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feat(linear_algebra/matrix): Add matrix properties for sesquilinear f…
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The main goal of this PR is to move `linear_algebra/matrix/bilinear_form` to the curried bilinear map form. Since this file as quite few dependencies we copy it to a new file `linear_algebra/matrix/sesquilinear_form` and then move all the dependencies.

The structure is taken literally from `linear_algebra/matrix/bilinear_form` with generalizations and easier proofs where possible. The new lemmas are named exactly as the old ones with the following changes:
- the namespace changed from `bilin_form` to `linear_map`
- `bilin` is changed to `linear_map₂`. In case there is the necessity for separate bilinear and semi-bilinear lemmas we use `linear_map₂` and `linear_mapₛₗ₂`
- If `bilin` is not in the name of a lemma, `matrix` is changed to `matrix₂` to avoid nameclashes with lemmas for linear maps `M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N`

Moreover, the following changes were necessary:

- Weakened some typeclass assumptions
- Added bilinear version of `sum_repr_mul_repr_mul` and moved sesquilinear version to `sum_repr_mul_repr_mulₛₗ`

- Moved `basis.equiv_fun_symm_std_basis` to `linear_algebra/std_basis`
- `adjoint_pair` section: Removed a few definitions (they are now in `linear_algebra/matrix/sesquilinear_form`) and added a prime to the names of lemmas that have the same name as the version in `linear_algebra/matrix/sesquilinear_form`

- Added a few missing lemmas about left-separating bilinear forms (note that `separating_left` was previously known as `nondegenerate`)

- Lemma `std_basis_apply'` for calculating the application of `i' : ι` to `(std_basis R (λ (_x : ι), R) i)`

- Lemmas for calculating a ring homomorphism applied to `ite 0 1` and `ite 1 0`

The last two additions are needed to get a reasonable proof for `matrix.to_linear_map₂'_aux_std_basis`.

Co-authored-by: Moritz Doll <>
  • Loading branch information
mcdoll and Moritz Doll committed Oct 3, 2022
1 parent b40ce7d commit 075b3f7
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Showing 8 changed files with 792 additions and 61 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/hom/ring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -391,6 +391,14 @@ protected lemma map_bit0 (f : α →+* β) : ∀ a, f (bit0 a) = bit0 (f a) := m
/-- Ring homomorphisms preserve `bit1`. -/
protected lemma map_bit1 (f : α →+* β) : ∀ a, f (bit1 a) = bit1 (f a) := map_bit1 f

@[simp] lemma map_ite_zero_one {F : Type*} [ring_hom_class F α β] (f : F) (p : Prop) [decidable p] :
f (ite p 0 1) = ite p 0 1 :=
by { split_ifs; simp [h] }

@[simp] lemma map_ite_one_zero {F : Type*} [ring_hom_class F α β] (f : F) (p : Prop) [decidable p] :
f (ite p 1 0) = ite p 1 0 :=
by { split_ifs; simp [h] }

/-- `f : α →+* β` has a trivial codomain iff `f 1 = 0`. -/
lemma codomain_trivial_iff_map_one_eq_zero : (0 : β) = 1 ↔ f 1 = 0 := by rw [map_one, eq_comm]

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/lie/skew_adjoint.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ begin
A ∈ skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule (Pᵀ ⬝ J ⬝ P),
{ simp only [lie_subalgebra.mem_coe, submodule.mem_map_equiv, lie_subalgebra.mem_map_submodule,
coe_coe], exact this, },
simp [matrix.is_skew_adjoint, J.is_adjoint_pair_equiv _ _ P (is_unit_of_invertible P)],
simp [matrix.is_skew_adjoint, J.is_adjoint_pair_equiv' _ _ P (is_unit_of_invertible P)],

lemma skew_adjoint_matrices_lie_subalgebra_equiv_apply
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59 changes: 47 additions & 12 deletions src/linear_algebra/bilinear_map.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,9 @@ include σ₄₃
f.compl₂ g m q = f m (g q) := rfl
omit σ₄₃

