X : α → β`, where `Ω` is a standard Borel space. This is a `kernel β Ω` such that for almost all `a`, for all measurable set `s`, `cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s` is equal to the conditional expectation `μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧` evaluated at `a`.

Also define the above notation for the conditional expectation of the indicator of a set.

Co-authored-by: Rémy Degenne <>
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RemyDegenne and RemyDegenne committed May 31, 2023
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/constructions/prod/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -749,6 +749,21 @@ instance [is_finite_measure ρ] : is_finite_measure ρ.fst := by { rw fst, apply
instance [is_probability_measure ρ] : is_probability_measure ρ.fst :=
{ measure_univ := by { rw fst_univ, exact measure_univ, } }

lemma fst_map_prod_mk₀ {X : α → β} {Y : α → γ} {μ : measure α}
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ) :
(μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))).fst = μ.map X :=
ext1 s hs,
rw [measure.fst_apply hs, measure.map_apply_of_ae_measurable (hX.prod_mk hY) (measurable_fst hs),
measure.map_apply_of_ae_measurable hX hs, ← prod_univ, mk_preimage_prod, preimage_univ,

lemma fst_map_prod_mk {X : α → β} {Y : α → γ} {μ : measure α}
(hX : measurable X) (hY : measurable Y) :
(μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))).fst = μ.map X :=
fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX.ae_measurable hY.ae_measurable

/-- Marginal measure on `β` obtained from a measure on `ρ` `α × β`, defined by `ρ.map prod.snd`. -/
def snd (ρ : measure (α × β)) : measure β := ρ.map prod.snd
Expand All @@ -764,6 +779,21 @@ instance [is_finite_measure ρ] : is_finite_measure ρ.snd := by { rw snd, apply
instance [is_probability_measure ρ] : is_probability_measure ρ.snd :=
{ measure_univ := by { rw snd_univ, exact measure_univ, } }

lemma snd_map_prod_mk₀ {X : α → β} {Y : α → γ} {μ : measure α}
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ) :
(μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))).snd = μ.map Y :=
ext1 s hs,
rw [measure.snd_apply hs, measure.map_apply_of_ae_measurable (hX.prod_mk hY) (measurable_snd hs),
measure.map_apply_of_ae_measurable hY hs, ← univ_prod, mk_preimage_prod, preimage_univ,

lemma snd_map_prod_mk {X : α → β} {Y : α → γ} {μ : measure α}
(hX : measurable X) (hY : measurable Y) :
(μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))).snd = μ.map Y :=
snd_map_prod_mk₀ hX.ae_measurable hY.ae_measurable

end measure

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,14 @@ lemma ae_eq_trim_iff_of_ae_strongly_measurable' {α β} [topological_space β] [
⟨λ h, hfm.ae_eq_mk.trans (h.trans hgm.ae_eq_mk.symm),
λ h, hfm.ae_eq_mk.symm.trans (h.trans hgm.ae_eq_mk)⟩

lemma ae_strongly_measurable.comp_ae_measurable'
{α β γ : Type*} [topological_space β] {mα : measurable_space α} {mγ : measurable_space γ}
{f : α → β} {μ : measure γ} {g : γ → α}
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map g)) (hg : ae_measurable g μ) :
ae_strongly_measurable' (mα.comap g) (f ∘ g) μ :=
⟨( f) ∘ g, hf.strongly_measurable_mk.comp_measurable (measurable_iff_comap_le.mpr le_rfl),
ae_eq_comp hg hf.ae_eq_mk⟩

/-- If the restriction to a set `s` of a σ-algebra `m` is included in the restriction to `s` of
another σ-algebra `m₂` (hypothesis `hs`), the set `s` is `m` measurable and a function `f` almost
everywhere supported on `s` is `m`-ae-strongly-measurable, then `f` is also
Expand Down
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions src/probability/kernel/cond_distrib.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Rémy Degenne. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Rémy Degenne
import probability.kernel.disintegration
import probability.notation

