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feat(group_theory/nilpotent): add nilpotent groups (#8538)
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We make basic definitions of nilpotent groups and prove the standard theorem that a group is nilpotent iff the upper resp. lower central series reaches top resp. bot.
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kbuzzard committed Aug 16, 2021
1 parent a55084f commit 106bd3b
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Showing 2 changed files with 290 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/coset.lean
Expand Up @@ -282,6 +282,11 @@ lemma induction_on' {C : quotient s → Prop} (x : quotient s)
(H : ∀ z : α, C z) : C x :=
quotient.induction_on' x H

lemma forall_coe {C : quotient s → Prop} :
(∀ x : quotient s, C x) ↔ ∀ x : α, C x :=
⟨λ hx x, hx _, quot.ind⟩

instance (s : subgroup α) : inhabited (quotient s) :=
⟨((1 : α) : quotient s)⟩
Expand Down
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/nilpotent.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Kevin Buzzard. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Buzzard

import group_theory.general_commutator
import group_theory.quotient_group

# Nilpotent groups
An API for nilpotent groups, that is, groups for which the upper central series
reaches `⊤`.
## Main definitions
Recall that if `H K : subgroup G` then `⁅H, K⁆ : subgroup G` is the subgroup of `G` generated
by the commutators `hkh⁻¹k⁻¹`. Recall also Lean's conventions that `⊤` denotes the
subgroup `G` of `G`, and `⊥` denotes the trivial subgroup `{1}`.
* `upper_central_series G : ℕ → subgroup G` : the upper central series of a group `G`.
This is an increasing sequence of normal subgroups `H n` of `G` with `H 0 = ⊥` and
`H (n + 1) / H n` is the centre of `G / H n`.
* `lower_central_series G : ℕ → subgroup G` : the lower central series of a group `G`.
This is a decreasing sequence of normal subgroups `H n` of `G` with `H 0 = ⊤` and
`H (n + 1) = ⁅H n, G⁆`.
* `is_nilpotent` : A group G is nilpotent if its upper central series reaches `⊤`, or
equivalently if its lower central series reaches `⊥`.
* `nilpotency_class` : the length of the upper central series of a nilpotent group.
* `is_ascending_central_series (H : ℕ → subgroup G) : Prop` and
* `is_descending_central_series (H : ℕ → subgroup G) : Prop` : Note that in the literature
a "central series" for a group is usually defined to be a *finite* sequence of normal subgroups
`H 0`, `H 1`, ..., starting at `⊤`, finishing at `⊥`, and with each `H n / H (n + 1)`
central in `G / H (n + 1)`. In this formalisation it is convenient to have two weaker predicates
on an infinite sequence of subgroups `H n` of `G`: we say a sequence is a *descending central
series* if it starts at `G` and `⁅H n, ⊤⁆ ⊆ H (n + 1)` for all `n`. Note that this series
may not terminate at `⊥`, and the `H i` need not be normal. Similarly a sequence is an
*ascending central series* if `H 0 = ⊥` and `⁅H (n + 1), ⊤⁆ ⊆ H n` for all `n`, again with no
requirement that the series reaches `⊤` or that the `H i` are normal.
## Main theorems
`G` is *defined* to be nilpotent if the upper central series reaches `⊤`.
* `nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series` : `G` is nilpotent iff some ascending central
series reaches `⊤`.
* `nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series` : `G` is nilpotent iff some descending central
series reaches `⊥`.
* `nilpotent_iff_lower` : `G` is nilpotent iff the lower central series reaches `⊥`.
## Warning
A "central series" is usually defined to be a finite sequence of normal subgroups going
from `⊥` to `⊤` with the property that each subquotient is contained within the centre of
the associated quotient of `G`. This means that if `G` is not nilpotent, then
none of what we have called `upper_central_series G`, `lower_central_series G` or
the sequences satisfying `is_ascending_central_series` or `is_descending_central_series`
are actually central series. Note that the fact that the upper and lower central series
are not central series if `G` is not nilpotent is a standard abuse of notation.

open subgroup

variables {G : Type*} [group G] (H : subgroup G) [normal H]

