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chore(model_theory/terms_and_formulas): realize_to_prenex (#12884)
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Proves that `phi.to_prenex` has the same realization in a nonempty structure as the original formula `phi` directly, rather than using `semantically_equivalent`.
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awainverse committed Mar 23, 2022
1 parent 64472d7 commit 16fb8e2
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 59 deletions.
127 changes: 68 additions & 59 deletions src/model_theory/terms_and_formulas.lean
Expand Up @@ -725,6 +725,70 @@ bounded_formula.rec_on φ
(λ _ _ _ h1 h2, is_prenex_to_prenex_imp h1 h2)
(λ _ _, is_prenex.all)

variables [nonempty M]

lemma realize_to_prenex_imp_right {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_qf φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) {v : α → M} {xs : fin n → M} :
(φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ).realize v xs ↔ (φ.imp ψ).realize v xs :=
revert φ,
induction hψ with _ _ hψ _ _ hψ ih _ _ hψ ih; intros φ hφ,
{ rw hψ.to_prenex_imp_right },
{ refine trans (forall_congr (λ _, ih hφ.lift_at)) _,
simp only [realize_imp, realize_lift_at_one_self, snoc_comp_cast_succ, realize_all],
exact ⟨λ h1 a h2, h1 h2 a, λ h1 h2 a, h1 a h2⟩, },
{ rw [to_prenex_imp_right, realize_ex],
refine trans (exists_congr (λ _, ih hφ.lift_at)) _,
simp only [realize_imp, realize_lift_at_one_self, snoc_comp_cast_succ, realize_ex],
refine ⟨_, λ h', _⟩,
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ⟨a, ha h⟩ },
{ by_cases φ.realize v xs,
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := h' h,
exact ⟨a, λ _, ha⟩ },
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', (h h'').elim⟩ } } }

lemma realize_to_prenex_imp {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_prenex φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) {v : α → M} {xs : fin n → M} :
(φ.to_prenex_imp ψ).realize v xs ↔ (φ.imp ψ).realize v xs :=
revert ψ,
induction hφ with _ _ hφ _ _ hφ ih _ _ hφ ih; intros ψ hψ,
{ rw [hφ.to_prenex_imp],
exact realize_to_prenex_imp_right hφ hψ, },
{ rw [to_prenex_imp, realize_ex],
refine trans (exists_congr (λ _, ih hψ.lift_at)) _,
simp only [realize_imp, realize_lift_at_one_self, snoc_comp_cast_succ, realize_all],
refine ⟨_, λ h', _⟩,
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ha (h a) },
{ by_cases ψ.realize v xs,
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', h⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := not_forall.1 (h ∘ h'),
exact ⟨a, λ h, (ha h).elim⟩ } } },
{ refine trans (forall_congr (λ _, ih hψ.lift_at)) _,
simp, },

@[simp] lemma realize_to_prenex (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) {v : α → M} :
∀ {xs : fin n → M}, φ.to_prenex.realize v xs ↔ φ.realize v xs :=
refine bounded_formula.rec_on φ
(λ _ _, iff.rfl)
(λ _ _ _ _, iff.rfl)
(λ _ _ _ _ _, iff.rfl)
(λ _ f1 f2 h1 h2 _, _)
(λ _ f h xs, _),
{ rw [to_prenex, realize_to_prenex_imp f1.to_prenex_is_prenex f2.to_prenex_is_prenex,
realize_imp, realize_imp, h1, h2],
apply_instance },
{ rw [realize_all, to_prenex, realize_all],
exact forall_congr (λ a, h) },

end bounded_formula

namespace Lhom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1285,67 +1349,12 @@ h.induction_on_sup_not hf ha (λ φ₁ φ₂ h1 h2,
((hse (φ₁.sup_semantically_equivalent_not_inf_not φ₂)).2 (hnot (hinf (hnot h1) (hnot h2)))))
(λ _, hnot) (λ _ _, hse)

lemma imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp_right {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_qf φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent (φ.imp ψ) (φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ) :=
revert φ,
induction hψ with _ _ hψ _ _ hψ ih _ _ hψ ih; intros φ hφ,
{ rw hψ.to_prenex_imp_right },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hφ.lift_at).all,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_all, realize_lift_at_one_self,
exact ⟨λ h1 a h2, h1 h2 a, λ h1 h2 a, h1 a h2⟩, },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hφ.lift_at).ex,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_ex, realize_lift_at_one_self,
refine ⟨λ h', _, _⟩,
{ by_cases φ.realize v xs,
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := h' h,
exact ⟨a, λ _, ha⟩ },
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', (h h'').elim⟩ } },
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ⟨a, ha h⟩ } }

lemma imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_prenex φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent (φ.imp ψ) (φ.to_prenex_imp ψ) :=
revert ψ,
induction hφ with _ _ hφ _ _ hφ ih _ _ hφ ih; intros ψ hψ,
{ rw hφ.to_prenex_imp,
exact imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp_right hφ hψ },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hψ.lift_at).ex,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_all, realize_ex, realize_lift_at_one_self,
refine ⟨λ h', _, _⟩,
{ by_cases ψ.realize v xs,
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', h⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := not_forall.1 (h ∘ h'),
exact ⟨a, λ h, (ha h).elim⟩ }, },
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ha (h a) } },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hψ.lift_at).all,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_ex, forall_exists_index, realize_all,
realize_lift_at_one_self, snoc_comp_cast_succ] },

lemma semantically_equivalent_to_prenex (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent φ φ.to_prenex :=
bounded_formula.rec_on φ
(λ _, refl _)
(λ _ _ _, refl _)
(λ _ _ _ _, refl _)
(λ _ φ ψ hφ hψ, (hφ.imp hψ).trans
(imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp φ.to_prenex_is_prenex ψ.to_prenex_is_prenex))
(λ _ _ h, h.all)
λ M nM str v xs hM, begin

lemma induction_on_all_ex {P : Π {m}, L.bounded_formula α m → Prop} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n)
(hqf : ∀ {m} {ψ : L.bounded_formula α m}, is_qf ψ → P ψ)
Expand Down

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