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feat(model_theory/syntax, semantics): Lemmas about relabeling variabl…
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Proves lemmas about relabeling variables in terms and formulas
Defines `first_order.language.bounded_formula.to_formula`, which turns turns all of the extra variables of a `bounded_formula` into free variables.
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awainverse committed May 27, 2022
1 parent 4b9e57b commit 1ccb7f0
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Showing 3 changed files with 96 additions and 18 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/logic/equiv/fin.lean
Expand Up @@ -247,6 +247,10 @@ fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm_apply_apply (sum.inl x)
fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm (fin.nat_add m x) = sum.inr x :=
fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm_apply_apply (sum.inr x)

@[simp] lemma fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_last :
fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm (fin.last n) = sum.inr 0 :=
fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_apply_nat_add 0

/-- The equivalence between `fin (m + n)` and `fin (n + m)` which rotates by `n`. -/
def fin_add_flip : fin (m + n) ≃ fin (n + m) :=
(fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm.trans (equiv.sum_comm _ _)).trans fin_sum_fin_equiv
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33 changes: 30 additions & 3 deletions src/model_theory/semantics.lean
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ begin

@[simp] lemma realize_lift_at {n n' m : ℕ} {t : L.term (α ⊕ fin n)}
{v : (α ⊕ fin (n + n')) → M} :
{v : α ⊕ fin (n + n') → M} :
(t.lift_at n' m).realize v = t.realize (v ∘
( id (λ i, if ↑i < m then fin.cast_add n' i else fin.add_nat n' i))) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ begin

lemma realize_relabel {m n : ℕ}
{φ : L.bounded_formula α n} {g : α → (β ⊕ fin m)} {v : β → M} {xs : fin (m + n) → M} :
{φ : L.bounded_formula α n} {g : α → β ⊕ fin m} {v : β → M} {xs : fin (m + n) → M} :
(φ.relabel g).realize v xs ↔
φ.realize (sum.elim v (xs ∘ (fin.cast_add n)) ∘ g) (xs ∘ (fin.nat_add m)) :=
φ.realize (sum.elim v (xs ∘ fin.cast_add n) ∘ g) (xs ∘ fin.nat_add m) :=
induction φ with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ih1 ih2 n' _ ih3,
{ refl },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,6 +697,33 @@ begin
exact ⟨_, _, h⟩ } }

@[simp] lemma realize_to_formula (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) (v : α ⊕ fin n → M) :
φ.to_formula.realize v ↔ φ.realize (v ∘ sum.inl) (v ∘ sum.inr) :=
induction φ with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ih1 ih2 _ _ ih3 a8 a9 a0,
{ refl },
{ simp [bounded_formula.realize] },
{ simp [bounded_formula.realize] },
{ rw [to_formula, formula.realize, realize_imp, ← formula.realize, ih1, ← formula.realize, ih2,
realize_imp], },
{ rw [to_formula, formula.realize, realize_all, realize_all],
refine forall_congr (λ a, _),
have h := ih3 (sum.elim (v ∘ sum.inl) (snoc (v ∘ sum.inr) a)),
simp only [sum.elim_comp_inl, sum.elim_comp_inr] at h,
rw [← h, realize_relabel, formula.realize],
{ cases x,
{ simp },
{ refine fin.last_cases _ (λ i, _) x,
{ rw [sum.elim_inr, snoc_last, function.comp_app, sum.elim_inr, function.comp_app,
fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_last, sum.map_inr, sum.elim_inr, function.comp_app],
exact (congr rfl (subsingleton.elim _ _)).trans (snoc_last _ _) },
{ simp only [cast_succ, function.comp_app, sum.elim_inr,
fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_apply_cast_add, sum.map_inl, sum.elim_inl],
rw [← cast_succ, snoc_cast_succ] } } },
{ exact subsingleton.elim _ _ } }

end bounded_formula

namespace equiv
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77 changes: 62 additions & 15 deletions src/model_theory/syntax.lean
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace language

variables (L : language.{u v}) {L' : language}
variables {M : Type w} {N P : Type*} [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N] [L.Structure P]
variables {α : Type u'} {β : Type v'}
variables {α : Type u'} {β : Type v'} {γ : Type*}
open_locale first_order
open Structure fin

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,19 +86,35 @@ open finset
| (var i) := var (g i)
| (func f ts) := func f (λ i, (ts i).relabel)

@[simp] lemma relabel_id (t : L.term α) :
t.relabel id = t :=
induction t with _ _ _ _ ih,
{ refl, },
{ simp [ih] },

@[simp] lemma relabel_relabel (f : α → β) (g : β → γ) (t : L.term α) :
(t.relabel f).relabel g = t.relabel (g ∘ f) :=
induction t with _ _ _ _ ih,
{ refl, },
{ simp [ih] },

/-- Restricts a term to use only a set of the given variables. -/
def restrict_var [decidable_eq α] : Π (t : L.term α) (f : t.var_finset → β), L.term β
| (var a) f := var (f ⟨a, mem_singleton_self a⟩)
| (func F ts) f := func F (λ i, (ts i).restrict_var
(f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ (mem_univ i)))))
(f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ (mem_univ i))))

/-- Restricts a term to use only a set of the given variables on the left side of a sum. -/
def restrict_var_left [decidable_eq α] {γ : Type*} :
Π (t : L.term (α ⊕ γ)) (f : t.var_finset_left → β), L.term (β ⊕ γ)
| (var (sum.inl a)) f := var (sum.inl (f ⟨a, mem_singleton_self a⟩))
| (var (sum.inr a)) f := var (sum.inr a)
| (func F ts) f := func F (λ i, (ts i).restrict_var_left
(f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ (mem_univ i)))))
(f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ (mem_univ i))))

end term

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,18 +279,18 @@ open finset
| n (all f) := f.free_var_finset

