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refactor(set_theory/{surreal, game}): move mul from surreal to game (
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The next step is to provide several `simp` lemmas for multiplication of pgames in terms of games.
None of these statements involve surreal numbers.
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apurvnakade committed May 14, 2021
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Showing 2 changed files with 260 additions and 249 deletions.
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/game.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Reid Barton, Mario Carneiro, Isabel Longbottom, Scott Morrison
import set_theory.pgame
import tactic.abel

# Combinatorial games.
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,13 @@ In this file we define the quotient of pre-games by the equivalence relation `p
p`, and construct an instance `add_comm_group game`, as well as an instance `partial_order game`
(although note carefully the warning that the `<` field in this instance is not the usual relation
on combinatorial games).
## Multiplication on pre-games
We define the operations of multiplication and inverse on pre-games, and prove a few basic theorems
about them. Multiplication is not well-behaved under equivalence of pre-games i.e. `x.equiv y` does
not imply `(x*z).equiv (y*z)`. Hence, multiplication is not a well-defined operation on games.
Nevertheless, the abelian group structure on games allows us to simplify many proofs for pre-games.

universes u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +53,8 @@ quotient.lift₂ (λ x y, x ≤ y) (λ x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ hx hy, propext (le_co
instance : has_le game :=
{ le := le }

-- Adding `@[refl]` and `@[trans]` attributes here would override the ones on
-- `preorder.le_refl` and `preorder.le_trans`, which breaks all non-`game` uses of `≤`!
theorem le_refl : ∀ x : game, x ≤ x :=
by { rintro ⟨x⟩, apply pgame.le_refl }
theorem le_trans : ∀ x y z : game, x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,3 +178,252 @@ def ordered_add_comm_group_game : ordered_add_comm_group game :=
..game_partial_order }

end game

namespace pgame

/-! Multiplicative operations can be defined at the level of pre-games,
but to prove their properties we need to use the abelian group structure of games.
Hence we define them here. -/

/-- The product of `x = {xL | xR}` and `y = {yL | yR}` is
`{xL*y + x*yL - xL*yL, xR*y + x*yR - xR*yR | xL*y + x*yR - xL*yR, x*yL + xR*y - xR*yL }`. -/
def mul (x y : pgame) : pgame :=
induction x with xl xr xL xR IHxl IHxr generalizing y,
induction y with yl yr yL yR IHyl IHyr,
have y := mk yl yr yL yR,
refine ⟨xl × yl ⊕ xr × yr, xl × yr ⊕ xr × yl, _, _⟩; rintro (⟨i, j⟩ | ⟨i, j⟩),
{ exact IHxl i y + IHyl j - IHxl i (yL j) },
{ exact IHxr i y + IHyr j - IHxr i (yR j) },
{ exact IHxl i y + IHyr j - IHxl i (yR j) },
{ exact IHxr i y + IHyl j - IHxr i (yL j) }

instance : has_mul pgame := ⟨mul⟩

/-- An explicit description of the moves for Left in `x * y`. -/
def left_moves_mul (x y : pgame) : (x * y).left_moves
≃ x.left_moves × y.left_moves ⊕ x.right_moves × y.right_moves :=
by { cases x, cases y, refl, }

/-- An explicit description of the moves for Right in `x * y`. -/
def right_moves_mul (x y : pgame) : (x * y).right_moves
≃ x.left_moves × y.right_moves ⊕ x.right_moves × y.left_moves :=
by { cases x, cases y, refl, }

@[simp] lemma mk_mul_move_left_inl {xl xr yl yr} {xL xR yL yR} {i j} :
(mk xl xr xL xR * mk yl yr yL yR).move_left (sum.inl (i, j))
= xL i * (mk yl yr yL yR) + (mk xl xr xL xR) * yL j - xL i * yL j :=

@[simp] lemma mul_move_left_inl {x y : pgame} {i j} :
(x * y).move_left ((left_moves_mul x y).symm (sum.inl (i, j)))
= x.move_left i * y + x * y.move_left j - x.move_left i * y.move_left j :=
by {cases x, cases y, refl}

