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chore(data/W): rename W to W_type (#4909)
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Having a single character identifier in the root namespace is inconvenient.

closes leanprover-community/doc-gen#83

Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
  • Loading branch information
robertylewis and robertylewis committed Nov 4, 2020
1 parent 5a61ef1 commit 189063b
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Showing 4 changed files with 50 additions and 45 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions archive/examples/prop_encodable.lean
Expand Up @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ private def arity (α : Type*) : constructors α → nat

variable {α : Type*}

private def f : prop_form α → W (λ i, fin (arity α i))
private def f : prop_form α → W_type (λ i, fin (arity α i))
| (var a) := ⟨cvar a, mk_fn0⟩
| (not p) := ⟨cnot, mk_fn1 (f p)⟩
| (and p q) := ⟨cand, mk_fn2 (f p) (f q)⟩
| (or p q) := ⟨cor, mk_fn2 (f p) (f q)⟩

private def finv : W (λ i, fin (arity α i)) → prop_form α
private def finv : W_type (λ i, fin (arity α i)) → prop_form α
| ⟨cvar a, fn⟩ := var a
| ⟨cnot, fn⟩ := not (finv (fn ⟨0, dec_trivial⟩))
| ⟨cand, fn⟩ := and (finv (fn ⟨0, dec_trivial⟩)) (finv (fn ⟨1, dec_trivial⟩))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/overview.yaml
Expand Up @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Data structures:
tree: 'tree'
red-black tree: 'rbtree'
W type: 'W'
W type: 'W_type'

Logic and computation:
Expand Down
87 changes: 46 additions & 41 deletions src/data/W.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,99 +8,104 @@ import data.equiv.list
# W types
Given `α : Type` and `β : α → Type`, the W type determined by this data, `W β`, is the inductively
defined type of trees where the nodes are labeled by elements of `α` and the children of a node
labeled `a` are indexed by elements of `β a`.
This file is currently a stub, awaiting a full development of the theory. Currently, the main
result is that if `α` is an encodable fintype and `β a` is encodable for every `a : α`, then `W β`
is encodable. This can be used to show the encodability of other inductive types, such as those
that are commonly used to formalize syntax, e.g. terms and expressions in a given language. The
strategy is illustrated in the example found in the file `prop_encodable` in the `archive/examples`
folder of mathlib.
Given `α : Type` and `β : α → Type`, the W type determined by this data, `W_type β`, is the
inductively defined type of trees where the nodes are labeled by elements of `α` and the children of
a node labeled `a` are indexed by elements of `β a`.
This file is currently a stub, awaiting a full development of the theory. Currently, the main result
is that if `α` is an encodable fintype and `β a` is encodable for every `a : α`, then `W_type β` is
encodable. This can be used to show the encodability of other inductive types, such as those that
are commonly used to formalize syntax, e.g. terms and expressions in a given language. The strategy
is illustrated in the example found in the file `prop_encodable` in the `archive/examples` folder of
## Implementation details
While the name `W_type` is somewhat verbose, it is preferable to putting a single character
identifier `W` in the root namespace.

Given `β : α → Type*`, `W β` is the type of finitely branching trees where nodes are labeled by
Given `β : α → Type*`, `W_type β` is the type of finitely branching trees where nodes are labeled by
elements of `α` and the children of a node labeled `a` are indexed by elements of `β a`.
inductive W {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*)
| mk (a : α) (f : β a → W) : W
inductive W_type {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*)
| mk (a : α) (f : β a → W_type) : W_type

instance : inhabited (W (λ (_ : unit), empty)) := empty.elim⟩
instance : inhabited (W_type (λ (_ : unit), empty)) := empty.elim⟩

namespace W
namespace W_type

variables {α : Type*} {β : α → Type*} [Π a : α, fintype (β a)]

/-- The depth of a finitely branching tree. -/
def depth : W β → ℕ
def depth : W_type β → ℕ
| ⟨a, f⟩ := finset.sup finset.univ (λ n, depth (f n)) + 1

lemma depth_pos (t : W β) : 0 < t.depth :=
lemma depth_pos (t : W_type β) : 0 < t.depth :=
by { cases t, apply nat.succ_pos }

lemma depth_lt_depth_mk (a : α) (f : β a → W β) (i : β a) :
lemma depth_lt_depth_mk (a : α) (f : β a → W_type β) (i : β a) :
depth (f i) < depth ⟨a, f⟩ :=
nat.lt_succ_of_le (finset.le_sup (finset.mem_univ i))

end W
end W_type

Show that W types are encodable when `α` is an encodable fintype and for every `a : α`, `β a` is
We define an auxiliary type `W' β n` of trees of depth at most `n`, and then we show by induction
on `n` that these are all encodable. These auxiliary constructions are not interesting in and of
themselves, so we mark them as `private`.
We define an auxiliary type `W_type' β n` of trees of depth at most `n`, and then we show by
induction on `n` that these are all encodable. These auxiliary constructions are not interesting in
and of themselves, so we mark them as `private`.

