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feat(category_theory/localization): developing the predicate is_local…
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…ization (#16890)

When `L : C ⥤ D` and `W : morphism_property C`, a constructor for the predicate `L.is_localization W` is introduced: it takes as inputs the universal property of the localized category. In this PR, it is also shown that is `L.is_localization W`, the functor `L` is essentially surjective.

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Oct 12, 2022
1 parent 265fe3d commit 032f11f
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Showing 2 changed files with 122 additions and 2 deletions.
121 changes: 119 additions & 2 deletions src/category_theory/localization/predicate.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,23 @@ import
# Predicate for localized categories
In this file, a predicate `L.is_localization W` is introduced for a functor `L : C ⥤ D`
and `W : morphism_property C`. It expresses that `L` identifies `D` with the localized
and `W : morphism_property C`: it expresses that `L` identifies `D` with the localized
category of `C` with respect to `W` (up to equivalence).
We introduce a universal property `strict_universal_property_fixed_target L W E` which
states that `L` inverts the morphisms in `W` and that all functors `C ⥤ E` inverting
`W` uniquely factors as a composition of `L ⋙ G` with `G : D ⥤ E`. Such universal
properties are inputs for the constructor `'` for `L.is_localization W`.

noncomputable theory

namespace category_theory

variables {C D : Type*} [category C] [category D]
variables (L : C ⥤ D) (W : morphism_property C)
(L : C ⥤ D) (W : morphism_property C)
(E : Type*) [category E]

namespace functor

Expand All @@ -41,4 +49,113 @@ instance Q_is_localization : W.Q.is_localization W :=

end functor

namespace localization

/-- This universal property states that a functor `L : C ⥤ D` inverts morphisms
in `W` and the all functors `D ⥤ E` (for a fixed category `E`) uniquely factors
through `L`. -/
structure strict_universal_property_fixed_target :=
(inverts : W.is_inverted_by L)
(lift : Π (F : C ⥤ E) (hF : W.is_inverted_by F), D ⥤ E)
(fac : Π (F : C ⥤ E) (hF : W.is_inverted_by F), L ⋙ lift F hF = F)
(uniq : Π (F₁ F₂ : D ⥤ E) (h : L ⋙ F₁ = L ⋙ F₂), F₁ = F₂)

/-- The localized category `W.localization` that was constructed satisfies
the universal property of the localization. -/
def strict_universal_property_fixed_target_Q :
strict_universal_property_fixed_target W.Q W E :=
{ inverts := W.Q_inverts,
lift := construction.lift,
fac := construction.fac,
uniq := construction.uniq, }

instance : inhabited (strict_universal_property_fixed_target W.Q W E) :=
⟨strict_universal_property_fixed_target_Q _ _⟩

/-- When `W` consists of isomorphisms, the identity satisfies the universal property
of the localization. -/
def strict_universal_property_fixed_target_id (hW : W ⊆ morphism_property.isomorphisms C):
strict_universal_property_fixed_target (𝟭 C) W E :=
{ inverts := λ X Y f hf, hW f hf,
lift := λ F hF, F,
fac := λ F hF, by { cases F, refl, },
uniq := λ F₁ F₂ eq, by { cases F₁, cases F₂, exact eq, }, }

end localization

namespace functor

(h₁ : localization.strict_universal_property_fixed_target L W D)
(h₂ : localization.strict_universal_property_fixed_target L W W.localization) :
is_localization L W :=
{ inverts := h₁.inverts,
nonempty_is_equivalence := nonempty.intro
{ inverse := h₂.lift W.Q W.Q_inverts,
unit_iso := eq_to_iso ( _ _
(by simp only [← functor.assoc,, h₂.fac, functor.comp_id])),
counit_iso := eq_to_iso (h₁.uniq _ _ (by simp only [← functor.assoc, h₂.fac,, functor.comp_id])),
functor_unit_iso_comp' := λ X, by simpa only [eq_to_iso.hom, eq_to_hom_app,
eq_to_hom_map, eq_to_hom_trans, eq_to_hom_refl], }, }

lemma is_localization.for_id (hW : W ⊆ morphism_property.isomorphisms C):
(𝟭 C).is_localization W :=' _ _
(localization.strict_universal_property_fixed_target_id W _ hW)
(localization.strict_universal_property_fixed_target_id W _ hW)

end functor

namespace localization

variable [L.is_localization W]
include L W

lemma inverts : W.is_inverted_by L := (infer_instance : L.is_localization W).inverts

variable {W}

/-- The isomorphism `L.obj X ≅ L.obj Y` that is deduced from a morphism `f : X ⟶ Y` which
belongs to `W`, when `L.is_localization W`. -/
def iso_of_hom {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (hf : W f) : L.obj X ≅ L.obj Y :=
by { haveI : is_iso ( f) := inverts L W f hf, exact as_iso ( f), }

variable (W)

instance : is_equivalence ( L (inverts L W)) :=
(infer_instance : L.is_localization W).nonempty_is_equivalence.some

/-- A chosen equivalence of categories `W.localization ≅ D` for a functor
`L : C ⥤ D` which satisfies `L.is_localization W`. This shall be used in
order to deduce properties of `L` from properties of `W.Q`. -/
def equivalence_from_model : W.localization ≌ D :=
( L (inverts L W)).as_equivalence

/-- Via the equivalence of categories `equivalence_from_model L W : W.localization ≌ D`,
one may identify the functors `W.Q` and `L`. -/
def Q_comp_equivalence_from_model_functor_iso :
W.Q ⋙ (equivalence_from_model L W).functor ≅ L := eq_to_iso (construction.fac _ _)

/-- Via the equivalence of categories `equivalence_from_model L W : W.localization ≌ D`,
one may identify the functors `L` and `W.Q`. -/
def comp_equivalence_from_model_inverse_iso :
L ⋙ (equivalence_from_model L W).inverse ≅ W.Q :=
calc L ⋙ (equivalence_from_model L W).inverse ≅ _ :
iso_whisker_right (Q_comp_equivalence_from_model_functor_iso L W).symm _
... ≅ W.Q ⋙ ((equivalence_from_model L W).functor ⋙ (equivalence_from_model L W).inverse) :
functor.associator _ _ _
... ≅ W.Q ⋙ 𝟭 _ : iso_whisker_left _ ((equivalence_from_model L W).unit_iso.symm)
... ≅ W.Q : functor.right_unitor _

lemma ess_surj : ess_surj L :=
⟨λ X, ⟨(construction.obj_equiv W).inv_fun ((equivalence_from_model L W).inverse.obj X),
nonempty.intro ((Q_comp_equivalence_from_model_functor_iso L W) _ ≪≫
(equivalence_from_model L W) X)⟩⟩

end localization

end category_theory
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/whiskering.lean
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ and it's usually best to insert explicit associators.)
{ hom := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ },
inv := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ } }

lemma assoc (F : A ⥤ B) (G : B ⥤ C) (H : C ⥤ D) : ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) = (F ⋙ (G ⋙ H)) := rfl

lemma triangle (F : A ⥤ B) (G : B ⥤ C) :
(associator F (𝟭 B) G).hom ≫ (whisker_left F (left_unitor G).hom) =
(whisker_right (right_unitor F).hom G) :=
Expand Down

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