/-- Casts `L.bounded_formula α m` as `L.bounded_formula α n`, where `m ≤ n`. -/
def cast_le : ∀ {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n), L.bounded_formula α m → L.bounded_formula α n
@[simp] def cast_le : ∀ {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n), L.bounded_formula α m → L.bounded_formula α n
| m n h falsum := falsum
| m n h (equal t₁ t₂) := (t₁.relabel ( id (fin.cast_le h))).bd_equal
| m n h (equal t₁ t₂) := equal (t₁.relabel ( id (fin.cast_le h)))
(t₂.relabel ( id (fin.cast_le h)))
| m n h (rel R ts) := R.bounded_formula (term.relabel ( id (fin.cast_le h)) ∘ ts)
| m n h (rel R ts) := rel R (term.relabel ( id (fin.cast_le h)) ∘ ts)
| m n h (imp f₁ f₂) := (f₁.cast_le h).imp (f₂.cast_le h)
| m n h (all f) := (f.cast_le (add_le_add_right h 1)).all

/-- A function to help relabel the variables in bounded formulas. -/
def relabel_aux (g : α → (β ⊕ fin n)) (k : ℕ) :
def relabel_aux (g : α → β ⊕ fin n) (k : ℕ) :
α ⊕ fin k → β ⊕ fin (n + k) :=
( id fin_sum_fin_equiv)(equiv.sum_assoc _ _ _)( g id) id fin_sum_fin_equiv ∘ equiv.sum_assoc _ _ _ ∘ g id

@[simp] lemma sum_elim_comp_relabel_aux {m : ℕ} {g : α → (β ⊕ fin n)}
{v : β → M} {xs : fin (n + m) → M} :
Expand All @@ -289,27 +305,49 @@ begin
{ simp [bounded_formula.relabel_aux] }

@[simp] lemma relabel_aux_sum_inl (k : ℕ) :
relabel_aux (sum.inl : α → α ⊕ fin n) k = id (nat_add n) :=
ext x,
cases x;
{ simp [relabel_aux] },

/-- Relabels a bounded formula's variables along a particular function. -/
def relabel (g : α → (β ⊕ fin n)) :
@[simp] def relabel (g : α → (β ⊕ fin n)) :
∀ {k : ℕ}, L.bounded_formula α k → L.bounded_formula β (n + k)
| k falsum := falsum
| k (equal t₁ t₂) := (t₁.relabel (relabel_aux g k)).bd_equal (t₂.relabel (relabel_aux g k))
| k (rel R ts) := R.bounded_formula (term.relabel (relabel_aux g k) ∘ ts)
| k (equal t₁ t₂) := equal (t₁.relabel (relabel_aux g k)) (t₂.relabel (relabel_aux g k))
| k (rel R ts) := rel R (term.relabel (relabel_aux g k) ∘ ts)
| k (imp f₁ f₂) := f₁.relabel.imp f₂.relabel
| k (all f) := f.relabel.all

@[simp] lemma relabel_sum_inl (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
(φ.relabel sum.inl : L.bounded_formula α (0 + n)) =
φ.cast_le (ge_of_eq (zero_add n)) :=
induction φ with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ih1 ih2 _ _ ih3,
{ refl },
{ simp [fin.nat_add_zero, cast_le_of_eq] },
{ simp [fin.nat_add_zero, cast_le_of_eq] },
{ simp [ih1, ih2] },
{ simp only [ih3, relabel, cast_le],
refl, },

/-- Restricts a bounded formula to only use a particular set of free variables. -/
def restrict_free_var [decidable_eq α] : Π {n : ℕ} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n)
(f : φ.free_var_finset → β), L.bounded_formula β n
| n falsum f := falsum
| n (equal t₁ t₂) f := equal
(t₁.restrict_var_left (f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_union_left _ _))))
(t₂.restrict_var_left (f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_union_right _ _))))
(t₁.restrict_var_left (f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_union_left _ _)))
(t₂.restrict_var_left (f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_union_right _ _)))
| n (rel R ts) f := rel R (λ i, (ts i).restrict_var_left
(f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_bUnion_of_mem _ (mem_univ i))))
| n (imp φ₁ φ₂) f :=
(φ₁.restrict_free_var (f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_union_left _ _)))).imp
(φ₂.restrict_free_var (f ∘ (set.inclusion (subset_union_right _ _))))
(φ₁.restrict_free_var (f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_union_left _ _))).imp
(φ₂.restrict_free_var (f ∘ set.inclusion (subset_union_right _ _)))
| n (all φ) f := (φ.restrict_free_var f).all

/-- Places universal quantifiers on all extra variables of a bounded formula. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,6 +378,15 @@ def lift_at : ∀ {n : ℕ} (n' m : ℕ), L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_f
| n (imp φ₁ φ₂) tf := (φ₁.subst tf).imp (φ₂.subst tf)
| n (all φ) tf := (φ.subst tf).all

/-- Turns the extra variables of a bounded formula into free variables. -/
@[simp] def to_formula : ∀ {n : ℕ}, L.bounded_formula α n → L.formula (α ⊕ fin n)
| n falsum := falsum
| n (equal t₁ t₂) := t₁.equal t₂
| n (rel R ts) := R.formula ts
| n (imp φ₁ φ₂) := φ₁.to_formula.imp φ₂.to_formula
| n (all φ) := (φ.to_formula.relabel
(sum.elim (sum.inl ∘ sum.inl) ( sum.inr id ∘ fin_sum_fin_equiv.symm))).all

variables {l : ℕ} {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α l} {θ : L.bounded_formula α l.succ}
variables {v : α → M} {xs : fin l → M}

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