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feat(category_theory/filtered): generalize to allow empty categories (#…
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+ Create aliases so that we can write `is_filtered.cocone_objs` without the `_or_empty`.

+ Fix misnomers `is_cofiltered.cocone_objs/maps`; `cocone` should be replaced by `cone`.

+ Add special shapes `span`/`cospan` and lemma `ranges_directed` from #17905.

+ Golf `bowtie` and `tulip` using `span`.

Co-authored-by: Rémi Bottinelli <>
  • Loading branch information
alreadydone and bottine committed Dec 31, 2022
1 parent f61ffad commit 14e80e8
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 84 deletions.
177 changes: 95 additions & 82 deletions src/category_theory/filtered.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ instance is_filtered_or_empty_of_directed_le (α : Type u) [preorder α] [is_dir
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨Y, 𝟙 _, by simp⟩ }

@[priority 100]
instance is_filtered_of_directed_le_nonempty (α : Type u) [preorder α] [is_directed α (≤)]
instance is_filtered_of_directed_le_nonempty (α : Type u) [preorder α] [is_directed α (≤)]
[nonempty α] :
is_filtered α := {}

Expand All @@ -112,28 +112,35 @@ instance : is_filtered (discrete punit) :=

namespace is_filtered

variables {C} [is_filtered C]
section allow_empty

variables {C} [is_filtered_or_empty C]

lemma cocone_objs : ∀ (X Y : C), ∃ Z (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z), true :=
lemma cocone_maps : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y), ∃ Z (h : Y ⟶ Z), f ≫ h = g ≫ h :=

`max j j'` is an arbitrary choice of object to the right of both `j` and `j'`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def max (j j' : C) : C :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some
(cocone_objs j j').some

`left_to_max j j'` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `j` to `max j j'`,
`left_to_max j j'` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `j` to `max j j'`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def left_to_max (j j' : C) : j ⟶ max j j' :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some
(cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some

`right_to_max j j'` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `j'` to `max j j'`,
`right_to_max j j'` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `j'` to `max j j'`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def right_to_max (j j' : C) : j' ⟶ max j j' :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some_spec.some
(cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some_spec.some

`coeq f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is an arbitrary choice of object
Expand All @@ -142,7 +149,7 @@ which admits a morphism `coeq_hom f f' : j' ⟶ coeq f f'` such that
Its existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def coeq {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : C :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some
(cocone_maps f f').some

`coeq_hom f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is an arbitrary choice of morphism
Expand All @@ -151,18 +158,24 @@ noncomputable def coeq {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : C :=
Its existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def coeq_hom {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : j' ⟶ coeq f f' :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some
(cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some

`coeq_condition f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is the proof that
`f ≫ coeq_hom f f' = f' ≫ coeq_hom f f'`.
@[simp, reassoc]
lemma coeq_condition {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : f ≫ coeq_hom f f' = f' ≫ coeq_hom f f' :=
(is_filtered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some_spec
(cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some_spec

end allow_empty

section nonempty

open category_theory.limits

variables {C} [is_filtered C]

Any finite collection of objects in a filtered category has an object "to the right".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,30 +304,34 @@ of_right_adjoint (adjunction.of_right_adjoint R)
lemma of_equivalence (h : C ≌ D) : is_filtered D :=
of_right_adjoint h.symm.to_adjunction

end nonempty

section special_shapes

variables {C} [is_filtered_or_empty C]

`max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrary choice of object to the right of `j₁`, `j₂` and `j₃`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def max₃ (j₁ j₂ j₃ : C) : C := max (max j₁ j₂) j₃

`first_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `j₁` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
`first_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `j₁` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def first_to_max₃ (j₁ j₂ j₃ : C) : j₁ ⟶ max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃ :=
left_to_max j₁ j₂ ≫ left_to_max (max j₁ j₂) j₃

