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chore(data/finset): drop to_set, use has_lift instead (#2629)
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Also cleanup `coe_to_finset` lemmas. Now we have `set.finite.coe_to_finset` and `set.coe_to_finset`.

Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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urkud and jcommelin committed May 9, 2020
1 parent e1192f3 commit 20c7418
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Showing 13 changed files with 50 additions and 60 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/direct_sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ theorem mk_inj (s : finset ι) : function.injective (mk β s) :=
dfinsupp.mk_inj s

theorem of_inj (i : ι) : function.injective (of β i) :=
λ x y H, congr_fun (mk_inj _ H) ⟨i, by simp [finset.to_set]
λ x y H, congr_fun (mk_inj _ H) ⟨i, by simp⟩

protected theorem induction_on {C : direct_sum ι β → Prop}
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9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/data/finset.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ multiset.decidable_mem _ _
/-! ### set coercion -/

/-- Convert a finset to a set in the natural way. -/
def to_set (s : finset α) : set α := {x | x ∈ s}

instance : has_lift (finset α) (set α) := ⟨to_set⟩
instance : has_lift (finset α) (set α) := ⟨λ s, {x | x ∈ s}⟩

@[simp] lemma mem_coe {a : α} {s : finset α} : a ∈ (↑s : set α) ↔ a ∈ s := iff.rfl

Expand All @@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ ext.2
@[simp] theorem coe_inj {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : (↑s₁ : set α) = ↑s₂ ↔ s₁ = s₂ :=
set.ext_iff.trans ext.symm

lemma to_set_injective {α} : function.injective (finset.to_set : finset α → set α) :=
lemma coe_injective {α} : function.injective (coe : finset α → set α) :=
λ s t, coe_inj.1

/-! ### subset -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,9 +648,6 @@ sdiff_subset_sdiff (subset.refl _) (empty_subset _)
@[simp] lemma coe_sdiff (s₁ s₂ : finset α) : ↑(s₁ \ s₂) = (↑s₁ \ ↑s₂ : set α) :=
set.ext $ λ _, mem_sdiff

@[simp] lemma to_set_sdiff (s t : finset α) : (s \ t).to_set = s.to_set \ t.to_set :=
by apply finset.coe_sdiff

@[simp] theorem union_sdiff_self_eq_union {s t : finset α} : s ∪ (t \ s) = s ∪ t :=
ext.2 $ λ a, by simp only [mem_union, mem_sdiff, or_iff_not_imp_left,
imp_and_distrib, and_iff_left id]
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/data/finsupp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ section comap_domain
the preimage of ``, `comap_domain f l hf` is the finitely supported function
from `α₁` to `γ` given by composing `l` with `f`. -/
def comap_domain {α₁ α₂ γ : Type*} [has_zero γ]
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' : α₁ →₀ γ :=
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' : α₁ →₀ γ :=
{ support := hf,
to_fun := (λ a, l (f a)),
mem_support_to_fun :=
Expand All @@ -927,21 +927,21 @@ def comap_domain {α₁ α₂ γ : Type*} [has_zero γ]

lemma comap_domain_apply {α₁ α₂ γ : Type*} [has_zero γ]
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' (a : α₁) :
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' (a : α₁) :
comap_domain f l hf a = l (f a) :=

lemma sum_comap_domain {α₁ α₂ β γ : Type*} [has_zero β] [add_comm_monoid γ]
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ β) (g : α₂ → β → γ)
(hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' :
(hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑ :
(comap_domain f l hf.inj_on).sum (g ∘ f) = l.sum g :=
simp [sum],
simp [comap_domain, finset.sum_preimage f _ _ (λ (x : α₂), g x (l x))]

lemma eq_zero_of_comap_domain_eq_zero {α₁ α₂ γ : Type*} [add_comm_monoid γ]
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' :
(f : α₁ → α₂) (l : α₂ →₀ γ) (hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑ :
comap_domain f l hf.inj_on = 0 → l = 0 :=
rw [← support_eq_empty, ← support_eq_empty, comap_domain],
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fintype/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ by simp [to_finset]
@[simp] theorem mem_to_finset_val {s : set α} [fintype s] {a : α} : a ∈ s.to_finset.1 ↔ a ∈ s :=

