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feat(ring_theory/witt_vector/structure_polynomial): examples and basi…
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This is the 4th and final PR in a series on a fundamental theorem about Witt polynomials.

Co-Authored-By: Rob Y. Lewis <>
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jcommelin and robertylewis committed Oct 19, 2020
1 parent 4140f78 commit 0f1bc68
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Showing 3 changed files with 262 additions and 12 deletions.
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions src/data/mv_polynomial/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -923,17 +923,26 @@ end
φ (aeval g p) = (eval₂_hom (φ.comp (algebra_map R S₁)) (λ i, φ (g i)) p) :=
by { rw ← comp_eval₂_hom, refl }

@[simp] lemma aeval_zero (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
aeval (0 : σ → S) p = algebra_map _ _ (constant_coeff p) :=
@[simp] lemma eval₂_hom_zero (f : R →+* S₂) (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
eval₂_hom f (0 : σ → S) p = f (constant_coeff p) :=
apply mv_polynomial.induction_on p,
{ simp only [aeval_C, forall_const, if_true, constant_coeff_C, eq_self_iff_true] },
{ simp only [eval₂_hom_C, forall_const, if_true, constant_coeff_C, eq_self_iff_true] },
{ intros, simp only [*, alg_hom.map_add, ring_hom.map_add, coeff_add] },
{ intros,
simp only [ring_hom.map_mul, constant_coeff_X, pi.zero_apply, ring_hom.map_zero, eq_self_iff_true,
mem_support_iff, not_true, aeval_X, if_false, ne.def, mul_zero, alg_hom.map_mul, zero_apply] }
simp only [ring_hom.map_mul, constant_coeff_X, pi.zero_apply, ring_hom.map_zero, eval₂_hom_X',
eq_self_iff_true, mem_support_iff, not_true, if_false, ne.def, mul_zero,
ring_hom.map_mul, zero_apply] }

@[simp] lemma eval₂_hom_zero' (f : R →+* S₂) (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
eval₂_hom f (λ _, 0 : σ → S₂) p = f (constant_coeff p) :=
eval₂_hom_zero f p

@[simp] lemma aeval_zero (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
aeval (0 : σ → S₁) p = algebra_map _ _ (constant_coeff p) :=
eval₂_hom_zero (algebra_map R S₁) p

@[simp] lemma aeval_zero' (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
aeval (λ _, 0 : σ → S₁) p = algebra_map _ _ (constant_coeff p) :=
aeval_zero p
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/data/mv_polynomial/variables.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -640,6 +640,11 @@ begin
exact ⟨i, (mem_vars _).mpr ⟨d, hd, hi⟩, hj⟩ }

lemma mem_vars_bind₁ (f : σ → mv_polynomial τ R) (φ : mv_polynomial σ R) {j : τ}
(h : j ∈ (bind₁ f φ).vars) :
∃ (i : σ), i ∈ φ.vars ∧ j ∈ (f i).vars :=
by simpa only [exists_prop, finset.mem_bind, mem_support_iff, ne.def] using vars_bind₁ f φ h

lemma vars_rename (f : σ → τ) (φ : mv_polynomial σ R) :
(rename f φ).vars ⊆ (φ.vars.image f) :=
Expand All @@ -648,6 +653,10 @@ begin
simpa only [multiset.mem_map] using degrees_rename _ _ hi

lemma mem_vars_rename (f : σ → τ) (φ : mv_polynomial σ R) {j : τ} (h : j ∈ (rename f φ).vars) :
∃ (i : σ), i ∈ φ.vars ∧ f i = j :=
by simpa only [exists_prop, finset.mem_image] using vars_rename f φ h