namespace encodable

@[reducible] private def W' {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*)
@[reducible] private def W_type' {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*)
[Π a : α, fintype (β a)] [Π a : α, encodable (β a)] (n : ℕ) :=
{ t : W β // t.depth ≤ n}
{ t : W_type β // t.depth ≤ n}

variables {α : Type*} {β : α → Type*} [Π a : α, fintype (β a)] [Π a : α, encodable (β a)]

private def encodable_zero : encodable (W' β 0) :=
let f : W' β 0 → empty := λ ⟨x, h⟩, false.elim $ not_lt_of_ge h (W.depth_pos _),
finv : empty → W' β 0 := by { intro x, cases x} in
have ∀ x, finv (f x) = x, from λ ⟨x, h⟩, false.elim $ not_lt_of_ge h (W.depth_pos _),
private def encodable_zero : encodable (W_type' β 0) :=
let f : W_type' β 0 → empty := λ ⟨x, h⟩, false.elim $ not_lt_of_ge h (W_type.depth_pos _),
finv : empty → W_type' β 0 := by { intro x, cases x} in
have ∀ x, finv (f x) = x, from λ ⟨x, h⟩, false.elim $ not_lt_of_ge h (W_type.depth_pos _),
encodable.of_left_inverse f finv this

private def f (n : ℕ) : W' β (n + 1) → Σ a : α, β a → W' β n
private def f (n : ℕ) : W_type' β (n + 1) → Σ a : α, β a → W_type' β n
| ⟨t, h⟩ :=
cases t with a f,
have h₀ : ∀ i : β a, W.depth (f i) ≤ n,
from λ i, nat.le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_lt_of_le (W.depth_lt_depth_mk a f i) h),
have h₀ : ∀ i : β a, W_type.depth (f i) ≤ n,
from λ i, nat.le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_lt_of_le (W_type.depth_lt_depth_mk a f i) h),
exact ⟨a, λ i : β a, ⟨f i, h₀ i⟩⟩

private def finv (n : ℕ) :
(Σ a : α, β a → W' β n) → W' β (n + 1)
(Σ a : α, β a → W_type' β n) → W_type' β (n + 1)
| ⟨a, f⟩ :=
let f' := λ i : β a, (f i).val in
have W.depth ⟨a, f'⟩ ≤ n + 1,
have W_type.depth ⟨a, f'⟩ ≤ n + 1,
from add_le_add_right (finset.sup_le (λ b h, (f b).2)) 1,
⟨⟨a, f'⟩, this

variables [encodable α]

private def encodable_succ (n : nat) (h : encodable (W' β n)) :
encodable (W' β (n + 1)) :=
private def encodable_succ (n : nat) (h : encodable (W_type' β n)) :
encodable (W_type' β (n + 1)) :=
encodable.of_left_inverse (f n) (finv n) (by { rintro ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩, refl })

/-- `W` is encodable when `α` is an encodable fintype and for every `a : α`, `β a` is
/-- `W_type` is encodable when `α` is an encodable fintype and for every `a : α`, `β a` is
encodable. -/
instance : encodable (W β) :=
instance : encodable (W_type β) :=
haveI h' : Π n, encodable (W' β n) :=
haveI h' : Π n, encodable (W_type' β n) :=
λ n, nat.rec_on n encodable_zero encodable_succ,
let f : W β → Σ n, W' β n := λ t, ⟨t.depth, ⟨t, le_refl _⟩⟩,
let finv : (Σ n, W' β n) → W β := λ p, p.2.1,
let f : W_type β → Σ n, W_type' β n := λ t, ⟨t.depth, ⟨t, le_refl _⟩⟩,
let finv : (Σ n, W_type' β n) → W_type β := λ p, p.2.1,
have : ∀ t, finv (f t) = t, from λ t, rfl,
exact encodable.of_left_inverse f finv this
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/pfunctor/univariate/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ instance : is_lawful_functor P.obj :=

/-- re-export existing definition of W-types and
adapt it to a packaged definition of polynomial functor -/
def W := _root_.W P.B
def W := _root_.W_type P.B

/- inhabitants of W types is awkward to encode as an instance
assumption because there needs to be a value `a : P.A`
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