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feat(category_theory/sites/sheafification): The sheafification of a p…
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…resheaf. (#10303)

We construct the sheafification of a presheaf `P` taking values in a concrete category `D` with enough (co)limits, where the forgetful functor preserves the appropriate (co)limits and reflects isomorphisms.

We follow the construction on the stacks project

**Note:** There are two very long proofs here, so I added several comments explaining what's going on.
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adamtopaz committed Nov 15, 2021
1 parent 62992fa commit 189e066
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Showing 4 changed files with 755 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/concrete_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,54 @@ begin
comp_apply, comp_apply, h] }

/-- An auxiliary equivalence to be used in `multiequalizer_equiv` below.-/
def concrete.multiequalizer_equiv_aux (I : multicospan_index C) :
(I.multicospan ⋙ (forget C)).sections ≃
{ x : Π (i : I.L), I.left i // ∀ (i : I.R), I.fst i (x _) = I.snd i (x _) } :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨λ i, x.1 (walking_multicospan.left _), λ i, begin
have a := x.2 (walking_multicospan.hom.fst i),
have b := x.2 (walking_multicospan.hom.snd i),
rw ← b at a,
exact a,
inv_fun := λ x,
{ val := λ j,
match j with
| walking_multicospan.left a := x.1 _
| walking_multicospan.right b := I.fst b (x.1 _)
property := begin
rintros (a|b) (a'|b') (f|f|f),
{ change ( (𝟙 _)) _ = _, simp },
{ refl },
{ dsimp, erw ← x.2 b', refl },
{ change ( (𝟙 _)) _ = _, simp },
end },
left_inv := begin
intros x, ext (a|b),
{ refl },
{ change _ = x.val _,
rw ← x.2 (walking_multicospan.hom.fst b),
refl }
right_inv := by { intros x, ext i, refl } }

/-- The equivalence between the noncomputable multiequalizer and
and the concrete multiequalizer. -/
def concrete.multiequalizer_equiv (I : multicospan_index C) [has_multiequalizer I]
[preserves_limit I.multicospan (forget C)] : (multiequalizer I : C) ≃
{ x : Π (i : I.L), I.left i // ∀ (i : I.R), I.fst i (x _) = I.snd i (x _) } :=
let h1 := (limit.is_limit I.multicospan),
h2 := (is_limit_of_preserves (forget C) h1),
E := h2.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (types.limit_cone_is_limit _) in
equiv.trans E.to_equiv (concrete.multiequalizer_equiv_aux I)

lemma concrete.multiequalizer_equiv_apply (I : multicospan_index C) [has_multiequalizer I]
[preserves_limit I.multicospan (forget C)] (x : multiequalizer I) (i : I.L) :
((concrete.multiequalizer_equiv I) x : Π (i : I.L), I.left i) i = multiequalizer.ι I i x := rfl

end multiequalizer

-- TODO: Add analogous lemmas about products and equalizers.
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/sites/grothendieck.lean
Expand Up @@ -479,6 +479,56 @@ def pullback_comp {X Y Z : C} (S : J.cover X) (f : Z ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ X) :
S.pullback (f ≫ g) ≅ (S.pullback g).pullback f :=
eq_to_iso $ cover.ext _ _ $ λ Y f, by simp

/-- Combine a family of covers over a cover. -/
def bind {X : C} (S : J.cover X) (T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y) : J.cover X :=
⟨sieve.bind S (λ Y f hf, T ⟨Y, f, hf⟩), J.bind_covering S.condition (λ _ _ _, (T _).condition)⟩

/-- The canonical moprhism from `S.bind T` to `T`. -/
def bind_to_base {X : C} (S : J.cover X) (T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y) : S.bind T ⟶ S :=
hom_of_le $ by { rintro Y f ⟨Z,e1,e2,h1,h2,h3⟩, rw ← h3, apply sieve.downward_closed, exact h1 }

/-- An arrow in bind has the form `A ⟶ B ⟶ X` where `A ⟶ B` is an arrow in `T I` for some `I`.
and `B ⟶ X` is an arrow of `S`. This is the object `B`. -/
noncomputable def arrow.middle {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : C :=

/-- An arrow in bind has the form `A ⟶ B ⟶ X` where `A ⟶ B` is an arrow in `T I` for some `I`.
and `B ⟶ X` is an arrow of `S`. This is the hom `A ⟶ B`. -/
noncomputable def arrow.to_middle_hom {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : I.Y ⟶ I.middle :=