@[simp] lemma mk_mul_move_left_inr {xl xr yl yr} {xL xR yL yR} {i j} :
(mk xl xr xL xR * mk yl yr yL yR).move_left (sum.inr (i, j))
= xR i * (mk yl yr yL yR) + (mk xl xr xL xR) * yR j - xR i * yR j :=

@[simp] lemma mul_move_left_inr {x y : pgame} {i j} :
(x * y).move_left ((left_moves_mul x y).symm (sum.inr (i, j)))
= x.move_right i * y + x * y.move_right j - x.move_right i * y.move_right j :=
by {cases x, cases y, refl}

@[simp] lemma mk_mul_move_right_inl {xl xr yl yr} {xL xR yL yR} {i j} :
(mk xl xr xL xR * mk yl yr yL yR).move_right (sum.inl (i, j))
= xL i * (mk yl yr yL yR) + (mk xl xr xL xR) * yR j - xL i * yR j :=

@[simp] lemma mul_move_right_inl {x y : pgame} {i j} :
(x * y).move_right ((right_moves_mul x y).symm (sum.inl (i, j)))
= x.move_left i * y + x * y.move_right j - x.move_left i * y.move_right j :=
by {cases x, cases y, refl}

@[simp] lemma mk_mul_move_right_inr {xl xr yl yr} {xL xR yL yR} {i j} :
(mk xl xr xL xR * mk yl yr yL yR).move_right (sum.inr (i,j))
= xR i * (mk yl yr yL yR) + (mk xl xr xL xR) * yL j - xR i * yL j :=

@[simp] lemma mul_move_right_inr {x y : pgame} {i j} :
(x * y).move_right ((right_moves_mul x y).symm (sum.inr (i, j)))
= x.move_right i * y + x * y.move_left j - x.move_right i * y.move_left j :=
by {cases x, cases y, refl}

/-- `x * y` has exactly the same moves as `y * x`. -/
def mul_comm_relabelling (x y : pgame.{u}) : (x * y).relabelling (y * x) :=
induction x with xl xr xL xR IHxl IHxr generalizing y,
induction y with yl yr yL yR IHyl IHyr,
let x := mk xl xr xL xR,
let y := mk yl yr yL yR,
refine ⟨equiv.sum_congr (equiv.prod_comm _ _) (equiv.prod_comm _ _), _, _, _⟩,
xl × yr ⊕ xr × yl
≃ xr × yl ⊕ xl × yr : equiv.sum_comm _ _
... ≃ yl × xr ⊕ yr × xl : equiv.sum_congr (equiv.prod_comm _ _) (equiv.prod_comm _ _),
{ rintro (⟨i, j⟩ | ⟨i, j⟩),
{ exact ((add_comm_relabelling _ _).trans
((IHyl j).add_congr (IHxl i y))).sub_congr (IHxl i (yL j)) },
{ exact ((add_comm_relabelling _ _).trans
((IHyr j).add_congr (IHxr i y))).sub_congr (IHxr i (yR j)) } },
{ rintro (⟨i, j⟩ | ⟨i, j⟩),
{ exact ((add_comm_relabelling _ _).trans
((IHyl i).add_congr (IHxr j y))).sub_congr (IHxr j (yL i)) },
{ exact ((add_comm_relabelling _ _).trans
((IHyr i).add_congr (IHxl j y))).sub_congr (IHxl j (yR i)) } }

/-- `x * y` is equivalent to `y * x`. -/
theorem mul_comm_equiv (x y : pgame) : x * y ≈ y * x :=
(mul_comm_relabelling x y).equiv

/-- `x * 0` has exactly the same moves as `0`. -/
def mul_zero_relabelling : Π (x : pgame), relabelling (x * 0) 0
| (mk xl xr xL xR) :=
by fsplit; rintro (⟨_,⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨_,⟨⟩⟩),
by fsplit; rintro (⟨_,⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨_,⟨⟩⟩),
by rintro (⟨_,⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨_,⟨⟩⟩),
by rintro ⟨⟩⟩

/-- `x * 0` is equivalent to `0`. -/
theorem mul_zero_equiv (x : pgame) : x * 00 :=
(mul_zero_relabelling x).equiv

