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feat(topology/homotopy/path): Add homotopy between paths (#9141)
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There is also a lemma about `path.to_continuous_map` which I needed in a prior iteration of this PR that I missed in #9133
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shingtaklam1324 committed Oct 11, 2021
1 parent 6872dfb commit 136d0ce
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Showing 3 changed files with 234 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/topology/homotopy/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ Currying a homotopy to a continuous function fron `I` to `C(X, Y)`.
def curry (F : homotopy f₀ f₁) : C(I, C(X, Y)) := F.to_continuous_map.curry

-- lemma prop (F : homotopy f₀ f₁) (t : I) : P (F.curry t) := F.prop' t

lemma curry_apply (F : homotopy f₀ f₁) (t : I) (x : X) : F.curry t x = F (t, x) := rfl

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232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/homotopy/path.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Shing Tak Lam. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Shing Tak Lam

import topology.homotopy.basic
import topology.path_connected

# Homotopy between paths
In this file, we define a `homotopy` between two `path`s. In addition, we define a relation
`homotopic` on `path`s, and prove that it is an equivalence relation.
## Definitions
* `path.homotopy p₀ p₁` is the type of homotopies between paths `p₀` and `p₁`
* `path.homotopy.refl p` is the constant homotopy between `p` and itself
* `path.homotopy.symm F` is the `path.homotopy p₁ p₀` defined by reversing the homotopy
* `path.homotopy.trans F G`, where `F : path.homotopy p₀ p₁`, `G : path.homotopy p₁ p₂` is the
`path.homotopy p₀ p₂` defined by putting the first homotopy on `[0, 1/2]` and the second on
`[1/2, 1]`
* `path.homotopy.hcomp F G`, where `F : path.homotopy p₀ q₀` and `G : path.homotopy p₁ q₁` is
a `path.homotopy (p₀.trans p₁) (q₀.trans q₁)`
* `path.homotopic p₀ p₁` is the relation saying that there is a homotopy between `p₀` and `p₁`
* `path.homotopic.setoid x₀ x₁` is the setoid on `path`s from `path.homotopic`
* `path.homotopic.quotient x₀ x₁` is the quotient type from `path x₀ x₀` by `path.homotopic.setoid`
## Todos
Define the fundamental group(oid).

universes u v

variables {X : Type u} {Y : Type v} [topological_space X] [topological_space Y]
variables {x₀ x₁ : X}

noncomputable theory

open_locale unit_interval

namespace path

The type of homotopies between two paths.
abbreviation homotopy (p₀ p₁ : path x₀ x₁) :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel p₀.to_continuous_map p₁.to_continuous_map {0, 1}

namespace homotopy


variables {p₀ p₁ : path x₀ x₁}

instance : has_coe_to_fun (homotopy p₀ p₁) := ⟨_, λ F, F.to_fun⟩

lemma coe_fn_injective : @function.injective (homotopy p₀ p₁) (I × I → X) coe_fn :=

lemma source (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (t : I) : F (t, 0) = x₀ :=
simp_rw [←p₀.source],
apply continuous_map.homotopy_rel.eq_fst,

lemma target (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (t : I) : F (t, 1) = x₁ :=
simp_rw [←p₁.target],
apply continuous_map.homotopy_rel.eq_snd,

Evaluating a path homotopy at an intermediate point, giving us a `path`.
def eval (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (t : I) : path x₀ x₁ :=
{ to_fun := F.to_homotopy.curry t,
source' := by simp,
target' := by simp }

lemma eval_zero (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) : F.eval 0 = p₀ :=
ext t,
simp [eval],

lemma eval_one (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) : F.eval 1 = p₁ :=
ext t,
simp [eval],



variables {p₀ p₁ p₂ : path x₀ x₁}

Given a path `p`, we can define a `homotopy p p` by `F (t, x) = p x`
def refl (p : path x₀ x₁) : homotopy p p :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.refl p.to_continuous_map {0, 1}

Given a `homotopy p₀ p₁`, we can define a `homotopy p₁ p₀` by reversing the homotopy.
def symm (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) : homotopy p₁ p₀ :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm F

lemma symm_symm (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) : F.symm.symm = F :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_symm F

