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feat(geometry/manifold/bump_function): define smooth bump functions, …
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…baby version of the Whitney embedding thm (#6839)

* refactor some functions in `analysis/calculus/specific_functions` to use bundled structures;
* define `to_euclidean`, `euclidean.dist`, `euclidean.ball`, and `euclidean.closed_ball`;
* define smooth bump functions on manifolds;
* prove a baby version of the Whitney embedding theorem.
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urkud committed Mar 31, 2021
1 parent 1fdce2f commit 09110f1
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Showing 9 changed files with 989 additions and 101 deletions.
272 changes: 192 additions & 80 deletions src/analysis/calculus/specific_functions.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import analysis.calculus.extend_deriv
import analysis.calculus.iterated_deriv
import analysis.special_functions.exp_log
import analysis.normed_space.inner_product
import analysis.normed_space.euclidean_dist
import topology.algebra.polynomial

Expand All @@ -17,16 +17,36 @@ function cannot have:
* `exp_neg_inv_glue` is equal to zero for `x ≤ 0` and is strictly positive otherwise; it is given by
`x ↦ exp (-1/x)` for `x > 0`;
* `smooth_transition` is equal to zero for `x ≤ 0` and is equal to one for `x ≥ 1`; it is given by
`exp_neg_inv_glue x / (exp_neg_inv_glue x + exp_neg_inv_glue (1 - x))`;
* `smooth_bump_function` is equal to one on the closed ball of radius `1` and is equal to `0`
outside of the open ball of radius `2`.
* `real.smooth_transition` is equal to zero for `x ≤ 0` and is equal to one for `x ≥ 1`; it is given
by `exp_neg_inv_glue x / (exp_neg_inv_glue x + exp_neg_inv_glue (1 - x))`;
* `f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c`, where `c` is a point in an inner product space, is
a bundled smooth function such that
- `f` is equal to `1` in `metric.closed_ball c f.r`;
- `support f = metric.ball c f.R`;
- `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The structure `times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner` contains the data required to construct the
function: real numbers `r`, `R`, and proofs of `0 < r < R`. The function itself is available
through `coe_fn`.
* `f : times_cont_diff_bump c`, where `c` is a point in a finite dimensional real vector space, is a
bundled smooth function such that
- `f` is equal to `1` in `euclidean.closed_ball c f.r`;
- `support f = euclidean.ball c f.R`;
- `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The structure `times_cont_diff_bump` contains the data required to construct the function: real
numbers `r`, `R`, and proofs of `0 < r < R`. The function itself is available through `coe_fn`.

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical topological_space

open polynomial real filter set
open polynomial real filter set function

/-- `exp_neg_inv_glue` is the real function given by `x ↦ exp (-1/x)` for `x > 0` and `0`
for `x ≤ 0`. It is a basic building block to construct smooth partitions of unity. Its main property
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,9 +217,11 @@ end exp_neg_inv_glue

/-- An infinitely smooth function `f : ℝ → ℝ` such that `f x = 0` for `x ≤ 0`,
`f x = 1` for `1 ≤ x`, and `0 < f x < 1` for `0 < x < 1`. -/
def smooth_transition (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
def real.smooth_transition (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
exp_neg_inv_glue x / (exp_neg_inv_glue x + exp_neg_inv_glue (1 - x))

namespace real

namespace smooth_transition

variables {x : ℝ}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,86 +262,190 @@ smooth_transition.times_cont_diff.times_cont_diff_at

end smooth_transition

variables {E : Type*}
end real

variable {E : Type*}

/-- `f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c`, where `c` is a point in an inner product space, is a
bundled smooth function such that
- `f` is equal to `1` in `metric.closed_ball c f.r`;
- `support f = metric.ball c f.R`;
- `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The structure `times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner` contains the data required to construct the function:
real numbers `r`, `R`, and proofs of `0 < r < R`. The function itself is available through
`coe_fn`. -/
structure times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner (c : E) :=
(r R : ℝ)
(r_pos : 0 < r)
(r_lt_R : r < R)

/-- Let `x` be a point of a real inner product space; let `0 < r < R` be real numbers.
Then `smooth_bump_function x r R` is a function `E → ℝ` with the following properties:
namespace times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner

- `smooth_bump_function x r R` is infinitely smooth on `E`;
- `smooth_bump_function x r R` is equal to `1` on `closed_ball x r`;
- `0 < smooth_bump_function x r R y < 1` if `r < dist y x < R`;
- `smooth_bump_function x r R y = 0` if `R ≤ dist y x.
lemma R_pos {c : E} (f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c) : 0 < f.R := f.r_pos.trans f.r_lt_R