end eval_vars

end comm_semiring
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246 changes: 239 additions & 7 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/structure_polynomial.lean
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Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ for every `Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℚ`.
If `Φ` has integer coefficients, then the polynomials `witt_structure_rat Φ n` do so as well.
Proving this claim is the essential core of this file, and culminates in
`map_witt_structure_int`, which proves that upon mapping the coefficients of `witt_structure_int Φ n`
from the integers to the rationals, one obtains `witt_structure_rat Φ n`.
`map_witt_structure_int`, which proves that upon mapping the coefficients
of `witt_structure_int Φ n` from the integers to the rationals,
one obtains `witt_structure_rat Φ n`.
Ultimately, the proof of `map_witt_structure_int` relies on
dvd_sub_pow_of_dvd_sub {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {p : ℕ} {a b : R} :
Expand All @@ -68,6 +69,15 @@ dvd_sub_pow_of_dvd_sub {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {p : ℕ} {a b : R} :
* `map_witt_structure_int`: the proof that the integral polynomials `with_structure_int Φ`
are equal to `witt_structure_rat Φ` when mapped to polynomials with rational coefficients.
* `witt_structure_int_prop`: the proof that `witt_structure_int` indeed satisfies the property.
* Five families of polynomials that will be used to define the ring structure
on the ring of Witt vectors:
- `witt_vector.witt_zero`
- `witt_vector.witt_one`
- `witt_vector.witt_add`
- `witt_vector.witt_mul`
- `witt_vector.witt_neg`
(We also define `witt_vector.witt_sub`, and later we will prove that it describes subtraction,
which is defined as `λ a b, a + -b`. See `witt_vector.sub_coeff` for this proof.)

Expand All @@ -93,7 +103,10 @@ include hp

/-- `witt_structure_rat Φ` is a family of polynomials `ℕ → mv_polynomial (idx × ℕ) ℚ`
that are uniquely characterised by the property that
`bind₁ (witt_structure_rat p Φ) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n) = bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n))) Φ`.
bind₁ (witt_structure_rat p Φ) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n) =
bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n))) Φ
In other words: evaluating the `n`-th Witt polynomial on the family `witt_structure_rat Φ`
is the same as evaluating `Φ` on the (appropriately renamed) `n`-th Witt polynomials.
Expand All @@ -114,7 +127,8 @@ theorem witt_structure_rat_prop (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℚ) (n : ℕ) :
bind₁ (witt_structure_rat p Φ) (W_ ℚ n) =
bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (W_ ℚ n))) Φ :=
calc bind₁ (witt_structure_rat p Φ) (W_ ℚ n)
= bind₁ (λ k, bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i)) (W_ ℚ k)) Φ) (bind₁ (X_in_terms_of_W p ℚ) (W_ ℚ n)) :
= bind₁ (λ k, bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i)) (W_ ℚ k)) Φ)
(bind₁ (X_in_terms_of_W p ℚ) (W_ ℚ n)) :
by { rw bind₁_bind₁, apply eval₂_hom_congr (ring_hom.ext_rat _ _) rfl rfl }
... = bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (W_ ℚ n))) Φ :
by rw [bind₁_X_in_terms_of_W_witt_polynomial p _ n, bind₁_X_right]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,14 +177,18 @@ end

/-- `witt_structure_int Φ` is a family of polynomials `ℕ → mv_polynomial (idx × ℕ) ℚ`
that are uniquely characterised by the property that
`bind₁ (witt_structure_int p Φ) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n) = bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n))) Φ`.
bind₁ (witt_structure_int p Φ) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n) =
bind₁ (λ i, (rename ( i) (witt_polynomial p ℚ n))) Φ
In other words: evaluating the `n`-th Witt polynomial on the family `witt_structure_int Φ`
is the same as evaluating `Φ` on the (appropriately renamed) `n`-th Witt polynomials.
See `witt_structure_int_prop` for this property,
and `witt_structure_int_exists_unique` for the fact that `witt_structure_int`
gives the unique family of polynomials with this property. -/
noncomputable def witt_structure_int (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℤ) (n : ℕ) : mv_polynomial (idx × ℕ) ℤ :=
noncomputable def witt_structure_int (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℤ) (n : ℕ) :
mv_polynomial (idx × ℕ) ℤ :=
finsupp.map_range rat.num (rat.coe_int_num 0)
(witt_structure_rat p (map (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) Φ) n)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +222,8 @@ lemma C_p_pow_dvd_bind₁_rename_witt_polynomial_sub_sum (Φ : mv_polynomial idx
∑ i in range n, C (↑p ^ i) * witt_structure_int p Φ i ^ p ^ (n - i)) :=
cases n,
{ simp only [is_unit_one, int.coe_nat_zero, int.coe_nat_succ, zero_add, pow_zero, C_1, is_unit.dvd] },
{ simp only [is_unit_one, int.coe_nat_zero, int.coe_nat_succ,
zero_add, pow_zero, C_1, is_unit.dvd] },

