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refactor(linear_algebra/affine_space): split up file (#3726)
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`linear_algebra/affine_space.lean` was the 10th largest `.lean` file
in mathlib.  Move it to `linear_algebra/affine_space/basic.lean` and
split out some pieces into separate files, so reducing its size to
41st largest as well as reducing dependencies for users not needing
all those files.

More pieces could also be split out (for example, splitting out
`homothety` would eliminate the dependence of
`linear_algebra.affine_space.basic` on
`linear_algebra.tensor_product`), but this split seems a reasonable
starting point.

This split is intended to preserve the exact set of definitions
present and their namespaces, just moving some of them to different
files, even if the existing namespaces aren't very consistent
(e.g. some definitions relating to affine combinations are in the
`finset` namespace, so allowing dot notation to be used for such
combinations, but others are in the `affine_space` namespace, and
there may not be a consistent rule for the division between the two).
  • Loading branch information
jsm28 committed Aug 9, 2020
1 parent f23fe9a commit 17ef529
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Showing 8 changed files with 840 additions and 760 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/convex/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Alexander Bentkamp, Yury Kudriashov
import data.set.intervals.ord_connected
import data.set.intervals.image_preimage
import data.complex.module
import linear_algebra.affine_space
import linear_algebra.affine_space.basic

# Convex sets and functions on real vector spaces
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/mazur_ulam.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.normed_space.point_reflection
import topology.instances.real_vector_space
import analysis.normed_space.add_torsor
import linear_algebra.affine_space
import linear_algebra.affine_space.basic

# Mazur-Ulam Theorem
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/geometry/euclidean.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Author: Joseph Myers.
import analysis.normed_space.real_inner_product
import analysis.normed_space.add_torsor
import linear_algebra.affine_space
import linear_algebra.affine_space.finite_dimensional
import linear_algebra.affine_space.independent
import tactic.interval_cases

noncomputable theory
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466 changes: 466 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/combination.lean

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/finite_dimensional.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Joseph Myers.
import linear_algebra.affine_space.basic
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional

noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
open_locale classical

# Finite-dimensional subspaces of affine spaces.
This file provides a few results relating to finite-dimensional
subspaces of affine spaces.

open add_torsor

namespace affine_space

variables (k : Type*) (V : Type*) {P : Type*} [field k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
[affine_space k V P]
variables {ι : Type*}

/-- The `vector_span` of a finite set is finite-dimensional. -/
lemma finite_dimensional_vector_span_of_finite {s : set P} (h : set.finite s) :
finite_dimensional k (vector_span k V s) :=
finite_dimensional.span_of_finite k $ vsub_set_finite_of_finite V h

/-- The direction of the affine span of a finite set is
finite-dimensional. -/
lemma finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite {s : set P} (h : set.finite s) :
finite_dimensional k (affine_span k V s).direction :=
(direction_affine_span k V s).symm ▸ finite_dimensional_vector_span_of_finite k V h

/-- The direction of the affine span of a family indexed by a
`fintype` is finite-dimensional. -/
instance finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_fintype [fintype ι] (p : ι → P) :
finite_dimensional k (affine_span k V (set.range p)).direction :=
finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite k V (set.finite_range _)

end affine_space
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Joseph Myers.
import data.finset.sort
import linear_algebra.affine_space.combination
import linear_algebra.basis

noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
open_locale classical

# Affine independence
This file defines affinely independent families of points.
## Main definitions
* `affine_independent` defines affinely independent families of points
as those where no nontrivial weighted subtraction is 0. This is
proved equivalent to two other formulations: linear independence of
the results of subtracting a base point in the family from the other
points in the family, or any equal affine combinations having the
same weights. A bundled type `simplex` is provided for finite
affinely independent families of points, with an abbreviation
`triangle` for the case of three points.
## References

open add_action add_torsor affine_space

section affine_independent

variables (k : Type*) (V : Type*) {P : Type*} [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space k V P] {ι : Type*}

/-- An indexed family is said to be affinely independent if no
nontrivial weighted subtractions (where the sum of weights is 0) are
0. -/
def affine_independent (p : ι → P) : Prop :=
∀ (s : finset ι) (w : ι → k), ∑ i in s, w i = 0 → s.weighted_vsub V p w = 0 → ∀ i ∈ s, w i = 0

