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feat(geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff_mfderiv): prove that mfderiv is smo…
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* From the sphere eversion project
* `cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv` is strong enough to prove `cont_mdiff.cont_mdiff_tangent_map`. This is already done in [the sphere eversion project]( We would need to generalize `cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv` to something like `cont_mdiff_within_at.mfderiv_within` to prove the full version of `cont_mdiff_on.cont_mdiff_on_tangent_map_within`. This is non-trivial and needs additions to already ported files, so I'll wait with doing that till after the port.
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fpvandoorn committed May 17, 2023
1 parent 8ff51ea commit 17fe363
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Showing 2 changed files with 168 additions and 1 deletion.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff_mfderiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,126 @@ lemma smooth.mdifferentiable_within_at (hf : smooth I I' f) :
mdifferentiable_within_at I I' f s x :=

/-! ### The derivative of a smooth function is smooth -/

section mfderiv

include Is I's Js

/-- The function that sends `x` to the `y`-derivative of `f(x,y)` at `g(x)` is `C^m` at `x₀`,
where the derivative is taken as a continuous linear map.
We have to assume that `f` is `C^n` at `(x₀, g(x₀))` for `n ≥ m + 1` and `g` is `C^m` at `x₀`.
We have to insert a coordinate change from `x₀` to `x` to make the derivative sensible.
This result is used to show that maps into the 1-jet bundle and cotangent bundle are smooth.
`cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv_id` and `cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv_const` are special cases of this.
This result should be generalized to a `cont_mdiff_within_at` for `mfderiv_within`.
If we do that, we can deduce `cont_mdiff_on.cont_mdiff_on_tangent_map_within` from this.
theorem cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv {x₀ : N} (f : N → M → M') (g : N → M)
(hf : cont_mdiff_at ( I) I' n (function.uncurry f) (x₀, g x₀))
(hg : cont_mdiff_at J I m g x₀) (hmn : m + 1 ≤ n) :
cont_mdiff_at J 𝓘(𝕜, E →L[𝕜] E') m
(in_tangent_coordinates I I' g (λ x, f x (g x)) (λ x, mfderiv I I' (f x) (g x)) x₀) x₀ :=
have h4f : continuous_at (λ x, f x (g x)) x₀,
{ apply continuous_at.comp (by apply hf.continuous_at) ( hg.continuous_at) },
have h4f := h4f.preimage_mem_nhds (ext_chart_at_source_mem_nhds I' (f x₀ (g x₀))),
have h3f := (hf.of_le $ (self_le_add_left 1 m).trans hmn),
have h2f : ∀ᶠ x₂ in 𝓝 x₀, cont_mdiff_at I I' 1 (f x₂) (g x₂),
{ refine (( hg.continuous_at).tendsto.eventually h3f).mono (λ x hx, _),
exact hx.comp (g x) (cont_mdiff_at_const.prod_mk cont_mdiff_at_id) },
have h2g := hg.continuous_at.preimage_mem_nhds (ext_chart_at_source_mem_nhds I (g x₀)),
have : cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 m (λ x, fderiv_within 𝕜
(ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) ∘ f ((ext_chart_at J x₀).symm x) ∘ (ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm)
(range I) (ext_chart_at I (g x₀) (g ((ext_chart_at J x₀).symm x))))
(range J) (ext_chart_at J x₀ x₀),
{ rw [cont_mdiff_at_iff] at hf hg,
simp_rw [function.comp, uncurry, ext_chart_at_prod, local_equiv.prod_coe_symm,
model_with_corners.range_prod] at hf ⊢,
refine cont_diff_within_at.fderiv_within _ hg.2 I.unique_diff hmn (mem_range_self _) _,
{ simp_rw [ext_chart_at_to_inv], exact hf.2 },
{ rw [← image_subset_iff],
rintros _ ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩,
exact mem_range_self _ } },
have : cont_mdiff_at J 𝓘(𝕜, E →L[𝕜] E') m
(λ x, fderiv_within 𝕜 (ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) ∘ f x ∘ (ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm)
(range I) (ext_chart_at I (g x₀) (g x))) x₀,
{ simp_rw [cont_mdiff_at_iff_source_of_mem_source (mem_chart_source G x₀),
cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_cont_diff_within_at, function.comp],
exact this },
have : cont_mdiff_at J 𝓘(𝕜, E →L[𝕜] E') m
(λ x, fderiv_within 𝕜 (ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) ∘ (ext_chart_at I' (f x (g x))).symm ∘
written_in_ext_chart_at I I' (g x) (f x) ∘ ext_chart_at I (g x) ∘
(ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm) (range I) (ext_chart_at I (g x₀) (g x))) x₀,
{ refine this.congr_of_eventually_eq _,
filter_upwards [h2g, h2f],
intros x₂ hx₂ h2x₂,
have : ∀ x ∈ (ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm ⁻¹' (ext_chart_at I (g x₂)).source ∩
(ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm ⁻¹' (f x₂ ⁻¹' (ext_chart_at I' (f x₂ (g x₂))).source),
(ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) ∘ (ext_chart_at I' (f x₂ (g x₂))).symm ∘
written_in_ext_chart_at I I' (g x₂) (f x₂) ∘ ext_chart_at I (g x₂) ∘
(ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm) x =
ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) (f x₂ ((ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm x)),
{ rintro x ⟨hx, h2x⟩,
simp_rw [written_in_ext_chart_at, function.comp_apply],
rw [(ext_chart_at I (g x₂)).left_inv hx, (ext_chart_at I' (f x₂ (g x₂))).left_inv h2x] },
refine filter.eventually_eq.fderiv_within_eq_nhds (I.unique_diff _ $ mem_range_self _) _,
refine eventually_of_mem (inter_mem _ _) this,
{ exact ext_chart_at_preimage_mem_nhds' _ _ hx₂ (ext_chart_at_source_mem_nhds I (g x₂)) },
refine ext_chart_at_preimage_mem_nhds' _ _ hx₂ _,
exact (h2x₂.continuous_at).preimage_mem_nhds (ext_chart_at_source_mem_nhds _ _) },
/- The conclusion is equal to the following, when unfolding coord_change of
`tangent_bundle_core` -/
have : cont_mdiff_at J 𝓘(𝕜, E →L[𝕜] E') m
(λ x, (fderiv_within 𝕜 (ext_chart_at I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) ∘ (ext_chart_at I' (f x (g x))).symm)
(range I') (ext_chart_at I' (f x (g x)) (f x (g x)))).comp
((mfderiv I I' (f x) (g x)).comp (fderiv_within 𝕜 (ext_chart_at I (g x) ∘
(ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).symm) (range I) (ext_chart_at I (g x₀) (g x))))) x₀,
{ refine this.congr_of_eventually_eq _,
filter_upwards [h2g, h2f, h4f],
intros x₂ hx₂ h2x₂ h3x₂,
rw [(h2x₂.mdifferentiable_at le_rfl).mfderiv],
have hI := (cont_diff_within_at_ext_coord_change I (g x₂) (g x₀) $
local_equiv.mem_symm_trans_source _ hx₂ $ mem_ext_chart_source I (g x₂))
.differentiable_within_at le_top,
have hI' := (cont_diff_within_at_ext_coord_change I' (f x₀ (g x₀)) (f x₂ (g x₂)) $
local_equiv.mem_symm_trans_source _
(mem_ext_chart_source I' (f x₂ (g x₂))) h3x₂).differentiable_within_at le_top,
have h3f := (h2x₂.mdifferentiable_at le_rfl).2,
refine fderiv_within.comp₃ _ hI' h3f hI _ _ _ _ (I.unique_diff _ $ mem_range_self _),
{ exact λ x _, mem_range_self _ },
{ exact λ x _, mem_range_self _ },
{ simp_rw [written_in_ext_chart_at, function.comp_apply,
(ext_chart_at I (g x₂)).left_inv (mem_ext_chart_source I (g x₂))] },
{ simp_rw [function.comp_apply, (ext_chart_at I (g x₀)).left_inv hx₂] } },
refine this.congr_of_eventually_eq _,
filter_upwards [h2g, h4f] with x hx h2x,
rw [in_tangent_coordinates_eq],
{ refl },
{ rwa [ext_chart_at_source] at hx },
{ rwa [ext_chart_at_source] at h2x },

omit Js

/-- The derivative `D_yf(y)` is `C^m` at `x₀`, where the derivative is taken as a continuous
linear map. We have to assume that `f` is `C^n` at `x₀` for some `n ≥ m + 1`.
We have to insert a coordinate change from `x₀` to `x` to make the derivative sensible.
This is a special case of `cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv` where `f` does not contain any parameters and
`g = id`.
lemma cont_mdiff_at.mfderiv_const {x₀ : M} {f : M → M'}
(hf : cont_mdiff_at I I' n f x₀) (hmn : m + 1 ≤ n) :
cont_mdiff_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E →L[𝕜] E') m (in_tangent_coordinates I I' id f (mfderiv I I' f) x₀) x₀ :=
have : cont_mdiff_at ( I) I' n (λ x : M × M, f x.2) (x₀, x₀) :=
cont_mdiff_at.comp (x₀, x₀) hf cont_mdiff_at_snd,
exact this.mfderiv (λ x, f) id cont_mdiff_at_id hmn,