# Regular conditional probability distribution
We define the regular conditional probability distribution of `Y : α → Ω` given `X : α → β`, where
`Ω` is a standard Borel space. This is a `kernel β Ω` such that for almost all `a`, `cond_distrib`
evaluated at `X a` and a measurable set `s` is equal to the conditional expectation
`μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧` evaluated at `a`.
`μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧` maps a measurable set `s` to a function `α → ℝ≥0∞`, and for all `s` that
map is unique up to a `μ`-null set. For all `a`, the map from sets to `ℝ≥0∞` that we obtain that way
verifies some of the properties of a measure, but in general the fact that the `μ`-null set depends
on `s` can prevent us from finding versions of the conditional expectation that combine into a true
measure. The standard Borel space assumption on `Ω` allows us to do so.
The case `Y = X = id` is developed in more detail in `probability/kernel/condexp.lean`: here `X` is
understood as a map from `Ω` with a sub-σ-algebra to `Ω` with its default σ-algebra and the
conditional distribution defines a kernel associated with the conditional expectation with respect
to `m`.
## Main definitions
* `cond_distrib Y X μ`: regular conditional probability distribution of `Y : α → Ω` given
`X : α → β`, where `Ω` is a standard Borel space.
## Main statements
* `cond_distrib_ae_eq_condexp`: for almost all `a`, `cond_distrib` evaluated at `X a` and a
measurable set `s` is equal to the conditional expectation `μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧ a`.
* `condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib`: the conditional expectation
`μ[(λ a, f (X a, Y a)) | X ; mβ]` is almost everywhere equal to the integral
`∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))`.

open measure_theory set filter topological_space

open_locale ennreal measure_theory probability_theory

namespace probability_theory

variables {α β Ω F : Type*}
[topological_space Ω] [measurable_space Ω] [polish_space Ω] [borel_space Ω] [nonempty Ω]
[normed_add_comm_group F]
{mα : measurable_space α} {μ : measure α} [is_finite_measure μ] {X : α → β} {Y : α → Ω}

/-- **Regular conditional probability distribution**: kernel associated with the conditional
expectation of `Y` given `X`.
For almost all `a`, `cond_distrib Y X μ` evaluated at `X a` and a measurable set `s` is equal to
the conditional expectation `μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧ a`. It also satisfies the equality
`μ[(λ a, f (X a, Y a)) | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))` for
all integrable functions `f`. -/
@[irreducible] noncomputable
def cond_distrib {mα : measurable_space α} [measurable_space β]
(Y : α → Ω) (X : α → β) (μ : measure α) [is_finite_measure μ] :
kernel β Ω :=
(μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))).cond_kernel

instance [measurable_space β] : is_markov_kernel (cond_distrib Y X μ) :=
by { rw cond_distrib, apply_instance, }

variables {mβ : measurable_space β} {s : set Ω} {t : set β} {f : β × Ω → F}

section measurability

lemma measurable_cond_distrib (hs : measurable_set s) :
measurable[mβ.comap X] (λ a, cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s) :=
(kernel.measurable_coe _ hs).comp (measurable.of_comap_le le_rfl)

lemma _root_.measure_theory.ae_strongly_measurable.ae_integrable_cond_distrib_map_iff
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
(∀ᵐ a ∂(μ.map X), integrable (λ ω, f (a, ω)) (cond_distrib Y X μ a))
∧ integrable (λ a, ∫ ω, ‖f (a, ω)‖ ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ a)) (μ.map X)
↔ integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))) :=
by rw [cond_distrib, ← hf.ae_integrable_cond_kernel_iff, measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX hY]

variables [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]

lemma _root_.measure_theory.ae_strongly_measurable.integral_cond_distrib_map
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
ae_strongly_measurable (λ x, ∫ y, f (x, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ x)) (μ.map X) :=
by { rw [← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX hY, cond_distrib], exact hf.integral_cond_kernel, }

lemma _root_.measure_theory.ae_strongly_measurable.integral_cond_distrib
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
ae_strongly_measurable (λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))) μ :=
(hf.integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY).comp_ae_measurable hX

