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feat(analysis/normed_space/lp_space): normed_algebra structure (#15086)
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This also golfs the `normed_ring` instance to go via `subring.to_ring`, as this saves us from having to build the power, nat_cast, and int_cast structures manually.

We also rename `lp.lp_submodule` to `lp_submodule` to avoid unhelpful repetition.
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eric-wieser committed Jul 8, 2022
1 parent e74e534 commit 1937dff
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 44 deletions.
123 changes: 79 additions & 44 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/lp_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The space `lp E p` is the subtype of elements of `Π i : α, E i` which satisfy
* `lp E p` : elements of `Π i : α, E i` such that `mem_ℓp f p`. Defined as an `add_subgroup` of
a type synonym `pre_lp` for `Π i : α, E i`, and equipped with a `normed_group` structure.
Under appropriate conditions, this is also equipped with the instances `lp.normed_space`,
`lp.complete_space`, and `lp.normed_ring`.
`lp.complete_space`. For `p=∞`, there is also `lp.infty_normed_ring`, `lp.infty_normed_algebra`.
## Main results
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ variables (E p 𝕜)

/-- The `𝕜`-submodule of elements of `Π i : α, E i` whose `lp` norm is finite. This is `lp E p`,
with extra structure. -/
def lp_submodule : submodule 𝕜 (pre_lp E) :=
def _root_.lp_submodule : submodule 𝕜 (pre_lp E) :=
{ smul_mem' := λ c f hf, by simpa using mem_lp_const_smul c ⟨f, hf⟩,
.. lp E p }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,81 +665,116 @@ instance : non_unital_normed_ring (lp B ∞) :=

-- we also want a `non_unital_normed_comm_ring` instance, but this has to wait for #13719

instance infty_is_scalar_tower {𝕜} [normed_field 𝕜] [Π i, normed_space 𝕜 (B i)]
[Π i, is_scalar_tower 𝕜 (B i) (B i)] :
is_scalar_tower 𝕜 (lp B ∞) (lp B ∞) :=
⟨λ r f g, lp.ext $ smul_assoc r ⇑f ⇑g⟩

instance infty_smul_comm_class {𝕜} [normed_field 𝕜] [Π i, normed_space 𝕜 (B i)]
[Π i, smul_comm_class 𝕜 (B i) (B i)] :
smul_comm_class 𝕜 (lp B ∞) (lp B ∞) :=
⟨λ r f g, lp.ext $ smul_comm r ⇑f ⇑g⟩

end non_unital_normed_ring

section normed_ring

variables {I : Type*} {B : I → Type*} [Π i, normed_ring (B i)] [Π i, norm_one_class (B i)]
variables {I : Type*} {B : I → Type*} [Π i, normed_ring (B i)]

instance _root_.pre_lp.ring : ring (pre_lp B) := pi.ring

variables [Π i, norm_one_class (B i)]

lemma _root_.one_mem_ℓp_infty : mem_ℓp (1 : Π i, B i) ∞ :=
1, by { rintros i ⟨i, rfl⟩, exact norm_one.le,}⟩

instance : has_one (lp B ∞) :=
{ one := ⟨(1 : Π i, B i), one_mem_ℓp_infty⟩ }
variables (B)

@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_one : ⇑(1 : lp B ∞) = 1 := rfl
/-- The `𝕜`-subring of elements of `Π i : α, B i` whose `lp` norm is finite. This is `lp E ∞`,
with extra structure. -/
def _root_.lp_infty_subring : subring (pre_lp B) :=
{ carrier := {f | mem_ℓp f ∞},
one_mem' := one_mem_ℓp_infty,
mul_mem' := λ f g hf hg, hf.infty_mul hg,
.. lp B ∞ }

lemma _root_.mem_ℓp.infty_pow {f : Π i, B i} (hf : mem_ℓp f ∞) (n : ℕ) : mem_ℓp (f ^ n) ∞ :=
induction n with n hn,
{ rw pow_zero,
exact one_mem_ℓp_infty },
{ rw pow_succ,
exact hf.infty_mul hn }
variables {B}

instance [nonempty I] : norm_one_class (lp B ∞) :=
{ norm_one := by simp_rw [lp.norm_eq_csupr, infty_coe_fn_one, pi.one_apply, norm_one, csupr_const]}

instance : has_pow (lp B ∞) ℕ := { pow := λ f n, ⟨_, f.prop.infty_pow n⟩ }
instance infty_ring : ring (lp B ∞) := (lp_infty_subring B).to_ring