We define this function for any `x`, `r`, and `R` -/
def smooth_bump_function [inner_product_space ℝ E] (x : E) (r R : ℝ) (y : E) : ℝ :=
smooth_transition ((R - dist y x) / (R - r))
instance (c : E) : inhabited (times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c) := ⟨⟨1, 2, zero_lt_one, one_lt_two⟩⟩

namespace smooth_bump_function
variables [inner_product_space ℝ E] {c : E} (f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c) {x : E}

variables [inner_product_space ℝ E] {r R : ℝ} {x y : E}
/-- The function defined by `f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c`. Use automatic coercion to
function instead. -/
def to_fun (f : times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c) : E → ℝ :=
λ x, real.smooth_transition ((f.R - dist x c) / (f.R - f.r))

open smooth_transition metric
instance : has_coe_to_fun (times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner c) := ⟨_, to_fun⟩

lemma one_of_mem_closed_ball (hy : y ∈ closed_ball x r) (hrR : r < R) :
smooth_bump_function x r R y = 1 :=
one_of_one_le $ (one_le_div (sub_pos.2 hrR)).2 $ sub_le_sub_left hy _
open real (smooth_transition) real.smooth_transition metric

lemma nonneg : 0 ≤ smooth_bump_function x r R y :=
nonneg _
lemma one_of_mem_closed_ball (hx : x ∈ closed_ball c f.r) :
f x = 1 :=
one_of_one_le $ (one_le_div (sub_pos.2 f.r_lt_R)).2 $ sub_le_sub_left hx _

lemma le_one : smooth_bump_function x r R y ≤ 1 :=
le_one _
lemma nonneg : 0 ≤ f x := nonneg _

lemma pos_of_mem_ball (hx : y ∈ ball x R) (hrR : r < R) :
0 < smooth_bump_function x r R y :=
pos_of_pos $ div_pos (sub_pos.2 hx) (sub_pos.2 hrR)
lemma le_one : f x ≤ 1 := le_one _

lemma lt_one_of_lt_dist (h : r < dist y x) (hrR : r < R) : smooth_bump_function x r R y < 1 :=
lt_one_of_lt_one $ (div_lt_one (sub_pos.2 hrR)).2 $ sub_lt_sub_left h _
lemma pos_of_mem_ball (hx : x ∈ ball c f.R) : 0 < f x :=
pos_of_pos $ div_pos (sub_pos.2 hx) (sub_pos.2 f.r_lt_R)

lemma zero_of_le_dist (hx : R ≤ dist y x) (hrR : r ≤ R) : smooth_bump_function x r R y = 0 :=
zero_of_nonpos $ div_nonpos_of_nonpos_of_nonneg (sub_nonpos.2 hx) (sub_nonneg.2 hrR)
lemma lt_one_of_lt_dist (h : f.r < dist x c) : f x < 1 :=
lt_one_of_lt_one $ (div_lt_one (sub_pos.2 f.r_lt_R)).2 $ sub_lt_sub_left h _

lemma support_eq (hrR : r < R) : (smooth_bump_function x r R : E → ℝ) = metric.ball x R :=
lemma zero_of_le_dist (hx : f.R ≤ dist x c) : f x = 0 :=
zero_of_nonpos $ div_nonpos_of_nonpos_of_nonneg (sub_nonpos.2 hx) (sub_nonneg.2 f.r_lt_R.le)

lemma support_eq : support ⇑f = metric.ball c f.R :=
ext y,
suffices : smooth_bump_function x r R y 0 ↔ dist y x < R, by simpa [function.mem_support],
cases lt_or_le (dist y x) R with hx hx,
{ simp [hx, (pos_of_mem_ball hx hrR).ne'] },
{ simp [hx.not_lt, zero_of_le_dist hx hrR.le] }
ext x,
suffices : f x ≠ 0 ↔ dist x c < f.R, by simpa [mem_support],
cases lt_or_le (dist x c) f.R with hx hx,
{ simp [hx, (f.pos_of_mem_ball hx).ne'] },
{ simp [hx.not_lt, f.zero_of_le_dist hx] }

lemma eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball (h : y ∈ ball x r) (hrR : r < R) :
smooth_bump_function x r R =ᶠ[𝓝 y] (λ _, 1) :=
lemma eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball (h : x ∈ ball c f.r) :
f =ᶠ[𝓝 x] 1 :=
((is_open_lt (continuous_id.dist continuous_const) continuous_const).eventually_mem h).mono $
λ z hz, one_of_mem_closed_ball (le_of_lt hz) hrR
λ z hz, f.one_of_mem_closed_ball (le_of_lt hz)