@[simp] theorem compl₂_id : f.compl₂ = f :=
by { ext, rw [compl₂_apply, id_coe, id.def] }

/-- Composing linear maps `Q → M` and `Q' → N` with a bilinear map `M → N → P` to
form a bilinear map `Q → Q' → P`. -/
def compl₁₂ (f : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ) (g : Qₗ →ₗ[R] Mₗ) (g' : Qₗ' →ₗ[R] Nₗ) :
Expand All @@ -265,6 +268,10 @@ def compl₁₂ (f : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ) (g : Qₗ →ₗ[R] M
@[simp] theorem compl₁₂_apply (f : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ) (g : Qₗ →ₗ[R] Mₗ) (g' : Qₗ' →ₗ[R] Nₗ)
(x : Qₗ) (y : Qₗ') : f.compl₁₂ g g' x y = f (g x) (g' y) := rfl

@[simp] theorem compl₁₂_id_id (f : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ) :
f.compl₁₂ ( ( = f :=
by { ext, simp_rw [compl₁₂_apply, id_coe, id.def] }

lemma compl₁₂_inj {f₁ f₂ : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ} {g : Qₗ →ₗ[R] Mₗ} {g' : Qₗ' →ₗ[R] Nₗ}
(hₗ : function.surjective g) (hᵣ : function.surjective g') :
f₁.compl₁₂ g g' = f₂.compl₁₂ g g' ↔ f₁ = f₂ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,29 +308,29 @@ end comm_semiring
section comm_ring

variables {R R₂ S S₂ M N P : Type*}
variables {Mₗ Nₗ Pₗ : Type*}
variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] [comm_ring R₂] [comm_ring S₂]
variables [add_comm_group M] [add_comm_group N] [add_comm_group P]

section add_comm_monoid

variables [add_comm_monoid M] [add_comm_monoid N] [add_comm_monoid P]
variables [add_comm_monoid Mₗ] [add_comm_monoid Nₗ] [add_comm_monoid Pₗ]
variables [module R M] [module S N] [module R₂ P] [module S₂ P]
variables [module R Mₗ] [module R Nₗ] [module R Pₗ]
variables [smul_comm_class S₂ R₂ P]
variables {ρ₁₂ : R →+* R₂} {σ₁₂ : S →+* S₂}
variables (b₁ : basis ι₁ R M) (b₂ : basis ι₂ S N)

lemma lsmul_injective [no_zero_smul_divisors R M] {x : R} (hx : x ≠ 0) :
function.injective (lsmul R M x) :=
smul_right_injective _ hx

lemma ker_lsmul [no_zero_smul_divisors R M] {a : R} (ha : a ≠ 0) :
(linear_map.lsmul R M a).ker = ⊥ :=
linear_map.ker_eq_bot_of_injective (linear_map.lsmul_injective ha)
variables (b₁ : basis ι₁ R M) (b₂ : basis ι₂ S N) (b₁' : basis ι₁ R Mₗ) (b₂' : basis ι₂ R Nₗ)

/-- Two bilinear maps are equal when they are equal on all basis vectors. -/
lemma ext_basis {B B' : M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] P}
(h : ∀ i j, B (b₁ i) (b₂ j) = B' (b₁ i) (b₂ j)) : B = B' :=
b₁.ext $ λ i, b₂.ext $ λ j, h i j

/-- Write out `B x y` as a sum over `B (b i) (b j)` if `b` is a basis. -/
lemma sum_repr_mul_repr_mul {B : M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] P} (x y) :
/-- Write out `B x y` as a sum over `B (b i) (b j)` if `b` is a basis.
Version for semi-bilinear maps, see `sum_repr_mul_repr_mul` for the bilinear version. -/
lemma sum_repr_mul_repr_mulₛₗ {B : M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] P} (x y) :
(b₁.repr x).sum (λ i xi, (b₂.repr y).sum (λ j yj, (ρ₁₂ xi) • (σ₁₂ yj) • B (b₁ i) (b₂ j))) =
B x y :=
Expand All @@ -332,6 +339,34 @@ begin
linear_map.map_smulₛₗ₂, linear_map.map_smulₛₗ],