@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_pow (f : lp B ∞) (n : ℕ) : ⇑(f ^ n) = f ^ n := rfl
lemma _root_.mem_ℓp.infty_pow {f : Π i, B i} (hf : mem_ℓp f ∞) (n : ℕ) : mem_ℓp (f ^ n) ∞ :=
(lp_infty_subring B).pow_mem hf n

lemma _root_.nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty : ∀ (n : ℕ), mem_ℓp (n : Π i, B i) ∞
| 0 := by { rw nat.cast_zero, exact zero_mem_ℓp }
| (n + 1) := by { rw nat.cast_succ, exact (_root_.nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty n).add one_mem_ℓp_infty }
lemma _root_.nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty (n : ℕ) : mem_ℓp (n : Π i, B i) ∞ :=
nat_cast_mem (lp_infty_subring B) n

instance : has_nat_cast (lp B ∞) := { nat_cast := λ n, ⟨(↑n : Π i, B i), nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty _⟩ }
lemma _root_.int_cast_mem_ℓp_infty (z : ℤ) : mem_ℓp (z : Π i, B i) ∞ :=
coe_int_mem (lp_infty_subring B) z

@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : ⇑(n : lp B ∞) = n := rfl
@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_one : ⇑(1 : lp B ∞) = 1 := rfl

lemma _root_.int_cast_mem_ℓp_infty (z : ℤ) : mem_ℓp (z : Π i, B i) ∞ :=
obtain ⟨n, rfl | rfl⟩ := z.eq_coe_or_neg,
{ rw int.cast_coe_nat,
exact nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty n },
{ rw [int.cast_neg, int.cast_coe_nat],
exact (nat_cast_mem_ℓp_infty n).neg }
@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_pow (f : lp B ∞) (n : ℕ) : ⇑(f ^ n) = f ^ n := rfl

instance : has_int_cast (lp B ∞) := { int_cast := λ z, ⟨(↑z : Π i, B i), int_cast_mem_ℓp_infty _⟩ }
@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : ⇑(n : lp B ∞) = n := rfl

@[simp] lemma infty_coe_fn_int_cast (z : ℤ) : ⇑(z : lp B ∞) = z := rfl

instance : ring (lp B ∞) :=
function.injective.ring lp.has_coe_to_fun.coe subtype.coe_injective
(lp.coe_fn_zero B ∞) (infty_coe_fn_one) lp.coe_fn_add infty_coe_fn_mul
lp.coe_fn_neg lp.coe_fn_sub (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl) infty_coe_fn_pow
infty_coe_fn_nat_cast infty_coe_fn_int_cast
instance [nonempty I] : norm_one_class (lp B ∞) :=
{ norm_one := by simp_rw [lp.norm_eq_csupr, infty_coe_fn_one, pi.one_apply, norm_one, csupr_const]}

instance : normed_ring (lp B ∞) :=
{ .. lp.ring, .. lp.non_unital_normed_ring }
instance infty_normed_ring : normed_ring (lp B ∞) :=
{ .. lp.infty_ring, .. lp.non_unital_normed_ring }

end normed_ring

section normed_comm_ring

variables {I : Type*} {B : I → Type*} [Π i, normed_comm_ring (B i)] [∀ i, norm_one_class (B i)]

instance : comm_ring (lp B ∞) :=
instance infty_comm_ring : comm_ring (lp B ∞) :=
{ mul_comm := λ f g, by { ext, simp only [lp.infty_coe_fn_mul, pi.mul_apply, mul_comm] },
.. lp.ring }
.. lp.infty_ring }

instance : normed_comm_ring (lp B ∞) :=
{ .. lp.comm_ring, .. lp.normed_ring }
instance infty_normed_comm_ring : normed_comm_ring (lp B ∞) :=
{ .. lp.infty_comm_ring, .. lp.infty_normed_ring }

end normed_comm_ring

section algebra
variables {I : Type*} {𝕜 : Type*} {B : I → Type*}
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [Π i, normed_ring (B i)] [Π i, normed_algebra 𝕜 (B i)]

/-- A variant of `pi.algebra` that lean can't find otherwise. -/
instance _root_.pi.algebra_of_normed_algebra : algebra 𝕜 (Π i, B i) :=
@pi.algebra I 𝕜 B _ _ $ λ i, normed_algebra.to_algebra

instance _root_.pre_lp.algebra : algebra 𝕜 (pre_lp B) := _root_.pi.algebra_of_normed_algebra

variables [∀ i, norm_one_class (B i)]

lemma _root_.algebra_map_mem_ℓp_infty (k : 𝕜) : mem_ℓp (algebra_map 𝕜 (Π i, B i) k) ∞ :=
rw algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one,
exact (one_mem_ℓp_infty.const_smul k : mem_ℓp (k • 1 : Π i, B i) ∞)

variables (𝕜 B)

/-- The `𝕜`-subalgebra of elements of `Π i : α, B i` whose `lp` norm is finite. This is `lp E ∞`,
with extra structure. -/
def _root_.lp_infty_subalgebra : subalgebra 𝕜 (pre_lp B) :=
{ carrier := {f | mem_ℓp f ∞},
algebra_map_mem' := algebra_map_mem_ℓp_infty,
.. lp_infty_subring B }

variables {𝕜 B}

instance infty_normed_algebra : normed_algebra 𝕜 (lp B ∞) :=
{ ..(lp_infty_subalgebra 𝕜 B).algebra,
..(lp.normed_space : normed_space 𝕜 (lp B ∞)) }

end algebra

section single
variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [Π i, normed_space 𝕜 (E i)]
variables [decidable_eq α]
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