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feat(ring_theory/witt_vector/defs): type of witt vectors + ring opera…
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Co-Authored-By: Rob Y. Lewis <>
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jcommelin and robertylewis committed Oct 23, 2020
1 parent 9e4ef85 commit 04b5572
Showing 1 changed file with 141 additions and 1 deletion.
142 changes: 141 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/witt_vector/defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,83 @@ import ring_theory.witt_vector.structure_polynomial
# Witt vectors
In this file we define the type of `p`-typical Witt vectors and ring operations on it.
The ring axioms are verified in `ring_theory/witt_vector/basic.lean`.
For a fixed commutative ring `R` and prime `p`,
a Witt vector `x : 𝕎 R` is an infinite sequence `ℕ → R` of elements of `R`.
However, the ring operations `+` and `*` are not defined in the obvious component-wise way.
Instead, these operations are defined via certain polynomials
using the machinery in `structure_polynomial.lean`.
The `n`th value of the sum of two Witt vectors can depend on the `0`-th through `n`th values
of the summands. This effectively simulates a “carrying” operation.
## Main definitions
* `witt_vector p R`: the type of `p`-typical Witt vectors with coefficients in `R`.
* `witt_vector.coeff x n`: projects the `n`th value of the Witt vector `x`.
## Notation
We use notation `𝕎 R`, entered `\bbW`, for the Witt vectors over `R`.

noncomputable theory

/-- `witt_vector p R` is the ring of `p`-typical Witt vectors over the commutative ring `R`,
where `p` is a prime number.
If `p` is invertible in `R`, this ring is isomorphic to `ℕ → R` (the product of `ℕ` copies of `R`).
If `R` is a ring of characteristic `p`, then `witt_vector p R` is a ring of characteristic `0`.
The canonical example is `witt_vector p (zmod p)`,
which is isomorphic to the `p`-adic integers `ℤ_[p]`. -/
@[nolint unused_arguments]
def witt_vector (p : ℕ) (R : Type*) := ℕ → R

variables {p : ℕ}

/- We cannot make this `localized` notation, because the `p` on the RHS doesn't occur on the left
Hiding the `p` in the notation is very convenient, so we opt for repeating the `local notation`
in other files that use Witt vectors. -/
local notation `𝕎` := witt_vector p -- type as `\bbW`

namespace witt_vector

variables (p : ℕ) {R : Type*} [hp : fact] [comm_ring R]
variables (p) {R : Type*}

/-- Construct a Witt vector `mk p x : 𝕎 R` from a sequence `x` of elements of `R`. -/
def mk (x : ℕ → R) : witt_vector p R := x

instance [inhabited R] : inhabited (𝕎 R) := ⟨mk p $ λ _, default R⟩

`x.coeff n` is the `n`th coefficient of the Witt vector `x`.
This concept does not have a standard name in the literature.
def coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) : R := x n

@[ext] lemma ext {x y : 𝕎 R} (h : ∀ n, x.coeff n = y.coeff n) : x = y :=
funext $ λ n, h n

lemma ext_iff {x y : 𝕎 R} : x = y ↔ ∀ n, x.coeff n = y.coeff n :=
⟨λ h n, by rw h, ext⟩

@[simp] lemma coeff_mk (x : ℕ → R) :
(mk p x).coeff = x := rfl

/- These instances are not needed for the rest of the development,
but it is interesting to establish early on that `witt_vector p` is a lawful functor. -/
instance : functor (witt_vector p) :=
{ map := λ α β f v, f ∘ v,
map_const := λ α β a v, λ _, a }

instance : is_lawful_functor (witt_vector p) :=
{ map_const_eq := λ α β, rfl,
id_map := λ α v, rfl,
comp_map := λ α β γ f g v, rfl }

variables (p) [hp : fact] [comm_ring R]
include hp
open mv_polynomial

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +119,46 @@ witt_structure_int p (X 0 * X 1)
def witt_neg : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 1 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p (-X 0)

variable {p}
omit hp

/-- An auxiliary definition used in `witt_vector.eval`.
Evaluates a polynomial whose variables come from the disjoint union of `k` copies of `ℕ`,
with a curried evaluation `x`.
This can be defined more generally but we use only a specific instance here. -/
def peval {k : ℕ} (φ : mv_polynomial (fin k × ℕ) ℤ) (x : fin k → ℕ → R) : R :=
aeval (function.uncurry x) φ

Let `φ` be a family of polynomials, indexed by natural numbers, whose variables come from the
disjoint union of `k` copies of `ℕ`, and let `xᵢ` be a Witt vector for `0 ≤ i < k`.
`eval φ x` evaluates `φ` mapping the variable `X_(i, n)` to the `n`th coefficient of `xᵢ`.
Instantiating `φ` with certain polynomials defined in `structure_polynomial.lean` establishes the
ring operations on `𝕎 R`. For example, `witt_vector.witt_add` is such a `φ` with `k = 2`;
evaluating this at `(x₀, x₁)` gives us the sum of two Witt vectors `x₀ + x₁`.
def eval {k : ℕ} (φ : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin k × ℕ) ℤ) (x : fin k → 𝕎 R) : 𝕎 R :=
mk p $ λ n, peval (φ n) $ λ i, (x i).coeff

variables (R) [fact]

instance : has_zero (𝕎 R) :=
⟨eval (witt_zero p) ![]⟩

instance : has_one (𝕎 R) :=
⟨eval (witt_one p) ![]⟩

instance : has_add (𝕎 R) :=
⟨λ x y, eval (witt_add p) ![x, y]⟩

instance : has_mul (𝕎 R) :=
⟨λ x y, eval (witt_mul p) ![x, y]⟩

instance : has_neg (𝕎 R) :=
⟨λ x, eval (witt_neg p) ![x]⟩

end ring_operations

section witt_structure_simplifications
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,6 +260,35 @@ end

end witt_structure_simplifications

section coeff

variables (p R)

@[simp] lemma zero_coeff (n : ℕ) : (0 : 𝕎 R).coeff n = 0 :=
show (aeval _ (witt_zero p n) : R) = 0,
by simp only [witt_zero_eq_zero, alg_hom.map_zero]

@[simp] lemma one_coeff_zero : (1 : 𝕎 R).coeff 0 = 1 :=
show (aeval _ (witt_one p 0) : R) = 1,
by simp only [witt_one_zero_eq_one, alg_hom.map_one]

@[simp] lemma one_coeff_eq_of_pos (n : ℕ) (hn : 0 < n) : coeff (1 : 𝕎 R) n = 0 :=
show (aeval _ (witt_one p n) : R) = 0,
by simp only [hn, witt_one_pos_eq_zero, alg_hom.map_zero]

variables {p R}

lemma add_coeff (x y : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
(x + y).coeff n = peval (witt_add p n) ![x.coeff, y.coeff] := rfl

lemma mul_coeff (x y : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
(x * y).coeff n = peval (witt_mul p n) ![x.coeff, y.coeff] := rfl

lemma neg_coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
(-x).coeff n = peval (witt_neg p n) ![x.coeff] := rfl

end coeff

lemma witt_add_vars (n : ℕ) :
(witt_add p n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
witt_structure_int_vars _ _ _
Expand All @@ -164,3 +302,5 @@ lemma witt_neg_vars (n : ℕ) :
witt_structure_int_vars _ _ _

end witt_vector

attribute [irreducible] witt_vector

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