`second_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `j₂` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
`second_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `j₂` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def second_to_max₃ (j₁ j₂ j₃ : C) : j₂ ⟶ max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃ :=
right_to_max j₁ j₂ ≫ left_to_max (max j₁ j₂) j₃

`third_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `j₃` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
`third_to_max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `j₃` to `max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_filtered`.
noncomputable def third_to_max₃ (j₁ j₂ j₃ : C) : j₃ ⟶ max₃ j₁ j₂ j₃ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,11 +359,7 @@ coeq_hom (coeq_hom f g ≫ left_to_max (coeq f g) (coeq g h))

lemma coeq₃_condition₁ {j₁ j₂ : C} (f g h : j₁ ⟶ j₂) :
f ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h = g ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h :=
dsimp [coeq₃_hom],
slice_lhs 1 2 { rw coeq_condition f g },
simp only [category.assoc],
by rw [coeq₃_hom, reassoc_of (coeq_condition f g)]

lemma coeq₃_condition₂ {j₁ j₂ : C} (f g h : j₁ ⟶ j₂) :
g ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h = h ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h :=
Expand All @@ -362,6 +375,13 @@ lemma coeq₃_condition₃ {j₁ j₂ : C} (f g h : j₁ ⟶ j₂) :
f ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h = h ≫ coeq₃_hom f g h :=
eq.trans (coeq₃_condition₁ f g h) (coeq₃_condition₂ f g h)

/-- For every span `j ⟵ i ⟶ j'`, there
exists a cocone `j ⟶ k ⟵ j'` such that the square commutes. -/
lemma span {i j j' : C} (f : i ⟶ j) (f' : i ⟶ j') :
∃ (k : C) (g : j ⟶ k) (g' : j' ⟶ k), f ≫ g = f' ≫ g' :=
let ⟨K, G, G', _⟩ := cocone_objs j j', ⟨k, e, he⟩ := cocone_maps (f ≫ G) (f' ≫ G') in
⟨k, G ≫ e, G' ≫ e, by simpa only [← category.assoc]⟩

Given a "bowtie" of morphisms
Expand All @@ -380,24 +400,10 @@ lemma bowtie {j₁ j₂ k₁ k₂ : C}
(f₁ : j₁ ⟶ k₁) (g₁ : j₁ ⟶ k₂) (f₂ : j₂ ⟶ k₁) (g₂ : j₂ ⟶ k₂) :
∃ (s : C) (α : k₁ ⟶ s) (β : k₂ ⟶ s), f₁ ≫ α = g₁ ≫ β ∧ f₂ ≫ α = g₂ ≫ β :=
let sa := max k₁ k₂,
let sb := coeq (f₁ ≫ left_to_max _ _) (g₁ ≫ right_to_max _ _),
let sc := coeq (f₂ ≫ left_to_max _ _) (g₂ ≫ right_to_max _ _),
let sd := max sb sc,
let s := coeq ((coeq_hom _ _ : sa ⟶ sb) ≫ left_to_max _ _)
((coeq_hom _ _ : sa ⟶ sc) ≫ right_to_max _ _),
use s,
exact left_to_max k₁ k₂ ≫ coeq_hom _ _ ≫ left_to_max sb sc ≫ coeq_hom _ _,
exact right_to_max k₁ k₂ ≫ coeq_hom _ _ ≫ right_to_max sb sc ≫ coeq_hom _ _,
{ slice_lhs 1 3 { rw [←category.assoc, coeq_condition], },
slice_lhs 3 5 { rw [←category.assoc, coeq_condition], },
simp only [category.assoc], },
{ slice_lhs 3 5 { rw [←category.assoc, coeq_condition], },
slice_lhs 1 3 { rw [←category.assoc, coeq_condition], },
simp only [category.assoc], }
obtain ⟨t, k₁t, k₂t, ht⟩ := span f₁ g₁,
obtain ⟨s, ts, hs⟩ := cocone_maps (f₂ ≫ k₁t) (g₂ ≫ k₂t),
simp_rw category.assoc at hs,
exact ⟨s, k₁t ≫ ts, k₂t ≫ ts, by rw reassoc_of ht, hs⟩,

