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feat(measure_theory/measure/haar): Add the Steinhaus Theorem (#12932)
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This PR proves the [Steinhaus Theorem]( in any locally compact group with a Haar measure. 

Co-authored-by: YaelDillies <>
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MantasBaksys and YaelDillies committed Apr 11, 2022
1 parent cea5e4b commit 04250c8
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 0 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/haar.lean
Expand Up @@ -640,6 +640,56 @@ begin
exact regular.smul ctop,

/-- **Steinhaus Theorem** In any locally compact group `G` with a haar measure `μ`, for any
measurable set `E` of positive measure, the set `E / E` is a neighbourhood of `1`. -/
@[to_additive "**Steinhaus Theorem** In any locally compact group `G` with a haar measure `μ`,
for any measurable set `E` of positive measure, the set `E - E` is a neighbourhood of `0`."]
theorem div_mem_nhds_one_of_haar_pos (μ : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] [locally_compact_space G]
(E : set G) (hE : measurable_set E) (hEpos : 0 < μ E) :
E / E ∈ 𝓝 (1 : G) :=
/- For any regular measure `μ` and set `E` of positive measure, we can find a compact set `K` of
positive measure inside `E`. Further, for any outer regular measure `μ` there exists an open
set `U` containing `K` with measure arbitrarily close to `K` (here `μ U < 2 * μ K` suffices).
Then, we can pick an open neighborhood of `1`, say `V` such that such that `V * K` is contained
in `U`. Now note that for any `v` in `V`, the sets `K` and `{v} * K` can not be disjoint
because they are both of measure `μ K` (since `μ` is left regular) and also contained in `U`,
yet we have that `μ U < 2 * μ K`. This show that `K / K` contains the neighborhood `V` of `1`,
and therefore that it is itself such a neighborhood. -/
obtain ⟨L, hL, hLE, hLpos, hLtop⟩ : ∃ (L : set G), measurable_set L ∧ L ⊆ E ∧ 0 < μ L ∧ μ L < ∞,
from exists_subset_measure_lt_top hE hEpos,
obtain ⟨K, hKL, hK, hKpos⟩ : ∃ (K : set G) (H : K ⊆ L), is_compact K ∧ 0 < μ K,
from measurable_set.exists_lt_is_compact_of_ne_top hL (ne_of_lt hLtop) hLpos,
have hKtop : μ K ≠ ∞,
{ apply ne_top_of_le_ne_top (ne_of_lt hLtop),
apply measure_mono hKL },
obtain ⟨U, hUK, hU, hμUK⟩ : ∃ (U : set G) (H : U ⊇ K), is_open U ∧ μ U < μ K + μ K,
from set.exists_is_open_lt_add K hKtop',
obtain ⟨V, hV1, hVKU⟩ : ∃ (V ∈ 𝓝 (1 : G)), V * K ⊆ U,
from compact_open_separated_mul_left hK hU hUK,
have hv : ∀ (v : G), v ∈ V → ¬ disjoint ({v}* K) K,
{ intros v hv hKv,
have hKvsub : {v} * K ∪ K ⊆ U,
{ apply set.union_subset _ hUK,
apply subset_trans _ hVKU,
apply set.mul_subset_mul _ (set.subset.refl K),
simp only [set.singleton_subset_iff, hv] },
replace hKvsub := @measure_mono _ _ μ _ _ hKvsub,
have hcontr := lt_of_le_of_lt hKvsub hμUK,
rw measure_union hKv (is_compact.measurable_set hK) at hcontr,
have hKtranslate : μ ({v} * K) = μ K,
by simp only [singleton_mul, image_mul_left, measure_preimage_mul],
rw [hKtranslate, lt_self_iff_false] at hcontr,
assumption },
suffices : V ⊆ E / E, from filter.mem_of_superset hV1 this,
assume v hvV,
obtain ⟨x, hxK, hxvK⟩ : ∃ (x : G), x ∈ {v} * K ∧ x ∈ K, from set.not_disjoint_iff.1 (hv v hvV),
refine ⟨x, v⁻¹ * x, hLE (hKL hxvK), _, _⟩,
{ apply hKL.trans hLE,
simpa only [singleton_mul, image_mul_left, mem_preimage] using hxK },
{ simp only [div_eq_iff_eq_mul, ← mul_assoc, mul_right_inv, one_mul] },

end second_countable

/-- Any Haar measure is invariant under inversion in a commutative group. -/
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