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feat(group_theory/quotient_group): lemmas for quotients involving `su…
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…bgroup_of` (#8111)

Co-authored-by: Hanting Zhang <>
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winston-h-zhang and winston-h-zhang committed Jul 11, 2021
1 parent 19beb12 commit 24d7a8c
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/quotient_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -274,6 +274,37 @@ def equiv_quotient_of_eq {M N : subgroup G} [M.normal] [N.normal] (h : M = N) :
right_inv := λ x, x.induction_on' $ by { intro, refl },
map_mul' := λ x y, by rw map_mul }

/-- Let `A', A, B', B` be subgroups of `G`. If `A' ≤ B'` and `A ≤ B`,
then there is a map `A / (A' ⊓ A) →* B / (B' ⊓ B)` induced by the inclusions. -/
@[to_additive "Let `A', A, B', B` be subgroups of `G`. If `A' ≤ B'` and `A ≤ B`,
then there is a map `A / (A' ⊓ A) →+ B / (B' ⊓ B)` induced by the inclusions."]
def quotient_map_subgroup_of_of_le {A' A B' B : subgroup G}
[hAN : (A'.subgroup_of A).normal] [hBN : (B'.subgroup_of B).normal]
(h' : A' ≤ B') (h : A ≤ B) :
quotient (A'.subgroup_of A) →* quotient (B'.subgroup_of B) :=
map _ _ (subgroup.inclusion h) $
by simp [subgroup.subgroup_of, subgroup.comap_comap]; exact subgroup.comap_mono h'

/-- Let `A', A, B', B` be subgroups of `G`.
If `A' = B'` and `A = B`, then the quotients `A / (A' ⊓ A)` and `B / (B' ⊓ B)` are isomorphic.
Applying this equiv is nicer than rewriting along the equalities, since the type of
`(A'.subgroup_of A : subgroup A)` depends on on `A`.
@[to_additive "Let `A', A, B', B` be subgroups of `G`.
If `A' = B'` and `A = B`, then the quotients `A / (A' ⊓ A)` and `B / (B' ⊓ B)` are isomorphic.
Applying this equiv is nicer than rewriting along the equalities, since the type of
`(A'.add_subgroup_of A : add_subgroup A)` depends on on `A`.
def equiv_quotient_subgroup_of_of_eq {A' A B' B : subgroup G}
[hAN : (A'.subgroup_of A).normal] [hBN : (B'.subgroup_of B).normal]
(h' : A' = B') (h : A = B) :
quotient (A'.subgroup_of A) ≃* quotient (B'.subgroup_of B) :=
by apply monoid_hom.to_mul_equiv
(quotient_map_subgroup_of_of_le h'.le h.le) (quotient_map_subgroup_of_of_le h'.ge;
{ ext ⟨x⟩, simp [quotient_map_subgroup_of_of_le, map, lift, mk', subgroup.inclusion], refl }

section snd_isomorphism_thm

open subgroup
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