Expand All @@ -416,36 +422,17 @@ Given a "tulip" of morphisms
in a filtered category, we can construct an object `s` and three morphisms from `k₁`, `k₂` and `l`
to `s`, making the resulting sqaures commute.
to `s`, making the resulting squares commute.
lemma tulip {j₁ j₂ j₃ k₁ k₂ l : C} (f₁ : j₁ ⟶ k₁) (f₂ : j₂ ⟶ k₁) (f₃ : j₂ ⟶ k₂) (f₄ : j₃ ⟶ k₂)
(g₁ : j₁ ⟶ l) (g₂ : j₃ ⟶ l) :
∃ (s : C) (α : k₁ ⟶ s) (β : l ⟶ s) (γ : k₂ ⟶ s),
f₁ ≫ α = g₁ ≫ β ∧ f₂ ≫ α = f₃ ≫ γ ∧ f₄ ≫ γ = g₂ ≫ β :=
let sa := max₃ k₁ l k₂,
let sb := coeq (f₁ ≫ first_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂) (g₁ ≫ second_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂),
let sc := coeq (f₂ ≫ first_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂) (f₃ ≫ third_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂),
let sd := coeq (f₄ ≫ third_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂) (g₂ ≫ second_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂),
let se := max₃ sb sc sd,
let sf := coeq₃ (coeq_hom _ _ ≫ first_to_max₃ sb sc sd)
(coeq_hom _ _ ≫ second_to_max₃ sb sc sd) (coeq_hom _ _ ≫ third_to_max₃ sb sc sd),
use sf,
use first_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂ ≫ coeq_hom _ _ ≫ first_to_max₃ sb sc sd ≫ coeq₃_hom _ _ _,
use second_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂ ≫ coeq_hom _ _ ≫ second_to_max₃ sb sc sd ≫ coeq₃_hom _ _ _,
use third_to_max₃ k₁ l k₂ ≫ coeq_hom _ _ ≫ third_to_max₃ sb sc sd ≫ coeq₃_hom _ _ _,
slice_lhs 1 3 { rw [← category.assoc, coeq_condition] },
slice_lhs 3 6 { rw [← category.assoc, coeq₃_condition₁] },
simp only [category.assoc],
slice_lhs 3 6 { rw [← category.assoc, coeq₃_condition₁] },
slice_lhs 1 3 { rw [← category.assoc, coeq_condition] },
slice_rhs 3 6 { rw [← category.assoc, ← coeq₃_condition₂] },
simp only [category.assoc],
slice_rhs 3 6 { rw [← category.assoc, coeq₃_condition₂] },
slice_rhs 1 3 { rw [← category.assoc, ← coeq_condition] },
simp only [category.assoc],
obtain ⟨l', k₁l, k₂l, hl⟩ := span f₂ f₃,
obtain ⟨s, ls, l's, hs₁, hs₂⟩ := bowtie g₁ (f₁ ≫ k₁l) g₂ (f₄ ≫ k₂l),
refine ⟨s, k₁l ≫ l's, ls, k₂l ≫ l's, _, by rw reassoc_of hl, _⟩;
simp only [hs₁, hs₂, category.assoc],

end special_shapes
Expand All @@ -459,8 +446,8 @@ A category `is_cofiltered_or_empty` if
are equal.
class is_cofiltered_or_empty : Prop :=
(cocone_objs : ∀ (X Y : C), ∃ W (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y), true)
(cocone_maps : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y), ∃ W (h : W ⟶ X), h ≫ f = h ≫ g)
(cone_objs : ∀ (X Y : C), ∃ W (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y), true)
(cone_maps : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y), ∃ W (h : W ⟶ X), h ≫ f = h ≫ g)