lemma ae_strongly_measurable'_integral_cond_distrib
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
ae_strongly_measurable' (mβ.comap X) (λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))) μ :=
(hf.integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY).comp_ae_measurable' hX

end measurability

section integrability

lemma integrable_to_real_cond_distrib (hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hs : measurable_set s) :
integrable (λ a, (cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s).to_real) μ :=
refine integrable_to_real_of_lintegral_ne_top _ _,
{ exact measurable.comp_ae_measurable (kernel.measurable_coe _ hs) hX, },
{ refine ne_of_lt _,
calc ∫⁻ a, cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s ∂μ
≤ ∫⁻ a, 1 ∂μ : lintegral_mono (λ a, prob_le_one)
... = μ univ : lintegral_one
... < ∞ : measure_lt_top _ _, },

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.cond_distrib_ae_map
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
∀ᵐ b ∂(μ.map X), integrable (λ ω, f (b, ω)) (cond_distrib Y X μ b) :=
by { rw [cond_distrib, ← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX hY], exact hf_int.cond_kernel_ae, }

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.cond_distrib_ae
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
∀ᵐ a ∂μ, integrable (λ ω, f (X a, ω)) (cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
ae_of_ae_map hX (hf_int.cond_distrib_ae_map hX hY)

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.integral_norm_cond_distrib_map
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ x, ∫ y, ‖f (x, y)‖ ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ x)) (μ.map X) :=
by { rw [cond_distrib, ← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX hY], exact hf_int.integral_norm_cond_kernel, }

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.integral_norm_cond_distrib
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ a, ∫ y, ‖f (X a, y)‖ ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))) μ :=
(hf_int.integral_norm_cond_distrib_map hX hY).comp_ae_measurable hX

variables [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.norm_integral_cond_distrib_map
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ x, ‖∫ y, f (x, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ x)‖) (μ.map X) :=
by { rw [cond_distrib, ← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX hY], exact hf_int.norm_integral_cond_kernel, }

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.norm_integral_cond_distrib
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ a, ‖∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))‖) μ :=
(hf_int.norm_integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY).comp_ae_measurable hX

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.integral_cond_distrib_map
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ x, ∫ y, f (x, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ x)) (μ.map X) :=
(integrable_norm_iff (hf_int.1.integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY)).mp
(hf_int.norm_integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY)

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.integral_cond_distrib
(hX : ae_measurable X μ) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
integrable (λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))) μ :=
(hf_int.integral_cond_distrib_map hX hY).comp_ae_measurable hX

end integrability

lemma set_lintegral_preimage_cond_distrib (hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hs : measurable_set s) (ht : measurable_set t) :
∫⁻ a in X ⁻¹' t, cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s ∂μ = μ (X ⁻¹' t ∩ Y ⁻¹' s) :=
by rw [lintegral_comp (kernel.measurable_coe _ hs) hX, cond_distrib,
← measure.restrict_map hX ht, ← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX.ae_measurable hY,
set_lintegral_cond_kernel_eq_measure_prod _ ht hs,
measure.map_apply_of_ae_measurable (hX.ae_measurable.prod_mk hY) ( hs),

lemma set_lintegral_cond_distrib_of_measurable_set (hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hs : measurable_set s) {t : set α} (ht : measurable_set[mβ.comap X] t) :
∫⁻ a in t, cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s ∂μ = μ (t ∩ Y ⁻¹' s) :=
by { obtain ⟨t', ht', rfl⟩ := ht, rw set_lintegral_preimage_cond_distrib hX hY hs ht', }