/-- Write out `B x y` as a sum over `B (b i) (b j)` if `b` is a basis.
Version for bilinear maps, see `sum_repr_mul_repr_mulₛₗ` for the semi-bilinear version. -/
lemma sum_repr_mul_repr_mul {B : Mₗ →ₗ[R] Nₗ →ₗ[R] Pₗ} (x y) :
(b₁'.repr x).sum (λ i xi, (b₂'.repr y).sum (λ j yj, xi • yj • B (b₁' i) (b₂' j))) =
B x y :=
conv_rhs { rw [← b₁'.total_repr x, ← b₂'.total_repr y] },
simp_rw [finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.sum, map_sum₂, map_sum,
linear_map.map_smul₂, linear_map.map_smul],

end add_comm_monoid

section add_comm_group

variables [add_comm_group M] [add_comm_group N] [add_comm_group P]
variables [module R M] [module S N] [module R₂ P] [module S₂ P]

lemma lsmul_injective [no_zero_smul_divisors R M] {x : R} (hx : x ≠ 0) :
function.injective (lsmul R M x) :=
smul_right_injective _ hx

lemma ker_lsmul [no_zero_smul_divisors R M] {a : R} (ha : a ≠ 0) :
(linear_map.lsmul R M a).ker = ⊥ :=
linear_map.ker_eq_bot_of_injective (linear_map.lsmul_injective ha)

end add_comm_group

end comm_ring

Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/finsupp_vector_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,3 +210,39 @@ begin

end module

namespace basis

variables {R M n : Type*}
variables [decidable_eq n] [fintype n]
variables [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]

lemma _root_.finset.sum_single_ite (a : R) (i : n) :
finset.univ.sum (λ (x : n), finsupp.single x (ite (i = x) a 0)) = finsupp.single i a :=
rw finset.sum_congr_set {i} (λ (x : n), finsupp.single x (ite (i = x) a 0))
(λ _, finsupp.single i a),
{ simp },
{ intros x hx,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hx,
simp [hx] },
intros x hx,
have hx' : ¬i = x :=
refine _,
rwa mem_singleton_iff at hx,
simp [hx'],

@[simp] lemma equiv_fun_symm_std_basis (b : basis n R M) (i : n) :
b.equiv_fun.symm (linear_map.std_basis R (λ _, R) i 1) = b i :=
have := equiv_like.injective b.repr,
apply_fun b.repr,
simp only [equiv_fun_symm_apply, std_basis_apply', linear_equiv.map_sum,
linear_equiv.map_smulₛₗ, ring_hom.id_apply, repr_self, finsupp.smul_single', boole_mul],
exact finset.sum_single_ite 1 i,

end basis
58 changes: 11 additions & 47 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/bilinear_form.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import linear_algebra.matrix.nondegenerate
import linear_algebra.matrix.nonsingular_inverse
import linear_algebra.matrix.to_linear_equiv
import linear_algebra.bilinear_form
import linear_algebra.matrix.sesquilinear_form

# Bilinear form
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,18 +246,6 @@ noncomputable def bilin_form.to_matrix : bilin_form R₂ M₂ ≃ₗ[R₂] matri
noncomputable def matrix.to_bilin : matrix n n R₂ ≃ₗ[R₂] bilin_form R₂ M₂ :=
(bilin_form.to_matrix b).symm

@[simp] lemma basis.equiv_fun_symm_std_basis (i : n) :
b.equiv_fun.symm (std_basis R₂ (λ _, R₂) i 1) = b i :=
rw [b.equiv_fun_symm_apply, finset.sum_eq_single i],
{ rw [std_basis_same, one_smul] },
{ rintros j - hj,
rw [std_basis_ne _ _ _ _ hj, zero_smul] },
{ intro,
have := mem_univ i,
contradiction }