A category `is_cofiltered` if
Expand All @@ -477,8 +464,8 @@ class is_cofiltered extends is_cofiltered_or_empty C : Prop :=
@[priority 100]
instance is_cofiltered_or_empty_of_semilattice_inf
(α : Type u) [semilattice_inf α] : is_cofiltered_or_empty α :=
{ cocone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨X ⊓ Y, hom_of_le inf_le_left, hom_of_le inf_le_right, trivial⟩,
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨X, 𝟙 _, (by ext)⟩, }
{ cone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨X ⊓ Y, hom_of_le inf_le_left, hom_of_le inf_le_right, trivial⟩,
cone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨X, 𝟙 _, (by ext)⟩, }

@[priority 100]
instance is_cofiltered_of_semilattice_inf_nonempty
Expand All @@ -488,12 +475,12 @@ instance is_cofiltered_of_semilattice_inf_nonempty
instance is_cofiltered_or_empty_of_directed_ge (α : Type u) [preorder α]
[is_directed α (≥)] :
is_cofiltered_or_empty α :=
{ cocone_objs := λ X Y, let ⟨Z, hX, hY⟩ := exists_le_le X Y in
{ cone_objs := λ X Y, let ⟨Z, hX, hY⟩ := exists_le_le X Y in
⟨Z, hom_of_le hX, hom_of_le hY, trivial⟩,
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨X, 𝟙 _, by simp⟩ }
cone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨X, 𝟙 _, by simp⟩ }

@[priority 100]
instance is_cofiltered_of_directed_ge_nonempty (α : Type u) [preorder α] [is_directed α (≥)]
instance is_cofiltered_of_directed_ge_nonempty (α : Type u) [preorder α] [is_directed α (≥)]
[nonempty α] :
is_cofiltered α := {}

Expand All @@ -502,34 +489,40 @@ example (α : Type u) [semilattice_inf α] [order_bot α] : is_cofiltered α :=
example (α : Type u) [semilattice_inf α] [order_top α] : is_cofiltered α := by apply_instance

instance : is_cofiltered (discrete punit) :=
{ cocone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨⟨⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, trivial⟩,
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨⟨⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, dec_trivial⟩,
{ cone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨⟨⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, trivial⟩,
cone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨⟨⟩, ⟨⟨dec_trivial⟩⟩, dec_trivial⟩,
nonempty := ⟨⟨⟩⟩ }

namespace is_cofiltered

variables {C} [is_cofiltered C]
section allow_empty

variables {C} [is_cofiltered_or_empty C]

lemma cone_objs : ∀ (X Y : C), ∃ W (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y), true := is_cofiltered_or_empty.cone_objs
lemma cone_maps : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y), ∃ W (h : W ⟶ X), h ≫ f = h ≫ g :=

`min j j'` is an arbitrary choice of object to the left of both `j` and `j'`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_cofiltered`.
noncomputable def min (j j' : C) : C :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some
(cone_objs j j').some

`min_to_left j j'` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `min j j'` to `j`,
`min_to_left j j'` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `min j j'` to `j`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_cofiltered`.
noncomputable def min_to_left (j j' : C) : min j j' ⟶ j :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some
(cone_objs j j').some_spec.some

`min_to_right j j'` is an arbitrarily choice of morphism from `min j j'` to `j'`,
`min_to_right j j'` is an arbitrary choice of morphism from `min j j'` to `j'`,
whose existence is ensured by `is_cofiltered`.
noncomputable def min_to_right (j j' : C) : min j j' ⟶ j' :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_objs j j').some_spec.some_spec.some
(cone_objs j j').some_spec.some_spec.some

`eq f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is an arbitrary choice of object
Expand All @@ -538,7 +531,7 @@ which admits a morphism `eq_hom f f' : eq f f' ⟶ j` such that
Its existence is ensured by `is_cofiltered`.
noncomputable def eq {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : C :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some
(cone_maps f f').some