/-- An arrow in bind has the form `A ⟶ B ⟶ X` where `A ⟶ B` is an arrow in `T I` for some `I`.
and `B ⟶ X` is an arrow of `S`. This is the hom `B ⟶ X`. -/
noncomputable def arrow.from_middle_hom {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : I.middle ⟶ X :=

lemma arrow.from_middle_condition {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : S I.from_middle_hom :=

/-- An arrow in bind has the form `A ⟶ B ⟶ X` where `A ⟶ B` is an arrow in `T I` for some `I`.
and `B ⟶ X` is an arrow of `S`. This is the hom `B ⟶ X`, as an arrow. -/
def arrow.from_middle {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : S.arrow := ⟨_, I.from_middle_hom, I.from_middle_condition⟩

lemma arrow.to_middle_condition {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : (T I.from_middle) I.to_middle_hom :=

/-- An arrow in bind has the form `A ⟶ B ⟶ X` where `A ⟶ B` is an arrow in `T I` for some `I`.
and `B ⟶ X` is an arrow of `S`. This is the hom `A ⟶ B`, as an arrow. -/
def arrow.to_middle {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : (T I.from_middle).arrow := ⟨_, I.to_middle_hom, I.to_middle_condition⟩

lemma arrow.middle_spec {X : C} {S : J.cover X} {T : Π (I : S.arrow), J.cover I.Y}
(I : (S.bind T).arrow) : I.to_middle_hom ≫ I.from_middle_hom = I.f :=

-- This is used extensively in `plus.lean`, etc.
-- We place this definition here as it will be used in `sheaf.lean` as well.
/-- To every `S : J.cover X` and presheaf `P`, associate a `multicospan_index`. -/
Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/sites/plus.lean
Expand Up @@ -245,4 +245,49 @@ begin
rw this, apply_instance,

/-- The natural isomorphism between `P` and `P⁺` when `P` is a sheaf. -/
def iso_to_plus (hP : presheaf.is_sheaf J P) : P ≅ J.plus_obj P :=
by letI := is_iso_to_plus_of_is_sheaf J P hP; exact as_iso (J.to_plus P)

/-- Lift a morphism `P ⟶ Q` to `P⁺ ⟶ Q` when `Q` is a sheaf. -/
def plus_lift {P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D} (η : P ⟶ Q) (hQ : presheaf.is_sheaf J Q) :
J.plus_obj P ⟶ Q :=
J.plus_map η ≫ (J.iso_to_plus Q hQ).inv

lemma to_plus_plus_lift {P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D} (η : P ⟶ Q) (hQ : presheaf.is_sheaf J Q) :
J.to_plus P ≫ J.plus_lift η hQ = η :=
dsimp [plus_lift],
rw ← category.assoc,
rw iso.comp_inv_eq,
dsimp only [iso_to_plus, as_iso],
change (J.to_plus_nat_trans D).app _ ≫ _ = _,
erw (J.to_plus_nat_trans D).naturality,

lemma plus_lift_unique {P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D} (η : P ⟶ Q) (hQ : presheaf.is_sheaf J Q)
(γ : J.plus_obj P ⟶ Q) (hγ : J.to_plus P ≫ γ = η) : γ = J.plus_lift η hQ :=
dsimp only [plus_lift],
change (J.plus_functor D).map η ≫ _ = _,
rw [iso.comp_inv_eq, ← hγ, (J.plus_functor D).map_comp],
dsimp only [iso_to_plus, as_iso],
change _ = (𝟭 _).map γ ≫ (J.to_plus_nat_trans D).app _,
erw (J.to_plus_nat_trans D).naturality,
congr' 1,
dsimp only [plus_functor, to_plus_nat_trans],
rw [J.plus_map_to_plus P],

lemma plus_hom_ext {P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D} (η γ : J.plus_obj P ⟶ Q) (hQ : presheaf.is_sheaf J Q)
(h : J.to_plus P ≫ η = J.to_plus P ≫ γ) : η = γ :=
have : γ = J.plus_lift (J.to_plus P ≫ γ) hQ,
{ apply plus_lift_unique, refl },
rw this,
apply plus_lift_unique, exact h

end category_theory.grothendieck_topology

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