@[simp] theorem coe_to_finset (s : set α) [fintype s] : (↑s.to_finset : set α) = s :=
set.ext $ λ _, mem_to_finset

end set

lemma finset.card_univ [fintype α] : (finset.univ : finset α).card = fintype.card α :=
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60 changes: 25 additions & 35 deletions src/data/set/finite.lean
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Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro
Finite sets.
import data.fintype.basic
import algebra.big_operators

# Finite sets
This file defines predicates `finite : set α → Prop` and `infinite : set α → Prop` and proves some
basic facts about finite sets.

open set function

universes u v w x
Expand All @@ -30,13 +35,13 @@ classical.choice h

/-- Get a finset from a finite set -/
noncomputable def finite.to_finset {s : set α} (h : finite s) : finset α :=
@set.to_finset _ _ (finite.fintype h)
@set.to_finset _ _ h.fintype

@[simp] theorem finite.mem_to_finset {s : set α} {h : finite s} {a : α} : a ∈ h.to_finset ↔ a ∈ s :=
@mem_to_finset _ _ (finite.fintype h) _
@mem_to_finset _ _ h.fintype _

lemma finite.coe_to_finset {α} {s : set α} (h : finite s) : ↑h.to_finset = s :=
by { ext, apply mem_to_finset }
@[simp] lemma finite.coe_to_finset {α} {s : set α} (h : finite s) : ↑h.to_finset = s :=
@set.coe_to_finset _ s h.fintype

theorem finite.exists_finset {s : set α} : finite s →
∃ s' : finset α, ∀ a : α, a ∈ s' ↔ a ∈ s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +81,7 @@ eq.trans (by congr) empty_card

@[simp] theorem finite_empty : @finite α ∅ := ⟨set.fintype_empty⟩

/-- A `fintype` structure on `insert a s`. -/
def fintype_insert' {a : α} (s : set α) [fintype s] (h : a ∉ s) : fintype (insert a s : set α) :=
fintype.of_finset ⟨a :: s.to_finset.1,
multiset.nodup_cons_of_nodup (by simp [h]) s.to_finset.2⟩ $ by simp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,21 +330,11 @@ lemma finite_subsets_of_finite {α : Type u} {a : set α} (h : finite a) : finit
-- we just need to translate the result, already known for finsets,
-- to the language of finite sets
let s := coe '' ((finset.powerset (finite.to_finset h)).to_set),
let s : set (set α) := coe '' ((finset.powerset (finite.to_finset h)) : set (finset α)),
have : finite s := finite_image _ (finite_mem_finset _),
have : {b | b ⊆ a} ⊆ s :=
assume b hb,
rw [set.mem_image],
rw [set.mem_set_of_eq] at hb,
let b' : finset α := finite.to_finset (finite_subset h hb),
have : b' ∈ (finset.powerset (finite.to_finset h)).to_set :=
show b' ∈ (finset.powerset (finite.to_finset h)),
by simp [b', finset.subset_iff]; exact hb,
have : coe b' = b := by ext; simp,
exact ⟨b', by assumption, by assumption⟩
exact finite_subset ‹finite s› this
apply finite_subset this,
refine λ b hb, ⟨(finite_subset h hb).to_finset, _, finite.coe_to_finset _⟩,
simpa [finset.subset_iff]

lemma exists_min_image [linear_order β] (s : set α) (f : α → β) (h1 : finite s) :
Expand All @@ -355,20 +351,14 @@ end set

namespace finset
variables [decidable_eq β]
variables {s t u : finset α} {f : α → β} {a : α}
variables {s : finset α}

lemma finite_to_set (s : finset α) : set.finite (↑s : set α) :=
set.finite_mem_finset s

@[simp] lemma coe_bind {f : α → finset β} : ↑(s.bind f) = (⋃x ∈ (↑s : set α), ↑(f x) : set β) :=
by simp [set.ext_iff]

@[simp] lemma coe_to_finset {s : set α} {hs : set.finite s} : ↑(hs.to_finset) = s :=
by simp [set.ext_iff]