`eq_hom f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is an arbitrary choice of morphism
Expand All @@ -547,18 +540,36 @@ noncomputable def eq {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : C :=
Its existence is ensured by `is_cofiltered`.
noncomputable def eq_hom {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : eq f f' ⟶ j :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some
(cone_maps f f').some_spec.some

`eq_condition f f'`, for morphisms `f f' : j ⟶ j'`, is the proof that
`eq_hom f f' ≫ f = eq_hom f f' ≫ f'`.
@[simp, reassoc]
lemma eq_condition {j j' : C} (f f' : j ⟶ j') : eq_hom f f' ≫ f = eq_hom f f' ≫ f' :=
(is_cofiltered_or_empty.cocone_maps f f').some_spec.some_spec
(cone_maps f f').some_spec.some_spec

/-- For every cospan `j ⟶ i ⟵ j'`,
there exists a cone `j ⟵ k ⟶ j'` such that the square commutes. -/
lemma cospan {i j j' : C} (f : j ⟶ i) (f' : j' ⟶ i) :
∃ (k : C) (g : k ⟶ j) (g' : k ⟶ j'), g ≫ f = g' ≫ f' :=
let ⟨K, G, G', _⟩ := cone_objs j j', ⟨k, e, he⟩ := cone_maps (G ≫ f) (G' ≫ f') in
⟨k, e ≫ G, e ≫ G', by simpa only [category.assoc] using he⟩

lemma _root_.category_theory.functor.ranges_directed (F : C ⥤ Type*) (j : C) :
directed (⊇) (λ (f : Σ' i, i ⟶ j), set.range ( f.2)) :=
λ ⟨i, ij⟩ ⟨k, kj⟩, let ⟨l, li, lk, e⟩ := cospan ij kj in
by refine ⟨⟨l, lk ≫ kj⟩, e ▸ _, _⟩; simp_rw F.map_comp; apply set.range_comp_subset_range

end allow_empty

section nonempty

open category_theory.limits

variables {C} [is_cofiltered C]

Any finite collection of objects in a cofiltered category has an object "to the left".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,10 +685,10 @@ If `C` is cofiltered, and we have a functor `L : C ⥤ D` with a right adjoint,
then `D` is cofiltered.
lemma of_left_adjoint {L : C ⥤ D} {R : D ⥤ C} (h : L ⊣ R) : is_cofiltered D :=
{ cocone_objs := λ X Y,
{ cone_objs := λ X Y,
⟨L.obj (min (R.obj X) (R.obj Y)),
(h.hom_equiv _ X).symm (min_to_left _ _), (h.hom_equiv _ Y).symm (min_to_right _ _), ⟨⟩⟩,
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g,
cone_maps := λ X Y f g,
⟨L.obj (eq ( f) ( g)), (h.hom_equiv _ _).symm (eq_hom _ _),
by rw [← h.hom_equiv_naturality_right_symm, ← h.hom_equiv_naturality_right_symm,
Expand All @@ -691,15 +702,17 @@ of_left_adjoint (adjunction.of_left_adjoint L)
lemma of_equivalence (h : C ≌ D) : is_cofiltered D :=
of_left_adjoint h.to_adjunction

end nonempty

end is_cofiltered

section opposite
open opposite

instance is_cofiltered_op_of_is_filtered [is_filtered C] : is_cofiltered Cᵒᵖ :=
{ cocone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨op (is_filtered.max X.unop Y.unop),
{ cone_objs := λ X Y, ⟨op (is_filtered.max X.unop Y.unop),
(is_filtered.left_to_max _ _).op, (is_filtered.right_to_max _ _).op, trivial⟩,
cocone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨op (is_filtered.coeq f.unop g.unop),
cone_maps := λ X Y f g, ⟨op (is_filtered.coeq f.unop g.unop),
(is_filtered.coeq_hom _ _).op, begin
rw [(show f = f.unop.op, by simp), (show g = g.unop.op, by simp),
← op_comp, ← op_comp],
Expand Down

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