/-- A family with at most one point is affinely independent. -/
lemma affine_independent_of_subsingleton [subsingleton ι] (p : ι → P) :
affine_independent k V p :=
λ s w h hs i hi, fintype.eq_of_subsingleton_of_sum_eq h i hi

/-- A family is affinely independent if and only if the differences
from a base point in that family are linearly independent. -/
lemma affine_independent_iff_linear_independent_vsub (p : ι → P) (i1 : ι) :
affine_independent k V p ↔ linear_independent k (λ i : {x // x ≠ i1}, (p i -ᵥ p i1 : V)) :=
{ intro h,
rw linear_independent_iff',
intros s g hg i hi,
set f : ι → k := λ x, if hx : x = i1 then -∑ y in s, g y else g ⟨x, hx⟩ with hfdef,
let s2 : finset ι := insert i1 ( (function.embedding.subtype _)),
have hfg : ∀ x : {x // x ≠ i1}, g x = f x,
{ intro x,
rw hfdef,
dsimp only [],
erw [dif_neg, subtype.coe_eta] },
rw hfg,
have hf : ∑ ι in s2, f ι = 0,
{ rw [finset.sum_insert (finset.not_mem_map_subtype_of_not_property s (not_not.2 rfl)),
finset.sum_subtype_map_embedding (λ x hx, (hfg x).symm)],
rw hfdef,
dsimp only [],
rw dif_pos rfl,
exact neg_add_self _ },
have hs2 : s2.weighted_vsub V p f = 0,
{ set f2 : ι → V := λ x, f x • (p x -ᵥ p i1) with hf2def,
set g2 : {x // x ≠ i1} → V := λ x, g x • (p x -ᵥ p i1) with hg2def,
have hf2g2 : ∀ x : {x // x ≠ i1}, f2 x = g2 x,
{ simp_rw [hf2def, hg2def, hfg],
exact λ x, rfl },
rw [finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero V s2 f p hf (p i1),
finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_insert, finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply,
finset.sum_subtype_map_embedding (λ x hx, hf2g2 x)],
exact hg },
exact h s2 f hf hs2 i (finset.mem_insert_of_mem (finset.mem_map.2 ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩)) },
{ intro h,
rw linear_independent_iff' at h,
intros s w hw hs i hi,
rw [finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero V s w p hw (p i1),
←s.weighted_vsub_of_point_erase V w p i1, finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply] at hs,
let f : ι → V := λ i, w i • (p i -ᵥ p i1),
have hs2 : ∑ i in (s.erase i1).subtype (λ i, i ≠ i1), f i = 0,
{ rw [←hs],
convert finset.sum_subtype_of_mem f (λ x, finset.ne_of_mem_erase) },
have h2 := h ((s.erase i1).subtype (λ i, i ≠ i1)) (λ x, w x) hs2,
simp_rw [finset.mem_subtype] at h2,
have h2b : ∀ i ∈ s, i ≠ i1 → w i = 0 :=
λ i his hi, h2 ⟨i, hi⟩ (finset.mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem hi his),
exact finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero hw h2b i hi }

