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feat(category_theory/limits): strict initial objects (#8094)
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b-mehta committed Jul 19, 2021
1 parent afd0f92 commit 0821e6e
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/strict_initial.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta

import category_theory.limits.shapes.terminal
import category_theory.limits.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.epi_mono

# Strict initial objects
This file sets up the basic theory of strict initial objects: initial objects where every morphism
to it is an isomorphism. This generalises a property of the empty set in the category of sets:
namely that the only function to the empty set is from itself.
We say `C` has strict initial objects if every initial object is strict, ie given any morphism
`f : A ⟶ I` where `I` is initial, then `f` is an isomorphism.
Strictly speaking, this says that *any* initial object must be strict, rather than that strict
initial objects exist, which turns out to be a more useful notion to formalise.
If the binary product of `X` with a strict initial object exists, it is also initial.
To show a category `C` with an initial object has strict initial objects, the most convenient way
is to show any morphism to the (chosen) initial object is an isomorphism and use
The dual notion (strict terminal objects) occurs much less frequently in practice so is ignored.
* Construct examples of this: `Type*`, `Top`, `Groupoid`, simplicial types, posets.
* Construct the bottom element of the subobject lattice given strict initials.
* Show cartesian closed categories have strict initials
## References

universes v u

namespace category_theory
namespace limits
open category

variables (C : Type u) [category.{v} C]

We say `C` has strict initial objects if every initial object is strict, ie given any morphism
`f : A ⟶ I` where `I` is initial, then `f` is an isomorphism.
Strictly speaking, this says that *any* initial object must be strict, rather than that strict
initial objects exist.
class has_strict_initial_objects : Prop :=
(out : ∀ {I A : C} (f : A ⟶ I), is_initial I → is_iso f)

variables {C}

variables [has_strict_initial_objects C] {I : C}

lemma is_initial.is_iso_to (hI : is_initial I) {A : C} (f : A ⟶ I) :
is_iso f :=
has_strict_initial_objects.out f hI

lemma is_initial.strict_hom_ext (hI : is_initial I) {A : C} (f g : A ⟶ I) :
f = g :=
haveI := hI.is_iso_to f,
haveI := hI.is_iso_to g,
exact eq_of_inv_eq_inv (hI.hom_ext (inv f) (inv g)),

lemma is_initial.subsingleton_to (hI : is_initial I) {A : C} :
subsingleton (A ⟶ I) :=

/-- If `I` is initial, then `X ⨯ I` is isomorphic to it. -/
@[simps hom]
noncomputable def mul_is_initial (X : C) [has_binary_product X I] (hI : is_initial I) :
X ⨯ I ≅ I :=
@@as_iso _ prod.snd (hI.is_iso_to _)

@[simp] lemma mul_is_initial_inv (X : C) [has_binary_product X I] (hI : is_initial I) :
(mul_is_initial X hI).inv = _ :=
hI.hom_ext _ _

/-- If `I` is initial, then `I ⨯ X` is isomorphic to it. -/
@[simps hom]
noncomputable def is_initial_mul (X : C) [has_binary_product I X] (hI : is_initial I) :
I ⨯ X ≅ I :=
@@as_iso _ prod.fst (hI.is_iso_to _)

@[simp] lemma is_initial_mul_inv (X : C) [has_binary_product I X] (hI : is_initial I) :
(is_initial_mul X hI).inv = _ :=
hI.hom_ext _ _

variable [has_initial C]

instance initial_is_iso_to {A : C} (f : A ⟶ ⊥_ C) : is_iso f :=
initial_is_initial.is_iso_to _

@[ext] lemma initial.hom_ext {A : C} (f g : A ⟶ ⊥_ C) : f = g :=
initial_is_initial.strict_hom_ext _ _

lemma initial.subsingleton_to {A : C} : subsingleton (A ⟶ ⊥_ C) :=

The product of `X` with an initial object in a category with strict initial objects is itself
This is the generalisation of the fact that `X × empty ≃ empty` for types (or `n * 0 = 0`).
@[simps hom]
noncomputable def mul_initial (X : C) [has_binary_product X ⊥_ C] :
X ⨯ ⊥_ C ≅ ⊥_ C :=
mul_is_initial _ initial_is_initial

@[simp] lemma mul_initial_inv (X : C) [has_binary_product X ⊥_ C] :
(mul_initial X).inv = _ :=
subsingleton.elim _ _

The product of `X` with an initial object in a category with strict initial objects is itself
This is the generalisation of the fact that `empty × X ≃ empty` for types (or `0 * n = 0`).
@[simps hom]
noncomputable def initial_mul (X : C) [has_binary_product (⊥_ C) X] :
⊥_ C ⨯ X ≅ ⊥_ C :=
is_initial_mul _ initial_is_initial

@[simp] lemma initial_mul_inv (X : C) [has_binary_product (⊥_ C) X] :
(initial_mul X).inv = _ :=
subsingleton.elim _ _

/-- If `C` has an initial object such that every morphism *to* it is an isomorphism, then `C`
has strict initial objects. -/
lemma has_strict_initial_objects_of_initial_is_strict [has_initial C]
(h : ∀ A (f : A ⟶ ⊥_ C), is_iso f) :
has_strict_initial_objects C :=
{ out := λ I A f hI,
haveI := h A (f ≫ _),
exact ⟨⟨ _ ≫ inv (f ≫ ⊥_ C), by rw [←assoc, is_iso.hom_inv_id], hI.hom_ext _ _⟩⟩,
end }

end limits
end category_theory

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