lemma eventually_eq_one (h0 : 0 < r) (hrR : r < R) :
smooth_bump_function x r R =ᶠ[𝓝 (x : E)] (λ _, 1) :=
eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball (mem_ball_self h0) hrR
lemma eventually_eq_one : f =ᶠ[𝓝 c] 1 :=
f.eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball (mem_ball_self f.r_pos)

protected lemma times_cont_diff_at (h0 : 0 < r) (hrR : r < R) {n} :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (smooth_bump_function x r R) y :=
protected lemma times_cont_diff_at {n} :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x :=
rcases em (y = x) with rfl|hx,
{ exact times_cont_diff_at_const.congr_of_eventually_eq (eventually_eq_one h0 hrR) },
{ exact smooth_transition.times_cont_diff_at.comp y
rcases em (x = c) with rfl|hx,
{ refine times_cont_diff_at.congr_of_eventually_eq _ f.eventually_eq_one,
rw pi.one_def,
exact times_cont_diff_at_const },
{ exact real.smooth_transition.times_cont_diff_at.comp x
(times_cont_diff_at.div_const $ times_cont_diff_at_const.sub $
times_cont_diff_at_id.dist times_cont_diff_at_const hx) }

protected lemma times_cont_diff (h0 : 0 < r) (hrR : r < R) {n} :
times_cont_diff ℝ n (smooth_bump_function x r R) :=
times_cont_diff_iff_times_cont_diff_at.2 $ λ y, smooth_bump_function.times_cont_diff_at h0 hrR
protected lemma times_cont_diff {n} :
times_cont_diff ℝ n f :=
times_cont_diff_iff_times_cont_diff_at.2 $ λ y, f.times_cont_diff_at

protected lemma times_cont_diff_within_at {s n} :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x :=

end times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner

/-- `f : times_cont_diff_bump c`, where `c` is a point in a finite dimensional real vector space, is
a bundled smooth function such that
- `f` is equal to `1` in `euclidean.closed_ball c f.r`;
- `support f = euclidean.ball c f.R`;
- `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The structure `times_cont_diff_bump` contains the data required to construct the function: real
numbers `r`, `R`, and proofs of `0 < r < R`. The function itself is available through `coe_fn`.-/
structure times_cont_diff_bump [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [finite_dimensional ℝ E] (c : E)
extends times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner (to_euclidean c)

namespace times_cont_diff_bump

variables [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [finite_dimensional ℝ E] {c x : E}
(f : times_cont_diff_bump c)

/-- The function defined by `f : times_cont_diff_bump c`. Use automatic coercion to function
instead. -/
def to_fun (f : times_cont_diff_bump c) : E → ℝ := f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner ∘ to_euclidean

instance : has_coe_to_fun (times_cont_diff_bump c) :=
⟨λ f, E → ℝ, to_fun⟩

instance (c : E) : inhabited (times_cont_diff_bump c) := ⟨⟨default _⟩⟩

protected lemma times_cont_diff_within_at (h0 : 0 < r) (hrR : r < R) {s n} :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n (smooth_bump_function x r R) s y :=
(smooth_bump_function.times_cont_diff_at h0 hrR).times_cont_diff_within_at
lemma R_pos : 0 < f.R := f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.R_pos

end smooth_bump_function
lemma coe_eq_comp : ⇑f = f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner ∘ to_euclidean := rfl

open function finite_dimensional metric
lemma one_of_mem_closed_ball (hx : x ∈ euclidean.closed_ball c f.r) :
f x = 1 :=
f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.one_of_mem_closed_ball hx

lemma nonneg : 0 ≤ f x := f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.nonneg

lemma le_one : f x ≤ 1 := f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.le_one

lemma pos_of_mem_ball (hx : x ∈ euclidean.ball c f.R) : 0 < f x :=
f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.pos_of_mem_ball hx

lemma lt_one_of_lt_dist (h : f.r < euclidean.dist x c) : f x < 1 :=
f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.lt_one_of_lt_dist h

lemma zero_of_le_dist (hx : f.R ≤ euclidean.dist x c) : f x = 0 :=
f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.zero_of_le_dist hx

lemma support_eq : support ⇑f = euclidean.ball c f.R :=
by rw [euclidean.ball_eq_preimage, ← f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.support_eq,
← support_comp_eq_preimage, coe_eq_comp]

lemma closure_support_eq : closure (support f) = euclidean.closed_ball c f.R :=
by rw [f.support_eq, euclidean.closure_ball _ f.R_pos]