Given `homotopy p₀ p₁` and `homotopy p₁ p₂`, we can define a `homotopy p₀ p₂` by putting the first
homotopy on `[0, 1/2]` and the second on `[1/2, 1]`.
def trans (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (G : homotopy p₁ p₂) : homotopy p₀ p₂ :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.trans F G

lemma trans_apply (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (G : homotopy p₁ p₂) (x : I × I) :
(F.trans G) x =
if h : (x.1 : ℝ) ≤ 1/2 then
F (⟨2 * x.1, (unit_interval.mul_pos_mem_iff zero_lt_two).2 ⟨x.1.2.1, h⟩⟩, x.2)
G (⟨2 * x.1 - 1, unit_interval.two_mul_sub_one_mem_iff.2 ⟨(not_le.1 h).le, x.1.2.2⟩⟩, x.2) :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.trans_apply _ _ _

lemma symm_trans (F : homotopy p₀ p₁) (G : homotopy p₁ p₂) :
(F.trans G).symm = G.symm.trans F.symm :=
continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_trans _ _



variables {x₂ : X} {p₀ q₀ : path x₀ x₁} {p₁ q₁ : path x₁ x₂}

Suppose `p₀` and `q₀` are paths from `x₀` to `x₁`, `p₁` and `q₁` are paths from `x₁` to `x₂`.
Furthermore, suppose `F : homotopy p₀ q₀` and `G : homotopy p₁ q₁`. Then we can define a homotopy
from `p₀.trans p₁` to `q₀.trans q₁`.
def hcomp (F : homotopy p₀ q₀) (G : homotopy p₁ q₁) :
homotopy (p₀.trans p₁) (q₀.trans q₁) :=
{ to_fun := λ x,
if (x.2 : ℝ) ≤ 1/2 then
(F.eval x.1).extend (2 * x.2)
(G.eval x.1).extend (2 * x.2 - 1),
continuous_to_fun := begin
refine continuous_if_le (continuous_induced_dom.comp continuous_snd) continuous_const
(F.to_homotopy.continuous.comp (by continuity)).continuous_on
(G.to_homotopy.continuous.comp (by continuity)).continuous_on _,
intros x hx,
norm_num [hx]
to_fun_zero := λ x, by norm_num [path.trans],
to_fun_one := λ x, by norm_num [path.trans],
prop' := begin
rintros x t ht,
cases ht,
{ rw ht,
simp },
{ rw set.mem_singleton_iff at ht,
rw ht,
norm_num }
end }

lemma hcomp_apply (F : homotopy p₀ q₀) (G : homotopy p₁ q₁) (x : I × I) :
F.hcomp G x =
if h : (x.2 : ℝ) ≤ 1/2 then
F.eval x.12 * x.2, (unit_interval.mul_pos_mem_iff zero_lt_two).2 ⟨x.2.2.1, h⟩⟩
G.eval x.12 * x.2 - 1, unit_interval.two_mul_sub_one_mem_iff.2 ⟨(not_le.1 h).le, x.2.2.2⟩⟩ :=
show ite _ _ _ = _, by split_ifs; exact path.extend_extends _ _

lemma hcomp_half (F : homotopy p₀ q₀) (G : homotopy p₁ q₁) (t : I) :
F.hcomp G (t, ⟨1/2, by norm_num, by norm_num⟩) = x₁ :=
show ite _ _ _ = _, by norm_num


end homotopy

Two paths `p₀` and `p₁` are `path.homotopic` if there exists a `homotopy` between them.
def homotopic (p₀ p₁ : path x₀ x₁) : Prop := nonempty (p₀.homotopy p₁)

namespace homotopic

lemma refl (p : path x₀ x₁) : p.homotopic p := ⟨homotopy.refl p⟩

lemma symm ⦃p₀ p₁ : path x₀ x₁⦄ (h : p₀.homotopic p₁) : p₁.homotopic p₀ := ⟨h.some.symm⟩

lemma trans ⦃p₀ p₁ p₂ : path x₀ x₁⦄ (h₀ : p₀.homotopic p₁) (h₁ : p₁.homotopic p₂) :
p₀.homotopic p₂ := ⟨h₀.some.trans h₁.some⟩

lemma equivalence : equivalence (@homotopic X _ x₀ x₁) := ⟨refl, symm, trans⟩

The setoid on `path`s defined by the equivalence relation `path.homotopic`. That is, two paths are
equivalent if there is a `homotopy` between them.
protected def setoid (x₀ x₁ : X) : setoid (path x₀ x₁) := ⟨homotopic, equivalence⟩

The quotient on `path x₀ x₁` by the equivalence relation `path.homotopic`.
protected def quotient (x₀ x₁ : X) := quotient (homotopic.setoid x₀ x₁)

instance : inhabited (homotopic.quotient () ()) :=
⟨ _ (homotopic.setoid _ _) $ path.refl ()⟩

end homotopic

end path
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/path_connected.lean
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ protected lemma continuous : continuous γ :=
@[simp] protected lemma target : γ 1 = y :=

@[simp] lemma coe_to_continuous_map : ⇑γ.to_continuous_map = γ := rfl

/-- Any function `φ : Π (a : α), path (x a) (y a)` can be seen as a function `α × I → X`. -/
instance has_uncurry_path {X α : Type*} [topological_space X] {x y : α → X} :
has_uncurry (Π (a : α), path (x a) (y a)) (α × I) X :=
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