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feat(analysis/inner_product_space/l2_space): define is_hilbert_sum
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…predicate (#15772)

This introduces a predicate on a space `E` and a family of linear isometries `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` expressing that the associated map `lp G 2 →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` is surjective. As explained in the docstring, this is *somewhat* analogous to `direct_sum.is_internal`, but **not completely**, since it is a predicate on embeddings rather than subspaces (so in a sense it is more category-theoretic, even though we don't implement it as a universal property). 

I am aware that introducing this inconsistency is not ideal, but I believe this is the cleanest thing to do here, because it follows the design of `orthogonal_family`. 

I also have a more practical motivation : in a following PR, I will introduce a way to concatenate Hilbert bases from mutually orthogonal "subspaces" with dense span to form a Hilbert basis for the whole space. Without this, the natural way would be to state this with hypotheses `orthogonal_family 𝕜 V` and `⊤ ≤ (⨆ (i : ι), (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure`. First, this is quite verbose for such a common set of hypotheses, but the real problem comes with the fact that for actual subspaces you want to replace this second hypothesis by `⊤ ≤ (⨆ (i : ι), F i).topological_closure`, so you essentially have to duplicate the API. With this constructions, these two variants just correspond to two different ways of proving `is_hilbert_sum`.

I think we should consider doing a similar thing for direct sums, stating the fact that the map `direct_sum.to_module` is bijective, but it will be harder since linear maps are not injective in general like linear isometries are.
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ADedecker committed Aug 10, 2022
1 parent 73421d5 commit 0e0a8b4
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 51 deletions.
150 changes: 99 additions & 51 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/l2_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -16,17 +16,24 @@ dependent functions `f : Π i, G i` for which `∑' i, ∥f i∥ ^ 2`, the sum o
summable. This construction is sometimes called the *Hilbert sum* of the family `G`. By choosing
`G` to be `ι → 𝕜`, the Hilbert space `ℓ²(ι, 𝕜)` may be seen as a special case of this construction.
We also define a *predicate* `is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V`, where `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E`, expressing that
that `V` is an `orthogonal_family` and that the associated map `lp G 2 →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` is surjective.
## Main definitions
* `orthogonal_family.linear_isometry`: Given a Hilbert space `E`, a family `G` of inner product
spaces and a family `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` of isometric embeddings of the `G i` into `E` with
mutually-orthogonal images, there is an induced isometric embedding of the Hilbert sum of `G`
into `E`.
* `orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv`: Given a Hilbert space `E`, a family `G` of inner
product spaces and a family `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` of isometric embeddings of the `G i` into `E`
with mutually-orthogonal images whose span is dense in `E`, there is an induced isometric
isomorphism of the Hilbert sum of `G` with `E`.
* `is_hilbert_sum`: Given a Hilbert space `E`, a family `G` of inner product
spaces and a family `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` of isometric embeddings of the `G i` into `E`,
`is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V` means that `V` is an `orthogonal_family` and that the above
linear isometry is surjective.
* `is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv`: If a Hilbert space `E` is a Hilbert sum of the
inner product spaces `G i` with respect to the family `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E`, then the
corresponding `orthogonal_family.linear_isometry` can be upgraded to a `linear_isometry_equiv`.
* `hilbert_basis`: We define a *Hilbert basis* of a Hilbert space `E` to be a structure whose single
field `hilbert_basis.repr` is an isometric isomorphism of `E` with `ℓ²(ι, 𝕜)` (i.e., the Hilbert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,69 +249,114 @@ begin
exact hV.linear_isometry.isometry.uniform_inducing.is_complete_range.is_closed }

/-- A mutually orthogonal family of complete subspaces of `E`, whose range is dense in `E`, induces
a isometric isomorphism from E to `lp 2` of the subspaces.
end orthogonal_family

section is_hilbert_sum

variables (𝕜 E) (V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E) (F : ι → submodule 𝕜 E)
include cplt