/-- A family is affinely independent if and only if any affine
combinations (with sum of weights 1) that evaluate to the same point
have equal `set.indicator`. -/
lemma affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq (p : ι → P) :
affine_independent k V p ↔ ∀ (s1 s2 : finset ι) (w1 w2 : ι → k), ∑ i in s1, w1 i = 1
∑ i in s2, w2 i = 1 → s1.affine_combination V w1 p = s2.affine_combination V w2 p →
set.indicator ↑s1 w1 = set.indicator ↑s2 w2 :=
{ intros ha s1 s2 w1 w2 hw1 hw2 heq,
ext i,
by_cases hi : i ∈ (s1 ∪ s2),
{ rw ←sub_eq_zero,
rw set.sum_indicator_subset _ (finset.subset_union_left s1 s2) at hw1,
rw set.sum_indicator_subset _ (finset.subset_union_right s1 s2) at hw2,
have hws : ∑ i in s1 ∪ s2, (set.indicator ↑s1 w1 - set.indicator ↑s2 w2) i = 0,
{ simp [hw1, hw2] },
rw [finset.affine_combination_indicator_subset _ _ _ (finset.subset_union_left s1 s2),
finset.affine_combination_indicator_subset _ _ _ (finset.subset_union_right s1 s2),
←vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq V, finset.affine_combination_vsub] at heq,
exact ha (s1 ∪ s2) (set.indicator ↑s1 w1 - set.indicator ↑s2 w2) hws heq i hi },
{ rw [←finset.mem_coe, finset.coe_union] at hi,
simp [mt (set.mem_union_left ↑s2) hi, mt (set.mem_union_right ↑s1) hi] } },
{ intros ha s w hw hs i0 hi0,
let w1 : ι → k := function.update (function.const ι 0) i0 1,
have hw1 : ∑ i in s, w1 i = 1,
{ rw [finset.sum_update_of_mem hi0, finset.sum_const_zero, add_zero] },
have hw1s : s.affine_combination V w1 p = p i0 :=
s.affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero V w1 p hi0 (function.update_same _ _ _)
(λ _ _ hne, function.update_noteq hne _ _),
let w2 := w + w1,
have hw2 : ∑ i in s, w2 i = 1,
{ simp [w2, finset.sum_add_distrib, hw, hw1] },
have hw2s : s.affine_combination V w2 p = p i0,
{ simp [w2, ←finset.weighted_vsub_vadd_affine_combination, hs, hw1s] },
replace ha := ha s s w2 w1 hw2 hw1 (hw1s.symm ▸ hw2s),
have hws : w2 i0 - w1 i0 = 0,
{ rw ←finset.mem_coe at hi0,
rw [←set.indicator_of_mem hi0 w2, ←set.indicator_of_mem hi0 w1, ha, sub_self] },
simpa [w2] using hws }

variables {k V}

/-- If a family is affinely independent, so is any subfamily given by
composition of an embedding into index type with the original
family. -/
lemma affine_independent_embedding_of_affine_independent2 : Type*} (f : ι2 ↪ ι) {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) : affine_independent k V (p ∘ f) :=
intros fs w hw hs i0 hi0,
let fs' := f,
let w' := λ i, if h : ∃ i2, f i2 = i then w h.some else 0,
have hw' : ∀ i2 : ι2, w' (f i2) = w i2,
{ intro i2,
have h : ∃ i : ι2, f i = f i2 := ⟨i2, rfl⟩,
have hs : h.some = i2 := f.injective h.some_spec,
simp_rw [w', dif_pos h, hs] },
have hw's : ∑ i in fs', w' i = 0,
{ rw [←hw, finset.sum_map],
simp [hw'] },
have hs' : fs'.weighted_vsub V p w' = 0,
{ rw [←hs, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.sum_map],
simp [hw'] },
rw [←ha fs' w' hw's hs' (f i0) ((finset.mem_map' _).2 hi0), hw']

/-- If a family is affinely independent, so is any subfamily indexed
by a subtype of the index type. -/
lemma affine_independent_subtype_of_affine_independent {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (s : set ι) : affine_independent k V (λ i : s, p i) :=
affine_independent_embedding_of_affine_independent (function.embedding.subtype _) ha

/-- If a family is affinely independent, and the spans of points
indexed by two subsets of the index type have a point in common, those
subsets of the index type have an element in common, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
lemma exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k]
{p : ι → P} (ha : affine_independent k V p) {s1 s2 : set ι} {p0 : P}
(hp0s1 : p0 ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s1)) (hp0s2 : p0 ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s2)):
∃ (i : ι), i ∈ s1 ∩ s2 :=
rw set.image_eq_range at hp0s1 hp0s2,
rw [mem_affine_span_iff_eq_affine_combination,
←finset.eq_affine_combination_subset_iff_eq_affine_combination_subtype] at hp0s1 hp0s2,
rcases hp0s1 with ⟨fs1, hfs1, w1, hw1, hp0s1⟩,
rcases hp0s2 with ⟨fs2, hfs2, w2, hw2, hp0s2⟩,
rw affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq at ha,
replace ha := ha fs1 fs2 w1 w2 hw1 hw2 (hp0s1 ▸ hp0s2),
have hnz : ∑ i in fs1, w1 i ≠ 0 := hw1.symm ▸ one_ne_zero,
rcases finset.exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero hnz with ⟨i, hifs1, hinz⟩,
simp_rw [←set.indicator_of_mem (finset.mem_coe.2 hifs1) w1, ha] at hinz,
use [i, hfs1 hifs1, hfs2 (set.mem_of_indicator_ne_zero hinz)]

