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feat(analysis/seminorm): add inf (#11791)
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Define the infimum of seminorms.

Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <>
Co-authored-by: pbazin <>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Massot <>
Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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5 people committed Feb 22, 2022
1 parent 9a7ed8c commit 247943a
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 1 deletion.
71 changes: 70 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/seminorm.lean
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Absorbent and balanced sets in a vector space over a normed field.
open normed_field set
open_locale pointwise topological_space nnreal big_operators

variables {R 𝕜 𝕝 E F G ι ι' : Type*}
variables {R R' 𝕜 𝕝 E F G ι ι' : Type*}

section semi_normed_ring
variables [semi_normed_ring 𝕜]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,6 +381,12 @@ instance [has_scalar R ℝ] [has_scalar R ℝ≥0] [is_scalar_tower R ℝ≥0
(mul_add _ _ _),
end } }

instance [has_scalar R ℝ] [has_scalar R ℝ≥0] [is_scalar_tower R ℝ≥0 ℝ]
[has_scalar R' ℝ] [has_scalar R' ℝ≥0] [is_scalar_tower R' ℝ≥0 ℝ]
[has_scalar R R'] [is_scalar_tower R R' ℝ] :
is_scalar_tower R R' (seminorm 𝕜 E) :=
{ smul_assoc := λ r a p, ext $ λ x, smul_assoc r a (p x) }

lemma coe_smul [has_scalar R ℝ] [has_scalar R ℝ≥0] [is_scalar_tower R ℝ≥0 ℝ]
(r : R) (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) : ⇑(r • p) = r • p := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,6 +549,14 @@ nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left h zero_lt_two

lemma sub_rev : p (x - y) = p (y - x) := by rw [←neg_sub, p.neg]

/-- The direct path from 0 to y is shorter than the path with x "inserted" in between. -/
lemma le_insert : p y ≤ p x + p (x - y) :=
calc p y = p (x - (x - y)) : by rw sub_sub_cancel
... ≤ p x + p (x - y) : p.sub_le _ _

/-- The direct path from 0 to x is shorter than the path with y "inserted" in between. -/
lemma le_insert' : p x ≤ p y + p (x - y) := by { rw sub_rev, exact le_insert _ _ _ }

instance : order_bot (seminorm 𝕜 E) := ⟨0, nonneg⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_bot : ⇑(⊥ : seminorm 𝕜 E) = 0 := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,6 +608,61 @@ lemma comp_smul_apply (p : seminorm 𝕜 F) (f : E →ₗ[𝕜] F) (c : 𝕜) (x

end semi_normed_comm_ring

section normed_field
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E]

private lemma bdd_below_range_add (x : E) (p q : seminorm 𝕜 E) :
bdd_below (range (λ (u : E), p u + q (x - u))) :=
by { use 0, rintro _ ⟨x, rfl⟩, exact add_nonneg (p.nonneg _) (q.nonneg _) }

noncomputable instance : has_inf (seminorm 𝕜 E) :=
{ inf := λ p q,
{ to_fun := λ x, ⨅ u : E, p u + q (x-u),
triangle' := λ x y, begin
refine le_cinfi_add_cinfi (λ u v, _),
apply cinfi_le_of_le (bdd_below_range_add _ _ _) (v+u), dsimp only,
convert add_le_add (p.triangle v u) (q.triangle (y-v) (x-u)) using 1,
{ rw show x + y - (v + u) = y - v + (x - u), by abel },
{ abel },
smul' := λ a x, begin
obtain rfl | ha := eq_or_ne a 0,
{ simp_rw [norm_zero, zero_mul, zero_smul, zero_sub, seminorm.neg],
refine cinfi_eq_of_forall_ge_of_forall_gt_exists_lt
(λ i, add_nonneg (p.nonneg _) (q.nonneg _))
(λ x hx, ⟨0, by rwa [,, add_zero]⟩) },
simp_rw [real.mul_infi_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg a), mul_add, ←p.smul, ←q.smul, smul_sub],
refine infi_congr ((•) a⁻¹ : E → E) (λ u, ⟨a • u, inv_smul_smul₀ ha u⟩) (λ u, _),
rw smul_inv_smul₀ ha,
end } }

@[simp] lemma inf_apply (p q : seminorm 𝕜 E) (x : E) : (p ⊓ q) x = ⨅ u : E, p u + q (x-u) := rfl

noncomputable instance : lattice (seminorm 𝕜 E) :=
{ inf := (⊓),
inf_le_left := λ p q x, begin
apply cinfi_le_of_le (bdd_below_range_add _ _ _) x,
simp only [sub_self,, add_zero],
inf_le_right := λ p q x, begin
apply cinfi_le_of_le (bdd_below_range_add _ _ _) (0:E),
simp only [sub_self,, zero_add, sub_zero],
le_inf := λ a b c hab hac x,
le_cinfi $ λ u, le_trans (a.le_insert' _ _) (add_le_add (hab _) (hac _)),
..seminorm.semilattice_sup }

lemma smul_inf [has_scalar R ℝ] [has_scalar R ℝ≥0] [is_scalar_tower R ℝ≥0 ℝ]
(r : R) (p q : seminorm 𝕜 E) :
r • (p ⊓ q) = r • p ⊓ r • q :=
simp_rw [smul_apply, inf_apply, smul_apply, ←smul_one_smul ℝ≥0 r (_ : ℝ), nnreal.smul_def,
smul_eq_mul, real.mul_infi_of_nonneg (subtype.prop _), mul_add],

end normed_field

/-! ### Seminorm ball -/

section semi_normed_ring
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/order/conditionally_complete_lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -1054,3 +1054,39 @@ noncomputable instance with_top.with_bot.complete_linear_order {α : Type*}
.. with_top.linear_order }

end with_top_bot

section group

variables [nonempty ι] [conditionally_complete_lattice α] [group α]

lemma le_mul_cinfi [covariant_class α α (*) (≤)] {a : α} {g : α} {h : ι → α}
(H : ∀ j, a ≤ g * h j) : a ≤ g * infi h := $ le_cinfi $ λ hi, inv_mul_le_iff_le_mul.mpr $ H _

lemma mul_csupr_le [covariant_class α α (*) (≤)] {a : α} {g : α} {h : ι → α}
(H : ∀ j, g * h j ≤ a) : g * supr h ≤ a :=
@le_mul_cinfi (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H

lemma le_cinfi_mul [covariant_class α α (function.swap (*)) (≤)] {a : α} {g : ι → α} {h : α}
(H : ∀ i, a ≤ g i * h) : a ≤ infi g * h := $ le_cinfi $ λ gi, mul_inv_le_iff_le_mul.mpr $ H _

lemma csupr_mul_le [covariant_class α α (function.swap (*)) (≤)] {a : α} {g : ι → α} {h : α}
(H : ∀ i, g i * h ≤ a) : supr g * h ≤ a :=
@le_cinfi_mul (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H

lemma le_cinfi_mul_cinfi [covariant_class α α (*) (≤)] [covariant_class α α (function.swap (*)) (≤)]
{a : α} {g h : ι → α} (H : ∀ i j, a ≤ g i * h j) : a ≤ infi g * infi h :=
le_cinfi_mul $ λ i, le_mul_cinfi $ H _

lemma csupr_mul_csupr_le [covariant_class α α (*) (≤)] [covariant_class α α (function.swap (*)) (≤)]
{a : α} {g h : ι → α} (H : ∀ i j, g i * h j ≤ a) : supr g * supr h ≤ a :=
csupr_mul_le $ λ i, mul_csupr_le $ H _

end group

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