/-- `0 * x` has exactly the same moves as `0`. -/
def zero_mul_relabelling : Π (x : pgame), relabelling (0 * x) 0
| (mk xl xr xL xR) :=
by fsplit; rintro (⟨⟨⟩,_⟩ | ⟨⟨⟩,_⟩),
by fsplit; rintro (⟨⟨⟩,_⟩ | ⟨⟨⟩,_⟩),
by rintro (⟨⟨⟩,_⟩ | ⟨⟨⟩,_⟩),
by rintro ⟨⟩⟩

/-- `0 * x` is equivalent to `0`. -/
theorem zero_mul_equiv (x : pgame) : 0 * x ≈ 0 :=
(zero_mul_relabelling x).equiv

lemma left_distrib_equiv_aux {a b c d e : pgame} : a + b + (c + d) - (e + b) ≈ a + c - e + d :=
by { apply @quotient.exact pgame, simp, abel }

lemma left_distrib_equiv_aux' {a b c d e : pgame} : b + a + (d + c) - (b + e) ≈ d + (a + c - e) :=
by { apply @quotient.exact pgame, simp, abel }

/-- `x * (y + z)` is equivalent to `x * y + x * z.`-/
theorem left_distrib_equiv : Π (x y z : pgame), x * (y + z) ≈ x * y + x * z
| (mk xl xr xL xR) (mk yl yr yL yR) (mk zl zr zL zR) :=
let x := mk xl xr xL xR,
let y := mk yl yr yL yR,
let z := mk zl zr zL zR,
refine equiv_of_mk_equiv _ _ _ _,
{ fsplit,
{ rintros (⟨_,(_|_)⟩|⟨_,(_|_)⟩);
solve_by_elim [sum.inl, sum.inr,] { max_depth := 5 } },
{ rintros ((⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)|(⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩));
solve_by_elim [sum.inl, sum.inr,] { max_depth := 5 } },
{ rintros (⟨_,(_|_)⟩|⟨_,(_|_)⟩); refl },
{ rintros ((⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)|(⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)); refl } },
{ fsplit,
{ rintros (⟨_,(_|_)⟩|⟨_,(_|_)⟩);
solve_by_elim [sum.inl, sum.inr,] { max_depth := 5 } },
{ rintros ((⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)|(⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩));
solve_by_elim [sum.inl, sum.inr,] { max_depth := 5 } },
{ rintros (⟨_,(_|_)⟩|⟨_,(_|_)⟩); refl },
{ rintros ((⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)|(⟨_,_⟩|⟨_,_⟩)); refl } },
{ rintros (⟨i,(j|k)⟩|⟨i,(j|k)⟩),
{ calc
xL i * (y + z) + x * (yL j + z) - xL i * (yL j + z)
≈ (xL i * y + xL i * z) + (x * yL j + x * z) - (xL i * yL j + xL i * z)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ xL i * y + x * yL j - xL i * yL j + x * z : left_distrib_equiv_aux },
{ calc
xL i * (y + z) + x * (y + zL k) - xL i * (y + zL k)
≈ (xL i * y + xL i * z) + (x * y + x * zL k) - (xL i * y + xL i * zL k)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ x * y + (xL i * z + x * zL k - xL i * zL k) : left_distrib_equiv_aux' },
{ calc
xR i * (y + z) + x * (yR j + z) - xR i * (yR j + z)
≈ (xR i * y + xR i * z) + (x * yR j + x * z) - (xR i * yR j + xR i * z)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ xR i * y + x * yR j - xR i * yR j + x * z : left_distrib_equiv_aux },
{ calc
xR i * (y + z) + x * (y + zR k) - xR i * (y + zR k)
≈ (xR i * y + xR i * z) + (x * y + x * zR k) - (xR i * y + xR i * zR k)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ x * y + (xR i * z + x * zR k - xR i * zR k) : left_distrib_equiv_aux' } },
{ rintros ((⟨i,j⟩|⟨i,j⟩)|(⟨i,k⟩|⟨i,k⟩)),
{ calc
xL i * (y + z) + x * (yR j + z) - xL i * (yR j + z)
≈ (xL i * y + xL i * z) + (x * yR j + x * z) - (xL i * yR j + xL i * z)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ xL i * y + x * yR j - xL i * yR j + x * z : left_distrib_equiv_aux },
{ calc
xR i * (y + z) + x * (yL j + z) - xR i * (yL j + z)
≈ (xR i * y + xR i * z) + (x * yL j + x * z) - (xR i * yL j + xR i * z)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ xR i * y + x * yL j - xR i * yL j + x * z : left_distrib_equiv_aux },
{ calc
xL i * (y + z) + x * (y + zR k) - xL i * (y + zR k)
≈ (xL i * y + xL i * z) + (x * y + x * zR k) - (xL i * y + xL i * zR k)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ x * y + (xL i * z + x * zR k - xL i * zR k) : left_distrib_equiv_aux' },
{ calc
xR i * (y + z) + x * (y + zL k) - xR i * (y + zL k)
≈ (xR i * y + xR i * z) + (x * y + x * zL k) - (xR i * y + xR i * zL k)
: by { refine sub_congr (add_congr _ _) _; apply left_distrib_equiv }
... ≈ x * y + (xR i * z + x * zL k - xR i * zL k) : left_distrib_equiv_aux' } }
using_well_founded { dec_tac := pgame_wf_tac }