/-- If `H` is a normal subgroup of `G`, then the set `{x : G | ∀ y : G, x*y*x⁻¹*y⁻¹ ∈ H}`
is a subgroup of `G` (because it is the preimage in `G` of the centre of the
quotient group `G/H`.)
def upper_central_series_step : subgroup G :=
{ carrier := {x : G | ∀ y : G, x * y * x⁻¹ * y⁻¹ ∈ H},
one_mem' := λ y, by simp [subgroup.one_mem],
mul_mem' := λ a b ha hb y, begin
convert subgroup.mul_mem _ (ha (b * y * b⁻¹)) (hb y) using 1,
inv_mem' := λ x hx y, begin
specialize hx y⁻¹,
rw [mul_assoc, inv_inv] at ⊢ hx,
exact subgroup.normal.mem_comm infer_instance hx,
end }

lemma mem_upper_central_series_step (x : G) :
x ∈ upper_central_series_step H ↔ ∀ y, x * y * x⁻¹ * y⁻¹ ∈ H := iff.rfl

open quotient_group

/-- The proof that `upper_central_series_step H` is the preimage of the centre of `G/H` under
the canonical surjection. -/
lemma upper_central_series_step_eq_comap_center :
upper_central_series_step H = subgroup.comap (mk' H) (center (quotient H)) :=
rw [mem_comap, mem_center_iff, forall_coe],
apply forall_congr,
intro y,
change x * y * x⁻¹ * y⁻¹ ∈ H ↔ ((y * x : G) : quotient H) = (x * y : G),
rw [eq_comm, eq_iff_div_mem, div_eq_mul_inv],
congr' 2,

instance : normal (upper_central_series_step H) :=
rw upper_central_series_step_eq_comap_center,

variable (G)

/-- An auxiliary type-theoretic definition defining both the upper central series of
a group, and a proof that it is normal, all in one go. -/
def upper_central_series_aux : ℕ → Σ' (H : subgroup G), normal H
| 0 := ⟨⊥, infer_instance⟩
| (n + 1) := let un := upper_central_series_aux n, un_normal := un.2 in
by exactI ⟨upper_central_series_step un.1, infer_instance⟩

/-- `upper_central_series G n` is the `n`th term in the upper central series of `G`. -/
def upper_central_series (n : ℕ) : subgroup G := (upper_central_series_aux G n).1

instance (n : ℕ) : normal (upper_central_series G n) := (upper_central_series_aux G n).2

lemma upper_central_series_zero_def : upper_central_series G 0 = ⊥ := rfl

/-- The `n+1`st term of the upper central series `H i` has underlying set equal to the `x` such
that `⁅x,G⁆ ⊆ H n`-/
lemma mem_upper_central_series_succ_iff {G : Type*} [group G] (n : ℕ) (x : G) :
x ∈ upper_central_series G (n + 1) ↔
∀ y : G, x * y * x⁻¹ * y⁻¹ ∈ upper_central_series G n := iff.rfl

-- is_nilpotent is already defined in the root namespace (for elements of rings).
/-- A group `G` is nilpotent if its upper central series is eventually `G`. -/
class group.is_nilpotent (G : Type*) [group G] : Prop :=
(nilpotent [] : ∃ n : ℕ, upper_central_series G n = ⊤)

open group

section classical

open_locale classical

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent group is the small natural `n` such that
the `n`'th term of the upper central series is `G`. -/
noncomputable def group.nilpotency_class (G : Type*) [group G] [is_nilpotent G] : ℕ :=
nat.find (is_nilpotent.nilpotent G)

end classical

variable {G}

/-- A sequence of subgroups of `G` is an ascending central series if `H 0` is trivial and
`⁅H (n + 1), G⁆ ⊆ H n` for all `n`. Note that we do not require that `H n = G` for some `n`. -/
def is_ascending_central_series (H : ℕ → subgroup G) : Prop :=
H 0 = ⊥ ∧ ∀ (x : G) (n : ℕ), x ∈ H (n + 1) → ∀ g, x * g * x⁻¹ * g⁻¹ ∈ H n

