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feat(probability_theory/stopping): define filtration and stopping time (
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This PR defines filtrations and stopping times which are used in stochastic processes. This is the first step towards creating a theory of martingales in lean.
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JasonKYi committed Dec 2, 2021
1 parent 6806050 commit 17c2209
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/measurable_space_def.lean
Expand Up @@ -423,4 +423,8 @@ lemma measurable.comp {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} (hg : measurable g) (hf :
@[simp] lemma measurable_const {a : α} : measurable (λ b : β, a) :=
assume s hs, measurable_set.const (a ∈ s)

lemma measurable.le {α} {m m0 : measurable_space α} (hm : m ≤ m0) {f : α → β}
(hf : measurable[m] f) : measurable[m0] f :=
λ s hs, hm _ (hf hs)

end measurable_functions
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions src/probability_theory/stopping.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Kexing Ying. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kexing Ying
import measure_theory.constructions.borel_space

# Filtration and stopping time
This file defines some standard definition from the theory of stochastic processes including
filtrations and stopping times. These definitions are used to model the amount of information
at a specific time and is the first step in formalizing stochastic processes.
## Main definitions
* `measure_theory.filtration`: a filtration on a measurable space
* `measure_theory.adapted`: a sequence of functions `u` is said to be adapted to a
filtration `f` if at each point in time `i`, `u i` is `f i`-measurable
* `measure_theory.filtration.natural`: the natural filtration with respect to a sequence of
measurable functions is the smallest filtration to which it is adapted to
* `measure_theory.stopping_time`: a stopping time with respect to some filtration `f` is a
function `τ` such that for all `i`, the preimage of `{j | j ≤ i}` along `τ` is
`f i`-measurable
* `measure_theory.stopping_time.measurable_space`: the σ-algebra associated with a stopping time
## Tags
filtration, stopping time, stochastic process

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical measure_theory nnreal ennreal topological_space

namespace measure_theory

/-- A `filtration` on measurable space `α` with σ-algebra `m` is a monotone
sequence of of sub-σ-algebras of `m`. -/
structure filtration {α : Type*} (ι : Type*) [preorder ι] (m : measurable_space α) :=
(seq : ι → measurable_space α)
(mono : monotone seq)
(le : ∀ i : ι, seq i ≤ m)

variables {α β ι : Type*} {m : measurable_space α} [measurable_space β]

open topological_space

section preorder

variables [preorder ι]

instance : has_coe_to_fun (filtration ι m) (λ _, ι → measurable_space α) :=
⟨λ f, f.seq⟩

/-- The constant filtration which is equal to `m` for all `i : ι`. -/
def const_filtration (m : measurable_space α) : filtration ι m :=
⟨λ _, m, monotone_const, λ _, le_rfl⟩

instance : inhabited (filtration ι m) :=
⟨const_filtration m⟩

lemma measurable_set_of_filtration {f : filtration ι m} {s : set α} {i : ι}
(hs : measurable_set[f i] s) : measurable_set[m] s :=
f.le i s hs

/-- A measure is σ-finite with respect to filtration if it is σ-finite with respect
to all the sub-σ-algebra of the filtration. -/
class sigma_finite_filtration (μ : measure α) (f : filtration ι m) : Prop :=
(sigma_finite : ∀ i : ι, sigma_finite (μ.trim (f.le i)))

instance sigma_finite_of_sigma_finite_filtration (μ : measure α) (f : filtration ι m)
[hf : sigma_finite_filtration μ f] (i : ι) :
sigma_finite (μ.trim (f.le i)) :=
by apply hf.sigma_finite -- can't exact here

