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feat(linear_algebra/unitary_group): add unitary/orthogonal groups (#5702
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shingtaklam1324 committed Feb 15, 2021
1 parent 9f0687c commit 0fa1312
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Showing 2 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/data/matrix/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -808,6 +808,8 @@ instance : star_ring (matrix n n R) :=

@[simp] lemma star_apply (M : matrix n n R) (i j) : star M i j = star (M j i) := rfl

lemma star_mul (M N : matrix n n R) : star (M ⬝ N) = star N ⬝ star M := star_mul _ _

end star_ring

/-- `M.minor row col` is the matrix obtained by reindexing the rows and the lines of
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203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/unitary_group.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Shing Tak Lam. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Shing Tak Lam
import linear_algebra.matrix
import linear_algebra.nonsingular_inverse
import data.complex.basic

# The Unitary Group
This file defines elements of the unitary group `unitary_group n α`, where `α` is a `star_ring`.
This consists of all `n` by `n` matrices with entries in `α` such that the star-transpose is its
inverse. In addition, we define the group structure on `unitary_group n α`, and the embedding into
the general linear group `general_linear_group α (n → α)`.
We also define the orthogonal group `orthogonal_group n β`, where `β` is a `comm_ring`.
## Main Definitions
* `matrix.unitary_group` is the type of matrices where the star-transpose is the inverse
* `` is the group structure (under multiplication)
* `matrix.unitary_group.embedding_GL` is the embedding `unitary_group n α → GLₙ(α)`
* `matrix.orthogonal_group` is the type of matrices where the transpose is the inverse
## References
## Tags
matrix group, group, unitary group, orthogonal group

universes u v


variables (M : Type v) [monoid M] [star_monoid M]

In a `star_monoid M`, `unitary_submonoid M` is the submonoid consisting of all the elements of
`M` such that `star A * A = 1`.
def unitary_submonoid : submonoid M :=
{ carrier := {A | star A * A = 1},
one_mem' := by simp,
mul_mem' := λ A B (hA : star A * A = 1) (hB : star B * B = 1), show star (A * B) * (A * B) = 1,
by rwa [star_mul, ←mul_assoc, mul_assoc _ _ A, hA, mul_one] }


namespace matrix
open linear_map
open_locale matrix


variables (n : Type u) [decidable_eq n] [fintype n]
variables (α : Type v) [comm_ring α] [star_ring α]

`unitary_group n` is the group of `n` by `n` matrices where the star-transpose is the inverse.
@[derive monoid]
def unitary_group : Type* := unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α)


variables {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n]
variables {α : Type v} [comm_ring α] [star_ring α]

namespace unitary_submonoid

lemma star_mem {A : matrix n n α} (h : A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α)) :
star A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α) :=
matrix.nonsing_inv_left_right _ _ $ (star_star A).symm ▸ h

lemma star_mem_iff {A : matrix n n α} :
star A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α) ↔ A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α) :=
⟨λ ha, star_star A ▸ star_mem ha, star_mem⟩

end unitary_submonoid

namespace unitary_group

instance coe_matrix : has_coe (unitary_group n α) (matrix n n α) := ⟨subtype.val⟩

instance coe_fun : has_coe_to_fun (unitary_group n α) :=
{ F := λ _, n → n → α,
coe := λ A, A.val }

`to_lin' A` is matrix multiplication of vectors by `A`, as a linear map.
After the group structure on `unitary_group n` is defined,
we show in `to_linear_equiv` that this gives a linear equivalence.
def to_lin' (A : unitary_group n α) := matrix.to_lin' A

lemma ext_iff (A B : unitary_group n α) : A = B ↔ ∀ i j, A i j = B i j :=
subtype.ext_iff_val.trans ⟨(λ h i j, congr_fun (congr_fun h i) j), matrix.ext⟩

@[ext] lemma ext (A B : unitary_group n α) : (∀ i j, A i j = B i j) → A = B :=
(unitary_group.ext_iff A B).mpr

instance : has_inv (unitary_group n α) :=
⟨λ A, ⟨star A.1, unitary_submonoid.star_mem_iff.mpr A.2⟩⟩

instance : star_monoid (unitary_group n α) :=
{ star := λ A, ⟨star A.1, unitary_submonoid.star_mem A.2⟩,
star_involutive := λ A, subtype.ext $ star_star A.1,
star_mul := λ A B, subtype.ext $ star_mul A.1 B.1 }

lemma star_mul_self (A : unitary_group n α) : star A ⬝ A = 1 := A.2

instance : inhabited (unitary_group n α) := ⟨1

section coe_lemmas

variables (A B : unitary_group n α)

@[simp] lemma inv_val : ↑(A⁻¹) = (star A : matrix n n α) := rfl

@[simp] lemma inv_apply : ⇑(A⁻¹) = (star A : matrix n n α) := rfl

@[simp] lemma mul_val : ↑(A * B) = A ⬝ B := rfl

@[simp] lemma mul_apply : ⇑(A * B) = (A ⬝ B) := rfl

@[simp] lemma one_val : ↑(1 : unitary_group n α) = (1 : matrix n n α) := rfl

@[simp] lemma one_apply : ⇑(1 : unitary_group n α) = (1 : matrix n n α) := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_lin'_mul :
to_lin' (A * B) = (to_lin' A).comp (to_lin' B) :=
matrix.to_lin'_mul A B

@[simp] lemma to_lin'_one :
to_lin' (1 : unitary_group n α) = :=

end coe_lemmas

instance : group (unitary_group n α) :=
{ mul_left_inv := λ A, subtype.eq A.2,
..unitary_group.monoid n α }

/-- `to_linear_equiv A` is matrix multiplication of vectors by `A`, as a linear equivalence. -/
def to_linear_equiv (A : unitary_group n α) : (n → α) ≃ₗ[α] (n → α) :=
{ inv_fun := A⁻¹.to_lin',
left_inv := λ x, calc
A⁻¹.to_lin'.comp A.to_lin' x
= (A⁻¹ * A).to_lin' x : by rw [←to_lin'_mul]
... = x : by rw [mul_left_inv, to_lin'_one, id_apply],
right_inv := λ x, calc
A.to_lin'.comp A⁻¹.to_lin' x
= (A * A⁻¹).to_lin' x : by rw [←to_lin'_mul]
... = x : by rw [mul_right_inv, to_lin'_one, id_apply],
..matrix.to_lin' A }

/-- `to_GL` is the map from the unitary group to the general linear group -/
def to_GL (A : unitary_group n α) : general_linear_group α (n → α) :=
general_linear_group.of_linear_equiv (to_linear_equiv A)

lemma coe_to_GL (A : unitary_group n α) :
↑(to_GL A) = A.to_lin' :=

lemma to_GL_one : to_GL (1 : unitary_group n α) = 1 :=
by { ext1 v i, rw [coe_to_GL, to_lin'_one], refl }

lemma to_GL_mul (A B : unitary_group n α) :
to_GL (A * B) = to_GL A * to_GL B :=
by { ext1 v i, rw [coe_to_GL, to_lin'_mul], refl }

/-- `unitary_group.embedding_GL` is the embedding from `unitary_group n α`
to `general_linear_group n α`. -/
def embedding_GL : unitary_group n α →* general_linear_group α (n → α) :=
⟨λ A, to_GL A, by simp, by simp⟩

end unitary_group

section orthogonal_group

variables (β : Type v) [comm_ring β]

local attribute [instance] star_ring_of_comm
`orthogonal_group n` is the group of `n` by `n` matrices where the transpose is the inverse.
abbreviation orthogonal_group := unitary_group n β

end orthogonal_group

end matrix

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