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feat(algebra/big_operators/order): Bounding on a sum of cards by doub…
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…le counting (#10389)

If every element of `s` is in at least/most `n` finsets of `B : finset (finset α)`, then the sum of `(s ∩ t).card` over `t ∈ B` is at most/least `s.card * n`.
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YaelDillies committed Nov 23, 2021
1 parent b14f22e commit 1dd3ae1
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/order.lean
Expand Up @@ -241,6 +241,57 @@ mul_card_image_le_card_of_maps_to (λ x, mem_image_of_mem _) n hn

end pigeonhole

section double_counting
variables [decidable_eq α] {s : finset α} {B : finset (finset α)} {n : ℕ}

/-- If every element belongs to at most `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is at most `n`
times how many they are. -/
lemma sum_card_inter_le (h : ∀ a ∈ s, (B.filter $ (∈) a).card ≤ n) :
∑ t in B, (s ∩ t).card ≤ s.card * n :=
refine le_trans _ (s.sum_le_of_forall_le _ _ h),
simp_rw [←filter_mem_eq_inter, card_eq_sum_ones, sum_filter],
exact sum_comm.le,

/-- If every element belongs to at most `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is at most `n`
times how many they are. -/
lemma sum_card_le [fintype α] (h : ∀ a, (B.filter $ (∈) a).card ≤ n) :
∑ s in B, s.card ≤ fintype.card α * n :=
calc ∑ s in B, s.card = ∑ s in B, (univ ∩ s).card : by simp_rw univ_inter
... ≤ fintype.card α * n : sum_card_inter_le (λ a _, h a)

/-- If every element belongs to at least `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is at least `n`
times how many they are. -/
lemma le_sum_card_inter (h : ∀ a ∈ s, n ≤ (B.filter $ (∈) a).card) :
s.card * n ≤ ∑ t in B, (s ∩ t).card :=
apply (s.le_sum_of_forall_le _ _ h).trans,
simp_rw [←filter_mem_eq_inter, card_eq_sum_ones, sum_filter],
exact sum_comm.le,

/-- If every element belongs to at least `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is at least `n`
times how many they are. -/
lemma le_sum_card [fintype α] (h : ∀ a, n ≤ (B.filter $ (∈) a).card) :
fintype.card α * n ≤ ∑ s in B, s.card :=
calc fintype.card α * n ≤ ∑ s in B, (univ ∩ s).card : le_sum_card_inter (λ a _, h a)
... = ∑ s in B, s.card : by simp_rw univ_inter

/-- If every element belongs to exactly `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is `n` times how
many they are. -/
lemma sum_card_inter (h : ∀ a ∈ s, (B.filter $ (∈) a).card = n) :
∑ t in B, (s ∩ t).card = s.card * n :=
(sum_card_inter_le $ λ a ha, (h a ha).le).antisymm (le_sum_card_inter $ λ a ha, (h a ha).ge)

/-- If every element belongs to exactly `n` finsets, then the sum of their sizes is `n` times how
many they are. -/
lemma sum_card [fintype α] (h : ∀ a, (B.filter $ (∈) a).card = n) :
∑ s in B, s.card = fintype.card α * n :=
by simp_rw [fintype.card, ←sum_card_inter (λ a _, h a), univ_inter]

end double_counting

section canonically_ordered_monoid

variables [canonically_ordered_monoid M] {f : ι → M} {s t : finset ι}
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