/-- A sequence of functions `u` is adapted to a filtration `f` if for all `i`,
`u i` is `f i`-measurable. -/
def adapted (f : filtration ι m) (u : ι → α → β) : Prop :=
∀ i : ι, measurable[f i] (u i)

namespace adapted

lemma add [has_add β] [has_measurable_add₂ β] {u v : ι → α → β} {f : filtration ι m}
(hu : adapted f u) (hv : adapted f v) : adapted f (u + v):=
λ i, @measurable.add _ _ _ _ (f i) _ _ _ (hu i) (hv i)

lemma neg [has_neg β] [has_measurable_neg β] {u : ι → α → β} {f : filtration ι m}
(hu : adapted f u) : adapted f (-u) :=
λ i, @measurable.neg _ α _ _ _ (f i) _ (hu i)

lemma smul [has_scalar ℝ β] [has_measurable_smul ℝ β] {u : ι → α → β} {f : filtration ι m}
(c : ℝ) (hu : adapted f u) : adapted f (c • u) :=
λ i, @measurable.const_smul ℝ β α _ _ _ (f i) _ _ (hu i) c

end adapted

variable (β)

lemma adapted_zero [has_zero β] (f : filtration ι m) : adapted f (0 : ι → α → β) :=
λ i, @measurable_zero β α _ (f i) _

variable {β}

namespace filtration

/-- Given a sequence of functions, the natural filtration is the smallest sequence
of σ-algebras such that that sequence of functions is measurable with respect to
the filtration. -/
def natural (u : ι → α → β) (hum : ∀ i, measurable (u i)) : filtration ι m :=
{ seq := λ i, ⨆ j ≤ i, measurable_space.comap (u j) infer_instance,
mono := λ i j hij, bsupr_le_bsupr' $ λ k hk, le_trans hk hij,
le := λ i, bsupr_le (λ j hj s hs, let ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩ := hs in ht' ▸ hum j ht) }

lemma adapted_natural {u : ι → α → β} (hum : ∀ i, measurable[m] (u i)) :
adapted (natural u hum) u :=
λ i, measurable.le (le_bsupr_of_le i (le_refl i) (le_refl _)) (λ s hs, ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩)

end filtration

variables {μ : measure α} {f : filtration ι m}

/-- A stopping time with respect to some filtration `f` is a function
`τ` such that for all `i`, the preimage of `{j | j ≤ i}` along `τ` is measurable
with respect to `f i`.
Intuitively, the stopping time `τ` describes some stopping rule such that at time
`i`, we may determine it with the information we have at time `i`. -/
def is_stopping_time (f : filtration ι m) (τ : α → ι) :=
∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] $ {x | τ x ≤ i}

lemma is_stopping_time.measurable_set_eq
{f : filtration ℕ m} {τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ℕ) :
measurable_set[f i] $ {x | τ x = i} :=
cases i,
{ convert (hτ 0),
simp only [set.set_of_eq_eq_singleton, le_zero_iff] },
{ rw (_ : {x | τ x = i + 1} = {x | τ x ≤ i + 1} \ {x | τ x ≤ i}),
{ exact @measurable_set.diff _ (f (i + 1)) _ _ (hτ (i + 1))
(f.mono (nat.le_succ _) _ (hτ i)) },
{ ext, simp only [set.mem_diff, not_le, set.mem_set_of_eq],
{ intro h, simp [h] },
{ rintro ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
linarith } } }

lemma is_stopping_time.measurable_set_eq_le
{f : filtration ℕ m} {τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i j : ℕ} (hle : i ≤ j) :
measurable_set[f j] $ {x | τ x = i} :=
f.mono hle _ $ hτ.measurable_set_eq i

lemma is_stopping_time_of_measurable_set_eq
{f : filtration ℕ m} {τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : ∀ i, measurable_set[f i] $ {x | τ x = i}) :
is_stopping_time f τ :=
intro i,
rw show {x | τ x ≤ i} = ⋃ k ≤ i, {x | τ x = k}, by { ext, simp },
refine @measurable_set.bUnion _ _ (f i) _ _ (set.countable_encodable _) (λ k hk, _),
exact f.mono hk _ (hτ k),

lemma is_stopping_time_const {f : filtration ι m} (i : ι) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, i) :=
λ j, by simp