@[simp] lemma coe_to_finset' (s : set α) [fintype s] : (↑s.to_finset : set α) = s :=
by ext; simp

end finset

namespace set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,8 +410,7 @@ finite_subset (finset.finite_to_set $ finset.range (b + 1)) range_find_greatest_
lemma card_lt_card {s t : set α} [fintype s] [fintype t] (h : s ⊂ t) :
fintype.card s < fintype.card t :=
haveI := classical.prop_decidable,
rw [← finset.coe_to_finset' s, ← finset.coe_to_finset' t, finset.coe_ssubset] at h,
rw [← s.coe_to_finset, ← t.coe_to_finset, finset.coe_ssubset] at h,
rw [fintype.card_of_finset' _ (λ x, mem_to_finset),
fintype.card_of_finset' _ (λ x, mem_to_finset)],
exact finset.card_lt_card h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,24 +505,25 @@ namespace finset

section preimage

/-- Preimage of `s : finset β` under a map `f` injective of `f ⁻¹' s` as a `finset`. -/
noncomputable def preimage {f : α → β} (s : finset β)
(hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑s)) : finset α :=
set.finite.to_finset (set.finite_preimage hf (set.finite_mem_finset s))
(set.finite_preimage hf (set.finite_mem_finset s)).to_finset

@[simp] lemma mem_preimage {f : α → β} {s : finset β} {hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑s)} {x : α} :
x ∈ preimage s hf ↔ f x ∈ s :=
by simp [preimage]

@[simp] lemma coe_preimage {f : α → β} (s : finset β)
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_preimage {f : α → β} (s : finset β)
(hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑s)) : (↑(preimage s hf) : set α) = f ⁻¹' ↑s :=
by simp [set.ext_iff]
set.finite.coe_to_finset _

lemma image_preimage [decidable_eq β] (f : α → β) (s : finset β)
(hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' s.to_set) s.to_set) :
(hf : set.bij_on f (f ⁻¹' ↑s) ↑s) :
image f (preimage s hf.inj_on) = s :=
finset.coe_inj.1 $
suffices f '' (f ⁻¹' ↑s) = ↑s, by simpa,
(set.subset.antisymm (image_preimage_subset _ _) hf.2.2)
(set.subset.antisymm (image_preimage_subset _ _) hf.surj_on)

end preimage

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/linear_algebra/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1909,9 +1909,9 @@ lemma supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj {I J : set ι}
(⨆i∈I, range (std_basis R φ i)) = (⨅i∈J, ker (proj i)) :=
refine le_antisymm (supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ hd) _,
have : set.univ ⊆ ↑hI.to_finset ∪ J, { rwa [finset.coe_to_finset] },
have : set.univ ⊆ ↑hI.to_finset ∪ J, { rwa [hI.coe_to_finset] },
refine le_trans (infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis R φ this) (supr_le_supr $ assume i, _),
rw [← finset.mem_coe, finset.coe_to_finset],
rw [set.finite.mem_to_finset],
exact le_refl _

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/linear_algebra/basis.lean
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Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ begin
simp only [linear_map.comp_apply],
{ intros h l hl₁ hl₂,
have h_bij : bij_on subtype.val (subtype.val ⁻¹' : set s),
have h_bij : bij_on subtype.val (subtype.val ⁻¹' : set s),
{ apply,
{ unfold maps_to },
{ apply subtype.val_injective.inj_on },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ begin
{ apply linear_independent_of_zero_eq_one zero_eq_one },
rw linear_independent_subtype,
intros l hl₁ hl₂,
have h_bij : bij_on v (v ⁻¹' finset.to_set ( (finset.to_set (,
have h_bij : bij_on v (v ⁻¹',
{ apply,
{ unfold maps_to },
{ apply (linear_independent.injective zero_eq_one hv).inj_on },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ begin
{ simp only [(span_Union _).symm],
refine span_mono (@supr_le_supr2 (set M) _ _ _ _ _ _),
rintros ⟨i⟩, exact ⟨i, le_refl _⟩ },
{ change finite (plift.up ⁻¹' s.to_set),
{ change finite (plift.up ⁻¹' ↑s),
exact finite_preimage (assume i j _ _, plift.up.inj) s.finite_to_set } }