/-- Given a family of Hilbert spaces `G : ι → Type*`, a Hilbert sum of `G` consists of a Hilbert
space `E` and an orthogonal family `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` such that the induced isometry
`Φ : lp G 2 → E` is surjective.
Keeping in mind that `lp G 2` is "the" external Hilbert sum of `G : ι → Type*`, this is analogous
to `direct_sum.is_internal`, except that we don't express it in terms of actual submodules. -/
@[protect_proj] structure is_hilbert_sum : Prop := of_surjective ::
(orthogonal_family : orthogonal_family 𝕜 V)
(surjective_isometry : function.surjective (orthogonal_family.linear_isometry))

variables {𝕜 E V}

/-- If `V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E` is an orthogonal family such that the supremum of the ranges of
`V i` is dense, then `(E, V)` is a Hilbert sum of `G`. -/
lemma [Π i, complete_space $ G i]
(hVortho : orthogonal_family 𝕜 V)
(hVtotal : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) :
is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V :=
{ orthogonal_family := hVortho,
surjective_isometry :=
rw [←linear_isometry.coe_to_linear_map],
exact (eq_top_iff.mpr $
hVtotal.trans_eq hVortho.range_linear_isometry.symm)
end }

/-- This is `orthogonal_family.is_hilbert_sum` in the case of actual inclusions from subspaces. -/
lemma is_hilbert_sum.mk_internal [Π i, complete_space $ F i]
(hFortho : @orthogonal_family 𝕜 E _ _ _ (λ i, F i) _ (λ i, (F i).subtypeₗᵢ))
(hFtotal : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (F i)).topological_closure) :
@is_hilbert_sum _ 𝕜 _ E _ _ (λ i, F i) _ (λ i, (F i).subtypeₗᵢ) := hFortho (by simpa [subtypeₗᵢ_to_linear_map, range_subtype] using hFtotal)

/-- *A* Hilbert sum `(E, V)` of `G` is canonically isomorphic to *the* Hilbert sum of `G`,
i.e `lp G 2`.
Note that this goes in the opposite direction from `orthogonal_family.linear_isometry`. -/
noncomputable def linear_isometry_equiv [Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) :
noncomputable def is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv (hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) :
E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2 :=
linear_isometry_equiv.symm $
rw [←linear_isometry.coe_to_linear_map],
exact (eq_top_iff.mpr $ hV'.trans_eq hV.range_linear_isometry.symm)
hV.orthogonal_family.linear_isometry hV.surjective_isometry

/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism `E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2` induced by an orthogonal family `G`,
/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum `E` of `G` and `lp G 2`,
a vector `w : lp G 2` is the image of the infinite sum of the associated elements in `E`. -/
protected lemma linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply [Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) (w : lp G 2) :
(hV.linear_isometry_equiv hV').symm w = ∑' i, V i (w i) :=
by simp [orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply]
protected lemma is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply
(hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) (w : lp G 2) :
hV.linear_isometry_equiv.symm w = ∑' i, V i (w i) :=
by simp [is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply]

/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism `E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2` induced by an orthogonal family `G`,
/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum `E` of `G` and `lp G 2`,
a vector `w : lp G 2` is the image of the infinite sum of the associated elements in `E`, and this
sum indeed converges. -/
protected lemma has_sum_linear_isometry_equiv_symm [Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) (w : lp G 2) :
has_sum (λ i, V i (w i)) ((hV.linear_isometry_equiv hV').symm w) :=
by simp [orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.has_sum_linear_isometry]
protected lemma is_hilbert_sum.has_sum_linear_isometry_equiv_symm
(hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) (w : lp G 2) :
has_sum (λ i, V i (w i)) (hV.linear_isometry_equiv.symm w) :=
by simp [is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.has_sum_linear_isometry]

/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism `E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2` induced by an `ι`-indexed orthogonal
family `G`, an "elementary basis vector" in `lp G 2` supported at `i : ι` is the image of the
/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum `E` of `G : ι → Type*` and
`lp G 2`, an "elementary basis vector" in `lp G 2` supported at `i : ι` is the image of the
associated element in `E`. -/
@[simp] protected lemma linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single [Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) {i : ι} (x : G i) :
(hV.linear_isometry_equiv hV').symm (lp.single 2 i x) = V i x :=
by simp [orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply_single]
@[simp] protected lemma is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single
(hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) {i : ι} (x : G i) :
hV.linear_isometry_equiv.symm (lp.single 2 i x) = V i x :=
by simp [is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv, orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply_single]