-- prepare a useful equation for rewriting
have key := bind₁_rename_expand_witt_polynomial Φ n IH,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,4 +336,217 @@ begin

lemma constant_coeff_witt_structure_rat_zero (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℚ) :
constant_coeff (witt_structure_rat p Φ 0) = constant_coeff Φ :=
by simp only [witt_structure_rat, bind₁, map_aeval, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, constant_coeff_rename,
constant_coeff_witt_polynomial, aeval_X, constant_coeff_comp_algebra_map,
eval₂_hom_zero', ring_hom.id_apply]

lemma constant_coeff_witt_structure_rat (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℚ)
(h : constant_coeff Φ = 0) (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_structure_rat p Φ n) = 0 :=
by simp only [witt_structure_rat, eval₂_hom_zero', h, bind₁, map_aeval, constant_coeff_rename,
constant_coeff_witt_polynomial, constant_coeff_comp_algebra_map, ring_hom.id_apply,

lemma constant_coeff_witt_structure_int_zero (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℤ) :
constant_coeff (witt_structure_int p Φ 0) = constant_coeff Φ :=
have inj : function.injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ),
{ intros m n, exact, },
apply inj,
rw [← constant_coeff_map, map_witt_structure_int,
constant_coeff_witt_structure_rat_zero, constant_coeff_map],

lemma constant_coeff_witt_structure_int (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℤ)
(h : constant_coeff Φ = 0) (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_structure_int p Φ n) = 0 :=
have inj : function.injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ),
{ intros m n, exact, },
apply inj,
rw [← constant_coeff_map, map_witt_structure_int,
constant_coeff_witt_structure_rat, ring_hom.map_zero],
rw [constant_coeff_map, h, ring_hom.map_zero],

end p_prime

namespace witt_vector
variables (p) [hp : fact]
include hp

/-- The polynomials used for defining the element `0` of the ring of Witt vectors. -/
noncomputable def witt_zero : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 0 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p 0

/-- The polynomials used for defining the element `1` of the ring of Witt vectors. -/
noncomputable def witt_one : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 0 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p 1

/-- The polynomials used for defining the addition of the ring of Witt vectors. -/
noncomputable def witt_add : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 2 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p (X 0 + X 1)

/-- The polynomials used for describing the subtraction of the ring of Witt vectors.
Note that `a - b` is defined as `a + -b`.
See `witt_vector.sub_coeff` for a proof that subtraction is precisely
given by these polynomials `witt_vector.witt_sub` -/
noncomputable def witt_sub : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 2 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p (X 0 - X 1)

/-- The polynomials used for defining the multiplication of the ring of Witt vectors. -/
noncomputable def witt_mul : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 2 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p (X 0 * X 1)

/-- The polynomials used for defining the negation of the ring of Witt vectors. -/
noncomputable def witt_neg : ℕ → mv_polynomial (fin 1 × ℕ) ℤ :=
witt_structure_int p (-X 0)

section witt_structure_simplifications

@[simp] lemma witt_zero_eq_zero (n : ℕ) : witt_zero p n = 0 :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_zero, witt_structure_rat, bind₁, aeval_zero',
constant_coeff_X_in_terms_of_W, ring_hom.map_zero,
alg_hom.map_zero, map_witt_structure_int],

@[simp] lemma witt_one_zero_eq_one : witt_one p 0 = 1 :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_one, witt_structure_rat, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, alg_hom.map_one,
ring_hom.map_one, bind₁_X_right, map_witt_structure_int]

@[simp] lemma witt_one_pos_eq_zero (n : ℕ) (hn : 0 < n) : witt_one p n = 0 :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_one, witt_structure_rat, ring_hom.map_zero, alg_hom.map_one,
ring_hom.map_one, map_witt_structure_int],
revert hn, apply nat.strong_induction_on n, clear n,
intros n IH hn,
rw X_in_terms_of_W_eq,
simp only [alg_hom.map_mul, alg_hom.map_sub, alg_hom.map_sum, alg_hom.map_pow,
bind₁_X_right, bind₁_C_right],
rw [sub_mul, one_mul],
rw [finset.sum_eq_single 0],
{ simp only [inv_of_eq_inv, one_mul, inv_pow', nat.sub_zero, ring_hom.map_one, pow_zero],
simp only [one_pow, one_mul, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, sub_self, bind₁_X_right] },
{ intros i hin hi0,
rw [finset.mem_range] at hin,
rw [IH _ hin (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hi0), zero_pow (pow_pos hp.pos _), mul_zero], },
{ rw finset.mem_range, intro, contradiction }

