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feat(topology/metric_space/basic): a continuous function is bounded o…
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…n a neighborhood of a compact set (#17457)
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sgouezel committed Nov 9, 2022
1 parent 7535103 commit 08a8fd8
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -561,6 +561,13 @@ theorem closed_ball_subset_ball (h : ε₁ < ε₂) :
closed_ball x ε₁ ⊆ ball x ε₂ :=
λ y (yh : dist y x ≤ ε₁), lt_of_le_of_lt yh h

lemma closed_ball_subset_ball' (h : ε₁ + dist x y < ε₂) :
closed_ball x ε₁ ⊆ ball y ε₂ :=
λ z hz, calc
dist z y ≤ dist z x + dist x y : dist_triangle _ _ _
... ≤ ε₁ + dist x y : add_le_add_right hz _
... < ε₂ : h

lemma dist_le_add_of_nonempty_closed_ball_inter_closed_ball
(h : (closed_ball x ε₁ ∩ closed_ball y ε₂).nonempty) :
dist x y ≤ ε₁ + ε₂ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2275,6 +2282,44 @@ lemma bounded_range_of_tendsto (u : ℕ → α) {x : α} (hu : tendsto u at_top
bounded (range u) :=

/-- If a function is continuous at every point of a compact set `k`, then it is bounded on
some open neighborhood of `k`. -/
lemma exists_is_open_bounded_image_of_is_compact_of_forall_continuous_at
[topological_space β] {k : set β} {f : β → α}
(hk : is_compact k) (hf : ∀ x ∈ k, continuous_at f x) :
∃ t, k ⊆ t ∧ is_open t ∧ bounded (f '' t) :=
apply hk.induction_on,
{ refine ⟨∅, subset.refl _, is_open_empty, by simp only [image_empty, bounded_empty]⟩ },
{ rintros s s' hss' ⟨t, s't, t_open, t_bounded⟩,
exact ⟨t, hss'.trans s't, t_open, t_bounded⟩ },
{ rintros s s' ⟨t, st, t_open, t_bounded⟩ ⟨t', s't', t'_open, t'_bounded⟩,
refine ⟨t ∪ t', union_subset_union st s't', t_open.union t'_open, _⟩,
rw image_union,
exact t_bounded.union t'_bounded },
{ assume x hx,
have A : ball (f x) 1 ∈ 𝓝 (f x), from ball_mem_nhds _ zero_lt_one,
have B : f ⁻¹' (ball (f x) 1) ∈ 𝓝 x, from hf x hx A,
obtain ⟨u, uf, u_open, xu⟩ : ∃ (u : set β) (H : u ⊆ f ⁻¹' ball (f x) 1), is_open u ∧ x ∈ u,
from _root_.mem_nhds_iff.1 B,
refine ⟨u, _, u, subset.refl _, u_open, _⟩,
{ apply nhds_within_le_nhds,
exact u_open.mem_nhds xu },
{ apply bounded.mono (image_subset _ uf),
exact bounded_ball.mono (image_preimage_subset _ _) } }

/-- If a function is continuous on a neighborhood of a compact set `k`, then it is bounded on
some open neighborhood of `k`. -/
lemma exists_is_open_bounded_image_of_is_compact_of_continuous_on
[topological_space β] {k s : set β} {f : β → α}
(hk : is_compact k) (hs : is_open s) (hks : k ⊆ s) (hf : continuous_on f s) :
∃ t, k ⊆ t ∧ is_open t ∧ bounded (f '' t) :=
apply exists_is_open_bounded_image_of_is_compact_of_forall_continuous_at hk
(λ x hx, hf.continuous_at (hs.mem_nhds (hks hx))),

/-- The **Heine–Borel theorem**: In a proper space, a closed bounded set is compact. -/
lemma is_compact_of_is_closed_bounded [proper_space α] (hc : is_closed s) (hb : bounded s) :
is_compact s :=
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