/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism `E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2` induced by an `ι`-indexed orthogonal
family `G`, a finitely-supported vector in `lp G 2` is the image of the associated finite sum of
/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum `E` of `G : ι → Type*` and
`lp G 2`, a finitely-supported vector in `lp G 2` is the image of the associated finite sum of
elements of `E`. -/
@[simp] protected lemma linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single
[Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) (W₀ : Π₀ (i : ι), G i) :
(hV.linear_isometry_equiv hV').symm (W₀.sum (lp.single 2)) = (W₀.sum (λ i, V i)) :=
by simp [orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv,
@[simp] protected lemma is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single
(hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) (W₀ : Π₀ (i : ι), G i) :
hV.linear_isometry_equiv.symm (W₀.sum (lp.single 2)) = (W₀.sum (λ i, V i)) :=
by simp [is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv,

/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism `E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] lp G 2` induced by an `ι`-indexed orthogonal
family `G`, a finitely-supported vector in `lp G 2` is the image of the associated finite sum of
/-- In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum `E` of `G : ι → Type*` and
`lp G 2`, a finitely-supported vector in `lp G 2` is the image of the associated finite sum of
elements of `E`. -/
@[simp] protected lemma linear_isometry_equiv_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single
[Π i, complete_space (G i)]
(hV' : ⊤ ≤ (⨆ i, (V i).to_linear_map.range).topological_closure) (W₀ : Π₀ (i : ι), G i) :
(hV.linear_isometry_equiv hV' (W₀.sum (λ i, V i)) : Π i, G i) = W₀ :=
@[simp] protected lemma is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single
(hV : is_hilbert_sum 𝕜 E V) (W₀ : Π₀ (i : ι), G i) :
(hV.linear_isometry_equiv (W₀.sum (λ i, V i)) : Π i, G i) = W₀ :=
rw ← hV.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single hV',
rw ← hV.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single,
rw linear_isometry_equiv.apply_symm_apply,
ext i,
simp [dfinsupp.sum, lp.single_apply] {contextual := tt},

end orthogonal_family
/-- Given a total orthonormal family `v : ι → E`, `E` is a Hilbert sum of `λ i : ι, 𝕜` relative to
the family of linear isometries `λ i, λ k, k • v i`. -/
lemma orthonormal.is_hilbert_sum {v : ι → E} (hv : orthonormal 𝕜 v)
(hsp : ⊤ ≤ (span 𝕜 (set.range v)).topological_closure) :
@is_hilbert_sum _ 𝕜 _ _ _ _ (λ i : ι, 𝕜) _
(λ i, linear_isometry.to_span_singleton 𝕜 E (hv.1 i)) := hv.orthogonal_family
convert hsp,
simp [← linear_map.span_singleton_eq_range, ← submodule.span_Union],

end is_hilbert_sum

/-! ### Hilbert bases -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,15 +478,11 @@ include hv cplt
protected def mk (hsp : ⊤ ≤ (span 𝕜 (set.range v)).topological_closure) :
hilbert_basis ι 𝕜 E :=
hilbert_basis.of_repr $
convert hsp,
simp [← linear_map.span_singleton_eq_range, ← submodule.span_Union],
(hv.is_hilbert_sum hsp).linear_isometry_equiv

lemma _root_.orthonormal.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single_one (h i) :
(hv.orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv h).symm (lp.single 2 i 1) = v i :=
by rw [orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single,
(hv.is_hilbert_sum h).linear_isometry_equiv.symm (lp.single 2 i 1) = v i :=
by rw [is_hilbert_sum.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single,
linear_isometry.to_span_singleton_apply, one_smul]

@[simp] protected lemma coe_mk (hsp : ⊤ ≤ (span 𝕜 (set.range v)).topological_closure) :
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