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feat(group_theory/subgroup/basic): add pi subgroups (#11801)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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nomeata and jcommelin committed Feb 4, 2022
1 parent 46c48d7 commit 049a1b2
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1085,6 +1085,54 @@ as additive groups"]
def prod_equiv (H : subgroup G) (K : subgroup N) : K ≃* H × K :=
{ map_mul' := λ x y, rfl, .. ↑H ↑K }

section pi

variables {η : Type*} {f : η → Type*}

-- defined here and not in group_theory.submonoid.operations to have access to

/-- A version of `set.pi` for submonoids. Given an index set `I` and a family of submodules
`s : Π i, submonoid f i`, `pi I s` is the submonoid of dependent functions `f : Π i, f i` such that
`f i` belongs to `pi I s` whenever `i ∈ I`. -/
@[to_additive " A version of `set.pi` for `add_submonoid`s. Given an index set `I` and a family
of submodules `s : Π i, add_submonoid f i`, `pi I s` is the `add_submonoid` of dependent functions
`f : Π i, f i` such that `f i` belongs to `pi I s` whenever `i ∈ I`. -/ "]
def _root_.submonoid.pi [∀ i, mul_one_class (f i)] (I : set η) (s : Π i, submonoid (f i)) :
submonoid (Π i, f i) :=
{ carrier := I.pi (λ i, (s i).carrier),
one_mem' := λ i _ , (s i).one_mem,
mul_mem' := λ p q hp hq i hI, (s i).mul_mem (hp i hI) (hq i hI) }

variables [∀ i, group (f i)]

/-- A version of `set.pi` for subgroups. Given an index set `I` and a family of submodules
`s : Π i, subgroup f i`, `pi I s` is the subgroup of dependent functions `f : Π i, f i` such that
`f i` belongs to `pi I s` whenever `i ∈ I`. -/
@[to_additive " A version of `set.pi` for `add_subgroup`s. Given an index set `I` and a family
of submodules `s : Π i, add_subgroup f i`, `pi I s` is the `add_subgroup` of dependent functions
`f : Π i, f i` such that `f i` belongs to `pi I s` whenever `i ∈ I`. -/ "]
def pi (I : set η) (H : Π i, subgroup (f i)) : subgroup (Π i, f i) :=
{ submonoid.pi I (λ i, (H i).to_submonoid) with
inv_mem' := λ p hp i hI, (H i).inv_mem (hp i hI) }

@[to_additive] lemma coe_pi (I : set η) (H : Π i, subgroup (f i)) :
(pi I H : set (Π i, f i)) = set.pi I (λ i, (H i : set (f i))) := rfl

@[to_additive] lemma mem_pi (I : set η) {H : Π i, subgroup (f i)} {p : Π i, f i} :
p ∈ pi I H ↔ (∀ i : η, i ∈ I → p i ∈ H i) := iff.rfl

@[to_additive] lemma pi_top (I : set η) : pi I (λ i, (⊤ : subgroup (f i))) = ⊤ :=
ext $ λ x, by simp [mem_pi]

@[to_additive] lemma pi_empty (H : Π i, subgroup (f i)): pi ∅ H = ⊤ :=
ext $ λ x, by simp [mem_pi]

@[to_additive] lemma pi_bot : pi set.univ (λ i, (⊥ : subgroup (f i))) = ⊥ :=
(eq_bot_iff_forall _).mpr $ λ p hp,
by { simp only [mem_pi, mem_bot] at *, ext j, exact hp j trivial, }

end pi

/-- A subgroup is normal if whenever `n ∈ H`, then `g * n * g⁻¹ ∈ H` for every `g : G` -/
structure normal : Prop :=
(conj_mem : ∀ n, n ∈ H → ∀ g : G, g * n * g⁻¹ ∈ H)
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