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/linear_algebra/dimension.lean
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ theorem is_basis.le_span (zero_ne_one : (0 : K) ≠ 1) {v : ι → V} {J : set V
cases le_or_lt ( J) with oJ oJ,
{ have := cardinal.mk_range_eq_of_inj (linear_independent.injective zero_ne_one hv.1),
let S : J → set ι := λ j, (is_basis.repr hv j).support.to_set,
let S : J → set ι := λ j, (is_basis.repr hv j).support,
let S' : J → set V := λ j, v '' S j,
have hs : range v ⊆ ⋃ j, S' j,
{ intros b hb,
Expand All @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ begin
{ rwa [cardinal.sum_const, cardinal.mul_eq_max oJ (le_refl _), max_eq_left oJ] } },
{ rcases exists_finite_card_le_of_finite_of_linear_independent_of_span
(cardinal.lt_omega_iff_finite.1 oJ) hv.1.to_subtype_range _ with ⟨fI, hi⟩,
{ rwa [← cardinal.nat_cast_le, cardinal.finset_card, finset.coe_to_finset,
cardinal.finset_card, finset.coe_to_finset] at hi, },
{ rwa [← cardinal.nat_cast_le, cardinal.finset_card, set.finite.coe_to_finset,
cardinal.finset_card, set.finite.coe_to_finset] at hi, },
{ rw hJ, apply set.subset_univ } },
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/finsupp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ begin

lemma total_comap_domain
(f : α → α') (l : α' →₀ R) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' :
(f : α → α') (l : α' →₀ R) (hf : set.inj_on f (f ⁻¹' : α M R v (finsupp.comap_domain f l hf) = ( hf).sum (λ i, (l (f i)) • (v i)) :=
by rw finsupp.total_apply; refl

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/adjoin.lean
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Expand Up @@ -154,12 +154,14 @@ namespace subalgebra
variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [algebra R A]

/-- A subalgebra `S` is finitely generated if there exists `t : finset A` such that
`algebra.adjoin R t = S`. -/
def fg (S : subalgebra R A) : Prop :=
∃ t : finset A, algebra.adjoin R ↑t = S

theorem fg_def {S : subalgebra R A} : S.fg ↔ ∃ t : set A, set.finite t ∧ algebra.adjoin R t = S :=
⟨λ ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨↑t, set.finite_mem_finset t, ht⟩,
λ ⟨t, ht1, ht2⟩, ⟨ht1.to_finset, by rwa finset.coe_to_finset⟩⟩
λ ⟨t, ht1, ht2⟩, ⟨ht1.to_finset, by rwa set.finite.coe_to_finset⟩⟩

theorem fg_bot : (⊥ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
⟨∅, algebra.adjoin_empty R A⟩
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/free_comm_ring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ free_comm_ring.induction_on x
(is_supported_upwards hxt $ set.subset_union_right s t)⟩)

theorem exists_finset_support (x : free_comm_ring α) : ∃ s : finset α, is_supported x ↑s :=
let ⟨s, hfs, hxs⟩ := exists_finite_support x in ⟨hfs.to_finset, by rwa finset.coe_to_finset⟩
let ⟨s, hfs, hxs⟩ := exists_finite_support x in ⟨hfs.to_finset, by rwa set.finite.coe_to_finset⟩

end free_comm_ring

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/noetherian.lean
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Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ instance is_noetherian_ring.to_is_noetherian {R : Type*} [ring R] :
instance ring.is_noetherian_of_fintype (R M) [fintype M] [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :
is_noetherian R M :=
by letI := classical.dec; exact
⟨assume s, ⟨to_finset s, by rw [finset.coe_to_finset', submodule.span_eq]⟩⟩
⟨assume s, ⟨to_finset s, by rw [set.coe_to_finset, submodule.span_eq]⟩⟩

theorem ring.is_noetherian_of_zero_eq_one {R} [ring R] (h01 : (0 : R) = 1) : is_noetherian_ring R :=
by haveI := subsingleton_of_zero_eq_one R h01;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/set_theory/ordinal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -3168,7 +3168,7 @@ lemma mk_compl_of_omega_le {α : Type*} (s : set α) (h : omega ≤ #α) (h2 : #
by { refine eq_of_add_eq_of_omega_le _ h2 h, exact mk_sum_compl s }

lemma mk_compl_finset_of_omega_le {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (h : omega ≤ #α) :
#(-s.to_set : set α) = #α :=
#(-↑s : set α) = #α :=
by { apply mk_compl_of_omega_le _ h, exact lt_of_lt_of_le (finset_card_lt_omega s) h }

lemma mk_compl_eq_mk_compl_infinite {α : Type*} {s t : set α} (h : omega ≤ #α) (hs : #s < #α)
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