@[simp] lemma witt_add_zero : witt_add p 0 = X (0,0) + X (1,0) :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_add, witt_structure_rat, alg_hom.map_add, ring_hom.map_add,
rename_X, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, map_X,
witt_polynomial_zero, bind₁_X_right, map_witt_structure_int],

@[simp] lemma witt_sub_zero : witt_sub p 0 = X (0,0) - X (1,0) :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_sub, witt_structure_rat, alg_hom.map_sub, ring_hom.map_sub,
rename_X, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, map_X,
witt_polynomial_zero, bind₁_X_right, map_witt_structure_int],

@[simp] lemma witt_mul_zero : witt_mul p 0 = X (0,0) * X (1,0) :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_mul, witt_structure_rat, rename_X, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, map_X,
witt_polynomial_zero, ring_hom.map_mul,
bind₁_X_right, alg_hom.map_mul, map_witt_structure_int]

@[simp] lemma witt_neg_zero : witt_neg p 0 = - X (0,0) :=
apply mv_polynomial.map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [witt_neg, witt_structure_rat, rename_X, X_in_terms_of_W_zero, map_X,
witt_polynomial_zero, ring_hom.map_neg,
alg_hom.map_neg, bind₁_X_right, map_witt_structure_int]

@[simp] lemma constant_coeff_witt_add (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_add p n) = 0 :=
apply constant_coeff_witt_structure_int p _ _ n,
simp only [add_zero, ring_hom.map_add, constant_coeff_X],

@[simp] lemma constant_coeff_witt_sub (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_sub p n) = 0 :=
apply constant_coeff_witt_structure_int p _ _ n,
simp only [sub_zero, ring_hom.map_sub, constant_coeff_X],

@[simp] lemma constant_coeff_witt_mul (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_mul p n) = 0 :=
apply constant_coeff_witt_structure_int p _ _ n,
simp only [mul_zero, ring_hom.map_mul, constant_coeff_X],

@[simp] lemma constant_coeff_witt_neg (n : ℕ) :
constant_coeff (witt_neg p n) = 0 :=
apply constant_coeff_witt_structure_int p _ _ n,
simp only [neg_zero, ring_hom.map_neg, constant_coeff_X],

end witt_structure_simplifications

section witt_vars
variable (R)

-- we could relax the fintype on `idx`, but then we need to cast from finset to set.
-- for our applications `idx` is always finite.
lemma witt_structure_rat_vars [fintype idx] (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℚ) (n : ℕ) :
(witt_structure_rat p Φ n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
rw witt_structure_rat,
intros x hx,
simp only [finset.mem_product, true_and, finset.mem_univ, finset.mem_range],
obtain ⟨k, hk, hx'⟩ := mem_vars_bind₁ _ _ hx,
obtain ⟨i, -, hx''⟩ := mem_vars_bind₁ _ _ hx',
obtain ⟨j, hj, rfl⟩ := mem_vars_rename _ _ hx'',
rw [witt_polynomial_vars, finset.mem_range] at hj,
replace hk := X_in_terms_of_W_vars_subset p _ hk,
rw finset.mem_range at hk,
exact lt_of_lt_of_le hj hk,

-- we could relax the fintype on `idx`, but then we need to cast from finset to set.
-- for our applications `idx` is always finite.
lemma witt_structure_int_vars [fintype idx] (Φ : mv_polynomial idx ℤ) (n : ℕ) :
(witt_structure_int p Φ n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
rw [← @vars_map_of_injective _ _ _ _ _ _ (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) (λ m n, (rat.coe_int_inj m n).mp),
apply witt_structure_rat_vars,

lemma witt_add_vars (n : ℕ) :
(witt_add p n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
witt_structure_int_vars _ _ _

lemma witt_mul_vars (n : ℕ) :
(witt_mul p n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
witt_structure_int_vars _ _ _

lemma witt_neg_vars (n : ℕ) :
(witt_neg p n).vars ⊆ finset.univ.product (finset.range (n + 1)) :=
witt_structure_int_vars _ _ _

end witt_vars

end witt_vector

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