/-- A sequence of subgroups of `G` is a descending central series if `H 0` is `G` and
`⁅H n, G⁆ ⊆ H (n + 1)` for all `n`. Note that we do not requre that `H n = {1}` for some `n`. -/
def is_descending_central_series (H : ℕ → subgroup G) := H 0 = ⊤ ∧
∀ (x : G) (n : ℕ), x ∈ H n → ∀ g, x * g * x⁻¹ * g⁻¹ ∈ H (n + 1)

/-- Any ascending central series for a group is bounded above by the upper central series. -/
lemma ascending_central_series_le_upper (H : ℕ → subgroup G) (hH : is_ascending_central_series H) :
∀ n : ℕ, H n ≤ upper_central_series G n
| 0 := hH.1.symm ▸ le_refl ⊥
| (n + 1) := begin
specialize ascending_central_series_le_upper n,
intros x hx,
have := hH.2 x n hx,
rw mem_upper_central_series_succ_iff,
intro y,
apply ascending_central_series_le_upper,
apply this,

variable (G)

/-- The upper central series of a group is an ascending central series. -/
lemma upper_central_series_is_ascending_central_series :
is_ascending_central_series (upper_central_series G) :=
⟨rfl, λ x n h, h⟩

/-- A group `G` is nilpotent iff there exists an ascending central series which reaches `G` in
finitely many steps. -/
theorem nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series :
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_ascending_central_series H ∧ ∃ n : ℕ, H n = ⊤ :=
{ intro h,
use upper_central_series G,
refine ⟨upper_central_series_is_ascending_central_series G, h.1⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨H, hH, n, hn⟩,
use n,
have := ascending_central_series_le_upper H hH n,
rw hn at this,
exact eq_top_iff.mpr this }

/-- A group `G` is nilpotent iff there exists a descending central series which reaches the
trivial group in a finite time. -/
theorem nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series :
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_descending_central_series H ∧ ∃ n : ℕ, H n = ⊥ :=
rw nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series,
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hH⟩, n, hn⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le hm,
rw [hnm, h0, subgroup.mem_bot] at hx,
subst hx,
convert subgroup.one_mem _,
group },
{ push_neg at hm,
apply hH,
convert hx,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.sub_pos_of_lt hm) } },
{ use n,
rwa nat.sub_self } },
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hH⟩, n, hn⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp only at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le hm,
dsimp only,
rw [hnm, h0],
exact mem_top _ },
{ push_neg at hm,
dsimp only,
convert hH x _ hx g,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.sub_pos_of_lt hm)).symm } },
{ use n,
rwa nat.sub_self } },

/-- The lower central series of a group `G` is a sequence `H n` of subgroups of `G`, defined
by `H 0` is all of `G` and for `n≥1`, `H (n + 1) = ⁅H n, G⁆` -/
def lower_central_series (G : Type*) [group G] : ℕ → subgroup G
| 0 := ⊤
| (n+1) := ⁅lower_central_series n, ⊤⁆

variable {G}

/-- The lower central series of a group is a descending central series. -/
theorem lower_central_series_is_descending_central_series :
is_descending_central_series (lower_central_series G) :=
split, refl,
intros x n hxn g,
exact general_commutator_containment _ _ hxn (subgroup.mem_top g),

/-- Any descending central series for a group is bounded below by the lower central series. -/
lemma descending_central_series_ge_lower (H : ℕ → subgroup G)
(hH : is_descending_central_series H) : ∀ n : ℕ, lower_central_series G n ≤ H n
| 0 := hH.1.symm ▸ le_refl ⊤
| (n + 1) := begin
specialize descending_central_series_ge_lower n,
apply (general_commutator_le _ _ _).2,
intros x hx q _,
exact hH.2 x n (descending_central_series_ge_lower hx) q,

/-- A group is nilpotent if and only if its lower central series eventually reaches
the trivial subgroup. -/
theorem nilpotent_iff_lower_central_series : is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ n, lower_central_series G n = ⊥ :=
rw nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series,
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hs⟩, n, hn⟩,
use n,
have := descending_central_series_ge_lower H ⟨h0, hs⟩ n,
rw hn at this,
exact eq_bot_iff.mpr this },
{ intro h,
use [lower_central_series G, lower_central_series_is_descending_central_series, h] },

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