lemma compact_closure_support : is_compact (closure (support f)) :=
by { rw f.closure_support_eq, exact euclidean.compact_ball }

lemma eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball (h : x ∈ euclidean.ball c f.r) :
f =ᶠ[𝓝 x] 1 :=
to_euclidean.continuous_at (f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball h)

lemma eventually_eq_one : f =ᶠ[𝓝 c] 1 :=
f.eventually_eq_one_of_mem_ball $ euclidean.mem_ball_self f.r_pos

protected lemma times_cont_diff {n} :
times_cont_diff ℝ n f :=
f.to_times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.times_cont_diff.comp (to_euclidean : E ≃L[ℝ] _).times_cont_diff

protected lemma times_cont_diff_at {n} :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x :=

protected lemma times_cont_diff_within_at {s n} :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x :=

lemma exists_closure_support_subset {s : set E} (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 c) :
∃ f : times_cont_diff_bump c, closure (support f) ⊆ s :=
let ⟨R, h0, hR⟩ := euclidean.nhds_basis_closed_ball.mem_iff.1 hs
in ⟨⟨⟨R / 2, R, half_pos h0, half_lt_self h0⟩⟩, by rwa closure_support_eq⟩

lemma exists_closure_subset {R : ℝ} (hR : 0 < R)
{s : set E} (hs : is_closed s) (hsR : s ⊆ euclidean.ball c R) :
∃ f : times_cont_diff_bump c, f.R = R ∧ s ⊆ euclidean.ball c f.r :=
rcases euclidean.exists_pos_lt_subset_ball hR hs hsR with ⟨r, hr, hsr⟩,
exact ⟨⟨⟨r, R, hr.1, hr.2⟩⟩, rfl, hsr⟩

end times_cont_diff_bump

open finite_dimensional metric

/-- If `E` is a finite dimensional normed space over `ℝ`, then for any point `x : E` and its
neighborhood `s` there exists an infinitely smooth function with the following properties:
Expand All @@ -328,27 +454,13 @@ neighborhood `s` there exists an infinitely smooth function with the following p
* `f y = 0` outside of `s`;
* moreover, `closure (support f) ⊆ s` and `closure (support f)` is a compact set;
* `f y ∈ [0, 1]` for all `y`.
This lemma is a simple wrapper around lemmas about bundled smooth bump functions, see
`times_cont_diff_bump`. -/
lemma exists_times_cont_diff_bump_function_of_mem_nhds [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] {x : E} {s : set E} (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 x) :
∃ f : E → ℝ, f =ᶠ[𝓝 x] 1 ∧ (∀ y, f y ∈ Icc (0 : ℝ) 1) ∧ times_cont_diff ℝ ⊤ f ∧
is_compact (closure $ support f) ∧ closure (support f) ⊆ s :=
have e : E ≃L[ℝ] euclidean_space ℝ (fin $ findim ℝ E) :=
continuous_linear_equiv.of_findim_eq findim_euclidean_space_fin.symm,
rcases locally_compact_space.local_compact_nhds _ _ hs with ⟨K, hxK, hKs, hKc⟩,
rw [← e.symm_map_nhds_eq, mem_map] at hxK,
obtain ⟨R, hR₀, hR⟩ : ∃ R > 0, ∀ y ∈ ball (e x) R, e.symm y ∈ K, from mem_nhds_iff.1 hxK,
have Hpos : 0 < R / 2 := half_pos hR₀,
have Hlt : R / 2 < R := half_lt_self hR₀,
have : support (smooth_bump_function (e x) (R / 2) R ∘ e) ⊆ K,
{ intros y hy,
rw [support_comp_eq_preimage, smooth_bump_function.support_eq Hlt] at hy,
simpa only [e.symm_apply_apply] using (hR _ hy) },
exact ⟨smooth_bump_function (e x) (R / 2) R ∘ e,
e.continuous_at.eventually (smooth_bump_function.eventually_eq_one Hpos Hlt),
λ y, ⟨smooth_bump_function.nonneg, smooth_bump_function.le_one⟩,
(smooth_bump_function.times_cont_diff Hpos Hlt).comp e.times_cont_diff,
compact_closure_of_subset_compact hKc this,
subset.trans (closure_minimal this hKc.is_closed) hKs⟩
let ⟨f, hf⟩ := times_cont_diff_bump.exists_closure_support_subset hs in
⟨f, f.eventually_eq_one, λ y, ⟨f.nonneg, f.le_one⟩, f.times_cont_diff,
f.compact_closure_support, hf⟩

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