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feat(category_theory/sites/adjunction): Adjunctions between categorie…
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…s of sheaves. (#10541)

We construct adjunctions between categories of sheaves obtained by composition (and sheafification) with functors which form a given adjunction.

Will be used in LTE.

Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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adamtopaz and jcommelin committed Dec 2, 2021
1 parent 3e72feb commit 6806050
Showing 1 changed file with 196 additions and 0 deletions.
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/sites/adjunction.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Adam Topaz
import category_theory.sites.compatible_sheafification
import category_theory.adjunction.whiskering

In this file, we show that an adjunction `F ⊣ G` induces an adjunction between
categories of sheaves, under certain hypotheses on `F` and `G`.

namespace category_theory

open category_theory.grothendieck_topology
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
open opposite

universes w₁ w₂ v u
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C] (J : grothendieck_topology C)
variables {D : Type w₁} [category.{max v u} D]
variables {E : Type w₂} [category.{max v u} E]
variables {F : D ⥤ E} {G : E ⥤ D}
variables [∀ (X : C) (S : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D),
preserves_limit (S.index P).multicospan F]

[concrete_category.{max v u} D]
[preserves_limits (forget D)]

/-- The forgetful functor from `Sheaf J D` to sheaves of types, for a concrete category `D`
whose forgetful functor preserves the correct limits. -/
abbreviation Sheaf_forget : Sheaf J D ⥤ SheafOfTypes J :=
Sheaf_compose J (forget D) ⋙ (Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes J).functor

-- We need to sheafify...
[∀ (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D) (X : C) (S : J.cover X), has_multiequalizer (S.index P)]
[∀ (X : C), has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ (forget D)]
[reflects_isomorphisms (forget D)]

namespace Sheaf
noncomputable theory

/-- This is the functor sending a sheaf `X : Sheaf J E` to the sheafification
of `X ⋙ G`. -/
abbreviation compose_and_sheafify (G : E ⥤ D) : Sheaf J E ⥤ Sheaf J D :=
Sheaf_to_presheaf J E ⋙ (whiskering_right _ _ _).obj G ⋙ presheaf_to_Sheaf J D

/-- An auxiliary definition to be used in defining `category_theory.Sheaf.adjunction` below. -/
def compose_equiv (adj : G ⊣ F) (X : Sheaf J E) (Y : Sheaf J D) :
((compose_and_sheafify J G).obj X ⟶ Y) ≃ (X ⟶ (Sheaf_compose J F).obj Y) :=
let A := adj.whisker_right Cᵒᵖ in
{ to_fun := λ η, A.hom_equiv _ _ (J.to_sheafify _ ≫ η),
inv_fun := λ γ, J.sheafify_lift ((A.hom_equiv _ _).symm ((Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _).map γ)) Y.2,
left_inv := begin
intros η,
apply J.sheafify_lift_unique,
erw equiv.symm_apply_apply,
right_inv := begin
intros γ,
rw [J.to_sheafify_sheafify_lift, equiv.apply_symm_apply],
end }

/-- An adjunction `adj : G ⊣ F` with `F : D ⥤ E` and `G : E ⥤ D` induces an adjunction
between `Sheaf J D` and `Sheaf J E`, in contexts where one can sheafify `D`-valued presheaves,
and `F` preserves the correct limits. -/
def adjunction (adj : G ⊣ F) : compose_and_sheafify J G ⊣ Sheaf_compose J F :=
{ hom_equiv := compose_equiv J adj,
hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm' := begin
intros X' X Y f g,
apply J.sheafify_lift_unique,
dsimp [compose_equiv, adjunction.whisker_right],
erw [sheafification_map_sheafify_lift, to_sheafify_sheafify_lift],
ext : 2,
erw nat_trans.comp_app,
hom_equiv_naturality_right' := begin
intros X Y Y' f g,
dsimp [compose_equiv, adjunction.whisker_right],
ext : 2,
erw [nat_trans.comp_app, nat_trans.comp_app, nat_trans.comp_app, nat_trans.comp_app],
erw [nat_trans.comp_app f g],
simp only [category.id_comp, category.comp_id, category.assoc, functor.map_comp],
end }

