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chore(measure_theory/integral/interval_integral): change of variables…
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… for normed-space target (#9350)

Re-state change of variables for `interval_integral` for a function with target a real normed space `E`, rather than just `ℝ`.  The proofs are exactly the same.
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hrmacbeth committed Sep 28, 2021
1 parent 1db626e commit 22f2409
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 16 deletions.
93 changes: 77 additions & 16 deletions src/measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean
Expand Up @@ -2266,29 +2266,31 @@ end
### Integration by substitution / Change of variables

section smul

Change of variables, general form. If `f` is continuous on `[a, b]` and has
continuous right-derivative `f'` in `(a, b)`, and `g` is continuous on `f '' [a, b]` then we can
substitute `u = f x` to get `∫ x in a..b, (g ∘ f) x * f' x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u`.
substitute `u = f x` to get `∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u`.
We could potentially slightly weaken the conditions, by not requiring that `f'` and `g` are
continuous on the endpoints of these intervals, but in that case we need to additionally assume that
the functions are integrable on that interval.
theorem integral_comp_mul_deriv'' {f f' g : ℝ → }
theorem integral_comp_smul_deriv'' {f f' : ℝ → ℝ} {g : ℝ → E}
(hf : continuous_on f [a, b])
(hff' : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min a b) (max a b), has_deriv_within_at f (f' x) (Ioi x) x)
(hf' : continuous_on f' [a, b])
(hg : continuous_on g (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, (g ∘ f) x * f' x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u :=
∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x= ∫ u in f a..f b, g u :=
have h_cont : continuous_on (λ u, ∫ t in f a..f u, g t) [a, b],
{ rw [real.image_interval hf] at hg,
refine (continuous_on_primitive_interval' hg.interval_integrable _).comp hf _,
{ rw [← real.image_interval hf], exact mem_image_of_mem f left_mem_interval },
{ rw [← image_subset_iff], exact (real.image_interval hf).subset } },
have h_der : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min a b) (max a b), has_deriv_within_at
(λ u, ∫ t in f a..f u, g t) ((g ∘ f) x * f' x) (Ioi x) x,
(λ u, ∫ t in f a..f u, g t) (f' x • ((g ∘ f) x)) (Ioi x) x,
{ intros x hx,
let I := [Inf (f '' [a, b]), Sup (f '' [a, b])],
have hI : f '' [a, b] = I := real.image_interval hf,
Expand All @@ -2302,14 +2304,77 @@ begin
haveI : fact (f x ∈ I) := ⟨h2x⟩,
have : has_deriv_within_at (λ u, ∫ x in f a..u, g x) (g (f x)) I (f x) :=
integral_has_deriv_within_at_right h2g h3g (hg (f x) h2x),
refine (this.comp x ((hff' x hx).Ioo_of_Ioi hx.2) _).Ioi_of_Ioo hx.2,
refine (this.scomp x ((hff' x hx).Ioo_of_Ioi hx.2) _).Ioi_of_Ioo hx.2,
dsimp only [I], rw [← image_subset_iff, ← real.image_interval hf],
refine image_subset f (Ioo_subset_Icc_self.trans $ Icc_subset_Icc_left hx.1.le) },
have h_int : interval_integrable (λ (x : ℝ), (g ∘ f) x * f' x) volume a b :=
((hg.comp hf $ subset_preimage_image f _).mul hf').interval_integrable,
have h_int : interval_integrable (λ (x : ℝ), f' x • (g ∘ f) x) volume a b :=
(hf'.smul (hg.comp hf $ subset_preimage_image f _)).interval_integrable,
simp_rw [integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_right h_cont h_der h_int, integral_same, sub_zero],

Change of variables. If `f` is has continuous derivative `f'` on `[a, b]`,
and `g` is continuous on `f '' [a, b]`, then we can substitute `u = f x` to get
`∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u`.
Compared to `interval_integral.integral_comp_smul_deriv` we only require that `g` is continuous on
`f '' [a, b]`.
theorem integral_comp_smul_deriv' {f f' : ℝ → ℝ} {g : ℝ → E}
(h : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x)
(h' : continuous_on f' (interval a b)) (hg : continuous_on g (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x = ∫ x in f a..f b, g x :=
integral_comp_smul_deriv'' (λ x hx, (h x hx).continuous_at.continuous_within_at)
(λ x hx, (h x $ Ioo_subset_Icc_self hx).has_deriv_within_at) h' hg