/-- For almost every `a : α`, the `cond_distrib Y X μ` kernel applied to `X a` and a measurable set
`s` is equal to the conditional expectation of the indicator of `Y ⁻¹' s`. -/
lemma cond_distrib_ae_eq_condexp (hX : measurable X) (hY : measurable Y) (hs : measurable_set s) :
(λ a, (cond_distrib Y X μ (X a) s).to_real) =ᵐ[μ] μ⟦Y ⁻¹' s | mβ.comap X⟧ :=
refine ae_eq_condexp_of_forall_set_integral_eq hX.comap_le _ _ _ _,
{ exact (integrable_const _).indicator (hY hs), },
{ exact λ t ht _, (integrable_to_real_cond_distrib hX.ae_measurable hs).integrable_on, },
{ intros t ht _,
rw [integral_to_real ((measurable_cond_distrib hs).mono hX.comap_le le_rfl).ae_measurable
(eventually_of_forall (λ ω, measure_lt_top (cond_distrib Y X μ (X ω)) _)),
integral_indicator_const _ (hY hs), measure.restrict_apply (hY hs), smul_eq_mul, mul_one,
inter_comm, set_lintegral_cond_distrib_of_measurable_set hX hY.ae_measurable hs ht], },
{ refine (measurable.strongly_measurable _).ae_strongly_measurable',
exact @measurable.ennreal_to_real _ (mβ.comap X) _ (measurable_cond_distrib hs), },

/-- The conditional expectation of a function `f` of the product `(X, Y)` is almost everywhere equal
to the integral of `y ↦ f(X, y)` against the `cond_distrib` kernel. -/
lemma condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib' [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]
(hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf_int : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a)))) :
μ[(λ a, f (X a, Y a)) | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
have hf_int' : integrable (λ a, f (X a, Y a)) μ,
{ exact (integrable_map_measure hf_int.1 (hX.ae_measurable.prod_mk hY)).mp hf_int, },
refine (ae_eq_condexp_of_forall_set_integral_eq hX.comap_le hf_int' (λ s hs hμs, _) _ _).symm,
{ exact (hf_int.integral_cond_distrib hX.ae_measurable hY).integrable_on, },
{ rintros s ⟨t, ht, rfl⟩ _,
change ∫ a in X ⁻¹' t, ((λ x', ∫ y, f (x', y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ) x') ∘ X) a ∂μ
= ∫ a in X ⁻¹' t, f (X a, Y a) ∂μ,
rw ← integral_map hX.ae_measurable,
{ rw ← measure.restrict_map hX ht,
exact (hf_int.1.integral_cond_distrib_map hX.ae_measurable hY).restrict, },
rw [← measure.restrict_map hX ht, ← measure.fst_map_prod_mk₀ hX.ae_measurable hY, cond_distrib,
set_integral_cond_kernel_univ_right ht hf_int.integrable_on,
set_integral_map ( measurable_set.univ) hf_int.1 (hX.ae_measurable.prod_mk hY),
mk_preimage_prod, preimage_univ, inter_univ], },
{ exact ae_strongly_measurable'_integral_cond_distrib hX.ae_measurable hY hf_int.1, },

/-- The conditional expectation of a function `f` of the product `(X, Y)` is almost everywhere equal
to the integral of `y ↦ f(X, y)` against the `cond_distrib` kernel. -/
lemma condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib₀ [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]
(hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : ae_strongly_measurable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))))
(hf_int : integrable (λ a, f (X a, Y a)) μ) :
μ[(λ a, f (X a, Y a)) | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
have hf_int' : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))),
{ rwa integrable_map_measure hf (hX.ae_measurable.prod_mk hY), },
exact condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib' hX hY hf_int',

/-- The conditional expectation of a function `f` of the product `(X, Y)` is almost everywhere equal
to the integral of `y ↦ f(X, y)` against the `cond_distrib` kernel. -/
lemma condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]
(hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
(hf : strongly_measurable f) (hf_int : integrable (λ a, f (X a, Y a)) μ) :
μ[(λ a, f (X a, Y a)) | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f (X a, y) ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
have hf_int' : integrable f (μ.map (λ a, (X a, Y a))),
{ rwa integrable_map_measure hf.ae_strongly_measurable (hX.ae_measurable.prod_mk hY), },
exact condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib' hX hY hf_int',

lemma condexp_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]
(hX : measurable X) (hY : ae_measurable Y μ)
{f : Ω → F} (hf : strongly_measurable f) (hf_int : integrable (λ a, f (Y a)) μ) :
μ[(λ a, f (Y a)) | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f y ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib hX hY (hf.comp_measurable measurable_snd) hf_int