@[simp] lemma bilin_form.to_matrix_apply (B : bilin_form R₂ M₂) (i j : n) :
bilin_form.to_matrix b B i j = B (b i) (b j) :=
by rw [bilin_form.to_matrix, linear_equiv.trans_apply, bilin_form.to_matrix'_apply, congr_apply,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,18 +362,6 @@ variables {n : Type*} [fintype n]
variables (b : basis n R₃ M₃)
variables (J J₃ A A' : matrix n n R₃)

/-- The condition for the square matrices `A`, `A'` to be an adjoint pair with respect to the square
matrices `J`, `J₃`. -/
def matrix.is_adjoint_pair := Aᵀ ⬝ J₃ = J ⬝ A'

/-- The condition for a square matrix `A` to be self-adjoint with respect to the square matrix
`J`. -/
def matrix.is_self_adjoint := matrix.is_adjoint_pair J J A A

/-- The condition for a square matrix `A` to be skew-adjoint with respect to the square matrix
`J`. -/
def matrix.is_skew_adjoint := matrix.is_adjoint_pair J J A (-A)

@[simp] lemma is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin' [decidable_eq n] :
bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair (matrix.to_bilin' J) (matrix.to_bilin' J₃)
(matrix.to_lin' A) (matrix.to_lin' A') ↔
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,7 +398,7 @@ begin

lemma matrix.is_adjoint_pair_equiv [decidable_eq n] (P : matrix n n R₃) (h : is_unit P) :
lemma matrix.is_adjoint_pair_equiv' [decidable_eq n] (P : matrix n n R₃) (h : is_unit P) :
(Pᵀ ⬝ J ⬝ P).is_adjoint_pair (Pᵀ ⬝ J ⬝ P) A A' ↔
J.is_adjoint_pair J (P ⬝ A ⬝ P⁻¹) (P ⬝ A' ⬝ P⁻¹) :=
have h' : is_unit P.det := h,
Expand All @@ -444,45 +421,32 @@ variables [decidable_eq n]

/-- The submodule of pair-self-adjoint matrices with respect to bilinear forms corresponding to
given matrices `J`, `J₂`. -/
def pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
def pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule' : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
(bilin_form.is_pair_self_adjoint_submodule (matrix.to_bilin' J) (matrix.to_bilin' J₃)).map
((linear_map.to_matrix' : ((n → R₃) →ₗ[R₃] (n → R₃)) ≃ₗ[R₃] matrix n n R₃) :
((n → R₃) →ₗ[R₃] (n → R₃)) →ₗ[R₃] matrix n n R₃)

@[simp] lemma mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule :
lemma mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule' :
A ∈ (pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule J J₃) ↔ matrix.is_adjoint_pair J J₃ A A :=
simp only [pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule, linear_equiv.coe_coe,
linear_map.to_matrix'_apply, submodule.mem_map, bilin_form.mem_is_pair_self_adjoint_submodule],
{ rintros ⟨f, hf, hA⟩,
have hf' : f = A.to_lin' := by rw [←hA, matrix.to_lin'_to_matrix'], rw hf' at hf,
rw ← is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin',
exact hf, },
{ intros h, refine ⟨A.to_lin', _, linear_map.to_matrix'_to_lin' _⟩,
exact (is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin' _ _ _ _).mpr h, },
by simp only [mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule]

/-- The submodule of self-adjoint matrices with respect to the bilinear form corresponding to
the matrix `J`. -/
def self_adjoint_matrices_submodule : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
def self_adjoint_matrices_submodule' : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule J J

@[simp] lemma mem_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule :
lemma mem_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule' :
A ∈ self_adjoint_matrices_submodule J ↔ J.is_self_adjoint A :=
by { erw mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule, refl, }
by simp only [mem_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule]

/-- The submodule of skew-adjoint matrices with respect to the bilinear form corresponding to
the matrix `J`. -/
def skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
def skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule' : submodule R₃ (matrix n n R₃) :=
pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule (-J) J

@[simp] lemma mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule :
lemma mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule' :
A ∈ skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule J ↔ J.is_skew_adjoint A :=
erw mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule,
simp [matrix.is_skew_adjoint, matrix.is_adjoint_pair],
by simp only [mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule]

end matrix_adjoints

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