/-- `(x + y) * z` is equivalent to `x * z + y * z.`-/
theorem right_distrib_equiv (x y z : pgame) : (x + y) * z ≈ x * z + y * z :=
calc (x + y) * z ≈ z * (x + y) : mul_comm_equiv _ _
... ≈ z * x + z * y : left_distrib_equiv _ _ _
... ≈ (x * z + y * z) : add_congr (mul_comm_equiv _ _) (mul_comm_equiv _ _)

/-- Because the two halves of the definition of `inv` produce more elements
on each side, we have to define the two families inductively.
This is the indexing set for the function, and `inv_val` is the function part. -/
inductive inv_ty (l r : Type u) : bool → Type u
| zero : inv_ty ff
| left₁ : r → inv_ty ff → inv_ty ff
| left₂ : l → inv_ty tt → inv_ty ff
| right₁ : l → inv_ty ff → inv_ty tt
| right₂ : r → inv_ty tt → inv_ty tt

/-- Because the two halves of the definition of `inv` produce more elements
of each side, we have to define the two families inductively.
This is the function part, defined by recursion on `inv_ty`. -/
def inv_val {l r} (L : l → pgame) (R : r → pgame)
(IHl : l → pgame) (IHr : r → pgame) : ∀ {b}, inv_ty l r b → pgame
| _ := 0
| _ (inv_ty.left₁ i j) := (1 + (R i - mk l r L R) * inv_val j) * IHr i
| _ (inv_ty.left₂ i j) := (1 + (L i - mk l r L R) * inv_val j) * IHl i
| _ (inv_ty.right₁ i j) := (1 + (L i - mk l r L R) * inv_val j) * IHl i
| _ (inv_ty.right₂ i j) := (1 + (R i - mk l r L R) * inv_val j) * IHr i

/-- The inverse of a positive surreal number `x = {L | R}` is
given by `x⁻¹ = {0,
(1 + (R - x) * x⁻¹L) * R, (1 + (L - x) * x⁻¹R) * L |
(1 + (L - x) * x⁻¹L) * L, (1 + (R - x) * x⁻¹R) * R}`.
Because the two halves `x⁻¹L, x⁻¹R` of `x⁻¹` are used in their own
definition, the sets and elements are inductively generated. -/
def inv' : pgame → pgame
| ⟨l, r, L, R⟩ :=
let l' := {i // 0 < L i},
L' : l' → pgame := λ i, L i.1,
IHl' : l' → pgame := λ i, inv' (L i.1),
IHr := λ i, inv' (R i) in
⟨inv_ty l' r ff, inv_ty l' r tt,
inv_val L' R IHl' IHr, inv_val L' R IHl' IHr⟩

/-- The inverse of a surreal number in terms of the inverse on positive surreals. -/
noncomputable def inv (x : pgame) : pgame :=
by classical; exact
if x = 0 then 0 else if 0 < x then inv' x else inv' (-x)

noncomputable instance : has_inv pgame := ⟨inv⟩
noncomputable instance : has_div pgame := ⟨λ x y, x * y⁻¹⟩

end pgame

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