/-- The conditional expectation of `Y` given `X` is almost everywhere equal to the integral
`∫ y, y ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a))`. -/
lemma condexp_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib' {Ω} [normed_add_comm_group Ω] [normed_space ℝ Ω]
[complete_space Ω] [measurable_space Ω] [borel_space Ω] [second_countable_topology Ω] {Y : α → Ω}
(hX : measurable X) (hY_int : integrable Y μ) :
μ[Y | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, y ∂(cond_distrib Y X μ (X a)) :=
condexp_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib hX hY_int.1.ae_measurable strongly_measurable_id hY_int

lemma _root_.measure_theory.ae_strongly_measurable.comp_snd_map_prod_mk
{Ω F} {mΩ : measurable_space Ω} {X : Ω → β} {μ : measure Ω}
[topological_space F] (hX : measurable X) {f : Ω → F} (hf : ae_strongly_measurable f μ) :
ae_strongly_measurable (λ x : β × Ω, f x.2) (μ.map (λ ω, (X ω, ω))) :=
refine ⟨λ x, f x.2, hf.strongly_measurable_mk.comp_measurable measurable_snd, _⟩,
suffices h : measure.quasi_measure_preserving prod.snd (μ.map (λ ω, (X ω, ω))) μ,
{ exact measure.quasi_measure_preserving.ae_eq h hf.ae_eq_mk, },
refine ⟨measurable_snd, (λ s hs hμs, _)⟩,
rw measure.map_apply _ hs,
swap, { exact measurable_snd, },
rw measure.map_apply,
{ rw [← univ_prod, mk_preimage_prod, preimage_univ, univ_inter, preimage_id'],
exact hμs, },
{ exact hX.prod_mk measurable_id, },
{ exact measurable_snd hs, },

lemma _root_.measure_theory.integrable.comp_snd_map_prod_mk {Ω} {mΩ : measurable_space Ω}
{X : Ω → β} {μ : measure Ω} (hX : measurable X) {f : Ω → F} (hf_int : integrable f μ) :
integrable (λ x : β × Ω, f x.2) (μ.map (λ ω, (X ω, ω))) :=
have hf := hf_int.1.comp_snd_map_prod_mk hX,
refine ⟨hf, _⟩,
rw [has_finite_integral, lintegral_map' hf.ennnorm (hX.prod_mk measurable_id).ae_measurable],
exact hf_int.2,

lemma ae_strongly_measurable_comp_snd_map_prod_mk_iff {Ω F} {mΩ : measurable_space Ω}
[topological_space F] {X : Ω → β} {μ : measure Ω} (hX : measurable X) {f : Ω → F} :
ae_strongly_measurable (λ x : β × Ω, f x.2) (μ.map (λ ω, (X ω, ω)))
↔ ae_strongly_measurable f μ :=
⟨λ h, h.comp_measurable (hX.prod_mk measurable_id), λ h, h.comp_snd_map_prod_mk hX⟩

lemma integrable_comp_snd_map_prod_mk_iff {Ω} {mΩ : measurable_space Ω} {X : Ω → β} {μ : measure Ω}
(hX : measurable X) {f : Ω → F} :
integrable (λ x : β × Ω, f x.2) (μ.map (λ ω, (X ω, ω))) ↔ integrable f μ :=
⟨λ h, h.comp_measurable (hX.prod_mk measurable_id), λ h, h.comp_snd_map_prod_mk hX⟩

lemma condexp_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib_id [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]
{X : Ω → β} {μ : measure Ω} [is_finite_measure μ]
(hX : measurable X) {f : Ω → F} (hf_int : integrable f μ) :
μ[f | mβ.comap X] =ᵐ[μ] λ a, ∫ y, f y ∂(cond_distrib id X μ (X a)) :=
condexp_prod_ae_eq_integral_cond_distrib' hX ae_measurable_id (hf_int.comp_snd_map_prod_mk hX)

end probability_theory

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