lemma adjunction_hom_equiv_apply (adj : G ⊣ F) (X : Sheaf J D) (Y : Sheaf J E)
(η : (compose_and_sheafify J G).obj Y ⟶ X) : (adjunction J adj).hom_equiv _ _ η =
(adj.whisker_right _).hom_equiv _ _ (J.to_sheafify _ ≫ η) := rfl

lemma adjunction_hom_equiv_symm_apply (adj : G ⊣ F) (X : Sheaf J D) (Y : Sheaf J E)
(η : Y ⟶ (Sheaf_compose J F).obj X) : ((adjunction J adj).hom_equiv _ _).symm η =
J.sheafify_lift (((adj.whisker_right _).hom_equiv _ _).symm η) X.2 := rfl

lemma adjunction_unit_app (adj : G ⊣ F) (X : Sheaf J E) :
(Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _).map ((adjunction J adj) X) =
(adj.whisker_right _) _ ≫ whisker_right (J.to_sheafify _) F :=
dsimp [adjunction],
erw category.comp_id,

lemma adjunction_counit_app (adj : G ⊣ F) (Y : Sheaf J D) :
(Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _).map ((adjunction J adj) Y) =
J.sheafify_lift ((functor.associator _ _ _).hom ≫
(adj.whisker_right _) _) Y.2 :=
dsimp [adjunction],
simp only [whiskering_right_obj_map, adjunction.hom_equiv_counit],
erw [whisker_right_id],

instance [is_right_adjoint F] : is_right_adjoint (Sheaf_compose J F) :=
⟨_, adjunction J (adjunction.of_right_adjoint F)⟩

section forget_to_type

/-- This is the functor sending a sheaf of types `X` to the sheafification of `X ⋙ G`. -/
abbreviation compose_and_sheafify_from_types (G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D) :
SheafOfTypes J ⥤ Sheaf J D :=
(Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes J).inverse ⋙ compose_and_sheafify _ G

/-- A variant of the adjunction between sheaf categories, in the case where the right adjoint
is the forgetful functor to sheaves of types. -/
def adjunction_to_types {G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D} (adj : G ⊣ forget D) :
compose_and_sheafify_from_types J G ⊣ Sheaf_forget J :=
adjunction.comp _ _ ((Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes J).symm.to_adjunction) (adjunction J adj)

lemma adjunction_to_types_hom_equiv_apply {G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D} (adj : G ⊣ forget D)
(X : Sheaf J D) (Y : SheafOfTypes J) (η : (compose_and_sheafify_from_types J G).obj Y ⟶ X) :
(adjunction_to_types J adj).hom_equiv _ _ η =
(adj.whisker_right _).hom_equiv _ _ (J.to_sheafify _ ≫ η) := rfl

lemma adjunction_to_types_hom_equiv_symm_apply' {G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D} (adj : G ⊣ forget D)
(X : Sheaf J D) (Y : SheafOfTypes J) (η : Y ⟶ (Sheaf_forget J).obj X) :
((adjunction_to_types J adj).hom_equiv _ _).symm η =
J.sheafify_lift (((adj.whisker_right _).hom_equiv _ _).symm η) X.2 := rfl

lemma adjunction_to_types_unit_app {G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D} (adj : G ⊣ forget D)
(Y : SheafOfTypes J) :
(SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf J).map ((adjunction_to_types J adj) Y) =
(adj.whisker_right _) ((SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf J).obj Y) ≫
whisker_right (J.to_sheafify _) (forget D) :=
dsimp [adjunction_to_types, adjunction.comp],
rw category.comp_id,
change (SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf _).map _ = _,
erw [functor.map_comp, adjunction_unit_app],

lemma adjunction_to_types_counit_app {G : Type (max v u) ⥤ D} (adj : G ⊣ forget D)
(X : Sheaf J D) :
(Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _).map ((adjunction_to_types J adj) X) =
J.sheafify_lift ((functor.associator _ _ _).hom ≫ (adj.whisker_right _) _) X.2 :=
dsimp only [adjunction_to_types, adjunction.comp],
erw [functor.map_comp, functor.map_comp, adjunction_counit_app, ← category.assoc],
convert category.id_comp _,
dsimp only [functor.associator],
erw [functor.map_id, category.id_comp, functor.map_id],

instance [is_right_adjoint (forget D)] : is_right_adjoint (Sheaf_forget J) :=
⟨_, adjunction_to_types J (adjunction.of_right_adjoint (forget D))⟩

end forget_to_type

end Sheaf

end category_theory

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