end mfderiv

/-! ### The tangent map of a smooth function is smooth -/

Expand Down
49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion src/geometry/manifold/vector_bundle/tangent.lean
Expand Up @@ -29,16 +29,20 @@ This defines a smooth vector bundle `tangent_bundle` with fibers `tangent_space`

open bundle set smooth_manifold_with_corners local_homeomorph
open bundle set smooth_manifold_with_corners local_homeomorph continuous_linear_map
open_locale manifold topology bundle

noncomputable theory

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [nontrivially_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E]
{E' : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E'] [normed_space 𝕜 E']
{H : Type*} [topological_space H] {I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H}
{H' : Type*} [topological_space H'] {I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' H'}
{M : Type*} [topological_space M] [charted_space H M] [smooth_manifold_with_corners I M]
{M' : Type*} [topological_space M'] [charted_space H' M'] [smooth_manifold_with_corners I' M']
{F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F]

variables (I)

/-- Auxiliary lemma for tangent spaces: the derivative of a coordinate change between two charts is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,3 +346,46 @@ rfl
((tangent_bundle_model_space_homeomorph H I).symm : model_prod H E → tangent_bundle I H)
= (equiv.sigma_equiv_prod H E).symm :=

section in_tangent_coordinates

variables (I I') {M M' H H'} {N : Type*}

/-- The map `in_coordinates` for the tangent bundle is trivial on the model spaces -/
lemma in_coordinates_tangent_bundle_core_model_space
(x₀ x : H) (y₀ y : H') (ϕ : E →L[𝕜] E') :
in_coordinates E (tangent_space I) E' (tangent_space I') x₀ x y₀ y ϕ = ϕ :=
refine (vector_bundle_core.in_coordinates_eq _ _ _ _ _).trans _,
{ exact mem_univ x },
{ exact mem_univ y },
simp_rw [tangent_bundle_core_index_at, tangent_bundle_core_coord_change_model_space,
continuous_linear_map.id_comp, continuous_linear_map.comp_id]

/-- When `ϕ x` is a continuous linear map that changes vectors in charts around `f x` to vectors
in charts around `g x`, `in_tangent_coordinates I I' f g ϕ x₀ x` is a coordinate change of
this continuous linear map that makes sense from charts around `f x₀` to charts around `g x₀`
by composing it with appropriate coordinate changes.
Note that the type of `ϕ` is more accurately
`Π x : N, tangent_space I (f x) →L[𝕜] tangent_space I' (g x)`.
We are unfolding `tangent_space` in this type so that Lean recognizes that the type of `ϕ` doesn't
actually depend on `f` or `g`.
This is the underlying function of the trivializations of the hom of (pullbacks of) tangent spaces.
def in_tangent_coordinates (f : N → M) (g : N → M') (ϕ : N → E →L[𝕜] E') : N → N → E →L[𝕜] E' :=
λ x₀ x, in_coordinates E (tangent_space I) E' (tangent_space I') (f x₀) (f x) (g x₀) (g x) (ϕ x)

lemma in_tangent_coordinates_model_space (f : N → H) (g : N → H') (ϕ : N → E →L[𝕜] E') (x₀ : N) :
in_tangent_coordinates I I' f g ϕ x₀ = ϕ :=
by simp_rw [in_tangent_coordinates, in_coordinates_tangent_bundle_core_model_space]

lemma in_tangent_coordinates_eq (f : N → M) (g : N → M') (ϕ : N → E →L[𝕜] E') {x₀ x : N}
(hx : f x ∈ (chart_at H (f x₀)).source) (hy : g x ∈ (chart_at H' (g x₀)).source) :
in_tangent_coordinates I I' f g ϕ x₀ x =
(tangent_bundle_core I' M').coord_change (achart H' (g x)) (achart H' (g x₀)) (g x) ∘L ϕ x ∘L
(tangent_bundle_core I M).coord_change (achart H (f x₀)) (achart H (f x)) (f x) :=
(tangent_bundle_core I M).in_coordinates_eq (tangent_bundle_core I' M') (ϕ x) hx hy

end in_tangent_coordinates

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