/-- If a family is affinely independent, the spans of points indexed
by disjoint subsets of the index type are disjoint, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
lemma affine_span_disjoint_of_disjoint_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) {s1 s2 : set ι} (hd : s1 ∩ s2 = ∅) :
(affine_span k V (p '' s1) : set P) ∩ affine_span k V (p '' s2) = ∅ :=
by_contradiction hne,
change (affine_span k V (p '' s1) : set P) ∩ affine_span k V (p '' s2) ≠ ∅ at hne,
rw set.ne_empty_iff_nonempty at hne,
rcases hne with ⟨p0, hp0s1, hp0s2⟩,
cases exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent
ha hp0s1 hp0s2 with i hi,
exact set.not_mem_empty i (hd ▸ hi)

/-- If a family is affinely independent, a point in the family is in
the span of some of the points given by a subset of the index type if
and only if that point's index is in the subset, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
@[simp] lemma mem_affine_span_iff_mem_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (i : ι) (s : set ι) :
p i ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s) ↔ i ∈ s :=
{ intro hs,
have h := exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent
ha hs (mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_image_of_mem _ (set.mem_singleton _))),
rwa [←set.nonempty_def, set.inter_singleton_nonempty] at h },
{ exact λ h, mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_image_of_mem p h) }

/-- If a family is affinely independent, a point in the family is not
in the affine span of the other points, if the underlying ring is
nontrivial. -/
lemma not_mem_affine_span_diff_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (i : ι) (s : set ι) :
p i ∉ affine_span k V (p '' (s \ {i})) :=
by simp [ha]

end affine_independent

namespace affine_space

variables (k : Type*) (V : Type*) (P : Type*) [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space k V P]

/-- A `simplex k V P n` is a collection of `n + 1` affinely
independent points. -/
structure simplex (n : ℕ) :=
(points : fin (n + 1) → P)
(independent : affine_independent k V points)

/-- A `triangle k V P` is a collection of three affinely independent
points. -/
abbreviation triangle := simplex k V P 2

namespace simplex

variables {P}

/-- Construct a 0-simplex from a point. -/
def mk_of_point (p : P) : simplex k V P 0 :=
⟨λ _, p, affine_independent_of_subsingleton k V _⟩

/-- The point in a simplex constructed with `mk_of_point`. -/
@[simp] lemma mk_of_point_points (p : P) (i : fin 1) : (mk_of_point k V p).points i = p :=

instance [inhabited P] : inhabited (simplex k V P 0) :=
⟨mk_of_point k V $ default P⟩

instance nonempty : nonempty (simplex k V P 0) :=
⟨mk_of_point k V $ (add_torsor.nonempty V).some⟩

variables {k V}

/-- Two simplices are equal if they have the same points. -/
@[ext] lemma ext {n : ℕ} {s1 s2 : simplex k V P n} (h : ∀ i, s1.points i = s2.points i) :
s1 = s2 :=
cases s1,
cases s2,
ext i,
exact h i

/-- Two simplices are equal if and only if they have the same points. -/
lemma ext_iff {n : ℕ} (s1 s2 : simplex k V P n): s1 = s2 ↔ ∀ i, s1.points i = s2.points i :=
⟨λ h _, h ▸ rfl, ext⟩

/-- A face of a simplex is a simplex with the given subset of
points. -/
def face {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k V P n) {fs : finset (fin (n + 1))} {m : ℕ} (h : fs.card = m + 1) :
simplex k V P m :=
⟨s.points ∘ fs.mono_of_fin h,
⟨fs.mono_of_fin h, fs.mono_of_fin_injective h⟩ s.independent⟩

/-- The points of a face of a simplex are given by `mono_of_fin`. -/
lemma face_points {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k V P n) {fs : finset (fin (n + 1))} {m : ℕ}
(h : fs.card = m + 1) (i : fin (m + 1)) : (s.face h).points i = s.points (fs.mono_of_fin h i) :=

/-- A single-point face equals the 0-simplex constructed with
`mk_of_point`. -/
@[simp] lemma face_eq_mk_of_point {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k V P n) (i : fin (n + 1)) :
s.face (finset.card_singleton i) = mk_of_point k V (s.points i) :=
by { ext, simp [face_points] }

end simplex

end affine_space
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/topology/algebra/affine.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Frédéric Dupuis

import topology.algebra.continuous_functions
import linear_algebra.affine_space
import linear_algebra.affine_space.basic

# Topological properties of affine spaces and maps
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