end preorder

namespace is_stopping_time

lemma max [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ π : α → ι}
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, max (τ x) (π x)) :=
intro i,
simp_rw [max_le_iff, set.set_of_and],
exact @measurable_set.inter _ (f i) _ _ (hτ i) (hπ i),

lemma min [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ π : α → ι}
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, min (τ x) (π x)) :=
intro i,
simp_rw [min_le_iff, set.set_of_or],
exact @measurable_set.union _ (f i) _ _ (hτ i) (hπ i),

lemma add_const
[add_group ι] [preorder ι] [covariant_class ι ι (function.swap (+)) (≤)]
[covariant_class ι ι (+) (≤)]
{f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i : ι} (hi : 0 ≤ i) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, τ x + i) :=
intro j,
simp_rw [← le_sub_iff_add_le],
exact f.mono (sub_le_self j hi) _ (hτ (j - i)),

variables [preorder ι] {f : filtration ι m}

/-- The associated σ-algebra with a stopping time. -/
def measurable_space
{τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) : measurable_space α :=
{ measurable_set' := λ s, ∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}),
measurable_set_empty :=
λ i, (set.empty_inter {x | τ x ≤ i}).symm ▸ @measurable_set.empty _ (f i),
measurable_set_compl := λ s hs i,
rw (_ : sᶜ ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i} = (sᶜ ∪ {x | τ x ≤ i}ᶜ) ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}),
{ refine @measurable_set.inter _ (f i) _ _ _ _,
{ rw ← set.compl_inter,
exact @measurable_set.compl _ _ (f i) (hs i) },
{ exact hτ i} },
{ rw set.union_inter_distrib_right,
simp only [set.compl_inter_self, set.union_empty] }
measurable_set_Union := λ s hs i,
rw forall_swap at hs,
rw set.Union_inter,
exact @measurable_set.Union _ _ (f i) _ _ (hs i),
end }

lemma measurable_set {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (s : set α) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] s ↔
∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}) :=

lemma measurable_space_mono
{τ π : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) (hle : τ ≤ π) :
hτ.measurable_space ≤ hπ.measurable_space :=
intros s hs i,
rw (_ : s ∩ {x | π x ≤ i} = s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i} ∩ {x | π x ≤ i}),
{ exact @measurable_set.inter _ (f i) _ _ (hs i) (hπ i) },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, iff_self_and, and.congr_left_iff, set.mem_set_of_eq],
intros hle' _,
exact le_trans (hle _) hle' },

lemma measurable_space_le [encodable ι] {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
hτ.measurable_space ≤ m :=
intros s hs,
change ∀ i, measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}) at hs,
rw (_ : s = ⋃ i, s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}),
{ exact measurable_set.Union (λ i, f.le i _ (hs i)) },
{ ext x, split; rw set.mem_Union,
{ exact λ hx, ⟨τ x, hx, le_refl _⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨_, hx, _⟩,
exact hx } }

section nat

lemma measurable_set_eq_const {f : filtration ℕ m}
{τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ℕ) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | τ x = i} :=
rw hτ.measurable_set,
intro j,
by_cases i ≤ j,
{ rw (_ : {x | τ x = i} ∩ {x | τ x ≤ j} = {x | τ x = i}),
{ exact hτ.measurable_set_eq_le h },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, and_iff_left_iff_imp, set.mem_set_of_eq],
rintro rfl,
assumption } },
{ rw (_ : {x | τ x = i} ∩ {x | τ x ≤ j} = ∅),
{ exact @measurable_set.empty _ (f j) },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_empty_eq, set.mem_inter_eq, not_and, not_le, set.mem_set_of_eq, iff_false],
rintro rfl,
rwa not_le at h } }

lemma measurable {f : filtration ℕ m} {τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
measurable[hτ.measurable_space] τ :=
refine @measurable_to_encodable ℕ α ⊤ hτ.measurable_space _ τ _,
intro y,
simp_rw [set.preimage, set.mem_singleton_iff],
exact is_stopping_time.measurable_set_eq_const _ _,

end nat

end is_stopping_time

end measure_theory

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