Change of variables, most common version. If `f` is has continuous derivative `f'` on `[a, b]`,
and `g` is continuous, then we can substitute `u = f x` to get
`∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u`.
theorem integral_comp_smul_deriv {f f' : ℝ → ℝ} {g : ℝ → E}
(h : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x)
(h' : continuous_on f' (interval a b)) (hg : continuous g) :
∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g ∘ f) x = ∫ x in f a..f b, g x :=
integral_comp_smul_deriv' h h' hg.continuous_on

theorem integral_deriv_comp_smul_deriv' {f f' : ℝ → ℝ} {g g' : ℝ → E}
(hf : continuous_on f [a, b])
(hff' : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min a b) (max a b), has_deriv_within_at f (f' x) (Ioi x) x)
(hf' : continuous_on f' [a, b])
(hg : continuous_on g [f a, f b])
(hgg' : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min (f a) (f b)) (max (f a) (f b)), has_deriv_within_at g (g' x) (Ioi x) x)
(hg' : continuous_on g' (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g' ∘ f) x = (g ∘ f) b - (g ∘ f) a :=
rw [integral_comp_smul_deriv'' hf hff' hf' hg',
integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_right hg hgg' (hg'.mono _).interval_integrable],
exact real.interval_subset_image_interval hf left_mem_interval right_mem_interval,

theorem integral_deriv_comp_smul_deriv {f f' : ℝ → ℝ} {g g' : ℝ → E}
(hf : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x)
(hg : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at g (g' (f x)) (f x))
(hf' : continuous_on f' (interval a b)) (hg' : continuous g') :
∫ x in a..b, f' x • (g' ∘ f) x = (g ∘ f) b - (g ∘ f) a :=
integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at (λ x hx, (hg x hx).scomp x $ hf x hx)
(hf'.smul (hg'.comp_continuous_on $ has_deriv_at.continuous_on hf)).interval_integrable

end smul
section mul

Change of variables, general form for scalar functions. If `f` is continuous on `[a, b]` and has
continuous right-derivative `f'` in `(a, b)`, and `g` is continuous on `f '' [a, b]` then we can
substitute `u = f x` to get `∫ x in a..b, (g ∘ f) x * f' x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u`.
theorem integral_comp_mul_deriv'' {f f' g : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : continuous_on f [a, b])
(hff' : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min a b) (max a b), has_deriv_within_at f (f' x) (Ioi x) x)
(hf' : continuous_on f' [a, b])
(hg : continuous_on g (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, (g ∘ f) x * f' x = ∫ u in f a..f b, g u :=
by simpa [mul_comm] using integral_comp_smul_deriv'' hf hff' hf' hg

Change of variables. If `f` is has continuous derivative `f'` on `[a, b]`,
and `g` is continuous on `f '' [a, b]`, then we can substitute `u = f x` to get
Expand All @@ -2321,8 +2386,7 @@ theorem integral_comp_mul_deriv' {f f' g : ℝ → ℝ}
(h : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x)
(h' : continuous_on f' (interval a b)) (hg : continuous_on g (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, (g ∘ f) x * f' x = ∫ x in f a..f b, g x :=
integral_comp_mul_deriv'' (λ x hx, (h x hx).continuous_at.continuous_within_at)
(λ x hx, (h x $ Ioo_subset_Icc_self hx).has_deriv_within_at) h' hg
by simpa [mul_comm] using integral_comp_smul_deriv' h h' hg

Change of variables, most common version. If `f` is has continuous derivative `f'` on `[a, b]`,
Expand All @@ -2343,18 +2407,15 @@ theorem integral_deriv_comp_mul_deriv' {f f' g g' : ℝ → ℝ}
(hgg' : ∀ x ∈ Ioo (min (f a) (f b)) (max (f a) (f b)), has_deriv_within_at g (g' x) (Ioi x) x)
(hg' : continuous_on g' (f '' [a, b])) :
∫ x in a..b, (g' ∘ f) x * f' x = (g ∘ f) b - (g ∘ f) a :=
rw [integral_comp_mul_deriv'' hf hff' hf' hg',
integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_right hg hgg' (hg'.mono _).interval_integrable],
exact real.interval_subset_image_interval hf left_mem_interval right_mem_interval,
by simpa [mul_comm] using integral_deriv_comp_smul_deriv' hf hff' hf' hg hgg' hg'

theorem integral_deriv_comp_mul_deriv {f f' g g' : ℝ → ℝ}
(hf : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x)
(hg : ∀ x ∈ interval a b, has_deriv_at g (g' (f x)) (f x))
(hf' : continuous_on f' (interval a b)) (hg' : continuous g') :
∫ x in a..b, (g' ∘ f) x * f' x = (g ∘ f) b - (g ∘ f) a :=
integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at (λ x hx, (hg x hx).comp x $ hf x hx)
((hg'.comp_continuous_on $ has_deriv_at.continuous_on hf).mul hf').interval_integrable
by simpa [mul_comm] using integral_deriv_comp_smul_deriv hf hg hf' hg'

end mul

end interval_integral

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